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Takin' it easy...

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on November 27, 1997 at 10:36:19:

In Reply to: Take it Eee Zee, Eee Cee!!! posted by Mike Bacon on November 26, 1997 at 20:23:56:

: There's no need to flame Mike Sprout! He brings up many good points.

Sorry if I came off like a flame thrower, I was merely trying to stimulate debate by my first post,trying to get you & Mike Sprout to engage in some follow ups to your opinions. I never called any of your posts "stupid" as mine were called, so the flames were already smoldering. Still, I'm sorry to offend.

Some of your posts tend to get lengthy enough to fill a paperback. This is not a personal attack against you, don't get me wrong.

Just like to cover all bases in my follow-ups.

: Getting to Ronald and Joe Camel, I too think that Luke Kuhn's comparing them to child molestars is absurd to say the least. And I think that censoring the tobacco companies (and the Government extorting billions from them) is bullshit.

The NUMBER ONE agricultural subsidy has been for DECADES to big tobacco. Extortion of billions? This is merely a payoff by these deep pocketed multi-nationals to allow them to save their necks for years of illegal and irresponsible behavior. This is a sell out of the american people, and big tobacco was glad to pay this paltry sum to escape responsibility AND remain in business making still enormous profits.

: Well I've said my piece for right now. To close this, Luke if you read this, pot is more harmful than cigs...just one more thought!

You bought their lies hook line & sinker.
Millions of people die every year from cigarettes, while pot has never killed anyone. Wake up and smell the smoke!

Mike, The Everett Citizen
Takin' it easy...

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