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 1 Connor W. A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a ... // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds.) Nationalism. Oxford; New York, 1994. P.38.

 2 Bartlett R. Language and Ethnicity in Medieval Europe // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds.) Etnicity. Oxford; New York, 1996. P.127.

 3 Kemilainen A. Nationalism. Problems Concerning the Word, the Concept and Classification. Jyvaskila, 1964. P. 21.

 4 James P. Nation Formation. Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. London; Thousand Oaks; New Dehli, 1996. P. 10.

 5 Kedourie E. Nationalism. London, 1960. P.13 � 14.

 6 Greenfeld L. Nationalism. Five Roads to -Modernity. Cambridge, MA. London, England, 1993. P.4.

 7 Kemilainen A. Op. cit. P. 55.

 8 Seton-Watson H. Nations and States. An Enquiry into the Origins of Nation and the Politics of Nationalism. London, 1977. P. 7.

 9 Shafer B. Faces of Nationalism. New Realities and Old Myths. New York, 1972. P. 14.

 10 Connor W. Op. cit. (footnotes) // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds.) Nationalism. P. 328.

 11 Greenfeld L. Op. cit. P. 6.

 12 Connor W. Op. cit. P. 38.

 13 Kemilainen A. Op. cit. P. 26.

 14 James P. Op. cit. P. 28. ����� ���������� ��: Dyson �. The State Tradition in Western Europe. Oxford, 1980. Ch.1.

 15 Renan E. Qu�est-ce qu-une nation? // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds.) Nationalism. P. 17�18.

 16 ������� �. �������� � ����������. ���� ����� ����� ������ ˳���. ���, 1998. �. 219 � 249.

 17 Deutsch K. Nationalism and Social Communication. An Inquiry into the Foundations of Nationality. Cambridge, 1966. P. 5.

 18 ˳����� �. ����� � ����� // ˳����� �. �������� � �������� � �������. �賒�, 1997. �. 33.

 19 Renan E. Op. cit. P. 17.

 20 Ibid. P. 17 � 18.

 21 Ibid. P. 18.

 22 ������ �������������������. ���, 1997. �. 135.

 23 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford, 1983. P. 53 � 54.

 24 Seton-Watson H. Op. cit. P. 5.

 25 Beetham D. Max Weber and the Theory of Modern Politics. London, 1974; ������� �. ���. �����.

 26 James P. Op. cit. P. 83.

 27 Weber M. The Nation // Weber M. Essays in Sociology (transl. and ed. �. H. Gerth and C. Wright-Mills). London, 1948. P. 179.

 28 ����� �. �����. ���, 1947. �. 2. �. 286, 29.

 29 ���� ����������� �������������������. �賒�. 1996. �. 139. /121/

 30 Hobsbawm E. Nations and Nationalism since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality (2nd ed.). Cambridge; New York; Melbourne, 1995. P. 2.

 31 ������ �������������������. �. 138.

 32 ����������� ����������������� �������. ������, 1989. �. 406.

 33 ��������� �.�. �����������-��������� ������ ����� � �������������. ������, 1983. �. 257.

 34 Anderson �. Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (2nd. ed.). London; New York, 1991. P. 6.

 35 Gellner E. Op. cit. P. 7.

 36 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. New York; Evanston; San Francisco; London, 1971. P.175.

 37 ���� �. ����������� ������������. �賒�, 1994. �. 23.

 38 Calhoun �. Nationalism. Minneapolis, 1997. P. 5.

 39 Ibid. P. 4 � 5.

 40 SnyderL. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. New York, 1990. P. 230�231.

 41 Brubaker R. Nationalism Reframed. Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne, 1996. P. 15.

 42 ֳ����� � ������ ����������� ����� ������� �. ������ �� ������� �� �� ���������� �������� � ��������� � ��������� �. ��������� ���.: James P. Op. cit. P. 83 � 102.

 43 Beetham D. Max Weber and the Theory of Modern Politics. London, 1974. P. 122.

 44 Weber M. The Nation // Weber M. Essays in Sociology (transl. and ed. H. H. Gerth and C. Wright-Mills). London, 1948. P. 172.

 45 Beetham D. Op. cit. P. 123.

 46 Weber M. Op. cit. P.177.

 47 Beetham D. Op. cit. P. 128.

 48 Ibid. P. 126.

 49 Weber M. Op. cit. P. 177.

 50 ������� P. ���. �����. �. 15.

 51 Anderson �. Imagined Communities. P. 5.

 52 Deutsch K. Nationalism and Social Communication. An Inquiry into the Foundations of Nationality. Cambridge, MA, 1953.

 53 Ibid. P. 70, 71.

 54 Ibid. P. 72.

 55 Ibid. P. 73.

 56 Alter P. Nationalism (2nd ed.) /Transl. by St.McKinnon-Evans. London, 1994. P. 55; Breuilly J. Nationalism and the State. Manchester, 1982. P. 20.

 57 Breuilly J. Op. cit. P. 20.

 58 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 178.

 59 Connor W. Op. cit. P. 39.

 60 �����-���������� ������������ �������. ���, 1996. �. 169.

