Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Working With USB Device Interfaces

This chapter describes how to develop a user-space tool that finds and communicates with an attached USB device and one of its interfaces. The sample code in this chapter is taken from the USB Notification Example sample project, available in /Developer/Examples/IOKit/usb of the Developer version of Mac OS X.

Important: The sample code featured in this document is intended to illustrate how to access a USB device from an application. It is not intended to provide guidance on error handling and other features required for production-quality code.

Using USB Device Interfaces

Applications running in Mac OS X get access to USB devices by using I/O Kit functions to acquire a device interface, a type of plug-in that specifies functions the application can call to communicate with the device. The USB family provides two types of device interface:

Both device interfaces are defined in /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Headers/usb/IOUSBLib.h.

Communicating with the device itself is usually only necessary when you need to set or change its configuration. For example, vendor-specific devices are often not configured because there are no default drivers that set a particular configuration. In this case, your application must use the device interface for the device to set the configuration it needs so the interfaces become available.

The process of finding and communicating with a USB device is divided into two sets of steps. The first set outlines how to find a USB device, acquire a device interface of type IOUSBDeviceInterface for it, and set or change its configuration. The second set describes how to find an interface in a device, acquire a device interface of type IOUSBInterfaceInterface for it, and use it to communicate with that interface. If you need to communicate with an unconfigured device or if you need to change a device’s configuration, you follow both sets of steps. If you need to communicate with a device that is already configured to your specification, you follow only the second set of steps. The sample code in “Accessing a USB Device” follows both sets of steps and extends them to include setting up notifications it can receive when devices are dynamically added or removed.

Follow this first set of steps only to set or change the configuration of a device. If the device you’re interested in is already configured for your needs, skip these steps and follow the second set of steps.

  1. Find the IOUSBDevice object that represents the device in the I/O Registry. This includes setting up a matching dictionary with a key from the USB Common Class Specification (see “Finding USB Devices and Interfaces”). The sample code uses the key elements kUSBVendorName and kUSBProductName to find a particular USB device (this is the second key listed in Table 1-2).

  2. Create a device interface of type IOUSBDeviceInterface for the device. This device interface provides functions that perform tasks such as setting or changing the configuration of the device, getting information about the device, and resetting the device.

  3. Examine the device’s configurations with GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr, choose the appropriate one, and call SetConfiguration to set the device’s configuration and instantiate the IOUSBInterface objects for that configuration.

Follow this second set of steps to find and choose an interface, acquire a device interface for it, and communicate with the device.

  1. Create an interface iterator to iterate over the available interfaces.

  2. Create a device interface for each interface so you can examine its properties and select the appropriate one. To do this, you create a device interface of type IOUSBInterfaceInterface. This device interface provides functions that perform tasks such as getting information about the interface, setting the interface’s alternate setting, and accessing its pipes.

  3. Use the USBInterfaceOpen function to open the selected interface. This will cause the pipes associated with the interface to be instantiated so you can examine the properties of each and select the appropriate one.

  4. Communicate with the device through the selected pipe. You can write to and read from the pipe synchronously or asynchronously—the sample code in “Accessing a USB Device” shows how to do both.

Accessing a USB Device

This section provides snippets of sample code that show how to access a Cypress EZ-USB chip with an 8051 microcontroller core. The sample code follows the first set of steps in section “Using USB Device Interfaces” to find the Cypress EZ-USB chip in its default, unprogrammed state (also referred to as the “raw device”). It then configures the device and downloads firmware provided by Cypress to program the chip to behave as a device that echoes all information it receives on its bulk out pipe to its bulk in pipe.

Once the chip has been programmed, the device nub representing the default, unprogrammed device is detached from the I/O Registry and a new device nub, representing the programmed chip, is attached. To communicate with the programmed chip (also referred to as the “bulk test device”), the sample code must perform the first set of steps again to find the device, create a device interface for it, and configure it. Then it performs the second set of steps to find an interface, create a device interface for it, and test the device. The sample code also shows how to set up notifications for the dynamic addition and removal of a device.

