Environment: facing the Challenge

Facing the challenge ~
14 things McDonald's is doing

At McDonald's, we believe we have a special responsibility to help protect and preserve our environment for future generations. A business leader must be an environmental leader as well, which is why we analyse every aspect of our business in terms of its impact on the environment and take whatever action is necissary to lead both in word and deed. Here are some of the things we have done so far:

setting targets
We have made a commitment that, by 1995, we will have reduced the volume of solid waste by 50%. We believe we will achieve this through use of the three R's: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

bulk is better
During 1993, we moved to a bulk delivery system for Coca Cola and a bag-in-box system for other soft drink concentrates. Delivering cola in two 75 gallon stainless steel tanks means that we have no packaging and no waste. The bag-in-box system has also reduced waste by 55%. Together, the two total a reduction in the volume of waste of almost 25%

recycled materials
We use a minimum of 50% recycled content in corrugated cardboard boxes and ask that our suppliers do the same. All McDonald's food boxes and cartons are made from 72% recycled material, carry out bags are unbleached and made from 60-80% recycled material, while napkins and trayliners are 100% recycled paper. Additionally, all our picnic benches, drive-thru lane traffic bollards and most of the fencing panels at new restaurants are made from recycled polystyrene.

use and use again
Three quarters of all restaurants currently save clean, dry and undamaged cardboard cases - used for the delivery of our French Fries - to sell back into industry for use a second, and sometimes even a third, time. This one type of cardboard represents 20% of total waste passing through a restaurant. A donation of 5p is made from each returned case which goes to Ronald McDonald Children's Charities. In 1993, 500,000 Macfry cases were sold generating รบ25,000!

delivering the goods
Delivery vehicles which can carry fresh, frozen and chilled food have resulted in fewer deliveries, enabling us to reduce diesel costs and fuel emissions. Also, fixed delivery schedules reduced the distance travelled in 1993 by 310,000 miles.

energy saving
Everyone at McDonald's is encouraged to save energy where possible. A Utilities Committee was establised to rationalise and control resources. Utilities initiatives are being successfully managed to increase efficiency and find cost savings. The design and development of buildings and equipment results in initiatives such as special lighting systems, which reduce electricity use by adapting the brightness to the daylight outside and reacting to the busiest times in the restaurant.

no more CFCs
Since 1988, we have only used CFC-free materials in our packaging. You will see the 'CFC-free' stamp on all our foam packaging. All refrigeration and air conditioning systems are carefully maintained by approved contractors following industry guidelines for the use and disposal of CFCs.

Nowhere in the world does McDonald's use of beef threaten, or remotely involve, tropical rainforests. In the UK, McDonald's only uses EC produced beef, mainly from UK and Irish suppliers, with a minority from France.

bring on the smog hogs
In 1983, 'Smog Hogs', electrostatic precipitators, were introduced to our restaurants. Working with deodoriser equipment, these machines clean up the local environment by removing the cooking smells before they leave our restaurants.

local action
Our restaurant managers and franchisees develop environmental projects with local schools and community groups. These can range from conservation work in a school nature garden to cleaning up public beaches. A competition is run each year, the President's Environmental Award, to encourage restaurant staff to participate actively in the improvement of their local environment

supporting national initiatives
In 1993, McDonald's restaurants all over the UK provided the collecting centres for the Aluminium Can Recycling Association's summer campaign for the Children's Tropical Rainforest Project. Over 5,400 tonnes of aluminium was collected.

beating the litterbugs
McDonald's was the first restaurant company to introduce "Litter Patrols" to the UK. Every day, McDonald's staff regularly collect all rubbish (not just McDonald's packaging) dropped in the vicinity of the restaurant. our packaging also carries the Tidy Man symbol to encourage customers to dispose of their waste responsibly.

bin it!
Each summer, we team up with the Tidy Britain Group to take the litter education roadshow 'Bin It For Britain' to towns and cities across the UK. The main focus of the roadshow is a 'binning' game, which encourages young people to be responsible for their litter.

Each McDonald's restaurant is carefully designed individually to fit into its local environment. This means listening to local concerns, fitting in with local scenery and landscaping drive-thru restaurants. Over 120 McDonald's restaurants in conservation areas and over 30 are in Grade II listed buildings.
