Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Working With Legacy HID Class Device Interfaces

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions, including listings of sample code, for accessing a HID class device on older versions of Mac OS X. If you are developing new code for Mac OS X v10.5 or later, you should use the APIs described in “Accessing a HID Device.”.

These examples assume that you have already obtained an iterator for a list of devices matching certain properties (for example, by using the MyFindHIDDevices function, Listing 3-3).

Now that you have a device iterator, you can use it to examine each device and create a device interface for it. The functions in this chapter demonstrate this process by first displaying the properties and then creating and testing a device interface for each device in turn.

This chapter contains the following sections:

  1. “Printing the Properties of a HID Class Device”

  2. “Creating a HID Class Device Interface”

  3. “Obtaining HID Cookies”

  4. “Performing Operations on a HID Class Device”

  5. “Using Queue Callbacks”

For code to help you locate HID class devices, see “Legacy HID Access Overview.”

Printing the Properties of a HID Class Device

Since the properties of a HID class device often contain nested element dictionaries, the functions that access the elements must do so in a recursive manner. In the sample code, the MyShowHIDProperties function uses CFShow to print a dictionary.

Listing 4-1  A function that shows all properties for a HID class device

static void MyShowHIDProperties(io_registry_entry_t hidDevice)
        kern_return_t                                   result;
        CFMutableDictionaryRef                          properties = 0;
        char                                            path[512];
        result = IORegistryEntryGetPath(hidDevice, kIOServicePlane, path);
        if (result == KERN_SUCCESS)
                printf("[ %s ]", path);
        //Create a CF dictionary representation of the I/O
        //Registry entry's properties
        result = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(hidDevice, &properties,
                kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
        if ((result == KERN_SUCCESS) && properties)
                /* Some common properties of interest include:
                    kIOHIDTransportKey, kIOHIDVendorIDKey,
                    kIOHIDProductIDKey, kIOHIDVersionNumberKey,
                    kIOHIDManufacturerKey, kIOHIDProductKey,
                    kIOHIDSerialNumberKey, kIOHIDLocationIDKey,
                    kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey, kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey,
                    and kIOHIDElementKey.
                //Release the properties dictionary

MyShowHIDProperties takes the HID class device found in the I/O Registry and uses IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties to create a CF dictionary representation of the device’s properties. It then calls CFShow to format the information and print it to the screen.

Creating a HID Class Device Interface

A device interface provides functions your application or other code running on Mac OS X can use to access a device. The MyCreateHIDDeviceInterface function, shown in Listing 4-2, creates and returns a HID class device interface based on a passed object from the I/O Registry. It also demonstrates how to obtain the class name of the passed object by calling the I/O Kit function IOObjectGetClass.

To create a HID class device interface, the MyCreateHIDDeviceInterface function performs the following steps:

  1. It obtains an interface of type IOCFPlugInInterface for the HID class device represented by the passed hidDevice object.

    To obtain this interface, it calls the IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService function, passing the value kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID for the plug-in type parameter and the value kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID for the interface type parameter. kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID is defined in IOHIDLib.h and kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID is defined in IOCFPlugIn.h (located in IOKit.framework).

  2. It obtains a HID class device interface by calling the QueryInterface method of the IOCFPlugInInterface object. To specify a HID class device interface, it uses the following term:


    This term produces a UUID (universally unique identifier) for the device interface. UUIDs are described in the Core Foundation developer documentation, available in the Reference Library > Core Foundation section of the developer documentation website. kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID is defined in IOHIDLib.h.

  3. It releases the IOCFPlugInInterface object and returns the HID class device interface in the hidDeviceInterface parameter.

Note: The following listing uses a number of minor support functions that are not included as part of the text of this document because they do not relate directly to the use of HID class device interfaces. For a complete listing that includes these support functions, see ‚ÄúComplete Code Samples.‚Äù

Listing 4-2  A function that creates and returns a HID class device interface based on a passed object from the I/O Registry

static void MyCreateHIDDeviceInterface(io_object_t hidDevice,
                            IOHIDDeviceInterface ***hidDeviceInterface)
    io_name_t               className;
    IOCFPlugInInterface     **plugInInterface = NULL;
    HRESULT                 plugInResult = S_OK;
    SInt32                  score = 0;
    IOReturn                ioReturnValue = kIOReturnSuccess;
    ioReturnValue = IOObjectGetClass(hidDevice, className);
    print_errmsg_if_io_err(ioReturnValue, "Failed to get class name.");
    printf("Found device type %s\n", className);
    ioReturnValue = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(hidDevice,
    if (ioReturnValue == kIOReturnSuccess)
        //Call a method of the intermediate plug-in to create the device
        plugInResult = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface,
                            (LPVOID *) hidDeviceInterface);
        print_errmsg_if_err(plugInResult != S_OK, "Couldn't create HID class device interface");

Obtaining HID Cookies

The following function, getHIDCookies (shown in Listing 4-3), places certain cookies associated with the HID class device’s x axis, button 1, button 2, and button 3 into a data structure so the queue handling functions can add these elements to a queue.

