Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Source Control

You can perform the most common source control operations from Xcode instead of your source control client’s command-line interface.

Note: Features of particular SCM clients (such as the Subversion global-ignores feature) are not accessible through Xcode. You need to use your client‚Äôs user interface to take advantage of these features.

The following sections describe how to connect to source control repositories, how to work with managed files and projects, and how to view, compare, and restore change sets stored in repositories.

Connecting to Repositories

Xcode provides an easy-to-use user interface for your source control system. You can perform most source control tasks as you perform normal development tasks, including checking out projects, publishing your changes, and comparing revisions.

Important: To take advantage of all of your SCM system‚Äôs capabilities, you should be familiar with its operation using its client tool.

This section explains how to create repository configurations, how to use the Repositories window to navigate and modify repositories, and how to configure comparison and differencing operations.

Repository Configurations

A repository configuration is a set of data that tells Xcode how to use a particular source control client tool to access a specific repository.

This section describes how to create repository configurations and how to browse and modify repositories.

SCM Preferences

The SCM pane of Xcode preferences is where you create repository configurations that tell Xcode how to access the repositories that store the projects you work on.

Repository List

The Repositories pane (Figure 2-1) contains the list of repository configurations you have created. Each repository configuration points to a particular path within a repository. Therefore, you may have more than one repository configuration that references the same repository.

Figure 2-1  The Repositories pane of SCM preferences

To the right of the repository list are the settings that apply to the repository selected in the list. Figure 2-1 shows the settings used for a Subversion repository.

To learn how to create repository configurations, see “Creating Repository Configurations.”

Comparison and Differencing Options

The Options pane (Figure 2-2) contains settings that let you specify how Xcode performs source control and file comparison operations.

Figure 2-2  The Options pane of SCM preferences

SSH Keys

The SSH pane contains the list of SSH keys stored in your keychain.

Figure 2-3  The SSH pane of SCM Preferences

The Status column indicates whether Xcode is able to access a particular SSH key.

To have Xcode ask you for a passphrase when it needs to use a particular SSH key, enter the passphrase in the Passphrase text field.

The Repositories Window

After you’ve added at least one repository configuration in SCM preferences, you can browse the contents of repositories in the Repositories window (Figure 2-4). To open the Repositories window, choose SCM > Repositories.

Figure 2-4  The Repositories window

The Repositories window contains three parts:

Creating Repository Configurations

To create a repository configuration:

  1. Open SCM preferences.

  2. Click the plus (+) button below the repositories list.

  3. In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the repository configuration and choose the source control system you want to use.

  4. In the repository settings pane, enter the appropriate information for the source control system you selected. (Consult your SCM system’s documentation to find out the appropriate values for the pane’s fields.)

    If you’re using Subversion, you can enter the repository URL entirely in the URL field or piece by piece in the fields below it (except the Password field).

  5. Enter the password (if required) in the Password field.

    When accessing a repository using SSH, Xcode offers to store your SSH key in your keychain. With your SSH keys stored in the keychain, Xcode doesn’t prompt you to authenticate every time it talks to your source control system. See “SSH Keys” for more information.

Browsing and Modifying Repositories

The Repositories window, described in “The Repositories Window,” allows you to navigate the repositories that your repository configurations reference. You can also perform repository management operations, such as importing and exporting projects, creating and deleting directories, and copying, renaming, and moving directories. (Because not all of the supported source control systems provide programming interfaces for each of these operations, some of them may not be executable through the Xcode user interface.)

Importing Directories

To import a directory into a repository:

  1. If you’re importing a project directory, ensure that the project is not open and that the directory doesn’t contain a build directory. For more information, see “Excluding the build Directory from Source Control Operations.”

  2. Open the Repositories window.

  3. Select the repository into which you want to import the directory, navigate to the location within the repository at which you want to place the directory, and click Import.

  4. Select the directory to import.

  5. Enter a comment about the operation, and click Import.

Checking Out Directories

To check out a directory from a repository, do one of the following:

If checked out a project directory and selected “Configure SCM automatically” in SCM preferences, after checking out the project directory Xcode configures the project package so that you can perform SCM operations immediately.