If you want to build and run the sample code, open the USB Notification Example project (located in /Developer/Examples/IOKit/usb) in Xcode. You can observe the resulting tool’s status messages in the Xcode Run Log and terminate the tool by clicking the Terminate button. Alternatively, you can open a Terminal window, navigate to the location of the executable (for example, /Developer/Examples/IOKit/usb/USBNotification Example/build), run the tool, and terminate it by pressing Control-C. Note that the project also includes the bulktest.c file, which contains the firmware to download to the raw device, and the hex2c.h file, which defines the structure the firmware uses.

Definitions and Global Variables

The code in the USB Notification Example uses the definitions and global variables shown in Listing 2-1. The definition of USE_ASYNC_IO allows you to choose to use either synchronous or asynchronous calls to read from and write to the chip by commenting out the line or leaving it in, respectively. The definition of kTestMessage sets up a simple message to write to the device. The remaining definitions are specific to the Cypress EZ-USB chip.

Listing 2-1  Definitions and global variables

#define USE_ASYNC_IO    //Comment this line out if you want to use
                        //synchronous calls for reads and writes
#define kTestMessage        "Bulk I/O Test"
#define k8051_USBCS         0x7f92
#define kOurVendorID        1351    //Vendor ID of the USB device
#define kOurProductID           8193    //Product ID of device BEFORE it
                                        //is programmed (raw device)
#define kOurProductIDBulkTest   4098    //Product ID of device AFTER it is
                                        //programmed (bulk test device)
//Global variables
static IONotificationPortRef    gNotifyPort;
static io_iterator_t            gRawAddedIter;
static io_iterator_t            gRawRemovedIter;
static io_iterator_t            gBulkTestAddedIter;
static io_iterator_t            gBulkTestRemovedIter;
static char                     gBuffer[64];

The main Function

The main function in the USB Notification Example project (contained in the file main.c) accomplishes the following tasks.

The main function uses I/O Kit functions to set up and modify a matching dictionary and set up notifications, and Core Foundation functions to set up the run loop for receiving the notifications. It calls the following functions to access both the raw device and the bulk test device.

Listing 2-2  The main function

int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    mach_port_t             masterPort;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDict;
    CFRunLoopSourceRef      runLoopSource;
    kern_return_t           kr;
    SInt32                  usbVendor = kOurVendorID;
    SInt32                  usbProduct = kOurProductID;
    // Get command line arguments, if any
    if (argc > 1)
        usbVendor = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc > 2)
        usbProduct = atoi(argv[2]);
    //Create a master port for communication with the I/O Kit
    kr = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort);
    if (kr || !masterPort)
        printf("ERR: Couldn’t create a master I/O Kit port(%08x)\n", kr);
        return -1;
    //Set up matching dictionary for class IOUSBDevice and its subclasses
    matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
    if (!matchingDict)
        printf("Couldn’t create a USB matching dictionary\n");
        mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), masterPort);
        return -1;
    //Add the vendor and product IDs to the matching dictionary.
    //This is the second key in the table of device-matching keys of the
    //USB Common Class Specification
    CFDictionarySetValue(matchingDict, CFSTR(kUSBVendorName),
                                     kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usbVendor));
    CFDictionarySetValue(matchingDict, CFSTR(kUSBProductName),
                                    kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usbProduct));
    //To set up asynchronous notifications, create a notification port and
    //add its run loop event source to the program’s run loop
    gNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate(masterPort);
    runLoopSource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(gNotifyPort);
    CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource,
    //Retain additional dictionary references because each call to
    //IOServiceAddMatchingNotification consumes one reference
    matchingDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFRetain(matchingDict);
    matchingDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFRetain(matchingDict);
    matchingDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFRetain(matchingDict);
    //Now set up two notifications: one to be called when a raw device
    //is first matched by the I/O Kit and another to be called when the
    //device is terminated
    //Notification of first match:
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
                    kIOFirstMatchNotification, matchingDict,
                    RawDeviceAdded, NULL, &gRawAddedIter);
    //Iterate over set of matching devices to access already-present devices
    //and to arm the notification
    RawDeviceAdded(NULL, gRawAddedIter);
    //Notification of termination:
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
                    kIOTerminatedNotification, matchingDict,
                    RawDeviceRemoved, NULL, &gRawRemovedIter);
    //Iterate over set of matching devices to release each one and to
    //arm the notification
    RawDeviceRemoved(NULL, gRawRemovedIter);
    //Now change the USB product ID in the matching dictionary to match
    //the one the device will have after the firmware has been downloaded
    usbProduct = kOurProductIDBulkTest;
    CFDictionarySetValue(matchingDict, CFSTR(kUSBProductName),
                                    kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usbProduct));
    //Now set up two notifications: one to be called when a bulk test device
    //is first matched by the I/O Kit and another to be called when the
    //device is terminated.
    //Notification of first match
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
                    kIOFirstMatchNotification, matchingDict,
                    BulkTestDeviceAdded, NULL, &gBulkTestAddedIter);
    //Iterate over set of matching devices to access already-present devices
    //and to arm the notification
    BulkTestDeviceAdded(NULL, gBulkTestAddedIter);
    //Notification of termination
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
                    kIOTerminatedNotification, matchingDict,
                    BulkTestDeviceRemoved, NULL, &gBulkTestRemovedIter);
    //Iterate over set of matching devices to release each one and to
    //arm the notification. NOTE: this function is not shown in this document.
    BulkTestDeviceRemoved(NULL, gBulkTestRemovedIter);
    //Finished with master port
    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), masterPort);
    masterPort = 0;
    //Start the run loop so notifications will be received
    //Because the run loop will run forever until interrupted,
    //the program should never reach this point
    return 0;