Listing 4-3  A function that stores selected cookies in global variables for later use

typedef struct cookie_struct
        IOHIDElementCookie gXAxisCookie;
        IOHIDElementCookie gButton1Cookie;
        IOHIDElementCookie gButton2Cookie;
        IOHIDElementCookie gButton3Cookie;
} *cookie_struct_t;
cookie_struct_t getHIDCookies(IOHIDDeviceInterface122 **handle)
        cookie_struct_t cookies = memset(malloc(sizeof(*cookies)), 0,
        CFTypeRef                               object;
        long                                    number;
        IOHIDElementCookie                      cookie;
        long                                    usage;
        long                                    usagePage;
        CFArrayRef                              elements; //
        CFDictionaryRef                         element;
        IOReturn                                success;
        if (!handle || !(*handle)) return cookies;
        // Copy all elements, since we're grabbing most of the elements
        // for this device anyway, and thus, it's faster to iterate them
        // ourselves. When grabbing only one or two elements, a matching
        // dictionary should be passed in here instead of NULL.
        success = (*handle)->copyMatchingElements(handle, NULL, &elements);
        printf("LOOKING FOR ELEMENTS.\n");
        if (success == kIOReturnSuccess) {
                CFIndex i;
                for (i=0; i<CFArrayGetCount(elements); i++)
                        element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(elements, i);
                        // printf("GOT ELEMENT.\n");
                        //Get cookie
                        object = (CFDictionaryGetValue(element,
                        if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                        if(!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType,
                        cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) number;
                        //Get usage
                        object = CFDictionaryGetValue(element, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsageKey));
                        if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                        if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType,
                        usage = number;
                        //Get usage page
                        object = CFDictionaryGetValue(element,
                        if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                        if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType,
                        usagePage = number;
                        //Check for x axis
                        if (usage == 0x30 && usagePage == 0x01)
                            cookies->gXAxisCookie = cookie;
                        //Check for buttons
                        else if (usage == 0x01 && usagePage == 0x09)
                            cookies->gButton1Cookie = cookie;
                        else if (usage == 0x02 && usagePage == 0x09)
                            cookies->gButton2Cookie = cookie;
                        else if (usage == 0x03 && usagePage == 0x09)
                            cookies->gButton3Cookie = cookie;
        } else {
                printf("copyMatchingElements failed with error %d\n", success);
        return cookies;

Performing Operations on a HID Class Device

Once you have found a HID class device in the I/O Registry and created a device interface for it, you can perform operations such as:

The sample code in this section performs these types of operations through the test function MyTestHIDDeviceInterface, shown in Listing 4-4. This function is passed a HID class device interface and it first calls the device interface function open to open the device. Next, it calls MyTestQueues, shown in Listing 4-5, to create and manipulate a queue. Then, it calls MyTestHIDInterface to get various element values and print them. Finally, it closes the device by calling the device interface function close.

Listing 4-4  A function that performs testing on a passed HID class device interface

static void MyTestHIDDeviceInterface(IOHIDDeviceInterface **hidDeviceInterface, cookie_struct_t cookies)
        IOReturn ioReturnValue = kIOReturnSuccess;
        //open the device
        ioReturnValue = (*hidDeviceInterface)->open(hidDeviceInterface, 0);
        printf("Open result = %d\n", ioReturnValue);
        //test queue interface
        MyTestQueues(hidDeviceInterface, cookies);
        //test the interface
        MyTestHIDInterface(hidDeviceInterface, cookies);
        //close the device
        if (ioReturnValue == KERN_SUCCESS)
                ioReturnValue = (*hidDeviceInterface)->close(hidDeviceInterface);
        //release the interface

The MyTestQueues function (shown in Listing 4-5) first calls the HID device interface function allocQueue to allocate a queue. Next, it uses the queue handling functions addElement, hasElement, and removeElement to add elements to the queue, check to see if an element is in the queue, and remove an element, respectively. Finally, MyTestQueues simulates a game loop by calling the start queue function to start data delivery to the queue and then repeatedly calling the getNextEvent queue function to retrieve the values for elements in the queue. All queue handling functions for HID class devices are defined in IOHIDLib.h.

