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MPW Command Reference




Mark selectionExpression name [window] [-n | -y]


The Mark command assigns the marker name to a range of selected text in window. Subsequently the MPW Shell includes the new marker in the Mark menu whenever window is the current active window.

Markers are associated with logical, as opposed to absolute, ranges of text. You can overlap markers, but each marker must be given a unique name. Marker names are case sensitive. A dialog box requests confirmation if the marker name conflicts with an existing marker name. You can use the -n or -y option in scripts to handle this request noninteractively.

Deletion and insertion operations affect markers according to these rules:

Any editing outside the range of a marker does not affect the logical range of the marker (outside means that the range of editing changes does not intersect the range of the marker).

Any editing inside the range of a marker changes the logical range of the marker by the amount of the editing change. For example, adding 10 characters to the inside of a marker's range increases the range of the marker by 10 characters. In other words, a marker takes responsibility for all the characters added to or deleted from its range.

Any deletion that totally encloses a marker deletes the marker.






The command resolves Finder aliases that are part of a partial or complete pathname substituted for the window name. The resolved pathname must specify the name of an open window. Note that using a Shell variable to designate a window is usually faster than requiring MPW to resolve a Finder alias.


Mark can return the following status codes:


no errors


syntax error


error in processing


system error



Specifies by selection expression the text you want to mark. Selection expressions include regular expressions and certain MPW-specific symbols.

Searches do not necessarily start at the beginning of a window. A forward search begins at the end of the current selection and continues to the end of the document. A backward search begins at the start of the current selection and continues to the beginning of the document. •


Names the marker. Note that each marker in a window must have a unique name and that the names are case sensitive.

If a marker name begins with a hyphen (-), the marker name appears in the Mark menu only as a separator. A hyphenated marker name must also be unique. •


Specifies the window in which the selection can be found. The target window is the default window.



Prevents the display of any confirmation dialog boxes by automatically responding No. This causes the old marker to be left intact if a name conflict occurs.


Prevents the display of any confirmation dialog boxes by automatically responding Yes. This causes the old marker to be replaced with the new marker if a name conflict occurs.


The following command line creates the Now marker, which, when selected from the Browser window, finds the string Today in the Test window:

Mark /Today/ Now Test

The following command line assigns a marker with the name Procedure 1 to the current selection (§) in the target window:

Mark § 'Procedure 1'


You cannot undo the effects of any editing operations on markers.





Last Updated July 2000