 61 Giddens A. A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism. The Nation-State and Violence // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds) Nationalism. P. 34, 35.

 62 Deutsch K. Op. cit. P. 72, 75�79.

 63 ��� �. ���. �����. �. 23�24.

 64 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 176. /122/

 65 Ibid. P. 186.

 66 Cuim �. ���. �����. �. 49�50.

 67 Connor W. Op. cit. P. 45.

 68 Anderson B. Op. cit. P. 7.

 69 Hobsbawm E. Invention of Tradition; Mass Producing Traditions: Europe, 1870-1914 // Hobsbawm E., Ranger T. (eds.) The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge; New York; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney, 1983. P. 1 � 14, 263 � 297.

 70 �������� �. �� ����� ��������� ���������. ����������, ���, �������. ���, 1997. �. 551.

 71 ��� ����. �. 528.

 72 �����-���������� �. ��������� ���: � 2 �. ���, 1994. T.I. C. 29.

 73 ��� ����. �. 33.

 74 ������������� �.�. ����� ��������� �������㳿. ���, 1993. �. 96.

 75 �������� �. ���. �����. �. 559.;

 76 ��� ����. �. 541. �

 77 Alter P. Op. cit. P. 9.

 78 Ibid.

 79 Krejd Ja., Velimsky V. Ethnic and Political Nations in Europe. New York, 1981. P. 58�59.

 80 Seton-Watson H. Nations and States. P. 6�7.

 81 Ibid. P. 9�10.

 82 Nairn T. The Break-Up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-Nationalism. London, 1977. P. 341.

 83 Smith A. The Etnic Origins of Nations. Oxford UK; Cambridge US, 1993. P. 9.

 84 Brass P. Ethnicity and Nationalism. Theory and Comparison. New Dehli; London, 1991. P. 15�16.

 85 Ibid. P.20

 86 Geertz C. (ed.) Old Societies and New States. New York, 1963. P.108� 110.

 87 Van den Bergh P. Race and Ethnicity: A Socio-Biological Perspective // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (ed.) Nationalism. Oxford; New York, 1994. P.99.

 88 Smith A. The Ethnic Origins of Nations. P. 12.

 89 Ibid.; ���. �����: Smith A.D. Nationalism and Modernism. A critical survey of recent theories of nations and nationalism. London; New York, 1998. P. 159.

 90 Smith A. D. Nationalism and Modernism. P. 161 (E. ��� ������ ���� ����� ��. Գ�����: Social theory and ethnography: neglected perspectives on language and ethnicity in Eastern Europe // Peter Sugar (ed.) Ethnic Diversity and Conflict in Eastern Europe. Santa Barbara, 1980. P. 84 � 85).

 91 Connor W. Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding. Princeton. NJ, 1994. P. 202.

 92 Eller J. and Coughlan R. The Poverty of Primordialism // Hutchinson /. and Smith A. (ed.) Ethnicity. Oxford; New York, 1996. P.45�46.

 93 Ibid. P. 46.

 94 Ibid. P. 45 � 46.

 95 James P. Nation Formation. P. 190�191.

 96 Smith A. The Etnic Origins of Nations. P. 23� 31. /123/

 97 Armstrong J. Nations before Nationalism. Chapel Hill, 1982. P.5.

 98 Ibid. P.6.

 99 Ibid.

 100 Ibid. P. 9.

 101 Ibid.

 102 Smith A. The Origins of Nations // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (ed.) Nationalism. P. 148.

 103 Ibid. P. 148, 149.

 104 Ibid. P. 151.

 105 Ibid. P. 154.

 106 Anderson B. Imagined Communities (2nd. ed.) London; New York, 1991. P. 37-46, 12.

 107 Ibid. P. 38.

 108 Ibid. P. 40.

 109 Ibid. P. 42.

 110 ������� �. ���. �����. �.162�163.

 111 Tilly Ch. Europe and the International State System // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (ed.) Nationalism. P. 251.

 112 Seton-Watson H. Op. cit. P. 6.

 113 Ibid. P. 8.

 114 Reynolds S. Regnal Sentiments and Medieval Communities // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (ed.) Nationalism. P. 138�139.

 115 Mann M. A Political Theory of Nationalism and Its Excesses // Sukumar Perival (ed.) Notions of Nationalism. Budapest; London; New York, 1994. P.45.

 116 Breuilly J. Nationalism and the State. Manchester, 1982. P.358�359. Kohn H. The Idea of Nationalism. Study of Its Origins and Background. New York, 1946. P. 19.

 118 Hobsbawm E. Invention of Tradition // Hobsbawm E., Roger T. (ed.) The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge; New York; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney, 1983. P.I.

 119 Ibid. P.9.

 120 Hobsbawm E. Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe, 1870�1914 // Ibid. P.263.

 121 Anderson B. Op.cit. P. 72, 74, 75; Shafer B. Faces of Nationalism. P. 207 � 208.

 122 ��� ����� ����� �. ������� � ���� ����� ��������� � ����������. �. 291.

 123 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 200.

 124 Ibid. P. 165.

 125 Hobsbawm E. Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe, 1870�1914. P. 267.

 126 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 165.

 127 Ibid. P. 139.

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