Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

I/O Kit Family Reference

This appendix describes each of the I/O Kit families in detail, paying particular attention to client/provider relationships. For most families, it provides a class hierarchy chart. It also tells you if a family exports a device interface, thereby allowing applications to access devices represented by the family. You should seriously consider taking the device-interface approach before attempting to write a kernel-resident driver. For information on using device interfaces, see the document Accessing Hardware From Applications.

Some categories of devices are not currently supported by an I/O Kit family. If your device falls into an unsupported category, you might be able to write a “family-less” driver, use an SDK other than the I/O Kit, or create a new family. See “Devices Without I/O Kit Families” for details.

You may find it helpful to examine the source code for an I/O Kit family or a specific device driver. To do this, visit Darwin Releases, select the appropriate version of Mac OS X, and click Source to view the available source projects.


The ADB family provides support for, and access to, devices attached to the Apple Desktop Bus (ADB). It provides an abstraction for ADB bus controller drivers (IOADBController) and another for drivers of ADB devices (IOADBDevice).

Bundle identifier:

Headers at:

References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/adbfamily.gif

Device Interface:

Table A-1  Clients and providers of the ADB family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives devices that plug into an ADB port.

Drives an ADB bus controller


A driver for an ADB mouse is a client of the ADB family but is a member of the HID family (in the IOHIPointing class).


An instance of IOADBDevice matches your driver and loads it into the kernel. Your driver communicates with its family through an instance of IOADBDevice.

ADB bus controller drivers should inherit from the IOADBController class as defined in the header file IOADBController.h


Common client families include the HID family (IOHIPointing and, IOHIKeyboard classes) and the Graphics family (IODisplay class).

All current ADB bus hardware produced by Apple is well supported by drivers that are included with Mac OS X. Third-party developers should not need to write drivers for the ADB family, except for ADB-USB adaptors.


The ATA and ATAPI family provides support for ATA controllers, and access to ATA and ATAPI devices on the ATA bus.

Important: The ATA and ATAPI family is still under development. The information in this section is subject to change.

Bundle identifier:

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References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/atafamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-2  Clients and providers of the ATA and ATAPI family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a device that is connected to an ATA bus.

Drives an ATA bus controller.


An ATA hard drive or an ATAPI DVD-ROM drive. The Storage family is the most common family for clients.


Clients of this family match against an instance of IOATADevice, one of which is created and published by the controller driver for every ATA or ATAPI device that is detected on the bus. They use the services provided by that object to communicate with the physical device on the bus.


Clients of the ATA family must issue ATA/ATAPI commands encapsulated by an IOATACommand object. This command object encapsulates all the information necessary to encode a single ATA/ATAPI command as well as the results of the command’s execution.

Third-party developers should never need to create a member of the ATA/ATAPI family.


The Audio family provides support to enable access to devices that record or play back audio signals. It provides a flexible abstraction for audio devices that permits an unlimited number of channels as well as arbitrary sample rates, bit depths, and sample formats. The Audio family utilizes a high-resolution time base that is used as the basis for timing information for the entire audio and MIDI system in Mac OS X. (The Audio family itself does not provide any MIDI services; these are provided by the Core MIDI framework.)

The Audio Hardware Abstraction Layer (Audio HAL) provides all audio services to applications in Mac OS X. The Audio HAL is accessed through the Core Audio framework and has its programmatic interface defined in AudioHardware.h in that framework. The Audio family provides the link between an audio driver and the Audio HAL. Because the Audio HAL is a client of the Audio family, all audio device functionality is available to clients of the Audio HAL.

Bundle identifier:

Headers in:

Device interface:

Power management:

Table A-3  Clients and providers of the Audio family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


A kernel-resident client is not necessary. Use the Core Audio framework to access Audio HAL.

Either records or plays back audio signals.


PCI audio cards, external USB or FireWire audio devices and any other device that produces or consumes audio.


An audio driver must contain subclasses of both IOAudioDevice and IOAudioEngine.


