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Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on November 26, 1997 at 10:48:38:

In Reply to: Alchopops posted by Stephen Ladlow on November 24, 1997 at 15:21:42:

: I am writing an article on the subject of advertising to children, especially alchopops such as Hooch. Have you any useful sites or info you could mail me with please.

I haven't heard anything about that! In the States, the legal drinking age starts at 21. I know France doesn't have an age limit on drinking. Is this the case in all of Europe?

Marketing something like that to children isn't very responsible. Sounds like McDonald's isn't so bad after all! But as with any advertising, it's the parents' responsibility to deny their kids any products they consider hazardous or a bad influence.

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