Working With the Raw Device

Now that you’ve obtained an iterator for a set of matching devices, you can use it to gain access to each raw device, configure it, and download the appropriate firmware to it. The function RawDeviceAdded (shown in Listing 2-3) uses I/O Kit functions to create a device interface for each device and then calls the following functions to configure the device and download firmware to it.

Listing 2-3  Accessing and programming the raw device

void RawDeviceAdded(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    kern_return_t               kr;
    io_service_t                usbDevice;
    IOCFPlugInInterface         **plugInInterface = NULL;
    IOUSBDeviceInterface        **dev = NULL;
    HRESULT                     result;
    SInt32                      score;
    UInt16                      vendor;
    UInt16                      product;
    UInt16                      release;
    while (usbDevice = IOIteratorNext(iterator))
        //Create an intermediate plug-in
        kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(usbDevice,
                    kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID,
                    &plugInInterface, &score);
        //Don’t need the device object after intermediate plug-in is created
        kr = IOObjectRelease(usbDevice);
        if ((kIOReturnSuccess != kr) || !plugInInterface)
            printf("Unable to create a plug-in (%08x)\n", kr);
        //Now create the device interface
        result = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface,
                        (LPVOID *)&dev);
        //Don’t need the intermediate plug-in after device interface
        //is created
        if (result || !dev)
            printf("Couldn’t create a device interface (%08x)\n",
                                                    (int) result);
        //Check these values for confirmation
        kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceVendor(dev, &vendor);
        kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceProduct(dev, &product);
        kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceReleaseNumber(dev, &release);
        if ((vendor != kOurVendorID) || (product != kOurProductID) ||
            (release != 1))
            printf("Found unwanted device (vendor = %d, product = %d)\n",
                    vendor, product);
            (void) (*dev)->Release(dev);
        //Open the device to change its state
        kr = (*dev)->USBDeviceOpen(dev);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to open device: %08x\n", kr);
            (void) (*dev)->Release(dev);
        //Configure device
        kr = ConfigureDevice(dev);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to configure device: %08x\n", kr);
            (void) (*dev)->USBDeviceClose(dev);
            (void) (*dev)->Release(dev);
        //Download firmware to device
        kr = DownloadToDevice(dev);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to download firmware to device: %08x\n", kr);
            (void) (*dev)->USBDeviceClose(dev);
            (void) (*dev)->Release(dev);
        //Close this device and release object
        kr = (*dev)->USBDeviceClose(dev);
        kr = (*dev)->Release(dev);

The function RawDeviceRemoved simply uses the iterator obtained from the main function (shown in Listing 2-2) to release each device object. This also has the effect of arming the raw device termination notification so it will notify the program of future device removals. RawDeviceRemoved is shown in Listing 2-4.

