Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Introduction to QuickTime Component Creation Guide

This book tells you how to build new components to extend the capabilities of QuickTime. The component types covered by this book include:

Note:  This book replaces two previously separate Apple documents: ‚ÄúMedia Handlers: Creating Media Handler Components‚Äù and ‚ÄúPreview Components.‚Äù

In general, only developers who are creating a new media handler or preview component need to read this book.

Organization of This Document

This book contains the following chapters:

See Also

For general information about media handler components, see QuickTime Media Types and Media Handlers Guide. This book introduces the idea of QuickTime media handler components and provides details of the video, sound, text, timecode, and tween media handlers.

For general information about preview components, see QuickTime Movie Internals Guide. This book also covers some of the technology present inside QuickTime movies, including time management, modifier tracks, access keys, and movie posters.

Information about creating more types of QuickTime components (other than those covered in this book) is included in books about those components. See the following:

The following additional Apple books cover related aspects of QuickTime programming:

Last updated: 2007-01-08

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