Creating Directories

To create a directory in a repository:

  1. Open the Repositories window, and select the repository in which you want to create the directory.

  2. Navigate to the location in which you want to create the directory, and click Create Directory.

  3. In the dialog, enter the directory name and a comment for the operation, and click Create Directory.

Copying Directories

To copy a directory:

  1. Open the Repositories window, and select the repository in which you want to create the copy.

  2. Select the directory you want to copy, and click Copy.

  3. In the dialog:

    1. Enter the name of the copy.

    2. Select the copy’s location.

    3. Enter a comment for the operation, and click Copy.

Moving or Renaming Directories

To move or rename a directory:

  1. Open the Repositories window, and select the repository on which you want to operate.

  2. Select the directory you want to move or rename, and click Move.

  3. In the dialog:

    1. Enter the new name for the directory.

    2. Select the new location for the directory.

    3. Enter a comment for the operation, and click Move.

Excluding the build Directory from Source Control Operations

A project’s build directory contains many files generated by the Xcode build system. These files should not go into a source control repository because of their volatility and because they have little need to be tracked by such a system.

In managed projects, you should move the projects’ build directory to a location outside the realm of source control operations—that is, outside the project’s project root.

You can specify a custom location for the build directory, in Building preferences.

Managing Files Under Source Control

Version control allows you to maintain a history of a project’s development and lets you share projects with other developers. Xcode, in conjunction with your version control system, allows you to stay up to date with your team’s progress. Through the Xcode user interface, you can perform most of the version control tasks needed to work on a software project successfully.

This section introduces common version control tasks and explains how to accomplish them in Xcode. It also provides the recommended workflow you should follow when working on managed Xcode projects.

File Management Essentials

There are a few essential concepts you need to understand to fully take advantage of source control in Xcode. A project contains two files that are particularly important, the project file and the user file. They are both in the project package (.xcodeproj) in the project directory. These two files keep the project package in sync with the rest of the files in the project, and maintain personal project settings in the repository.

A project can have one or more project roots. A project root is a directory at which source control operations are rooted. By default, a project has only one project root, the project directory. In a software effort that involves only one project, the default project root is usually adequate. However, if you work on an endeavor that comprises more than one project, multiple project roots let you associate independent directories (each containing a component of the endeavor, or a subproject) with the project. These project roots don’t have to be located under the same parent directory. And each project root has its own SCM configuration; this allows different teams in a project to use their preferred SCM systems for their particular components, but still work on the entire endeavor as a group. See "Managing Project Information" in Xcode Project Management Guide to learn how to set a project’s project root.

Xcode provides commands that operate on the entire project. These commands operate on the files in a project root directory (and its subdirectories), even if they’re not referenced in the project file.

Multiple project-root availability: Multiple project roots are supported in Xcode 3.2 and later.

File Status

As you work on a project, the version control status of its files in relation to the repository change. Xcode tells you which files you have changed in your local copy of the project, which files need to be updated to the latest version in the repository, and so forth.

Xcode uses a one-letter code to represent the status of each file. Here’s what each code means:

You can view the source control status of files in several places: the SCM smart group, the detail view, and the SCM results window.

Note: You can refresh the status of the files in your project anytime by choosing SCM > Refresh Entire Project.

SCM Smart Group

The SCM group in the Groups & Files list in the project window shows the status of all the files that differ from the latest version in the repository or for which you’ve specified a version control operation to be performed later, such as adding a new file to the repository. “The SCM group in the Groups & Files list” shows the SCM group.

Figure 2-5  The SCM group in the Groups & Files list

You can also use the SCM column in the Groups & Files list to see the status of your project's files in the outline view.

Note: The SCM group displays all files under source control in the project roots, even files that are not part of the project.

The Detail View

The detail view lists all the files in a project. When using version control, you can add the SCM column to the detail view by using the shortcut menu of the detail view header. The SCM column shows the status of each file in the project. “The SCM column in Xcode’s detail view” shows the SCM column (the rightmost column) in the detail view.

Figure 2-6  The SCM column in the detail view

The SCM column in Xcode’s detail view

The SCM Results Window

The SCM results window provides the same information the SCM group does, plus a log of SCM operations. The window appears when you double-click the SCM group or when you choose SCM > SCM Results.

“The SCM Results and editor panes in the SCM Results window” shows the SCM Results window.

Figure 2-7  The SCM results window

The SCM Results and editor panes in the SCM Results window

These are the window’s controls:

Adding Files

After you add a file to your local copy of a managed directory, its status is ? (unknown). This means that the file is not part of the repository. If you want to add the file to the repository the next time you commit your changes, select the file in the project window or the SCM Results window and choose SCM > Add to Repository.

