Day 155 - 14 Jul 95 - Page 04

     1        A.  Yes, I went through all the ranks, five star crew
     2        member, training squad, Floor Manager, and then went
     3        salaried.
     5   Q.   Which is Second Assistant?
     6        A.  Second Assistant, yes.
     8   Q.   You became, what, the First Assistant at Enfield?
     9        A.  Yes, that was about 3/4 months later I became First
    10        Assistant.
    12   Q.   Was your progress then from ordinary crew member to First
    13        Assistant, which is a salaried post, relatively speedy?
    14        A.  Very speedy.
    16   Q.   This question has a point, Mr. Giardina, how old are you?
    17        A.  At present I am 30.
    19   Q.   When is your birthday?
    20        A.  27th June.
    22   Q.   So you are just 30?
    23        A.  Just turned, yes.
    25   Q.   When did you get your first post as an actual Store
    26        Manager?
    27        A.  February of 86.
    29   Q.   When you will have been still, I think, only 20 years old?
    30        A.  That is correct.
    32   Q.   Do you know whether or not there is any McDonald's Manager
    33        in this country who has ever held that post at so young an
    34        age?
    35        A.  Not that I am aware of.
    37   Q.   How long -----
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You would have been 16 and a half when you
    40        started as a crew member at Enfield?
    41        A.  Something like that, yes.
    43   MR. RAMPTON:  Had you left school at that time?
    44        A.  No, I was at college at the time that I joined Enfield,
    45        and sort of worked there 5/6 months part-time.
    47   Q.   Part-time?
    48        A.  Yes, before I decided to pursue it full-time.
    50   Q.   When you were working at Enfield 5/6 months part-time crew 
    51        member, what made you decide that this was something you 
    52        wanted to do full-time? 
    53        A.  Well, once I sort of left college and decided when to
    54        start job hunting, I started to work there full-time.  That
    55        is when I really started to understand the systems, the
    56        management side of it, and I was fortunate enough to have a
    57        very, very good Store Manager that taught me a lot of
    58        things in a very short space of time.  If you like, I just
    59        got hooked.

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