An audio driver is a client of other families that provide access to the hardware that the driver supports. For example, a driver for a PCI audio card will be a client of the PCI family.


The FireWire family provides support for, and access to, devices attached to the FireWire bus (FireWire is an Apple trademark applied to the IEEE 1394 standard, also sometimes known as i.LINK‚Ñ¢).

The FireWire family has strong affinities with the SBP2 family. A driver that uses the SBP-2 transport protocol is the most common client of the FireWire family.

Bundle identifier:

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References and specifications:

Class hierarchy

image: ../art/firewirefamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-4  Clients and providers of the FireWire family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Unit drivers: Drives communication with a unit of a device that plugs into the FireWire bus. Protocol drivers: Adds support for a protocol enabling peer-to-peer communication or emulation over FireWire.

Drives a FireWire bus controller.


Unit drivers: A driver for a FireWire speakers. Protocol drivers: A driver that provides TCP/IP over FireWire.


Unit drivers: An instance of IOFireWireUnit, representing a unit found in a device’s configuration ROM, is matched against the driver and it is loaded into the kernel. The driver communicates with the FireWire family through this instance. Protocol drivers: An instance of IOFireWireController matches a protocol driver and loads it into the kernel. The driver communicates with the FireWire family through this instance.

Driver classes should inherit from the IOFireWireController class as defined in the header file IOFireWireController.h.


The most common client family is the SBP2 family.

Mac OS X ships drivers for all Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) bus controllers. Third-party developers generally should not need to write bus-controller drivers for the FireWire family.

In some cases, you can write a driver for a FireWire device instead of for a unit. An example might be a driver for a device with a minimal config ROM (that is, with just a vendor ID). However, use of the minimal config ROM is strongly discouraged by Apple. Also, if your driver matches against a FireWire unit, it is often possible to do some things with the device.


The Graphics family provides support for frame buffers and display devices (monitors).

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/graphicsfamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-5  Clients and providers of the Graphics family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Implements support for a frame buffer.



Frame-buffer drivers must be subclasses of the IOFramebuffer class. The IONDRVFramebuffer class supports native Power PC Mac OS graphics drivers (known as “ndrv"s); this support is automatic, provided the drivers are written correctly to the specification.


Support for kernel-resident clients is limited. Because the Quartz layer owns the display, the kernel generally does not render graphics directly.

Apple provides generic support for displays and so displays should not generally require third-party drivers.

A Note on NDRV Compatibility

NDRV graphics drivers should function in OS X if they are correctly written. If they are not correctly written, the many differences in Mac OS X’s runtime environment could cause them to fail, be ignored, or even cause a crash. If you are writing an NDRV driver, follow these rules:

If you want to make runtime conditional changes to your NDRV code, the property AAPL,iokit-ndrv is set in the PCI device properties before OS X uses your driver.

Mac OS X supports 32 bits-per-pixel, alpha-blended cursors in hardware. If your device supports an alpha-blended direct color cursor, it should call VSLPrepareCursorForHardwareCursor with these fields set in the HardwareCursorDescriptor record:

bitDepth = 32 maskBitDepth = 0 numColors = 0colorEncodings = NULL

The hardwareCursorData buffer in the HardwareCursorInfo should point to a buffer of 32 bits per pixel, ARGB data. The data is not premultiplied by the alpha channel.


The Human Interface Device (HID) class is one of several device classes described by the USB (Universal Serial Bus) architecture. The HID class consists primarily of devices humans use to control a computer system’s operations. Examples of such HID class devices include:

Currently, Mac OS X provides the HID Manager to allow applications to access joysticks, audio devices, and non-Apple displays. You can also use the HID Manager to get information from another type of HID class device, a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) device. UPS devices share the same report descriptor structure as other HID class devices and provide information such as voltage, current, and frequency. The Mac OS X HID Manager consists of three layers:

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/hidfamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-6  Clients and providers of the HID family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives an input device such as a multi-button mouse, trackball, or joystick.




Support for most simple input devices is provided by the generic driver.


