Reduction Initiatives


recognises it has a responsibility to help protect and preserve the
environment for future generations.

is analysing every aspect of its business in terms of its impact on
the environment.

is committed to waste minimisation with a target of a 50% volume

only works in partnership with suppliers with sound environmental
practices, working with them to develop environmental
management systems and targets.

has a manager responsible for environmental affairs.

is committed to timely, honest and forthright communications on
environmental issues with customers, shareholders, suppliers,
employees and special interest groups.

promotes sound environmental practices by sponsoring
educational materials and initiatives which help to reduce litter.

is committed to quality in the built environment and is sensitive to
Britain's heritage and history in the siting of its restaurants and in
the preservation or restoration of buildings in conservation areas.

[]McDonald's does not purchase beef which threatens tropical
rainforests anywhere in the world.

[]In the UK only EU-approved suppliers are used.

[]McDonald's does not use any South American or Central
American beef for hamburgers sold in the USA or Canada. Only
100% pure, USDA-inspected domestic US beef is used.

[]Suppliers in McDonald's Central and South Americanoperations
(Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama and
Venezuela) only use beef from established cattle ranches -
rainforest land is not used.

[]Meticulous steps such as monitoring suppliers' plants and
checking government stamps are taken to make sure that
McDonald's suppliers do not sell any beef that has been
irhported from another area.

[]McDonald's will continue to work in partnership with suppliers
who work towards mutually established waste minimisation goals
and energy efficiencies. McDonald's European Environmental
Partnership Conference for Packaging and Food suppliers was
held in January 1994 and attended by 130 suppliers from across
Europe. The next conference will be held in early 1996.

[]All McDonald's packaging suppliers receive environmental
audits annually.

[]Average annual utility costs per restaurant reduced in 1994 from
ú44,000 to ú40,000, a total saving across the company of over
ú2.2 million.

[]Light sensors are installed in a high percentage of restaurants to
reduce internal electrical lighting levels in relation to external

[]High frequency lighting with low energy tubes reduces electricity

[]All restaurants have a controlled lighting facility to switch on 50%
of lighting at non-peak times. The remaining lighting comes on at
the peak trading times.

[]Electrical capacitors have been installed in all restaurants to
reduce electricity losses through leakage.

[]In 1994, CFC-free air conditioning installations were introduced
to a number of restaurants.

[]Sophisticated building management systems operate
equipment, lighting, plant operation, temperatures and air flow to
reduce electricity consumption.

m A Pl.5 million capital investment programme has equipped 75%
of McDonald's restaurants with a bulk delivery system for
Coca-Cola which consists of two 75 gallon stainless steel tanks
requiring no extra packaging and creating no waste. The other
syrups have been converted in all restaurants to a 'Bag in Box'
system utilising a polyethylene sleeve. This yields a material
source reduction of some 60% and a waste reduction element of
55% over the previous soft drinks packaging system. Together,
these two new systems have resulted in a reduction in the
volume of solid waste of almost 25%.

[]Bulk ketchup is now delivered to all restaurants in a'Bag in Box',
replacing 5-litre high density polyethylene plastic jugs.
Consequent waste reduction is 25%.

[]In 1994 McDonald's supplier Kitchen Range reduced the
packaging required for McDonald's fruit pies, saving 55 tonnes
of CFC-free expanded polystyrene annually.

[]During 1993, the Golden West distribution service was able to
reduce fleet mileage by over 310,000 miles through the use of
composite vehicles, capable of carrying chilled, frozen and
ambient cargoes, and by streamlining deliveries.

[]In 1983, electrostatic precipitators were introduced to,reduce the
amount of grease'exhausted'from 70% of McDonald's UK
restaurants. In 1989, deodorising equipment was added to mask
the remaining cooking smells,

[]Since 1991, all company cars have used lead-free petrol and
have catalytic converters.

[]A revolutionary new static waste compactor is now in 60
restaurants, which reduces waste volumes by an average of
40-50%. The compactor will be a standard feature of new

The majority of new restaurants are built to a modular design,
resulting in raised quality standards and construction waste

[]McDonald's is committed to using recycled materials wherever
possible in its packaging and business in general.


