Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Xcode 3.1 Feature Overview

Xcode 3.1 is a major revision to the Xcode IDE. The main goal of this release is to support iOS application development. However, this release also includes new features to enhance your workflow.

This article describes the new features and improved functionality in Xcode 3.1.

iPhone SDK

Using Xcode 3.1 and the iPhone SDK you can develop applications for iOS. The iPhone SDK includes iOS frameworks and developer tools with which you can build iOS applications. It also includes iPhone Simulator, an environment that allows you to run iOS applications on your Mac to perform initial testing. You can also run your application on actual devices, after becoming a member of the iPhone Dev Center.

For more information about iOS development, see iOS Development Guide.

Project Package Format

Xcode 3.1 introduces the 3.1 project-package format.

Xcode 3.1 reads and builds project packages v2.1–3.0 and automatically upgrades project packages v1.5–2.0 to v3.1.

In general, project packages v3.1 can be opened and built in Xcode 3.0 and 2.5. Xcode tells you when a project package uses a feature it doesn’t support.

Toolbar Items

Xcode 3.1 introduces two toolbar items:

See "Setting Build Factors" in Xcode Project Management Guide for more information.

Text Editor

In Xcode 3.1 the text editor gains two new features:

Property List Editor

The user interface of the Property List Editor application has been revamped to make it easier to edit property list files. Among the improvements are:

Xcode now provides property list editor that uses the same user interface the Property List Editor application uses.

Framework and Library Use

Xcode 3.1 provides a new, straightforward way for adding frameworks and libraries to a target. See "Managing Files and Folders in a Project" in Xcode Project Management Guide for details.

Build System

The Xcode 3.1 build system received several improvements:

New Project and New Target Assistants

Xcode 3.1 updates the New Project and New Target assistants with new project and target types. For details, see "Creating Projects" and "Creating Targets" in Xcode Build System Guide.

Open Quickly

Xcode 3.1 simplifies the Open Quickly dialog and makes it more effective. See "Opening Files by Filename or Symbolname" in Xcode Workspace Guide for details.

FileMerge Application

Xcode 3.1 improves the FileMerge application by:

SCM Workflow

In Xcode 3.1 you can use drag-and-drop to import and check-out directories. And, when you check out a project directory, Xcode configures SCM in the project packages the directory contains so that you can perform SCM operations without having to configure SCM first (as in previous Xcode releases). For details, see "Browsing and Modifying Repositories" in Xcode Source Management Guide.


Xcode 3.1 adds support for GCC 4.2 and LLVM-GCC 4.2 (see LLVM-GCC Release Notes).

Xcode Persistent Cache

To improve the security of Xcode caches, Xcode 3.1 places them in a more secure location. If you don’t use earlier versions of Xcode, you should delete /Library/Caches/ and /Library/Caches/Xcode.

In Xcode 3.1 you can also delete Xcode caches using the Empty Caches command. For more information, see "Xcode Persistent Cache" in Xcode Project Management Guide.

Last updated: 2010-07-02

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