The Network family provides support for network controllers. The Network family consists of two logical layers:

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/networkfamily.gif

Device interface:

Power management:

The Network family performs most of the power-management set-up and tear-down tasks for subclassed device drivers. If you’re developing a driver for a network device that can be passively power managed (which describes most network devices), you can meet most of your basic power-management needs by overriding the IONetworkController method registerWithPolicyMaker and calling the IOService method registerPowerDriver.

In your implementation of registerWithPolicyMaker, create an array of IOPMPowerState structures to define your device’s power states and pass them in to registerPowerDriver. Then, return kIOReturnSuccess from registerWithPolicyMaker to tell the Network family that your driver can respond to power-management calls. (The default implementation of registerPowerDriver returns kIOReturnUnsupported.) The following code snippet shows one way to do this:

IOReturn MyEthernetDriver::registerWithPolicyMaker( IOService * policyMaker )
IOReturn ioreturn;
static IOPMPowerState powerStateArray[ kPowerStateCount ] = {
   { 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 },
   { 1,kIOPMDeviceUsable,kIOPMPowerOn,kIOPMPowerOn,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }
fCurrentPowerState = kPowerStateOn;
ioreturn = policyMaker->registerPowerDriver( this, powerStateArray, kPowerStateCount );
return ioreturn;

Most network device drivers handle power changes related to sleep and wake in their implementations of the IONetworkController methods enable and disable. Note that the Network family enables a device when it transitions to a power state for which the kIOPMDeviceUsable flag is set. When a currently enabled device moves to a power state for which the kIOPMDeviceUsable flag is not set, the Network family disables it.

If you need to perform additional tasks to handle sleep and wake, you can override the IOService method setPowerState. Be aware, however, that the Network family will call disable before you receive a call to your setPowerState implementation if the new power state puts the device into an unusable state. Conversely, the Network family calls enable after you receive a setPowerState call to move the device to a usable state.

If your network device driver performs DMA, you should override the IOService method systemWillShutdown, which was introduced in Mac OS X v10.5. This is especially important for drivers that run in Intel-based Macintosh computers. In your implementation of systemWillShutdown, you should make sure that the DMA engine is shut off, which results in the necessary disabling of the port.

Important: As described in ‚ÄúReceiving Shutdown and Restart Notifications‚Äù the systemWillShutdown call is made to drivers in the power plane, in leaf-to-root order. If your driver returns kIOReturnUnsupported from registerWithPolicyMaker, it will not be attached to the power plane and will not receive a systemWillShutdown call.

Table A-7  Clients and providers of the Network family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a network controller.


Controllers on Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI adapters.


Driver must be an instance of a subclass of a controller class that implements generic network controller functionality, such as IONetworkController or of a controller class that builds upon IONetworkController to specialize for Ethernet controller support (IOEthernetController). See discussion on Network family classes below for more information.


Drivers are typically not clients of the Network family. The primary system client of this family is the DLIL (Data Link Interface Layer) module in the BSD network stack.

Member drivers must also create IONetworkInterface objects that are registered with the DLIL; such registration associates the driver with a network interface (for example, en0) in the system. You can create a Network Kernel Extension (NKE) and insert it at various locations above the IOKit/DLIL boundary to intercept the packets, commands, or other event traffic between an IONetworkInterface object and the upper layers.

Another client of this family is the KDP (Kernel Debugger Protocol) module in the kernel. A driver can create an IOKernelDebugger object that vends debugging services and allows kernel debugging through the network hardware managed by the driver. Only drivers that drive a built-in network controller are required to provide this support.

Other classes of the Network family include:

PC Card

The PC Card family supports 32-bit PC cards (CardBus), 16-bit PC cards (I/O and memory), and Zoom Video cards. This support encompasses controllers that are compatible with ExCA (Intel 82365) and Yenta register sets. Apple’s PC Card family’s Card Services are, for the most part, compliant with the 1997 PC Card™ standard.

CardBus cards are essentially PCI devices in a different form factor. If you are writing a driver for a CardBus card, you can choose to subclass from either IOPCIDevice or IOCardBusDevice. See the reference section “PCI and AGP” for more information about the PCI family.