Listing 2-4  Releasing the raw device objects

void RawDeviceRemoved(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    kern_return_t   kr;
    io_service_t    object;
    while (object = IOIteratorNext(iterator))
        kr = IOObjectRelease(object);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Couldn’t release raw device object: %08x\n", kr);

Although every USB device has one or more configurations, unless the device is a composite class device that’s been matched by the AppleUSBComposite driver which automatically sets the first configuration, none of those configurations may have been set. Therefore, your application may have to use device interface functions to get the appropriate configuration value and use it to set the device’s configuration. In the sample code, the function ConfigureDevice (shown in Listing 2-5) accomplishes this task. In fact, it is called twice: once by RawDeviceAdded to configure the raw device and again by BulkTestDeviceAdded (shown in Listing 2-7) to configure the bulk test device.

Listing 2-5  Configuring a USB device

IOReturn ConfigureDevice(IOUSBDeviceInterface **dev)
    UInt8                           numConfig;
    IOReturn                        kr;
    IOUSBConfigurationDescriptorPtr configDesc;
    //Get the number of configurations. The sample code always chooses
    //the first configuration (at index 0) but your code may need a
    //different one
    kr = (*dev)->GetNumberOfConfigurations(dev, &numConfig);
    if (!numConfig)
        return -1;
    //Get the configuration descriptor for index 0
    kr = (*dev)->GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr(dev, 0, &configDesc);
    if (kr)
        printf("Couldn’t get configuration descriptor for index %d (err =
                %08x)\n", 0, kr);
        return -1;
    //Set the device’s configuration. The configuration value is found in
    //the bConfigurationValue field of the configuration descriptor
    kr = (*dev)->SetConfiguration(dev, configDesc->bConfigurationValue);
    if (kr)
        printf("Couldn’t set configuration to value %d (err = %08x)\n", 0,
        return -1;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

Now that the device is configured, you can download firmware to it. Cypress makes firmware available to program the EZ-USB chip to emulate different devices. The sample code in this document uses firmware that programs the chip to be a bulk test device, a device that takes the data it receives from its bulk out pipe and echoes it to its bulk in pipe. The firmware, contained in the file bulktest.c, is an array of INTEL_HEX_RECORD structures (defined in the file hex2c.h).

The function DownloadToDevice uses the function WriteToDevice (shown together in Listing 2-6) to prepare the device to receive the download and then to write information from each structure to the appropriate address on the device. When all the firmware has been downloaded, DownloadToDevice calls WriteToDevice a last time to inform the device that the download is complete. At this point, the raw device detaches itself from the bus and reattaches as a bulk test device. This causes the device nub representing the raw device to be removed from the I/O Registry and a new device nub, representing the bulk test device, to be attached.

