Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Introduction to Mass Storage Device Driver Programming Guide

Note: This document was previously titled Writing Drivers for Mass Storage Devices.

This document introduces the architecture of the mass storage driver stack and describes how to write in-kernel drivers for mass storage devices and media filter schemes for content on mass storage media. It includes sample code that illustrates how to develop both in-kernel logical unit and protocol services drivers and in-kernel filter-scheme drivers.

Because this book focuses on kernel-resident drivers for mass storage devices that mount file systems or are bootable, it provides only a brief description of application-based drivers for other mass storage devices, such as tape drives. For general information on how to write drivers for such devices, see Accessing Hardware From Applications.

Important: This book documents the mass storage features introduced in Mac OS X version 10.1. Updates to some of this information are identified with the version of Mac OS X in which they appeared.

Who Should Read This Document?

You should read this document if you need to support a mass storage device that mounts a file system or is bootable, or if you need to develop a filter-scheme driver.

Writing drivers for Mac OS X requires the I/O Kit, Apple’s object-oriented framework for driver development. Although this document presents some information on selected I/O Kit principles to provide context for the implementation of the mass storage driver stack, it does not explain these concepts in detail. If you’re not familiar with the I/O Kit, you should read I/O Kit Fundamentals before reading this document.

In addition, if you’ve never written an in-kernel device driver for Mac OS X, you should read I/O Kit Device Driver Design Guidelines to become familiar with driver fundamentals such as driver life cycle and driver matching and loading.

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following chapters:

See Also

The ADC Reference Library contains several documents on device driver development for Mac OS X and numerous sample drivers and applications.

If you're ready to create a universal binary version of your device driver or filter scheme to run in an Intel-based Macintosh, see Universal Binary Programming Guidelines, Second Edition. The Universal Binary Programming Guidelines describes the differences between the Intel and PowerPC architectures and provides tips for developing a universal binary.

The Mac OS X mass storage stack supports mass storage devices that comply with the SCSI Architecture Model SCSI primary commands specification, declare peripheral device types of $00, $05, $07, or $0E, and connect to ATAPI, USB, or FireWire buses. In addition, a USB device must be compliant with the USB mass storage class specification and a FireWire device must be compliant with the FireWire Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) specification. The following websites provide more information on these specifications:

Last updated: 2007-04-03

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