8.0 Distribution Information

Go to the Table Of Contents, go back to 7.0 Registration Information / License Agreement or go forward to 9.0 Contacting The Authors.

There are a few web sites that we will maintain where you can get information and the latest version and updates of NetFinder.

At Peter's Web site:


At Vincent's Web sites:




You can also find other software written by Vincent at <http://www-personal.usyd.edu.au/~vtan/sw/index.html> . Other programs include Jigsaw (a jigsaw puzzle program), Control Strip Menu (a handy Control Strip utility which puts a hierarchial menu on your Control Strip), IIe (an Apple //e emulator), AddGIFcomment (adds comments to GIF files), and AddJFIFcomment (adds comments to JPEG files).

You are welcome to construct links to the above sites but you may not put the binary on your site unless you have our permission (this is mainly to prevent out of date versions from being available after they have been superceded).

You can otherwise freely copy and distribute the unregistered version. You may not modify it or any associated files/documentation, nor may you charge more than a reasonable fee for distributing it. Under no circumstances are you allowed to distribute the registration letter or registered versions.

Internet Service Providers and Online Service Providers, you are welcome to put a copy of NetFinder on your installation/distribution disks but please include the latest version. The best thing to do is to either get a copy from our websites or contact us by e-mail to ensure that you are distributing the latest version. See section 9.0 for our e-mail addresses.

CD-ROM distributors, you are welcome to put a copy of NetFinder on your CD-ROM but please include the latest version. The best thing to do is to either get a copy from our websites or contact us by e-mail to ensure that you are putting the latest version on your CD-ROM. See section 9.0 for our e-mail addresses.

Go to the Table Of Contents, go back to 7.0 Registration Information / License Agreement or go forward to 9.0 Contacting The Authors.

Copyright © 1997, Peter Li and Vincent Tan.