Day 238 - 22 Apr 96 - Page 05

     2   MR. MORRIS:   Well, he is going to be passing through London,
     3        you see, on that morning anyway so we asked him whether he
     4        could appear that day rather than return to America because
     5        he is going to be in France, I think, on the 9th, but I am
     6        only asking for an indication.
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I think you ought to give a bit more thought
     9        about it.  I mean, what you have got to do is to let
    10        everybody know how long you expect him to be in-chief.
    12   MR. MORRIS:  Right.  Well, obviously, we would try to get him
    13        over with as quickly as possible.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What you have got bear in mind is what I have
    16        said before, and it is not a threat, it is just a fact of
    17        life, that if a witness comes and gives evidence in-chief
    18        and then is either not cross-examined or only part
    19        cross-examined, there are all sorts of difficulties about
    20        attaching any weight to what he has said so far, and I said
    21        that in relation to one of your employment witnesses.  The
    22        same will apply to Doctor Campbell.
    24   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  That is why I was saying I was looking for an
    25        indication from the Plaintiffs how long they might be
    26        cross-examining him.
    28   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I cannot possibly say at this stage.  I
    29        do not know anything about him except I think he is
    30        something to do with China.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  He speaks of the China Review.
    34   MR. RAMPTON:  That is all I can remember so I have no idea how
    35        long I would cross-examine him for. All I would say is,
    36        plainly, if he does not get here until about midday, which
    37        I should have thought was a realistic estimate given the
    38        problems of getting out of Heathrow Airport and into
    39        Central London, there is plainly a risk if he comes that
    40        day that he would not finish.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I think you have got to give a bit of
    43        thought about that.  I appreciate the motive behind it but,
    44        apart from anything else, what I would propose to do, if he
    45        is not going to get here until half past 11, see if
    46        Mr. Preston cannot come back on the Friday morning,
    47        assuming that he is still being cross-examined, and if you
    48        decide that we will not get enough of Doctor Campbell to
    49        make it worthwhile on the Friday, the sooner we know the
    50        better because it may be possible to preserve Mr. Preston 
    51        for that day.  Then what you have got to do is to 
    52        concentrate on Mr. Preston from Tuesday on, if necessary, 
    53        until the following Monday with a gap on the Wednesday.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  Right.
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you say, "Well, we would still like to call
    58        Doctor Campbell for a day, half a day, or two thirds of a
    59        day", there we are, but do you know if and when he could
    60        come back later on?

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