Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer


Last Revision:
Version 1.0, 2003-01-14
Demonstrates how to use the new ColorSync Device Support APIs introduced with Mac OS X.
Build Requirements:
Runtime Requirements:
Carbon OS X

README document ColorSyncDevices Sample Code September 10, 2002 Version 1.0 This code demonstrates how to use the new ColorSync Device Support API's introduced with Mac OS X. More specifically, this sample demonstrates how to use the following API's: CMGetDefaultDevice CMGetDeviceProfile CMIterateColorDevices CMIterateDeviceProfiles The program first displays the default display device and profile using CMGetDefaultDevice and CMGetDeviceProfile. Next, it iterates over and displays all ColorSync devices using CMIterateColorDevices. Lastly, CMIterateDeviceProfiles is used to iterate over the current, custom and factory profiles for each device. Note all output is directed to the console. Requirements: OS X Keywords: ColorSync

Last updated: 2003-01-14

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