The status of the file changes from ? to A.

When you commit file additions, you must commit the project file (project.xcodeproj) at the same time. This lets other developers know there’s a new file in the project as soon as you commit the addition. If you don’t commit the project file when you commit the file addition (that is, if you select a file with a status of A, and commit its changes to the repository without also selecting the project file), other developers will not be able to get the added file into their local copies of the project, because Xcode wouldn’t know that a file was added to the project.

Updating Files

When a file in your local copy of a project becomes outdated, Xcode assigns it a status of U. This means that another developer has submitted changes to that file to the repository and your working copy doesn’t include them.

To update your local copy of a file that needs updating select the file in the project window and choose SCM > Update To > Latest.

To update your local copy all the files in the project root that need updating, choose SCM > Update Entire Project.

When the project package (project.xcodeproj) has a status of U, you need to update the project package and reopen the project in Xcode. “The SCM group in an Xcode project whose project package needs to be updated” shows the SCM group of an Xcode project whose project package needs to be updated.

Figure 2-8  The SCM group in an Xcode project whose project package needs to be updated

The SCM group in an Xcode project whose project file needs to be updated

To update the project package, select project.xcodeproj in the SCM group and choose SCM > Update To > Latest.

Alternatively, you can choose SCM > Update Entire Project.

After the update operation is completed, you may get a dialog (Figure 2-9) that tells you that the project package was changed in the file system and asks you whether to keep using the version in memory or reload the project from the file system. To work with the latest version of the project package in the repository, choose to reload the project.

Figure 2-9  The Project Package Update dialog

If you updated only the project package, when you reopen the project, the SCM group may display files with a status of U using red text. These files were added to the project after your last update. To get the new files into your working copy, perform the Update To Latest command on them. To refresh the status of the files in your working copy after the update operation is complete, choose SCM > Refresh Entire Project.

Removing Files

To remove a file from your local copy of a project and from the repository when you commit the operation, remove the file as you normally would; that is, select the file in the project window and choose Edit > Delete.

If you choose to delete the file, the Remove From SCM Repository dialog, shown in “The Remove From SCM Repository dialog,” appears.

Figure 2-10  The Remove From SCM Repository dialog

The Remove From SCM Repository dialog

To tell Xcode you want the file removed from the repository, click Remove. The file’s status changes to R and the filename appears in gray in the Groups & Files list and the detail view.

When you commit the file-removal operation, you must commit the project file (project.xcodeproj) at the same time. Other developers can then keep their project files in sync with the project directory by updating their local copies. If you don’t commit the project file when you commit the file-removal operation (for example, if you select a file with a status of R, and commit it without also selecting the project file), Xcode notifies other developers that the file you removed needs to be updated. When they update their local copy with the repository, the file is removed from their local copy, but their copy of the project file still references the nonpresent file, and the file appears in red in the detail view. This may confuse others, who then have to find out why a file that’s supposed to be in their project directories is missing.

Renaming Files

Renaming a file produces two version control operations: the removal of the file under the old name and the addition of the file with the new name. Therefore, Xcode shows the R status next to the old name and the A status next to the new name.

Warning: When you rename a managed file, the change information for the file under the old name is unavailable under the new name.

Rename a file in the Groups & Files list. Select the file in the project window and choose File > Rename.

The Rename dialog appears, as shown in “Renaming a managed file.”

Figure 2-11  The SCM Rename dialog

Renaming a managed file

To proceed with the renaming, click Rename. The SCM group in the Groups & Files list, as well as the detail view, show that the file under the old name will be removed and the file with the new name will be added, as shown in “Uncommitted rename operation.”

Figure 2-12  A renamed file in the project window

Uncommitted rename operation

Working Offline

You can control access to the version control system you are using with the Go Online and Go Offline commands in the SCM menu. These commands allow you to temporarily turn off or reenable access to the version control system if you move to a different network or lose your network connection. For example, if you are going to be somewhere without network access, you can take your project offline to prevent Xcode from attempting to access the version control system.

If version control goes offline due to a network disruption, access automatically goes back online when the network is reconnected.

Subversion offline operations: Xcode supports Subversion‚Äôs offline operation capability. When using Subversion offline, you can perform several source-control operations that would not be possible with other SCM systems.

