Day 127 - 23 May 95 - Page 03

     1   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have the copy.  Ms. Steel referred to it
     2        last time.
     4   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  My understanding is that the case was
     5        virtually identical in terms of domestic circumstances, to
     6        all intents and purposes, although the application there
     7        was for an adjournment for over a year.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What happened, it was before the case started
    10         ---
    12   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  -- when the parties were before Sir William
    15        Staff on the short report it looks as if it was anticipated
    16        that it would be over a year.  I do not know what reasons
    17        Sir William Staff gave, but when it was before the Court of
    18        Appeal what they established (and I am prepared to accept
    19        and would have accepted anyway even without the benefit of
    20        that case) is that domestic misfortune of whatever kind
    21        which make it essential that a party whose presence is
    22        necessary in court remain at home is or may, at least, be a
    23        good ground for adjournment.
    25        The Court of Appeal exercising its discretion in the
    26        circumstances of that case decided that an adjournment was
    27        appropriate, but said that a Deputy Official Referee should
    28        be looked for, presumably, to avoid a whole year's delay
    29        and, things being what they are, I have little doubt that
    30        one was summoned up as soon as the Plaintiffs' wife no
    31        longer needed -- his children no longer needed his
    32        attention.
    34        I mean, the question in my mind, two questions in my mind,
    35        at the moment, subject to anything you want to say, whether
    36        it really is essential that you are at home to look after
    37        Charlie at least all the time, and whether we cannot
    38        continue in some way or other for the rest of this week so
    39        as to dispose of Mrs. Barnes' evidence, because I am sure
    40        everyone is anxious to press on with the trial and anxious
    41        that witnesses should not be scheduled and then not called,
    42        if it can possibly be avoided.
    44   MR. MORRIS:  I mean, there are two things.  First of all, in my
    45        opinion, it is essential that I stay with Charlie for this
    46        week.  I am teaching him how to use the frame and building
    47        up his confidence, so that he will be able to go back to
    48        school.  Secondly, obviously, we want the case to progress
    49        but I am not happy or prepared to delegate my
    50        cross-examination to Ms. Steel.  We think differently and 
    51        we cross-examine in different ways. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  But what about the offer Mr. Rampton made
    54        last time?  You have read the transcript?
    56   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What about that offer to help out either for
    59        a sustained period, which it now appears, happily, I am
    60        very pleased to hear, will not be necessary, or just for

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