anonapalooza "SummerFest" 07-16-09 anonapalooza "SummerFest" 07-16-09
Anona Palooza
Clean and Sober Fun is Good For Everyone!

Summer Fest

BLOG Schedule Musicians Friends

Print a Flier

Main Stage

Waking the Dead Stage


Pirate Stage

Acoustic Stage

Food and Games

Kid stuff
Friends of Anona Palooza


Meetings and Seminars




We did it! Anona Palooza Summerfest 2009... What a time it was.... So many amazing contributors... wow. We are flabbergasted at the amount of people who are willing to give so much to the cause. I personally am more aware then ever the worth of a good friend... or is it community? No... family is the word. The worth of a good family. Brothers and sisters, God has been very good to us and this is only the beginning! We will and we must continue to expand our horizons. Monthly coffeehouse/open mikes are going to turn into weekly events... venues, battle of the bands, acoustic night, karaoke, and we must never lose sight of the root of it all... the open mike... a forum where we have already seen great freedom of expression and it must never be squelched.

We will take this to other towns, other events and other people groups. We must carry the message and in my soul i know that clean and sober fun is not only good for everyone, it is VITAL.

We must not be constantly sitting in our homes alone, stewing about the depressing economy, our neurotic selves and the broken people/relationships that are all around us. Not that we shouldn't give consideration to these things, we must. And we certainly must do those things that empower us to live... the meetings, the service work, the programs, the steps, and especially getting on our knees in reverent prayer and confession. But without times of celebration, we are not fully living. Our Father intended that we would stand up against the lies and isolation to proclaim that life is good and is meant to be filled with abundant joy!

We are already so excited about next year... Summerfest 2010 promises to be totally amazing. So anyway, what're your thoughts? Let's talk about it. We would love to hear your feedback and more than that, we need it.
In his Service...


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