Managing Revisions

The four main source-control tasks are:

This section shows how to perform these tasks.

Committing Your Work

When you’re done making changes to a file and you want to submit your modifications to the repository, you can tell Xcode to commit the file in one of two ways:

Both actions bring up a dialog with a text field in which you enter a message describing your changes. To execute the command, click Commit.

Viewing Revisions

You can view the revisions for an entire project or the revisions that pertain to a particular file using the Project Info window or the File Info window, respectively. “Info window displaying the revisions of a file” shows the SCM pane of the file-info editor.

Figure 2-13  The SCM pane in the Project Info window

Info window displaying the revisions of a file

The SCM pane has these controls:

Comparing Revisions

You can compare different versions of a file in a project to see changes made to a file from version to version. For example, you can compare your locally modified version of a file with the latest revision submitted by another member of your team. Or you can compare the two most recent revisions in the repository to see what has changed.

To compare your version of a file or project with a version in the repository, use the Compare With or the Diff With command in the SCM menu. The Compare With command lets you compare files using a visual tool, such as FileMerge. With the Diff With command you can have Xcode perform the comparison using the differencing facility of your client.

You can also select any two revisions of a file in its File Info window and compare them using the Compare and Diff buttons.

You can specify several comparison and differencing options. See “Comparison and Differencing Options” for details.

The Compare Command

The Compare With command allows you to compare files using a visual tool. “Comparing two revisions of a file using FileMerge” shows the result of comparing two revisions of a file.

Figure 2-14  Comparing two revisions of a file using FileMerge

Comparing two revisions of a file using FileMerge

To compare your version of a file with a revision in the repository:

  1. Select the file in the project window.

  2. Choose SCM > Compare With, and select the revision to compare against:

    • Latest. Choose this option to compare a file with the latest version in the repository.

    • Base. Choose this option to compare a file with the version you checked out of the repository.

    • Revision. Choose this option to get the revision list for the selected file. This option is useful if you‚Äôre not sure of the revision you want to compare against.

    • Specific Revision. When you know the revision you want to compare against, choose this option and enter the revision number in the dialog that appears.

    • File. Choose this option to compare a file in your project with any file in the file system. Choose the other file from the dialog that appears.

You can also compare any two revisions of a file in its File Info window by selecting the revisions you want to compare in the revision list and clicking Compare.

The Diff Command

Another way to compare revisions using Xcode is to identify the differences between them by using the differencing facility of your client tool. Xcode displays the output of the diff command in a separate editor window. “Identifying differences between two revisions of a file” compares two revisions of a file using svn diff.

Figure 2-15  Identifying differences between two revisions of a file

Identifying differences between two revisions of a file

You can specify the format used in the comparison in the SCM pane in Xcode preferences. See “Comparison and Differencing Options” for details.

To identify the differences between your copy of a file with a revision in the repository, select the file in the project window, choose SCM > Diff With.

and choose a version to compare against. The options you can choose from are:

You can also identify the differences between any two revisions of a file in its File Info window by selecting the revisions you want to compare in the revision list and clicking Diff.

Resolving Conflicts

A file with a status of C contains changes that clash with the latest revision in the repository. For example, you may have removed a method from a class definition that another developer published changes to before you committed your own changes. To view how your version of a file in conflict differs from the latest revision, use the Compare or Diff commands. See “Comparing Revisions” for details.

Version control systems cannot resolve conflicts. They can only make you aware of the presence of conflicts. In some cases, you may be able to resolve the conflict yourself. However, in the majority of cases (if you work in a team), you need to communicate with the person who published the changes that conflict with your own before determining the best way to resolve the conflict.

There are two ways of resolving a conflict between your version of a file and the latest revision in the repository:

Conflicts in the project package (project.xcodeproj) occur when developers add, remove, or rename files from their local copies and commit those files without committing the project file at the same time. You cannot resolve conflicts in the project package. If your copy of the project package gets a status of C, choose SCM > Update Entire Project, or select the project file in the project window and choose SCM > Update To > Latest.

If Xcode displays a dialog asking whether to discard your changes, discard them. You may need to reopen or reread the project (see “Updating Files” for more information).

If Xcode is unable to open your project because the project package is corrupt, you must use your client tool to update the project file to the latest version in the repository. See your tool’s documentation for details.

Last updated: 2009-10-19

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