Sales Packaging ItemRecycled
Content in %
Carry Out Bags80
Medium Fry Boxes72
Large Fry Cartons72
Apple Pie Boxes72
4 Piece Chicken McNuggets Boxes72
6 Piece Chicken McNuggets Boxes72
9 Piece Chicken McNuggets Boxes72
20 Piece Chicken McNuggets Boxes72

[]Recycled paper is used for trayliners, Happy Meal boxes, take-
away bags, take-away trays, napkins, kitchen rolls and toilet

[]All McDonald's suppliers have to use a minimum recycled
content of 50% in their corrugated containers. In 1994, the
recycled content of paper and board in McDonald's
transportation packaging averaged 77%.

[]The recycled content of all McDonald's paper and board
packaging in the UK in 1994 was 59%.

[]All McDonald's office stationery is made from recycled paper
and all company off ices recycle waste paper.

All picnic benches, drive-thru tramic bollards, and a majority of
fencing panels purchased by McDonald's for new restaurants,
are made from recycled polystyrene.

[]A scheme has been extended to 425 restaurants, returning used
corrugated cardboard MacFries boxes to central distribution for
sale to industry for second time use. This one type of box
represents 20% of a restaurant's waste stream. During 1994,
over 650,000 used cases were sold in this way, and the resulting
revenue, 232,000, was given to Ronald McDonald Children's

[]Waste oil makes up 10% of a restaurant's waste and is recycled
via local collectors at regional refineries, into animal feedstocks
and other by-products.

[]In April 1988, McDonald's switched to non-CFC foam packaging
which carries the CFC-Free message.

[]McDonald's is committed to introducing CFC-free refrigeration
,and other equipment in the restaurants.

[]McDonald's was the first restaurant company to introduce "Litter
Patrols" to the UK. Every day, McDonald's staff regularly collect
all rubbish (not just McDonald's packaging) dropped in the
vicinity of the restaurant.

[]McDonald's is one of the country's leading sponsors of council
litter bins.

[]All packaging carries the Tidy Britain Group's Tidy Man symbol.

[]Many of McDonald's restaurants organise litter related
competitions with local schools and youth groups.

[]McDonald's has supported Tidy Britain Group's annual 'National
Spring Clean' activities since 1988. Restaurants organise and
support activities to clean up their local environment.

[]In 1991, McDonald's in partnership with Tidy Britain Group
created a litter initiative called 'Bin It For Britain'. A nationwide
educational roadshow, it is designed to encourage good litter
behaviour in young people. It tours the UK annually.

[]Since 1991, McDonald's, with the London Borough Grants'
Committee, has sponsored 'London in Bloom'- an annual
competition run by the London Tourist Board which aims to
promote a cleaner, greener environment in the Capital.

[]McDonald's sponsors environmental educational materials for
use in schools. This includes the Education Resource Pack in
support of the McDonald's-funded Education Centre at the 1992
Garden Festival, allowing children to undertake projects based
upon the environmental and ecological aspects of the Festival

The President's Environmental Award is presented annually to the
restaurant which undertakes the most effective and imaginative
environmental project within their community during the year.

McDonald's was the sponsor of the Civic Trust Awards in 1986 and
1987. These Awards are intended to create a greater awareness of
the importance of high quality architecture, planning, landscape
and civic design in improving the quality of the environment.

McDonald's takes a sensitive approach to its built environment,
working closely with planning and conservation officers to preserve
buildings of architectural merit and to improve the townscape.

McDonald's has successfully integrated into many conservation
areas: eg. Windsor, Cambridge, York, Shrewsbury and Tower Hill,

In many towns, McDonald's has invested considerable sums in
restoring old buildings, often putting back architectural details that
have been lost. York, Chester and Stratford Upon Avon are prime
examples of this in practice.

0 45 restaurants have been built in Grade 11 listed buildings and at
least 150 in conservation areas.

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