Other classes provided by the family include:

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/pccardfamily.gif

Device interface:

Power management:


The PCI and AGP family provides support for, and access to, devices attached to PCI and AGP buses and PCI bridges.

Bundle identifier:

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References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/pcifamily.gif

Device interface:

Matching properties:

Check the Darwin Open Source project for example PCI drivers.

Table A-8  Clients and providers of the PCI and AGP family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a device that plugs into a PCI bus.

Drives a PCI bus controller or a PCI bridge.


A driver for a PCI SCSI controller card is a client of the PCI family but is a member of the SCSI Parallel family.


The driver communicates with its family via an instance of IOPCIDevice or IOAGPDevice. An instance of one of these classes matches your driver and loads it into the kernel.

PCI family member drivers should inherit from the IOPCIBridge class.


The most common client families are the USB, Network, SCSI, Graphics, and Audio families.

Mac OS X supports most PCI bus hardware with a set of generic drivers. In general, third-party developers do not need to write drivers for the PCI and AGP family unless they are building a PCI expansion chassis or developing drivers for a PCI bridge with special characteristics not addressed by the generic drivers.


The SBP2 family (Serial Bus Protocol 2) provides support for, and access to, devices attached to the FireWire bus that use the SBP-2 transport protocol. The SBP2 family is a client of the FireWire family. SBP-2 devices require FireWire to run.

Bundle identifier:

Headers in:

References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/sbp2family.gif

Device interface:

Table A-9  Clients and providers of the SBP2 family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a device that uses the SBP-2 transport protocol.

Provides SBP-2 transport services


A driver for a typical FireWire hard disk drive is a client of the SBP2 family but is a member of the mass storage family.


A client driver communicates with the SBP2 family through an instance of IOFireWireSBP2LUN. An instance of this class is created for each LUN (Logical Unit Number) found in a configuration ROM unit directory; this instance matches your driver and loads it into the kernel.

SBP2 family-member drivers should inherit from the IOFireWireSBP2Target class.


The most common client family is the Storage family.

SCSI Parallel

The SCSI Parallel family provides support for, and access to, devices attached to a parallel SCSI bus. This family supports all major features of the SCSI Parallel Interface-5 (SPI-5) specification for parallel buses.

Bundle identifier:

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References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/scsifamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-10  Clients and providers of the SCSI Parallel family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a device that plugs into a SCSI bus.

Drives a SCSI host adapter or controller chip.


A driver for a SCSI disk drive is a client of the SCSI Parallel family but a member of the Storage family.


A client driver communicates with the SCSI Parallel family through an instance of IOSCSIDevice. Your driver would match on this instance and be loaded into the kernel. Another class of interest is IOSCSICommand.

Because the SCSI Parallel family presently supports parallel buses, member drivers use the IOSCSIParallelInterfaceController class.


Common client families include the Transport Drivers for storage devices.

Mac OS X includes generic drivers for most built-in SCSI hardware. In general, third-party developers do not need to write drivers that are members of the SCSI Parallel family unless they are developing drivers for an expansion card.

SCSI Architecture Model

The SCSI Architecture Model family provides common client support for SCSI, USB (Storage), FireWire SBP-2 and ATAPI devices. Many of the classes of this family belong to the Transport Driver layer, which is summarized in Table A-11

Table A-11  SCSI Architecture Model family‚ÄîTransport Driver layer




Device Services Linkage

IOBlockStorageServices IOReducedBlockServices IOCompactDiscServices IODVDServices

Linkage objects that understand the APIs from the Device Services layer (Storage family) and export APIs that the Logical Unit drivers (in the Transport Driver layer) understand.

Logical Unit drivers

IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType07 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType0E

Drive mass storage devices that have file systems or are bootable.

Peripheral Device Type Nub


Not really an I/O Kit nub, but an object that queries the device and determines which Logical Unit driver is needed.