Listing 2-6  Two functions to download firmware to the raw device

IOReturn DownloadToDevice(IOUSBDeviceInterface **dev)
    int         i;
    UInt8       writeVal;
    IOReturn    kr;
    //Assert reset. This tells the device that the download is
    //about to occur
    writeVal = 1;   //For this device, a value of 1 indicates a download
    kr = WriteToDevice(dev, k8051_USBCS, 1, &writeVal);
    if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
        printf("WriteToDevice reset returned err 0x%x\n", kr);
        return kr;
    //Download firmware
    i = 0;
    while (bulktest[i].Type == 0)   //While bulktest[i].Type == 0, this is
    {                               //not the last firmware record to
        kr = WriteToDevice(dev, bulktest[i].Address,
                            bulktest[i].Length, bulktest[i].Data);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("WriteToDevice download %i returned err 0x%x\n", i,
            return kr;
    //De-assert reset. This tells the device that the download is complete
    writeVal = 0;
    kr = WriteToDevice(dev, k8051_USBCS, 1, &writeVal);
    if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
        printf("WriteToDevice run returned err 0x%x\n", kr);
    return kr;
IOReturn WriteToDevice(IOUSBDeviceInterface **dev, UInt16 deviceAddress,
                        UInt16 length, UInt8 writeBuffer[])
    IOUSBDevRequest     request;
    request.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBVendor,
    request.bRequest = 0xa0;
    request.wValue = deviceAddress;
    request.wIndex = 0;
    request.wLength = length;
    request.pData = writeBuffer;
    return (*dev)->DeviceRequest(dev, &request);

Working With the Bulk Test Device

After you download the firmware to the device, the raw device is no longer attached to the bus. To gain access to the bulk test device, you repeat most of the same steps you used to get access to the raw device.

This time, however, the next step is to find the interfaces on the device so you can choose the appropriate one and get access to its pipes. Because of the similarities of these tasks, the function BulkTestDeviceAdded follows the same outline of the RawDeviceAdded function except that instead of downloading firmware to the device, it calls FindInterfaces (shown in Listing 2-8) to examine the available interfaces and their pipes. The code in Listing 2-7 replaces most of the BulkTestDeviceAdded function’s code with comments, focusing on the differences between it and the RawDeviceAdded function.

Listing 2-7  Accessing the bulk test device

void BulkTestDeviceAdded(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    kern_return_t           kr;
    io_service_t            usbDevice;
    IOUSBDeviceInterface    **device=NULL;
    while (usbDevice = IOIteratorNext(iterator))
        //Create an intermediate plug-in using the
        //IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService function
        //Release the device object after getting the intermediate plug-in
        //Create the device interface using the QueryInterface function
        //Release the intermediate plug-in object
        //Check the vendor, product, and release number values to
        //confirm we’ve got the right device
        //Open the device before configuring it
        kr = (*device)->USBDeviceOpen(device);
        //Configure the device by calling ConfigureDevice
        //Close the device and release the device interface object if
        //the configuration is unsuccessful
        //Get the interfaces
        kr = FindInterfaces(device);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to find interfaces on device: %08x\n", kr);
//If using synchronous IO, close and release the device interface here
#ifndef USB_ASYNC_IO
        kr = (*device)->USBDeviceClose(device);
        kr = (*device)->Release(device);

The function BulkTestDeviceRemoved simply uses the iterator obtained from the main function (shown in Listing 2-2) to release each device object. This also has the effect of arming the bulk test device termination notification so it will notify the program of future device removals.The BulkTestDeviceRemoved function is identical to the RawDeviceRemoved function (shown in Listing 2-4), with the exception of the wording of the printed error statement.

Working With Interfaces

Now that you’ve configured the device, you have access to its interfaces. The FindInterfaces function (shown in Listing 2-8) creates an iterator to iterate over all interfaces on the device and then creates a device interface to communicate with each one. For each interface found, the function opens the interface, determines how many endpoints (or pipes) it has, and prints out the properties of each pipe. Because opening an interface causes its pipes to be instantiated, you can get access to any pipe by using its pipe index. The pipe index is the number of the pipe within the interface, ranging from one to the number of endpoints returned by GetNumEndpoints. You can communicate with the default control pipe (described in “USB Transfer Types”) from any interface by using pipe index 0, but it is usually better to use the device interface functions for the device itself (see the use of IOUSBDeviceInterface functions in Listing 2-5).

The sample code employs conditional compilation using #ifdef and #ifndef to demonstrate both synchronous and asynchronous I/O. If you’ve chosen to test synchronous I/O, FindInterfaces writes the test message (defined in Listing 2-1) to pipe index 2 on the device and reads its echo before returning. For asynchronous I/O, FindInterfaces first creates an event source and adds it to the run loop created by the main function (shown in Listing 2-2). It then sets up an asynchronous write and read that will cause a notification to be sent upon completion. The completion functions WriteCompletion and ReadCompletion are shown together in Listing 2-9.

