MT Conference 2010 Reg

Registration Page
Limited capacity event. Register now!

About the conference.  MacTech Conference for IT Pros and Apple developers is November 3-5, 2010, in Los Angeles at the Sheraton Universal in Universal City. The three-day, session-packed event will have sessions and activities throughout the day and evening giving attendees the opportunity to not only learn from the best, but also to get to know others in the industry. See more at: conference information.

Value priced conference. Priced at just $899 when other conferences are double the cost, MacTech Conference delivers value.

Click here now to register!


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Welcome! Sign Up Here!

Please fill out the below information to register for MacTech Conference 2010.

* indicates required question. Thank you for helping us serve you well.

* eMail Address:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
Company Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip/Postal Code:
Country (if outside US):
* Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Mobile Phone (for conference text msgs):
* Your conference registration includes a MacTech Magazine subscription at no additional cost. If you are a current subscriber, you'll be extended. Choose which subscription you would like to take advantage of:
For the printed magazine, allow 3-6 weeks for you first issue to arrive. Offer available to both new subscribers, or as extensions to current subscriptions.

* Please provide your payment information. Your credit card will be charged for the conference registration fee ($899). Choose your payment type:
* Credit Card Number (or PO #)
* Expiration Date (MM/YY, enter n/a for PO)
* Name on Card
Payment Notes or comments:
* The Conference has arranged for special discounts for a limited number Conference attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms at the Sheraton Universal start at $169.00 plus tax (normally much higher) including Internet in the room. Shortly, room reservations will open. With that in mind, do you expect to:
What is your primary web site URL?
What is your twitter account (strongly encouraged as it's integrated into the conference experience)
What is your Facebook account?
* For our planning purposes, at the conference, which sessions do you expect to be most interested in? (You are welcome to attend either or switch. Just realize that to maximize content, sessions are scheduled for the length needed, not arbitrary synchronized blocks.)
* We have a number of ways of helping you meet people with similar interests. With that in mind, what areas of interest do you have?
* The Conference will make a directory available to attendees (only) to help with introducing people and networking. Check all that you want to appear in the conference attendee directory:
* Sign me up for lunch with a random group on Thursday (a great way to meet new people).
* For planning purposes, what is your interest in bowling at Jillian's?
* What size t-shirt are you?
* For planning purposes, please check those items you eat:
* How did you hear about MacTech Conference?
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