Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Accessing FireWire Devices From Applications

The device interfaces the FireWire family provides are plug-ins that supply functions your application can call to communicate with or control a device. This chapter describes how to find a FireWire device and get one or more device interfaces to communicate with it.

Device Matching for FireWire Devices

All user-level access of a device begins with a Mach port to communicate with the I/O Kit. You get a Mach port by calling the I/O Kit function IOMasterPort, as in the following example:

kern_return_t   result;
mach_port_t     masterPort;
result = IOMasterPort( MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort );

In order to find a device, you create a matching dictionary that describes the device or device type you’re interested in. The I/O Kit function IOServiceMatching creates a dictionary that matches on a given class name, as in this example:

CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDictionary = IOServiceMatching
                                                ( "IOFireWireDevice" );

In this example, you can use matchingDictionary to find all devices currently represented by an IOFireWireDevice object in the I/O Registry. Table 2-1 lists the FireWire class names you can use to create a matching dictionary.

Table 2-1  FireWire class names

Class name



A unit in a device that is an SBP-2 target


A LUN in an SBP-2 target


An AV/C unit in a device


A unit in a device


A device on the FireWire Bus


The Macintosh itself

If you do not need to perform a more specific search, the dictionary IOServiceMatching creates will be sufficient to find all devices of a particular class currently in the I/O Registry.

If you want to refine your search, you can add properties to the dictionary to describe a unique device. As described in “In-Kernel FireWire Device Support,” the IOFireWire family places properties that describe each device and unit into the objects that represent them in the I/O Registry. You can use any of these properties to narrow down your search for a specific device or unit. Table 2-2 shows the properties available in each object.

Table 2-2  FireWire class properties

Class name

Property key




FireWire Node ID

Current node ID



Device vendor ID


FireWire Device ROM

Currently read contents of config ROM (may not contain entire ROM contents)


FireWire Vendor Name

Device vendor name


FireWire Self IDs

Self IDs received from device


FireWire Speed

Current operating speed of device



Globally unique ID of device




Device vendor ID


FireWire Vendor Name

Device vendor name



Globally unique ID of unit



Unit spec ID for this unit



Unit software version of unit


FireWire Product Name

Product name of device




SBP2 command set



SBP2 command set revision



Unit spec ID for FireWire unit provider of this SBP-2 target



SBP-2 command set spec ID



Globally unique ID for this device



Device vendor ID



SBP-2 device type



SBP-2 firmware revision



Unit software version for this unit




Device vendor ID



SBP-2 command set



SBP-2 command set spec ID



Globally unique ID for this device



SBP-2 device type



SBP-2 firmware revision



SBP-2 LUN number




Unit spec ID for this unit



AV/C unit type



Device vendor ID



Globally unique ID for this device



Unit software version for this unit


FireWire Product Name

Name of this product


To use these properties for matching, start with a dictionary from IOServiceMatching and use Core Foundation functions to add property key-value pairs to it. Listing 2-1 shows a dictionary that matches on an IOFireWireUnit object with specific Unit_Spec_ID and Unit_SW_Version values:

Listing 2-1  A matching dictionary for an IOFireWireUnit object

CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDictionary =
                                    IOServiceMatching("IOFireWireUnit" );
UInt32      value;
CFNumberRef cfValue;
value = myFireWireUnitSpecID;
cfValue = CFNumberCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value );
CFDictionaryAddValue( matchingDictionary, CFSTR( "Unit_Spec_ID" ), cfValue );
CFRelease( cfValue );
value = myFireWireUnitSwVersionID;
cfValue = CFNumberCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value );
CFDictionaryAddValue( matchingDictionary, CFSTR( "Unit_SW_Version" ),
CFRelease( cfValue );

Finding FireWire Devices

After setting up a matching dictionary that describes the device or device type you’re looking for, you pass it to the I/O Kit function IOServiceGetMatchingServices. This function searches the I/O Registry for objects that match the properties in the given dictionary and returns an iterator you can use to access each one:

kern_return_t   result;
io_iterator_t   iterator;
result = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( masterPort, matchingDictionary,
    &iterator );

Next, pass the iterator to the I/O Kit function IOIteratorNext, which returns a reference to the first matching object. Each call to IOIteratorNext returns the next available object:

io_object_t aDevice;
while ( (aDevice = IOIteratorNext( iterator ) ) != 0 ) {
    //get a device interface for the device

You can also use I/O Kit functions to receive device hot-plug and unplug notifications. To do this, you first set up a notification port and add its run loop event source to your program’s run loop. Then, instead of calling IOServiceGetMatchingServices, you send the matching dictionary you created earlier to the I/O Kit function IOServiceAddMatchingNotification to get an iterator for matching device objects and install a notification request for new device objects that match. The function myServiceMatchingCallback is a function you supply to iterate over the matching devices and access each one. Listing 2-2 shows how to set up a notification.

