Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

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10.8.1 Declare and Define Static Members

When a class has static data members, it is not enough to declare the static member; you must also define it. For example:

     class Foo
       void method();
       static int bar;

This declaration only establishes that the class Foo has an int named Foo::bar, and a member function named Foo::method. But you still need to define both method and bar elsewhere. According to the ISO standard, you must supply an initializer in one (and only one) source file, such as:

     int Foo::bar = 0;

Other C++ compilers may not correctly implement the standard behavior. As a result, when you switch to g++ from one of these compilers, you may discover that a program that appeared to work correctly in fact does not conform to the standard: g++ reports as undefined symbols any static data members that lack definitions.