SCSI Protocol drivers

IOUSBMassStorageClass IOATAPIProtocolTransport IOFireWireSerialBusProtocol- Transport IOSCSIParallelInterface- ProtocolTransport

Classes for bus-specific drivers. Although these classes belong to other families, they are part of the SCSI Architecture Model layering.

The Logical Unit drivers and the Peripheral Device Type Nub are in the SCSI Application layer, which inherits (ultimately) from IOSCSIPrimaryCommandsDevice. The SCSI Protocol drivers are in the SCSI Protocol layer, which inherits from IOSCSIProtocolServices.

The SCSI Architecture Model family supports multimedia command set devices, such as CD-RW drives.

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/scsiarchmodelfamily.gif

Device interface:

Power management:

The SCSI Architecture Model family performs most of the power-management set-up and tear-down tasks for both protocol services drivers and logical unit drivers. In general, a protocol services driver, such as IOATAPIProtocolTransport, must be able to transition the physical interconnect device between the off and on states. On the other hand a logical unit driver, such as IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05, must be able to manage a multimedia device that supports all the power states defined by the SCSI multimedia commands specification. In addition, a logical unit driver might need to determine if a power-state change is needed, block incoming I/O when the device is not in an appropriate power state, and specify the power state a device should enter at boot time.

Note: The SCSI Architecture Model family defines the system sleep power state, which is in addition to the power states defined by the command-set specifications. System sleep corresponds to the sleep that occurs when the user chooses Sleep in the Apple menu or closes the lid of a laptop. The sleep state defined in the command-set specifications corresponds to the sleep that occurs when the device is idle. Because power can be removed from devices in system sleep, the SCSI Architecture Model family handles it differently than sleep.

As shown in the class hierarchy diagram above, the SCSI Architecture Model family defines a common superclass for both types of drivers: IOSCSIProtocolInterface. The IOSCSIProtocolInterface class defines a number of power-management methods that subclass drivers can call or, less frequently, override.


The Serial family provides support for serial byte character streams.

Bundle identifier:

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References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/serialfamily.gif

Device interface:

Table A-12  Clients and providers of the Serial family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Requires a single-banded data streaming service with elementary flow control.

Provides a single-banded streaming service; in other words, it cannot be packet-based. although it may be bi-directional. The driver may also implement flow control. The driver must describe the services it is capable of providing.


Serial port writers should subclass IOSerialDriverSync for their drivers, then publish as nubs objects of the IOModemSerialStreamSync or IORS232SerialStreamSync classes, or (if neither of these suffices) a concrete subclass of IOSerialStreamSync. The I/O Kit uses these objects to create the appropriate user-client interface for user-space access via BSD.


Developers should use the BSD device file mechanism documented in Accessing Hardware From Applications.


The Storage family provides high-level support for random-access mass storage devices. It is separate from the underlying technology that transports the data to and from the represented storage space. The interface to the underlying transport technology is declared in the abstract class IOBlockStorageDevice. Storage driver objects communicate all mass-storage requests across this interface, without having to have knowledge of, or involvement with, the commands and mechanisms used to communicate with the device or bus.

The scope of the Storage Family encompasses the IOBlockStorageDevice interface, at one end (provider direction), and the BSD interface at the other end (client direction), with various driver and media layers in the between. Figure A-1 illustrates this stack.

Figure A-1  Storage family driver stack

Storage family driver stack

Each layer consists of a set of two objects—a driver object and the child media object (or objects) it publishes. The IOStorage class is the common base class for both driver and media objects. It is an abstract class that declares the basic open, close, read, and write interfaces that subclasses are to implement. It establishes the protocol with which media objects can talk to driver objects without needing to be subclassed for each driver. The read and write interfaces provide byte-level access to the storage space.

The IOBlockStorageDriver class is the common base class for generic block storage drivers. It matches and communicates via an IOBlockStorageDevice interface, and connects to the remainder of the storage framework via the IOStorage protocol. It extends the IOStorage protocol by implementing the appropriate open and close semantics, deblocking for unaligned transfers, polling for ejectable media, implementing locking and ejection policies, creating and tearing down media object, and gathering and reporting statistics. The Storage family supports other basic types of drives, such as CD drives and DVD drives, through subclasses of the IOBlockStorageDriver. You rarely, if ever, need to subclass the generic block storage driver to handle device idiosyncrasies; rather, you should change the underlying transport drivers to correct any non-conforming behavior.

