THE 'McLIBEL 2' (Helen Steel and Dave Morris) VISIT THE USA
OCTOBER 3rd - 13th

Please copy and circulate widely

The æMcLibel 2Æ were the 2 defendants in the recently ended and controversial McLibel case, the longest trial in english history, brought by the McDonaldÆs Corporation in a futile effort to suppress campaignersÆ rights to distribute flyers critical of the fast-food giantÆs business practices (promoting an unhealthy diet, lack of workersÆ rights, unethical advertising techniques, damage to the environment caused by packaging and cattle ranching, and animal cruelty). It has been described as the UK ætrial of the centuryÆ and æthe worst corporate PR disaster in historyÆ.

They have been invited to the US to get publicity for the victorious outcome of the McLibel case and campaign; to launch and publicise the updated US edition of the book 'McLibel:Burger Culture On Trial' (pub. New Press [NY]); to launch and publicise the Global Week Of Action Against McDonald's (October 11 - 18th); and to network with US activists and campaigners.

The trip is at the behest of/organised by, the US McLibel Support Campaign, New Press [NY] , the CCHW Centre For Health, Environment & Justice, and the NY Wetlands Environmental and Social Justice Centre.



CCHW National Convention of community activists: 'Winning Justice Step By Step'. Dave Morris joins 400 delegates.


TUESDAY: McLibel Public Meeting [7-9pm] addressed by the McLibel 2, at the Wetlands Environmental & Social Justice Centre, 161 Hudson St (3 blocks S. of Canal St) Manhattan

WEDNESDAY: Launch of the updated US edition of McLibel book - available all day for a range of media interviews (organised by The New Press). McLibel 2 invited to address (if time) Animal Rights International/Peter Singer Meeting, FUS, 160 Central Park West (76th St) 7-9pm.
THURSDAY: Activists' meeting at the Environmental & Social Justice Centre [10am] - at 161 Hudson St. Preview (at 10.30am) the new UK documentary æMcLibel: Two WorldÆs CollideÆ. Leaflet/picket with the McLibel 2 the Wall St McDonald's store [1pm] - (160 Broadway, 2 blocks S. of Wall St on Liberty & Maiden).

FRIDAY 10th - SUNDAY 12th

FRIDAY: McLibel Public Meeting & World Premiere of UK Documentary: æMcLibel: Two Worlds CollideÆ [7-10pm] - at Electrical Workers Union Hall, 37 Ashland Ave [S. of Madison].

SATURDAY: The McLibel 2 launch Global Week Of Action at McDonald's Corporate HQ (Oakbrook) [Noon]. Leaflet/picket of McDonald's æRock and RollÆ store [2pm] downtown.

SUNDAY: Leaflet/picket of McDonald's Wabash store [Noon], (115 N. Wabash) in the 20th anniversary year of the majority of workers there signing up to the Hotel Workers Union. In solidarity with company workers, to celebrate past and present unionisation drives, and to commemorate the death by electrocution at work of UK McDonald's worker Mark Hopkins on 12th October 1992, now an annual International Day of Solidarity With McDonaldÆs Workers.

Helen and Dave want it to be known that they do not regard themselves as 'special' or 'more important' than any other activists, or indeed anyone else. But they are aware of the fact that as Defendants in the McLibel trial they are able to attract greater publicity for the ideas and hard work done by people campaigning around the issues relevant to the case. Please also note that ALL the issues (and the movements which have grown up around them) are of importance - labour struggles, healthy eating, the unethical targetting of children, environmental damage, animal rights, opposing SLAPP suits, fighting multinationals etc. We hope this trip will be self-financing - it has cost about $3,500. Donations will be greatly appreciated.

McLibel Support Campaign
[US] 802 586 9628 or
[UK] 00 44 171 713 1269 or

For much more info about the case and campaign check out the legendary McSpotlight internet site,