Listing 2-2  Setting up a device hot-plug notification

//global variables
IONotificationPortRef   gNotifyPort;
CFRunLoopSourceRef      gNotifySource;
//local variables
io_iterator_t   iterator;
kern_return_t   result;
mach_port_t     masterPort;
CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDictionary;
//The acquisition of the Mach port and the creation of the matching
//dictionary are not shown here.
gNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate( masterPort );
gNotifySource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource( gNotifyPort );
CFRunLoopAddSource( CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), gNotifySource,
    kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
result = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification( gNotifyPort,
    kIOMatchedNotification, matchingDictionary,
    myServiceMatchingCallback, NULL, &iterator );
//IOServiceAddMatchingNotification consumes a reference to the
//matching dictionary so if you need to use the dictionary again
//after this call, you must first call CFRetain on it.
//Execute your callback function to iterate over the set of matching
//devices already present and to arm the notification for future devices.
myServiceMatchingCallback( NULL, iterator );

Getting FireWire Device Interfaces

After you’ve gotten an iterator and used it to get a reference to each matching device, you need to get a device interface for it. Regardless of which FireWire device interface library you want to use, you first get a plug-in interface of type IOCFPlugInInterface. You use the device’s io_object_t reference you got from IOIteratorNext and the constant kIOFireWireLibTypeID, as in this example:

IOCFPlugInInterface**   cfPlugInInterface = 0;
IOReturn                result;
SInt32                  theScore;
result = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService( aDevice, kIOFireWireLibTypeID,
    kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &cfPlugInInterface, &theScore );

Then, you use the IOCFPlugInInterface QueryInterface function to get the specific device interface you need. You pass it the identifier of the primary device interface you want to use, for example, kIOFireWireDeviceInterfaceID or kIOFireWireSBP2LibLUNInterfaceID:

IOFireWireLibDeviceRef  fwDeviceInterface = 0;
(*cfPlugInInterface)->QueryInterface( cfPlugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(
    kIOFireWireDeviceInterfaceID ), (void **) fwDeviceInterface );

There are three versions of the IOFireWireDeviceInterface you can use. Each version adds new services to the functionality of the previous version. Be sure to check the header files to make sure you’re running the version of Mac OS X that corresponds to the IOFireWireDeviceInterface version you want. If you try to get a later version of IOFireWireDeviceInterface than your version of Mac OS X supports, the QueryInterface function will fail. You can, however, get an earlier version of the interface than is currently supported by the version of Mac OS X you’re running.

You can also get instances of IOFireWireUnitInterface and IOFireWireNubInterface. These are synonymous with IOFireWireDeviceInterface and refer to the same object. Their only function is to provide you with a more descriptive name for IOFireWireDeviceInterface if you open it on a unit or the local node.

When you have the primary device interface in the library you want to use, you do not have to use the IOCreatePlugInForService and QueryInterface functions to get the additional interfaces that library provides. Each library provides its own functions to get its other interfaces.

Getting Multiple FireWire Device Interfaces

When you open a device or unit using one of the device interface open functions, you have an exclusive connection to the object representing that device or unit in the kernel. Because the open function opens not only the object you call it on but also the objects that precede it in the stack, no other application can then open that device or unit. For example, if you open an AV/C unit with the IOFireWireAVCLibUnitInterface’s open function, you are automatically opening the IOFireWireUnit and IOFireWireDevice objects as well as the IOFireWireAVCUnit object.

Thus, if you want to use either the IOFireWireSBP2Lib or the IOFireWireAVCLib in cooperation with the IOFireWireLib, you must, in effect, open a device or unit object that is already open. In order to allow this, the IOFireWire family uses the concept of a session reference to refer to a particular connection to a device or unit object.

A session reference is like a key that allows you to override the exclusivity of the open function. If your application used a device interface open function to open an SBP-2 or AV/C unit, you can use the GetSessionRef function (available in both IOFireWireAVCLib and IOFireWireSBP2Lib) to get an IOFireWireSessionRef to open the IOFireWireUnit or IOFireWireDevice objects. The GetSessionRef function requires a pointer to the current device interface you hold so only your application can successfully use it.

You pass the IOFireWireSessionRef to the IOFireWireDeviceInterface function openWithSessionRef, opening the in-kernel device or unit object. You can then use the interfaces and functions of both libraries to communicate with your device or unit. Listing 2-3 shows how to use an IOFireWireAVCLibUnitInterface instance to open an AV/C unit and then get the session reference to open the device for an instance of IOFireWireDeviceInterface.

Listing 2-3  Getting and using the session reference

IOFireWireSessionRef    session;
result = (*avcInterface)->open( avcInterface );
session = (*avcInterface)->getSessionRef( avcInterface );
result = (*fwInterface)->openWithSessionRef( fwInterface, session );

Before you can use these device interfaces, however, you must first find the device you’re interested in. Device matching is the process of using I/O Kit functions to search the I/O Registry for particular devices (or units) or device types. This section provides general information on this process as it applies to FireWire devices. It supplies code fragments for common tasks such as searching the I/O Registry, setting up notifications for new devices, and getting the primary device interfaces in each FireWire device interface library. In addition, in “Getting Multiple FireWire Device Interfaces,” it describes how to use the IOFireWireDeviceInterface in conjunction with either the IOFireWireSBP2LibLUNInterface or the IOFireWireAVCLibUnitInterface.

Last updated: 2007-02-08

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