Listing 2-8  Finding interfaces on the bulk test device

IOReturn FindInterfaces(IOUSBDeviceInterface **device)
    IOReturn                    kr;
    IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest   request;
    io_iterator_t               iterator;
    io_service_t                usbInterface;
    IOCFPlugInInterface         **plugInInterface = NULL;
    IOUSBInterfaceInterface     **interface = NULL;
    HRESULT                     result;
    SInt32                      score;
    UInt8                       interfaceClass;
    UInt8                       interfaceSubClass;
    UInt8                       interfaceNumEndpoints;
    int                         pipeRef;
#ifndef USE_ASYNC_IO
    UInt32                      numBytesRead;
    UInt32                      i;
    CFRunLoopSourceRef          runLoopSource;
    //Placing the constant kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare into the following
    //fields of the IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest structure will allow you
    //to find all the interfaces
    request.bInterfaceClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    request.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    request.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    request.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    //Get an iterator for the interfaces on the device
    kr = (*device)->CreateInterfaceIterator(device,
                                        &request, &iterator);
    while (usbInterface = IOIteratorNext(iterator))
        //Create an intermediate plug-in
        kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(usbInterface,
                            &plugInInterface, &score);
        //Release the usbInterface object after getting the plug-in
        kr = IOObjectRelease(usbInterface);
        if ((kr != kIOReturnSuccess) || !plugInInterface)
            printf("Unable to create a plug-in (%08x)\n", kr);
        //Now create the device interface for the interface
        result = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface,
                    (LPVOID *) &interface);
        //No longer need the intermediate plug-in
        if (result || !interface)
            printf("Couldn’t create a device interface for the interface
                    (%08x)\n", (int) result);
        //Get interface class and subclass
        kr = (*interface)->GetInterfaceClass(interface,
        kr = (*interface)->GetInterfaceSubClass(interface,
        printf("Interface class %d, subclass %d\n", interfaceClass,
        //Now open the interface. This will cause the pipes associated with
        //the endpoints in the interface descriptor to be instantiated
        kr = (*interface)->USBInterfaceOpen(interface);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to open interface (%08x)\n", kr);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        //Get the number of endpoints associated with this interface
        kr = (*interface)->GetNumEndpoints(interface,
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to get number of endpoints (%08x)\n", kr);
            (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        printf("Interface has %d endpoints\n", interfaceNumEndpoints);
        //Access each pipe in turn, starting with the pipe at index 1
        //The pipe at index 0 is the default control pipe and should be
        //accessed using (*usbDevice)->DeviceRequest() instead
        for (pipeRef = 1; pipeRef <= interfaceNumEndpoints; pipeRef++)
            IOReturn        kr2;
            UInt8           direction;
            UInt8           number;
            UInt8           transferType;
            UInt16          maxPacketSize;
            UInt8           interval;
            char            *message;
            kr2 = (*interface)->GetPipeProperties(interface,
                                        pipeRef, &direction,
                                        &number, &transferType,
                                        &maxPacketSize, &interval);
            if (kr2 != kIOReturnSuccess)
                printf("Unable to get properties of pipe %d (%08x)\n",
                                        pipeRef, kr2);
                printf("PipeRef %d: ", pipeRef);
                switch (direction)
                    case kUSBOut:
                        message = "out";
                    case kUSBIn:
                        message = "in";
                    case kUSBNone:
                        message = "none";
                    case kUSBAnyDirn:
                        message = "any";
                        message = "???";
                printf("direction %s, ", message);
                switch (transferType)
                    case kUSBControl:
                        message = "control";
                    case kUSBIsoc:
                        message = "isoc";
                    case kUSBBulk:
                        message = "bulk";
                    case kUSBInterrupt:
                        message = "interrupt";
                    case kUSBAnyType:
                        message = "any";
                        message = "???";
                printf("transfer type %s, maxPacketSize %d\n", message,
#ifndef USE_ASYNC_IO    //Demonstrate synchronous I/O
        kr = (*interface)->WritePipe(interface, 2, kTestMessage,
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to perform bulk write (%08x)\n", kr);
            (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        printf("Wrote \"%s\" (%ld bytes) to bulk endpoint\n", kTestMessage,
                                        (UInt32) strlen(kTestMessage));
        numBytesRead = sizeof(gBuffer) - 1; //leave one byte at the end
                                             //for NULL termination
        kr = (*interface)->ReadPipe(interface, 9, gBuffer,
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to perform bulk read (%08x)\n", kr);
            (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        //Because the downloaded firmware echoes the one’s complement of the
        //message, now complement the buffer contents to get the original data
        for (i = 0; i < numBytesRead; i++)
            gBuffer[i] = ~gBuffer[i];
        printf("Read \"%s\" (%ld bytes) from bulk endpoint\n", gBuffer,
#else   //Demonstrate asynchronous I/O
        //As with service matching notifications, to receive asynchronous
        //I/O completion notifications, you must create an event source and
        //add it to the run loop
        kr = (*interface)->CreateInterfaceAsyncEventSource(
                                    interface, &runLoopSource);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to create asynchronous event source
                                    (%08x)\n", kr);
            (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource,
        printf("Asynchronous event source added to run loop\n");
        bzero(gBuffer, sizeof(gBuffer));
        strcpy(gBuffer, kTestMessage);
        kr = (*interface)->WritePipeAsync(interface, 2, gBuffer,
                                    WriteCompletion, (void *) interface);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
            printf("Unable to perform asynchronous bulk write (%08x)\n",
            (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
            (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
        //For this test, just use first interface, so exit loop
    return kr;

