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 File descriptions:

 TDE.EXE       TDE executable for IBM PC or compatible
 TDE.DOC       TDE user's manual
 TDE.CFG       configuration file

 TDECFG.EXE    utility to customize color and keys in tde.exe
 TDECFG.DOC    tdecfg user's manual
 SAMPLE.HLP    sample file for redefining help screen

 Source for TDE editor, not needed unless you want to modify TDE. 

 INT24.ASM     critical error replacement - interrupt 24
 SIMUL101.ASM  utility to simulate 101 scan codes on 83/84 key keyboards
 BLOCK.C       line, stream, and box block functions
 CONSOLE.C     video and keyboard routines
 CRITER.C      critical error prompt and info
 DIFF.C        diff algorithms
 DIRLIST.C     directory list functions
 ED.C          basic editor functions
 FILE.C        readin and writing files
 FINDREP.C     Boyer-Moore search routines
 HWIND.C       initialization and display routines
 MACRO.C       keyboard macros
 MAIN.C        main function and hardware routines
 PORT.C        routines for MSC and BC
 SORT.C        stable quicksort
 TAB.C         entab and detab routines
 TDEASM.C      pointer/string/display assembly routines
 UTILS.C       misc. editor functions
 WINDOW.C      window routines
 WORDWRAP.C    word wrap functions
 COMMON.H      external global variable declarations
 CRITER.H      critical error info
 DEFAULT.H     default function key assignments
 DEFINE.H      editor function defs
 GLOBAL.H      initial global variable declarations and editor function array
 HELP.H        intro and help screen
 PROMPTS.H     all user prompts
 TDEFUNC.H     prototypes for all functions
 TDESTR.H      defs for all structures and defines
 MAKETDE       make file -- MSC, BC, QuickC

 All source for configuration utility, not needed unless you want to modify.

 TDECFG.C      main configuration routines
 CFGCOLOR.C    color utility routines
 CFGFILE.C     parse routines for configuration file
 CFGHELP.C     redefine the help screen
 CFGKEYS.C     key redefinition routines
 CFGMACRO.C    save macro file in tde.exe
 CFGMODES.C    default editor routines
 TDECFG.H      global structures and prototypes for tdecfg
 CFGCOLOR.H    defines for color utility
 CFGFILE.H     structures for parse routines
 CFGHELP.H     defines for rewriting help screen
 CFGKEYS.H     structures for all available keys and functions
 CFGMACRO.H    defines for macro screen
 CFGMODES.H    structures for default editor modes
 MAKECFG       config make file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson