Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

QTSampleBuffer Class Reference

Inherits from
Conforms to
Available in QuickTime 7.2.1 and later.
Declared in
Related sample code


This class provides format information, timing information, and metadata on media sample buffers. QTSampleBuffer objects contain data from media samples as well as metadata about those samples, including format information, timing information, and other attributes. Some extended information can be accessed via a QTSampleBuffer’s attributeForKey: and sampleBufferAttributes methods, using the keys described in the Constants section. In addition to these explicit methods, applications can use key-value coding to get extended attributes. For an object that supports a given attribute, valueForKey: will be functionally identical to attributeForKey:. Applications wishing to observe changes for a given attribute can add a key-value observer where the key path is the attribute key.


Getting Sample Buffer Information

Instance Methods


Returns a sample buffer attribute for the given key.

- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key


The key of the returned attribute. Attribute keys are described in the “Sample Buffer Attributes” section.

Return Value

An object for the given attribute key, or NIL if the sample buffer does not have the given attribute.


Use this method to get attributes of a sample buffer. The keys that can be used with this method are described in the Constants section. Applications using key-value coding can also get an attribute for a given key by passing that key to the NSObject valueForKey: method.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns a pointer to a Core Audio AudioBufferList containing audio data owned by the receiver.

- (AudioBufferList *)audioBufferListWithOptions:(QTSampleBufferAudioBufferListOptions)options;


A bitfield containing options that determine what kind of audio buffer list will be returned. The options constants, which can be combined using the bitwise or operator, are described as part of the QTSampleBufferAudioBufferListOptions type.

Return Value

A pointer to an AudioBufferList structure. This pointer and its associated audio buffers will remain valid as long as the receiver is valid and the value returned by sampleUseCount is greater then 0.


This method returns a pointer to a Core Audio AudioBufferList containing all of the audio data in the sample buffer. The AudioBufferList can then be passed to Core Audio APIs for rendering and processing audio. The returned AudioBufferList will be valid for as long as the receiver is valid and the value returned by sampleUseCount has not been decremented to 0. Clients passing the AudioBufferList to an audio unit must include the QTSampleBufferAudioBufferListOptionAssure16ByteAlignment flag in the options parameter. This method will throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called after decrementSampleUseCount has been used to invalidate the media data contained in the sample buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Related Sample Code
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Returns a pointer to the bytes of media data contained in the sample buffer.

- (void *)bytesForAllSamples

Return Value

A pointer to a buffer of media data.


This method returns a pointer to the data for the media samples contained within the sample buffer. Clients reading bytes from this pointer should check the total length of the buffer using lengthForAllSamples. Applications can interpret the media data returned by this method using the infomation from the sample buffer’s formatDescription. This method will throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called after decrementSampleUseCount has been used to invalidate the media data contained in the sample buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the decode time of the buffer.

- (QTTime)decodeTime

Return Value

A QTTime representing the decode time of the buffer. For B-frame video media, the decode time may be different from the presentationTime.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Decrements the use count of the sample data owned by the receiver, allowing the sample data to be invalidated after a matching call to incrementSampleUseCount.

- (void)decrementSampleUseCount


This method allows clients to control when the potentially large memory buffers owned by the receiver are deallocated. A newly allocated QTSampleBuffer has a sample use count of 1. When the sample use count drops to 0, the memory allocated for the samples will be freed and the bytesForAllSamples, lengthForAllSamples, andaudioBufferListWithOptions:methods will each throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException when called.

This method is analogous to the NSObject release method in that it allows clients to relinquish ownership over data contained within the sample buffer. In particular, clients that have called incrementSampleUseCount because they were interested in the sample data of QTSampleBuffer objects returned by other APIs in QTKit should call this method when they no longer need that data. It is particularly important that clients using garbage collection ensure that the sample use count is 0 when they no longer require the sample data owned by a QTSampleBuffer, so that memory can be deallocated promptly rather than when the object is finalized.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the duration of the buffer.

- (QTTime)duration

Return Value

A QTTime representing the duration of the buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the format description of the buffer.

- (QTFormatDescription *)formatDescription

Return Value

A QTFormatDescription object describing the media format of the buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Related Sample Code
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Gets an array of Core Audio AudioStreamPacketDescriptions describing the lengths of samples in variable bit- rate audio buffers.

- (BOOL)getAudioStreamPacketDescriptions:(void *)audioStreamPacketDescriptions inRange:(NSRange)range


An array of Core Audio AudioStreamPacketDescription structures allocated to be large enough to fit the number of packet descriptions indicated by range.


The range of packet descriptions to use when filling the array. If the range falls outside the number of samples returned by numberOfSamples, this method raises an NSRangeException.