The IOMedia class is an abstraction of a random-access disk device. It is equivalent to the “device object” or “interface object” in other I/O Kit families.

IOMedia provides a consistent interface for both real and virtual disk devices, for subdivisions of disks such as partitions, for supersets of disks such as RAID volumes, and so on. It extends the IOStorage class by implementing the appropriate open, close, read, write, and matching semantics for media objects. Its properties reflect the properties of real disk devices, including natural block size and writability.

The other driver and media layers in the Storage Family are known as filter schemes. These optional layers separate media objects, providing some kind of data manipulation or offset manipulation between media objects. These layers may stack arbitrarily on top one another, as they are both a client and a provider of media objects. Most third-parties will develop drivers for the filter scheme layer, if not for the underlying transport technology. Refer to “IOMedia Filter Schemes” for more information on developing filter scheme drivers.

For more information on developing drivers for the underlying transport technology, refer to SCSI Architecture Model Family documentation. The SCSI Architecture Model Family is the common underlying transport technology for ATAPI, FireWire, SCSI, and USB. It provides a consistent CDB-based access model for application writers and driver writers, and a simple infrastructure for correcting device idiosyncrasies.

Bundle identifier:

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Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/storagefamily.gif

Device interface:

IOMedia Filter Schemes

A filter scheme is a driver for IOMedia objects. It acts as both as a client and a provider of media objects. The filter-scheme driver receives mass storage requests through its abstract read and write member-function interfaces, in which it can perform the data manipulation or offset manipulation before passing the request on to its provider IOMedia object (or objects). There are several different kinds of media filter schemes:

A filter-scheme driver inherits from the IOStorage class and necessarily participates in the IOStorage match category (IOMatchCategory’s value in personality).

Partition Schemes

Mac OS X includes two standard partition schemes:

A partition-scheme driver inherits from the IOPartitionScheme class (which inherits from IOStorage), matches against a single IOMedia parent, and produces one or more IOMedia child objects for each partition it must represent. It participates in the IOStorage match category, as with all filter scheme drivers.

A partition scheme need not be subclassed in order to make use of developer-defined content within a partition. A partition’s contents is represented by a distinct IOMedia object, published as a child of the partition-scheme driver. Each child media object has properties that further identify information known about the partition, such the content hint, size, and natural block size. The content hint field is a string formed similarly to the well-known "Apple_Driver" and "Apple_HFS" strings, or by definition, in the form "MyCompany_MyContent". It permits partitions with developer-defined contents to be identified uniquely (when the partition is created), and permits filter-scheme drivers to match against such content automatically without ever probing a disk.

IOMedia Properties

Table A-13 lists the standard set of properties for all IOMedia objects. These properties can be used as matching properties in I/O Kit’s search and notification APIs, as well as for filter scheme driver matching purposes.

Table A-13  Storage family (IOMedia) properties






Is the media ejectable?



Is the media a leaf in the media tree? This is false whenever a client filter-scheme driver has matched against the media object.



The media’s natural block size in bytes.



The media’s entire size in bytes.



Is the media at the root of the media tree? This is true for the physical media representation, a RAID media representation, and similar representations.



Is the media writable?



The media’s content description, as forced upon by the client filter-scheme driver. (This content description is copied automatically from the client filter-scheme driver’s kIOMediaContentMaskKey property.) The string’s format follows the "MyCompany_MyContent" convention, and defaults to the Content Hint string should no client filter scheme have matched against the object. Used for informational purposes in user disk utilities.



The media’s content description, as hinted at the time of the object’s creation. The string’s format follows the “MyCompany_MyContent” convention. Used for matching purposes in filter scheme drivers.



The media’s BSD device node name. The name is dynamically assigned at the time of the object’s creation. Used for read and write access to the media’s contents (see “Accessing IOMedia From Applications”).

