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X11PERFCOMP(1)                                                                                X11PERFCOMP(1)

       x11perfcomp - X11 server performance comparison program

       x11perfcomp [ -r | -ro ] [ -l label_file ] files

       The  x11perfcomp program merges the output of several x11perf(1) runs into a nice tabular format.  It
       takes the results in each file, fills in any missing test results if necessary,  and  for  each  test
       shows  the  objects/second  rate of each server.  If invoked with the -r or -ro options, it shows the
       relative performance of each server to the first server.

       Normally, x11perfcomp uses the first file specified to  determine  which  specific  tests  it  should
       report  on.  Some (non-DEC :) servers may fail to perform all tests.  In this case, x11perfcomp auto-matically automatically
       matically substitutes in a rate of 0.0 objects/second.  Since the first file determines  which  tests
       to  report  on,  this  file  must  contain  a superset of the tests reported in the other files, else
       x11perfcomp will fail.

       You can provide an explicit list of tests to report on by using the -l switch to specify  a  file  of
       labels.  You can create a label file by using the -label option in x11perf.

       x11perfcomp accepts the options listed below:

       -r              Specifies that the output should also include relative server performance.

       -ro             Specifies that the output should include only relative server performance.

       -l label_file   Specifies a label file to use.

       There are no X defaults used by this program.

       X(7), x11perf(1)

       Mark Moraes wrote the original scripts to compare servers.
       Joel McCormack just munged them together a bit.

X Version 11                                     x11perf 1.5                                  X11PERFCOMP(1)

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