Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

QTCaptureConnection Class Reference

Inherits from
Conforms to
Available in QuickTime 7.2.1 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
Declared in
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This class represents a connection over which a single stream of media data is sent from a QTCaptureInput to a QTCaptureSession and from a QTCaptureSession to a QTCaptureOutput.

Instances of QTCaptureConnection wrap individual media streams that can be provided by QTCaptureInput objects and received by QTCaptureOutput objects. Connections can have a QuickTime media type, such as QTMediaTypeVideo and QTMediaTypeSound, and a format description that describes the media sent or received across the connection. Individual connections belonging to an input can be enabled or disabled to restrict what media enters a capture session, while connections belonging to an output can be enabled or disabled to restrict what media enters the output from the capture session. In addition, if a QTCaptureConnection wraps a stream of audio media, it provides a number of attributes to control the volume, mix, and enabled channels of the audio passing through it.

QTCaptureConnection objects can have extended attributes that applications can read using the attributeForKey: and connectionAttributes methods. Some attributes, for which the attributeIsReadOnly: method returns NO, can be edited using the setAttribute:forKey: and setConnectionAttributes: methods. In addition to these explicit methods, applications can use key-value coding to get and set extended attributes. For an object that supports a given attribute, valueForKey:will be functionally identical to attributeForKey:, and setValue:forKey: will be identical to setAttribute:forKey:. Applications wishing to observe changes for a given attribute can add a key-value observer where the key path is the attribute key.


Getting and Setting Connection Attributes

Instance Methods


Returns the current value of the connection attribute for key.

- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)attributeKey


Use this method to get attributes of a connection. The keys that can be used with this method are described in the Constants section. Applications using key-value coding can also get an attribute for a given key by passing that key to the NSObject valueForKey: method.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given attribute for the connection cannot be modified.

- (BOOL)attributeIsReadOnly:(NSString *)attributeKey

Return Value

Returns YES if the attribute cannot be modified; otherwise, NO.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Returns a dictionary of all attributes set for the receiver.

- (NSDictionary *)connectionAttributes


Applications can use this method to determine what attributes a specific connection supports.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Returns the format description of the receiver.

- (QTFormatDescription *)formatDescription


This method returns the format description of the connection, allowing applications to monitor various attributes of the media being sent or received by the connection (the display size of video media, for example). Applications can be notified of changes to the connection’s format by registering to receive QTCaptureConnectionFormatDescriptionWillChangeNotification and QTCaptureConnectionFormatDescriptionDidChangeNotification notifications or by adding a key-value observer to the connection for the key @"formatDescription".

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver is enabled.

- (BOOL)isEnabled


This method returns a Boolean indicating whether the receiver is enabled to send or receive media data. Individual connections can be enabled or disabled using the setEnabled: method.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Returns the QuickTime media type of the receiver.

- (NSString *)mediaType

Return Value

A QuickTime media type, as defined in QTMedia.h.


This method returns the QuickTime media type, such as QTMediaTypeVideo and QTMediaTypeSound, of the receiver.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
Related Sample Code
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Returns the QTCaptureInput or QTCaptureOutput object that owns the receiver.

- (id)owner

Return Value

A QTCaptureInput or QTCaptureOutput object that uses the receiver as a media connection.


This method returns the input or output to which the receiver belongs. The returned input or output uses the receiver as a connection for sending or receiving a media stream.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
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Sets a connection attribute for the given key.

- (void)setAttribute:(id)attribute forKey:(NSString *)key


Use this method to set attributes of a capture connection. The keys that can be used with this method are described in the Constants section. This method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if the attribute is read-only or not supported by the receiver. Applications using key-value coding can also set an attribute for a given key by passing that key to the NSObject setValue:forKey: method.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
Declared In


Sets the connection’s attributes from the key-value pairs specified in the given dictionary.

- (void)setConnectionAttributes:(NSDictionary *)connectionAttributes


This method allows application to set multiple attributes on a connection at once. This method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if any of the attributes in the dictionary are read-only or not supported by the receiver. Applications using key-value coding can also set multiple attributes using the NSObject setValuesForKeysWithDictionary: method using attribute keys as keys in the dictionary.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
Declared In


Sets whether the receiver is enabled.

- (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)enabled


This method sets whether the receiver is enabled to send or receive media data.

  • Mac OS X v10.5 and later; QuickTime 7.2.1.
Declared In


Audio Attributes

Applications can use the following constants to display audio level meters for specific connections and to specify the volumes of audio channels. These string values can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

NSString * const QTCaptureConnectionAudioAveragePowerLevelsAttribute;
NSString * const QTCaptureConnectionAudioPeakHoldLevelsAttribute;
NSString * const QTCaptureConnectionAudioMasterVolumeAttribute;
NSString * const QTCaptureConnectionAudioVolumesAttribute;
NSString * const QTCaptureConnectionEnabledAudioChannelsAttribute;

An NSArray of NSNumbers that correspond to the average power, in decibels, of each audio stream sent through the connection.

Applications that wish to display audio level meters for a specific connection can periodically check the value of this attribute. Average power levels change quickly and appear jumpy on a level meter. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTCaptureConnection.h.


An NSArray of NSNumbers that correspond to the peak hold level, in decibels, of each audio channel sent through the connection.

Applications that wish to display audio level meters for a specific connection can periodically check the value of this attribute. Peak hold levels remain at the maximum volume for about a second, and are often useful for displaying audio clipping. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTCaptureConnection.h.


An NSNumber that specifies the master volume of all audio channels sent through the connection.

The values are between 0.0 and 1.0 for normal volume, or greater than 1.0 for boosting the audio gain. This attribute determines the master volumes of all audio channels sent through the connection. Applications that need to set the volumes of individual channels can set the QTCaptureConnectionAudioVolumesAttribute attribute. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTCaptureConnection.h.


An NSArray of NSNumbers that specify the volumes of audio channels sent through the connection.

The values are between 0.0 and 1.0 for normal volume, or greater than 1.0 for boosting the audio gain. This attribute determines the individual volumes of audio channels sent through the connection. Applications that need to set the master volume of all channels can set the QTCaptureConnectionAudioMasterVolumeAttribute attribute. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTCaptureConnection.h.


An NSIndexSet that specifies which audio channels should be sent through the connection. The indices in the set should be between 0 and the number of volumes in QTCaptureConnectionAudioVolumesAttribute. This attribute allows applications to selectively disable certain audio channels from being sent through the connection. The value of this attribute should be an NSIndexSet that contains only the channels that should be used. By default, all audio channels are sent though a connection. This string value can be used in key paths for key-value coding, key-value observing, and bindings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in QTCaptureConnection.h.


The following are notifications enabling you to change attributes, keys, and format descriptions.


Posted when one of the connection’s attributes has changed.

The notification’s user info dictionary will contain the attribute key of the changed attribute for the key QTCaptureConnectionChangedAttributeKey.

Declared In


Posted when one of the connection’s attributes is about to change.

The notification’s user info dictionary will contain the attribute key of the changed attribute for the key QTCaptureConnectionChangedAttributeKey.

Declared In


Used as a key in the user info dictionary passed to QTCaptureConnectionAttributeWillChangeNotification, and QTCaptureConnectionAttributeDidChangeNotification to indicate the key of that attribute that changed.

Declared In


Posted when the format description of a connection has changed.

Applications can be notified of changes to a connection’s format by registering to receive this notification.

Declared In


Posted when the format description of a connection is about to change.

Applications can be notified of changes to a connection’s format by registering to receive this notification.

Declared In

Last updated: 2009-05-06

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