When an asynchronous write action is complete, the WriteCompletion function is called by the notification. WriteCompletion then calls the interface function ReadPipeAsync to perform an asynchronous read from the pipe. When the read is complete, control passes to ReadCompletion which simply prints status messages and adds a NULL termination to the global buffer containing the test message read from the device. The WriteCompletion and ReadCompletion functions are shown together in Listing 2-9.

Listing 2-9  Two asynchronous I/O completion functions

void WriteCompletion(void *refCon, IOReturn result, void *arg0)
    IOUSBInterfaceInterface **interface = (IOUSBInterfaceInterface **) refCon;
    UInt32                  numBytesWritten = (UInt32) arg0;
    UInt32                  numBytesRead;
    printf("Asynchronous write complete\n");
    if (result != kIOReturnSuccess)
        printf("error from asynchronous bulk write (%08x)\n", result);
        (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
        (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
    printf("Wrote \"%s\" (%ld bytes) to bulk endpoint\n", kTestMessage,
    numBytesRead = sizeof(gBuffer) - 1; //leave one byte at the end for
                                            //NULL termination
    result = (*interface)->ReadPipeAsync(interface, 9, gBuffer,
                                    numBytesRead, ReadCompletion, refCon);
    if (result != kIOReturnSuccess)
        printf("Unable to perform asynchronous bulk read (%08x)\n", result);
        (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
        (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
void ReadCompletion(void *refCon, IOReturn result, void *arg0)
    IOUSBInterfaceInterface **interface = (IOUSBInterfaceInterface **) refCon;
    UInt32      numBytesRead = (UInt32) arg0;
    UInt32      i;
    printf("Asynchronous bulk read complete\n");
    if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
        printf("error from async bulk read (%08x)\n", result);
        (void) (*interface)->USBInterfaceClose(interface);
        (void) (*interface)->Release(interface);
    //Check the complement of the buffer’s contents for original data
    for (i = 0; i < numBytesRead; i++)
        gBuffer[i] = ~gBuffer[i];
    printf("Read \"%s\" (%ld bytes) from bulk endpoint\n", gBuffer,

Last updated: 2007-09-04

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