Listing 4-5  A function to test the HID class device interface queue handling functions

static void MyTestQueues(IOHIDDeviceInterface **hidDeviceInterface, cookie_struct_t cookies)
        HRESULT                                                 result;
        IOHIDQueueInterface **                                          queue;
        Boolean                                         hasElement;
        long                                            index;
        IOHIDEventStruct                                                event;
        queue = (*hidDeviceInterface)->allocQueue(hidDeviceInterface);
        if (queue)
                printf("Queue allocated: %lx\n", (long) queue);
                //create the queue
                result = (*queue)->create(queue, 0, 8);
                    /*  depth (8): maximum number of elements in queue before oldest
                        elements in queue begin to be lost.
                printf("Queue create result: %lx\n", result);
                //add elements to the queue
                result = (*queue)->addElement(queue, cookies->gXAxisCookie, 0);
                printf("Queue added x axis result: %lx\n", result);
                result = (*queue)->addElement(queue, cookies->gButton1Cookie, 0);
                printf("Queue added button 1 result: %lx\n", result);
                result = (*queue)->addElement(queue, cookies->gButton2Cookie, 0);
                printf("Queue added button 2 result: %lx\n", result);
                result = (*queue)->addElement(queue, cookies->gButton3Cookie, 0);
                printf("Queue added button 3 result: %lx\n", result);
                //check to see if button 3 is in queue
                hasElement = (*queue)->hasElement(queue,cookies->gButton3Cookie);
                printf("Queue has button 3 result: %s\n", hasElement ? "true" :
                //remove button 3 from queue
                result = (*queue)->removeElement(queue, cookies->gButton3Cookie);
                printf("Queue remove button 3 result: %lx\n",result);
                //start data delivery to queue
                result = (*queue)->start(queue);
                printf("Queue start result: %lx\n", result);
                //check queue a few times to see accumulated events
                printf("Checking queue\n");
                for (index = 0; index < 10; index++)
                        AbsoluteTime                            zeroTime = {0,0};
                        result = (*queue)->getNextEvent(queue, &event, zeroTime, 0);
                        if (result)
                                printf("Queue getNextEvent result: %lx\n", result);
                                printf("Queue: event:[%lx] %ld\n",
                                                                (unsigned long) event.elementCookie,
                //stop data delivery to queue
                result = (*queue)->stop(queue);
                printf("Queue stop result: %lx\n", result);
                //dispose of queue
                result = (*queue)->dispose(queue);
                printf("Queue dispose result: %lx\n", result);
                //release the queue we allocated

The MyTestHIDInterface function uses the passed-in HID device interface to call the device interface getElement function to get the element values associated with the cookies stored in the global variables gXAxisCookie, gButton1Cookie, gButton2Cookie, and gButton3Cookie by getHIDCookies (shown in Listing 4-3). The sample code simulates a game loop by repeatedly calling getElementValue in a for loop.

Note: HID device interfaces have two functions, getElementValue and queryElementvalue. They behave in subtly different ways, and should not be confused, for performance reasons.

The function getElementValue should be used for elements associated with inputs (button presses, for example). These values are typically sent whenever the value changes via interrupt reports. Thus, the HID stack will return the last value sent by the device.

The function queryElementvalue should be used only for “feature” elements. Since these elements do not trigger an interrupt, their values must be manually polled from the device.

Listing 4-6  A function that uses HID class device interface functions to get and display selected element values over time