A media object also has a unique I/O Kit path, which can be obtained via standard I/O Kit APIs.

Accessing IOMedia From Applications

The standard user-space mechanism for accessing data on a piece of media is the BSD device interface. The BSD device interface is abstracted at the file-system layer through distinct read and write APIs, while general user application access is provided via the read and write system calls (see the corresponding man pages for more documentation). The properties and structure of a physical disk are represented in the I/O Kit Registry object hierarchy and in each media object’s properties, including the BSD device interface name assigned to the media object.

A specific media object can be found via the standard I/O Kit search and notification APIs. The dictionary used to describe the IOMedia might refer to specific property values, to a specific service path or device tree path, or to a specific subclass of media. A CD, for example, appears as an IOCDMedia subclass, with properties appropriate to a CD, such as kIOCDMediaTOCKey. Such properties can be combined to describe a media object uniquely in the system, or generalized to identify a certain kind of media with multiple possible matches (returned in an iterator).

The Carbon APIs and Cocoa APIs provide mechanisms for sending notifications of file system mount and unmount events, as well as for file access within the file system. An application can obtain the associated BSD device interface name for a given file system through GetVolParms (vMDeviceID) in Carbon and through getmntinfo in BSD. The associated IOMedia object can be obtained for a given BSD device interface name through I/O Kit APIs using the kIOBSDNameKey property.


The USB family provides support for, and access to, devices attached to a Universal Serial Bus (USB).

Two basic types of drivers are clients of this family: kernel-mode drivers and user-mode drivers. Kernel-mode drivers are required when the clients of the driver also reside in the kernel (such as HID devices, mass storage devices, or networking devices). User-mode drivers are preferred when only one process has access to the device (for example printers and scanners).

Bundle identifier:

Headers in:

References and specifications:

Class hierarchy:

image: ../art/usbfamily.gif

Device interface:

Kernel-resident drivers:

The USB family for kernel-resident drivers consists of three main classes:

Kernel-resident USB drivers are clients of the family that provides the transport services and are members of the family from which they get their class inheritance. For example, a driver for a USB keyboard is a client of the IOUSBInterface object (that is, the IOUSBInterface object is the provider for the driver) but the keyboard driver is a member of the IOHIDFamily. The USB family provides the mechanism for getting at the key presses in the keyboard. The keyboard driver supports methods from the HID family for sending those key presses to the event system.

As mentioned above, you can write a driver to match against a USB device or a USB interface. The IOUSBDevice or IOUSBInterface classes are the providers for the drivers. The drivers themselves can be members of a separate family (such as the IOHIDFamily or IOAudioFamily) or can be members of the IOService family.

Power management:

All in-kernel USB device drivers should implement at least basic power management to increase power saving in the system. In Mac OS X v10.5, the USB family introduced the IOUSBHubPolicyMaker object, which is an abstraction of a USB hub that includes power-management capabilities. When you develop a USB device driver to run in Mac OS X v10.5 and later and you call joinPMtree, your driver is attached into the power plane as a power child of an IOUSBHubPolicyMaker object. (In earlier versions of Mac OS X, the power parent of a USB device driver was an IOUSBController object representing the controller to which the device was attached.)

Your USB device driver can communicate with its IOUSBHubPolicyMaker object to determine the power state of its hub. This can be useful if, for example, you need to handle an imminent shutdown differently from a restart. The IOUSBHubPolicyMaker object supports the following five power states for a hub:

USB devices seldom support more than the first four of these power states, and many support only on, sleep, and off. If you’re developing a driver for a USB device that supports doze, you should call SuspendDevice when you switch the device’s power state to doze, so the hub can suspend the port to which the device is attached. If the drivers for all the devices attached to a hub do this, the hub can enter the doze state, which can result in significant power saving for the system. However, if your driver calls SuspendDevice without also changing the device’s power state to doze, you prevent the hub from entering the doze state and saving power.

