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MPW Command Reference




MakeSYM xcoffFilename [-AIX] [-CTTEs] [-i directory]
[-notypes] [-o symFile] [-only sourceFile…] [-p] [-r]
[-sym ((on | off | big),(3.2 | 3.4))] [-v] [-w]


You can use the MakeSYM tool to create a symbolic information file for debugging your fragment. This tool creates an MPW-based SYM format file.

If you use the nonshared library CPlusLib, MakeSYM generates warning messages for the Streams class library about source files not found, which you can ignore.

It is recommended that you do not use virtual memory when using MakeSYM. If you do not have enough memory to run MakeSYM, use the -only or -notypes options to reduce the amount of code to be translated. •


A file of type 'XCOF'.


A SYM file format symbolic information file. By default, the SYM filename is the same as the XCOFF filename but with .xSYM replacing the .xcoff extension. You can use the -o option to specify a different output filename.





Specifies the name of the XCOFF file created by the linker.



Specifies that the XCOFF file was produced on an IBM RISC System/6000 (or RS/6000) computer.


Includes a contained types table in the symbolic information file. Use this option if your debugger requires a contained types table. The Macintosh Debugger for PowerPC does not require this kind of table.

-i directory

Searches the specified directory for source files. You must specify this option if your source files do not reside in the current directory. You can specify this option more than once. The default directory is the current one.


Suppresses the translation of type information but allows the translation of functions and statements. This option shortens execution time and might be useful if you want to step through your program without looking at variables.

-o symFile

Specifies the name of the symbolic information file. By default, the file is assigned the name of the XCOFF file with the .xSYM suffix. For example, if the input file is MyApp.xcoff, the output file is called MyApp.xSYM.

-only sourceFile

Restricts the translation of debugging information to the specified source files. Use this option to speed up processing if you need to debug only a few of the files in your application.


Displays progress information as the command executes.


Recursively searches the subdirectories under the directory specified by the -i option for source files. If there is no -i option specified, it searches all subdirectories in the same location as the current directory.

-sym ((on | off | big),(3.2 | 3.4))

Specifies the setting for the PPCLink -sym option used when the file was created (on, off, or big). This option also specifies which symbolic format to use for the file: 3.2 specifies the older SYM format and 3.4 specifies the newer SYM format. Certain debuggers (for example, SourceBug) can only interpret the older format. The -sym big option is required if the -sym big option was specified when you linked your fragment.


Displays the version number of the tool.


Suppresses all warnings generated by MakeSYM.


If you enter the command

MakeSYM MyApp.xcoff

MakeSYM takes the input file MyApp.xcoff and generates the output file MyApp.xSYM.

You use the next command if your source files reside in subdirectories of the directory containing the XCOFF file:

MakeSYM MyApp.xcoff -r

If you receive the message Source file not found, it means MakeSYM is not able to provide source-level debugging information for the specified file. Often, you receive this message because you have linked an object file whose source you don't have. For example, if you link the MrC library (PPCCRuntime.o) to your application, you will receive the message Source file not found because you don't have the source for that library. You will still be able to debug your application. If MakeSYM produces this warning message for one of your source files, however, it means that MakeSYM is not able to find that source file. You need to use the -i option to specify the directory containing the source file.

If you specified -sym big when you linked your fragment, enter the command

MakeSYM -sym big MyApp.xcoff

It is not necessary to use the MakeSYM -sym big option unless you used it for PPCLink. If you use the -sym option for MakeSYM, however, it must match the -sym option used for PPCLink. •


If you want to perform source-level debugging operations such as stepping or variable display, you must use the -sym on or -sym big options of the compiler and linker before using the MakeSYM tool. The -sym on and -sym big options include debugging information in the XCOFF file produced by the linker. MakeSYM can then use that information when generating the SYM file. If you do not use these options, the debugger will not be able to perform source-level operations; however, you will still be able to perform some machine-level debugging.


Last Updated July 2000