Return Value

If the buffer contains variable bit-rate audio, this method fills the audioStreamPacketDescriptions with AudioStreamPacketDescription structures and returns YES. If the buffer contains single bit-rate audio, this method returns NO and leaves audioStreamPacketDescriptions untouched.


Applications that need to process individual packets of variable bit-rate audio from the buffer should call this method to determine the length of each sample in the buffer. This method raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if this method is invoked on a QTSampleBuffer object that does not describe an audio sample buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Increments the use count of the sample data owned by the receiver, preventing the sample data from being invalidated until a matching call to decrementSampleUseCount.

- (void)incrementSampleUseCount


This method allows clients to control when the potentially large memory buffers owned by the receiver are deallocated. A newly allocated QTSampleBuffer has a sample use count of 1. When the sample use count drops to 0, the memory allocated for the samples will be freed and the bytesForAllSamples, lengthForAllSamples, and audioBufferListWithOptions: methods will each throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException when called.

This method is analogous to the NSObject retain method in that it allows clients to declare ownership over data contained within the sample buffer. In particular, clients interested in the sample data of QTSampleBuffer objects returned by other APIs in QTKit should call this method to ensure that they have acceess to the sample data, and later call decrementSampleUseCount when they no longer need that data. It is particularly important that clients using garbage collection ensure that the sample use count is 0 when they no longer require the sample data owned by a QTSampleBuffer, so that memory can be deallocated promptly rather than when the object is finalized.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the length of the buffer returned by bytesForAllSamples.

- (NSUInteger)lengthForAllSamples

Return Value

The length, in bytes of the buffer returned by bytesForAllSamples.


Clients reading bytes from the pointer returned by bytesForAllSamples should use this method to check the total length of the buffer. This method will throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called after decrementSampleUseCount has been used to invalidate the media data contained in the sample buffer.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the number of media samples contained in the buffer.

- (NSInteger)numberOfSamples

Return Value

The number of samples in the buffer.


In general, video buffers will always contain one sample (a single frame), while audio buffers may contain multiple samples. Applications that need to interpret variable bit-rate audio can get the individual sample lengths with the getAudioStreamPacketDescriptions:inRange: method.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Related Sample Code
Declared In


Returns the presentation time of the buffer.

- (QTTime)presentationTime

Return Value

A QTTime representing the presentation time of the buffer. For B-frame video media, the presentation time may be different from the decodeTime.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns a dictionary of the sample buffer's current attirbutes.

- (NSDictionary *)sampleBufferAttributes

Return Value

A dictionary of attributes attached to the sample buffer. Attribute keys are described in the Constants section that discusses the attributes.


Applications can use this method to determine what attributes a specific sample buffer supports.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Returns the use count of the sample data owned by the receiver.

- (NSUInteger)sampleUseCount

Return Value

The use count of the sample data owned by the receiver.


This method returns the use count of the data owned by the reciever, as determined buy the number of invocations of incrementSampleUseCount and decrementSampleUseCount. If the value retunred by this method is 0, then the data owned by the reciever has been invalidated and the bytesForAllSamples, lengthForAllSamples, and audioBufferListWithOptions: methods wil throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException. Clients should rarely need to call this method. It is generally only useful for debugging purposes.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared In


Sample Buffer Attributes

The following are constants for different sample buffer attributes.

NSString * const QTSampleBufferHostTimeAttribute;
NSString * const QTSampleBufferSMPTETimeAttribute
NSString * const QTSampleBufferSceneChangeTypeAttribute;
NSString * const QTSampleBufferDateRecordedAttribute;
NSString * const QTSampleBufferExplicitSceneChange;
NSString * const QTSampleBufferTimeStampDiscontinuitySceneChange;

Returns the buffer's host time, if the buffer is from a real time source.

The value returned by this attribute can be compared with the return value of CVGetCurrentHostTime() or AudioGetCurrentHostTime() to determine whether or not it is too late for the buffer to be processed in real time. Value is an NSNumber interpreted as a UInt64. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.


Returns the SMPTE timecode of the sample buffer, if it has one.

The value is an NSValue interpreted as a SMPTETime (defined in CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h). This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.


If the buffer marks a scene change in the input content, returns a constant.

The returned constant specifies the type of scene change. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.


Returns the date on which the media in the buffer was originally recorded.

The value is an NSDate. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.


Indicates that a scene change was explicitly marked in the sample buffer’s metadata.

This constant is returned by QTSampleBufferSceneChangeTypeAttribute specifying what kind of scene change, if any, is marked by a sample buffer.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.


Indicates that the scene changed due to a discontinuity in time stamps between the current sample buffer and the previous sample buffer.

This constant is returned by QTSampleBufferSceneChangeTypeAttribute specifying what kind of scene chnage, if any, is marked by a sample buffer.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTSampleBuffer.h.

Last updated: 2009-04-08

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