If the hub to which your device is attached does not support sleep, the device must go to its off state when the system goes to sleep. Of course, if your device does not support sleep, it must also go to its off state when the system goes to sleep, even if its hub does support sleep.

During a power-state change, note that a USB hub's power state is not updated until the hub receives a powerChangeDone call, which does not happen until after all downstream hubs and devices have received their powerChangeDone calls. This means that if you use the getPowerState call introduced in Mac OS X v10.5 to get an upstream hub’s current power state, you might receive stale power-state information. However, if your device is changing to its on state, you can assume that the upstream hubs are actually on, even if their power-state values haven’t yet been updated.

Table A-14  Clients and providers of the USB family

Client of the nub

Provider for the nub


Drives a device that plugs into a USB port.

Drives a USB bus controller.


A keyboard driver is an interface driver; its provider is the driver for the USB device. The keyboard driver inherits from the IOHIKeyboard class—it’s a member of the HID family.


IOUSBDevice drivers can only communicate with the USB device through the default control pipe. IOUSBInterface drivers have IOUSBPipe objects created for all the endpoints that are described in the interface descriptor for the current configuration. The driver uses these objects to communicate with the device.

USB family-member drivers should inherit from the IOUSBController class.


Common client families include the HID family (IOHIPointing and IOHIKeyboard classes) and the Transport Drivers for Storage family devices. Most kernel-mode clients of the USB family are interface drivers, and only occasionally device drivers.

Mac OS X includes generic drivers that support all Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) bus controllers. In general, third-party developers do not need to write drivers for the USB family.

Driver matching: The USB family uses the USB Common Class Specification, revision 1.0 to match devices and interfaces to drivers (for a link to this specification, see the section above titled “References and specifications”). The driver should use the keys defined in this specification to create a matching dictionary that defines a particular driver personality. There are two tables of keys in the specification. The first table contains keys for finding devices and the second table contains keys for finding interfaces. Both tables present the keys in order of specificity: the first key in each table defines the most specific search and the last key defines the broadest search. Each key consists of the combination of elements listed in the left column of the table.

For a successful match, you must add the elements of exactly one key to your personality. If your personality contains a combination of elements not defined by any key, the matching process will not find your driver. For example, if you’re attempting to match a device and you add values representing that device’s vendor, product, and protocol to your matching dictionary, the matching process is unsuccessful even if a device with those same values in its device descriptor is currently represented by an IOUSBDevice nub in the I/O Registry. This is because there is no key that combines the elements of vendor number, product number, and protocol.

Devices Without I/O Kit Families

Some categories of devices do not have family support from I/O Kit. In general, there are three reasons why a particular device may not be supported by an I/O Kit family.

Imaging Devices

There is no I/O Kit family for imaging devices (cameras, printers, and scanners). Instead, support for particular imaging device characteristics is handled by user-space code (see “Controlling Devices From Outside the Kernel” for further discussion). Developers who need to support imaging devices should employ the appropriate imaging SDK.

Digital Video

To add digital video capabilities to your software, use the QuickTime APIs.

Sequential Access Devices (Tape Drives)

There is, at present, no I/O Kit family specifically designed for sequential access devices, such as tape drives. However, third-party developers can use the SAM device interface to create plug-in components for such devices.

Telephony Devices

There is, at present, no I/O Kit family for telephony devices. Apple is evaluating plans for a Telephony family for the future.

Vendor-Specific Devices

For some devices, it is not possible to provide a set of useful, common abstractions. Because families define the set of abstractions shared by all devices within the family, it is not feasible to create a family for these devices.

In most cases, however, a family is not necessary in order to write a driver for these devices. Developers should start by inheriting functionality from IOService, then use the GetProperty and SetProperty calls to communicate with their driver. In many cases, this should suffice. In some cases, however, such as data acquisition cards requiring high bandwidth, the developer should create their own user client (for a device-interface plug-in). Such objects can provide shared memory and procedure-call interfaces to a user-space library (see IOUserClient.h). You can find several good examples in IOKitExamples on the Darwin Open Source site.

Last updated: 2007-05-17

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