Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Network Kernel Extensions Overview

Network kernel extension (NKE) is a term used to describe any Mac OS X kernel extension that interacts with the networking stack. It is a separately compiled module (produced, for example, by Xcode using the Kernel Extension (KEXT) project type).

Loading a kernel extension is handled by the kextload(8) command line utility, which adds the NKE to the running Mac OS X kernel as part of the kernel's address space. Eventually, the system will provide automatic mechanisms for loading extensions. Currently, automatic loading is possible only for I/O Kit KEXTs and other KEXTs that they depend on.

As a kernel extension, an NKE provides initialization and termination routines that the kernel invokes when an NKE is loaded or unloaded. The initialization routine handles initializing local data structures and registering controls, filters, and interfaces. Similarly, the termination routine must free any allocated memory and unregister the extension along with any kernel controls associated with it.

NKE Implementation

Review of 4.4BSD Network Architecture

Mac OS X is based on the 4.4BSD UNIX operating system. The following structures control the 4.4BSD network architecture:

None of these structures is used uniformly throughout the 4.4BSD networking infrastructure. Instead, each structure is used at a specific level, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1  Traditional 4.4BSD Networking Architecture

Traditional 4.4BSD Networking Architecture

In Mac OS X, the structures themselves are hidden behind opaque types (or in some cases, integer identifiers). However, from a conceptual perspective, equivalent data structures exist and are accessible through accessor functions. The Mac OS X architecture is summarized in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2  Mac OS X Networking Architecture

Mac OS X Networking Architecture

The socket structure is used to manage the socket. The domain, protosw, and ifnet structures are used to manage packet delivery to and from the network device.

Network KPI Mechanisms

Mac OS X, beginning in version 10.4, supports several networking-related kernel programming interfaces (KPIs). This KPI mechanism consists of opaque data types and functions for manipulating the underlying data structures. Unlike the direct structure access used in previous versions, the KPI mechanism allows for maintaining binary compatibility across OS releases.

Each of the networking KPI mechanisms performs a specific task. The basic networking KPI mechanisms are:

Figure 1-3 shows the NKE architecture in detail.

Figure 1-3  NKE architecture

NKE architecture

Tracking KEXT Usage

The most important aspect of removing a networking filter, pseudo-interface, and similar components is ensuring that all system resources allocated by the KEXT are returned to the system.

To support the dynamic loading and unloading of KEXTs in Mac OS X, the kernel keeps track of the use of registered filters and similar components by other parts of the system. However, while this protects against dangling dependencies on your KEXT, your KEXT must still release any data structures that it has retained from elsewhere. The KEXT must track its use of resources, such as socket structures and mbufs so that the KEXT’s termination routine can eliminate references and return system resources.

Typically, for socket filters, most resources will be specific to a given socket. However, there is a mechanism provided for per-filter allocation. When the networking stack has disposed of all instances of your filter, it will call the filter’s sf_unregistered_func callback. At that time, your filter should deallocate any resources that are global to the filter.

When the networking stack finishes with a particular instance of your filter, it will call its sf_detach_func, iff_detach_func, or ipf_detach_func callback, respectively. Your extension most not unload until it has received detached or unregistered callbacks for every filter or interface that it has registered. Further, it should track any resources it uses and free those resources before unloading.

Resources that are not per-interface or per-filter can be allocated and freed in the KEXT’s start and stop routines.

Instance-Specific Persistent Data

The networking KPI mechanism provides some rudimentary support for tracking memory and data associated with a particular instance of filters. When a filter is attached (regardless of filter type), a cookie is assigned to that particular instance. In the case of socket filters, the attach callback returns this value. For other filter types, the value is passed into the attach function by the caller. While this cookie can contain arbitrary KEXT-specific data, it is generally used to hold a pointer to the data structure of your choice.

The cookie value will be passed as an argument whenever any of your filter’s functions are subsequently called on a given filter instance. You can then cast the value to a pointer to the appropriate structure and use this to recover the information stored therein.

As far as the networking stack is concerned, the cookie is a black box that only has meaning within the context of your kernel extension. It will not attempt to manipulate the cookie in any way, and more importantly, if it contains a pointer to a dynamically-allocated object, your KEXT is expected to manage the deallocation of the underlying data object after the filter instance is detached.

KEXT Dependency Information

The dependencies for KPI-based KEXTs are different from those used for pre-KPI KEXTs in prior versions of Mac OS X.

The KPI dependencies for Mac OS X 10.4 are:

Table 1-1  KEXT Dependencies

Bundle Identifier






I/O Kit APIs


User/Kernel Boundary Crossing APIs


Mach APIs


Unsupported and legacy APIs

For dependency versions for other releases of Mac OS X, see Kernel Extension Programming Topics.

Last updated: 2009-08-14

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