Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Specifying Install Operations

In managed installs, install operations allow you to configure the destination environment before the payload is copied to the file system and to perform additional processing afterward. To specify install operations, you use executable files (known as install operation executables) that Installer invokes at specific stages during an install, as described in “The Installation Process.”

Install operation executables must be named according to the install operation you want to define. The files can be binary files or text files containing shell scripts. All install operations are optional. You define only the operations required by a packaged product.

This chapter shows how you use install operation executables to define the install operations the Installer application performs in a managed install.

Overview of Install Operations

After the Installer application finishes checking installation requirements, it performs an install through distinct operations, known as install operations. You can define all but one of these operations, which copy payloads to their installation destinations. You should not use install operations to fix install problems, such as incorrect ownership and access permissions. You should use install operations only when other managed-install features, such as installation requirements, are not adequate for the chore you need to perform as part of installing a package or metapackage.

Table 7-1 lists the install operations in the order Installer performs them.

Table 7-1  Install operations and executables

Install operation

Operation executable




Prepares the target system for the install; for example, quitting or stopping specific applications or processes.



Prepares the target system for a payload for which no receipt is found.



Prepares the target system for a payload for which a receipt is found.

Payload Drop


Copies the payload to the installation destination. This operation is not modifiable.



Cleanup or system setup for an installed payload.



Cleanup or system setup for an upgraded payload.



Install postprocessing; for example, setting up cron(8) jobs or launching the installed application.

The first three install operations, Preflight, Preinstall, and Preupgrade, can stop an install. When one of the corresponding executables returns anything other than 0, Installer cancels the install.

Important: For install operations to work, operation executables must have their executable bit set. PackageMaker does this automatically when it builds a package. Also, install operation executables must not have a user interface of any kind or affect the installation process by any means other than through return values.

Arguments and Environment Variables for Install Operations

The following list describes the arguments and environment variables available to install operation executables. Note that not all environment variables are available to all executables (see Table 7-2).

The four arguments described earlier are available to all install operations. Table 7-2 shows the availability of the environment variables.

Table 7-2  Environment variables in operation executables

Operation executable

Available environment variables



preinstall, preupgrade


postinstall, postupgrade, postflight


Example: Install Operation Script

Listing 7-1 shows a postflight operation implemented as a shell script that launches an installed application.

Listing 7-1  Sample install operation script

echo $SCRIPT_NAME: launching
open -b com.mycompany.Levon
exit 0

After Installer executes this install operation script, its log shows an entry similar to the one in Listing 7-2.

Listing 7-2  Sample Installer log entry

Jun 20 13:30:03 Athene : postflight[2274]: postflight: launching

Last updated: 2006-07-24

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