static void MyTestHIDInterface(IOHIDDeviceInterface ** hidDeviceInterface, cookie_struct_t cookies)
        HRESULT                                 result;
        IOHIDEventStruct                                        hidEvent;
        long                                    index;
        printf("X Axis (%lx), Button 1 (%lx), Button 2 (%lx), Button 3 ($lx)\n",
                        (long) cookies->gXAxisCookie, (long) cookies->gButton1Cookie,
                        (long) cookies->gButton2Cookie, (long) cookies->gButton3Cookie);
        for (index = 0; index < 10; index++)
                long xAxis, button1, button2, button3;
                //Get x axis
                result = (*hidDeviceInterface)->getElementValue(hidDeviceInterface,
                    cookies->gXAxisCookie, &hidEvent);
                if (result)
                     printf("getElementValue error = %lx", result);
                xAxis = hidEvent.value;
                //Get button 1
                result = (*hidDeviceInterface)->getElementValue(hidDeviceInterface,
                    cookies->gButton1Cookie, &hidEvent);
                if (result)
                     printf("getElementValue error = %lx", result);
                button1 = hidEvent.value;
                //Get button 2
                result = (*hidDeviceInterface)->getElementValue(hidDeviceInterface,
                    cookies->gButton2Cookie, &hidEvent);
                if (result)
                     printf("getElementValue error = %lx", result);
                button2 = hidEvent.value;
                //Get button 3
                result = (*hidDeviceInterface)->getElementValue(hidDeviceInterface,
                    cookies->gButton3Cookie, &hidEvent);
                if (result)
                     printf("getElementValue error = %lx", result);
                button3 = hidEvent.value;
                //Print values
                printf("%ld %s%s%s\n", xAxis, button1 ? "button1 " : "",
                                button2 ? "button2 " : "", button3 ? "button3 " : "");

Using Queue Callbacks

There are two basic ways of using queues when interacting with HID devices: polling and callbacks. In Listing 4-5, queues are accessed in a polled fashion. The example project “hidexample” uses this mechanism.

For performance reasons (and for programming convenience), it often makes more sense to use queue callbacks. In this usage, a function in your program is called whenever the queue becomes non-empty.

The code snippet is relatively straightforward. Essentially, you allocate a private data structure that contains a reference to the queue, create an asynchronous event source for the queue, add a queue callback handler, and finally, add the newly-created queue event source to your run loop.

The queue callback is passed two void * parameters, callbackRefcon and callbackTarget, both of which can contain pointers to arbitrary data. With this design, the same callback function can operate on multiple queues, feeding data to multiple class instances, simply by passing different queue and class pointers to the setEventCallout function.

In Listing 4-7, the callbackTarget parameter will be passed NULL, and the callbackRefcon parameter will be passed a dynamically-allocated object containining the hidQueueInterface pointer (just for grins).

Listing 4-7  Adding a Queue Callback

bool addQueueCallbacks(IOHIDQueueInterface **hidQueueInterface)
    IOReturn ret;
    CFRunLoopSourceRef eventSource;
    /*  We could use any data structure here. This data structure
        will be passed to the callback, and should probably
        include some information about the queue, assuming your
        program deals with more than one. */
    IOHIDQueueInterface ***myPrivateData = malloc(sizeof(*myPrivateData));
    *myPrivateData = hidQueueInterface;
    // In the calling function, we did something like:
    // hidQueueInterface = (*hidDeviceInterface)->
    //      allocQueue(hidDeviceInterface);
    // (*hidQueueInterface)->create(hidQueueInterface, 0, 8);
    ret = (*hidQueueInterface)->
    if ( ret != kIOReturnSuccess )
        return false;
    ret = (*hidQueueInterface)->
        QueueCallbackFunction, NULL, myPrivateData);
    if ( ret != kIOReturnSuccess )
        return false;
    CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), eventSource,
    return true;

The final example in this section is taken from the “HidTestTool” example. This snippet shows how to handle a queue callback. This code is structurally somewhat different in that a data structure is passed as the refcon argument. This allows it to pass in both information about the queue and information about the elements supported by a given HID device.

Listing 4-8  A Basic Queue Callback Function

static void QueueCallbackFunction(
                            void *          target,
                            IOReturn            result,
                            void *          refcon,
                            void *          sender)
    HIDDataRef          hidDataRef      = (HIDDataRef)refcon;
    AbsoluteTime    zeroTime    = {0,0};
    CFNumberRef     number      = NULL;
    CFMutableDataRef    element     = NULL;
    HIDElementRef   tempHIDElement  = NULL;//(HIDElementRef)refcon;
    IOHIDEventStruct    event;
    bool                change;
    bool                stateChange = false;
    if ( !hidDataRef || ( sender != hidDataRef->hidQueueInterface))
    while (result == kIOReturnSuccess)
        result = (*hidDataRef->hidQueueInterface)->getNextEvent(
        if ( result != kIOReturnSuccess )
        // Only intersted in 32 values right now
        if ((event.longValueSize != 0) && (event.longValue != NULL))
        number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType,
        if ( !number )  continue;
        element = (CFMutableDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(hidDataRef->
            hidElementDictionary, number);
        if ( !element ||
            !(tempHIDElement = (HIDElement *)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(element)))
        change = (tempHIDElement->currentValue != event.value);
        tempHIDElement->currentValue = event.value;

Last updated: 2009-10-19

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