Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Creating a Device Driver With Xcode

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an I/O Kit device driver for Mac OS X. You’ll create a simple driver that prints text messages, but doesn’t actually control a device. This tutorial does not cover the process for loading or debugging your driver—see “Debugging a Kernel Extension With GDB” after you have completed this tutorial for information on loading and debugging.

If you are unfamiliar with Xcode, first read A Tour of Xcode.

Road Map

Here are the major steps you will follow:

  1. “Familiarize Yourself with the I/O Kit Architecture”

  2. “Create a New Project”

  3. “Edit the Information Property List”

  4. “Fill in the Header File”

  5. “Implement the Driver’s Entry Points”

  6. “Add Library Declarations”

  7. “Prepare the Driver for Loading”

This tutorial assumes that you are logged in as an administrator of your machine, which is necessary for using the sudo command.

Familiarize Yourself with the I/O Kit Architecture

Every I/O Kit driver is based on an I/O Kit family, a collection of C++ classes that implement functionality that is common to all devices of a particular type. Examples of I/O Kit families include storage devices (disks), networking devices, and human-interface devices (such as keyboards).

An I/O Kit driver communicates with the device it controls through a provider object, which typically represents the bus connection for the device. Provider objects that do so are referred to as nubs.

An I/O Kit driver is loaded into the kernel automatically when it matches against a device that is represented by a nub. A driver matches against a device by defining one or more personalities, descriptions of the types of device the driver can control.

After an I/O Kit driver matches against a device and loads into the kernel, it routes I/O for the device, as well as vending services related to the device, such as providing a firmware update mechanism.

Before you begin creating your own driver, you should make sure you understand the architecture of the I/O Kit by reading “Architectural Overview” in I/O Kit Fundamentals.

Create a New Project

Creating an I/O Kit driver project in Xcode is as simple as selecting the appropriate project template and providing a name.

  1. Launch Xcode.

  2. Choose File > New Project. The New Project panel appears.

  3. In the New Project panel, pick the appropriate project category and Xcode template.

    In the list of project categories on the left, select System Plug-in.

    In the list of templates on the right, select IOKit Driver.

    Click the Choose button.

  4. In the save sheet that appears, enter the project name and save the project.

    Enter MyDriver as the project name.

    Choose a location for the project, and click the Save button.

    When you click Save, Xcode creates the new project and displays its project window.

    The new project contains several files, including a source file, MyDriver.cpp, which contains no code.

  5. Make sure the driver is building for all architectures.

    Click the disclosure triangle next to Targets in the Groups and Files pane.

    Select the MyDriver target.

    Choose File > Get Info. The Target “MyDriver” Info window opens.

    In the list of settings, find Build Active Architecture Only and make sure the checkbox is unchecked.

    Close the Target “MyDriver” Info window.

Edit the Information Property List

Like all bundles, a device driver contains an information property list, which describes the driver. The default Info.plist file created by Xcode contains template values that you must edit to describe your driver.

A device driver’s Info.plist file is in XML format. Whenever possible, you should view and edit the file from within Xcode or within the Property List Editor application. In this way, you help ensure that you don’t add elements (such as comments) that cannot be parsed by the kernel during early boot.

  1. Click Info.plist in the Xcode project window.

    Xcode displays the Info.plist file in the editor pane. You should see the elements of the property list file, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1  MyDriver Info.plist

    By default, Xcode’s property list editor masks the actual keys and values of a property list. To see the actual keys and values, Control-click anywhere in the property list editor and choose Show Raw Keys/Values from the contextual menu.

  2. Change the value of the CFBundleIdentifier property to use your unique namespace prefix.

    On the line for CFBundleIdentifier, double-click in the Value column to edit it. Select com.yourcompany and change it to com.MyCompany (or your company’s DNS domain in reverse). The value should now be com.MyCompany.driver.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}.

    Bundles in Mac OS X typically use a reverse-DNS naming convention to avoid namespace collisions. This convention is particularly important for kexts, because all loaded kexts share a single namespace for bundle identifiers.

    The last portion of the default bundle identifier, ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}, is replaced with the Product Name build setting for the driver target when you build your project.

  3. Add a personality to your driver’s IOKitPersonalities dictionary.

    Click the IOKitPersonalities property to select it, then click its disclosure triangle so that it points down.

    Click the New Child symbol on the right side of the selected line. A property titled New item appears as a child of the IOKitPersonalities property. Change the name of New item to MyDriver.

    Make the MyDriver item a dictionary. Control-click it and choose Value Type > Dictionary from the contextual menu.

    Your device driver requires one or more entries in the IOKitPersonalities dictionary of its information property list. This dictionary defines properties used for matching your driver to a device and loading it.

  4. Fill in the personality dictionary.

    Create a child entry for the MyDriver dictionary. Rename the child from New item to CFBundleIdentifier. Copy and paste the value from the property list’s top-level CFBundleIdentifier value (com.MyCompany.driver.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}) as the value.

    Create a second child for the MyDriver dictionary. Rename the child to IOClass. Enter com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver as the value. Note that this is the same value as for the CFBundleIdentifier, except it separates its elements with underbars instead of dots. This value is used as the class name for your device driver.

    Create a third child for the MyDriver dictionary. Rename the child to IOKitDebug. Enter 65535 as the value and change the value type from String to Number. If you specify a nonzero value for this property, your driver provides useful debugging information when it matches and loads. When you build your driver for public release, you should specify 0 as the value for this property or remove it entirely.

    Create two more children for the MyDriver dictionary. Assign their names and values according to Table 1.

    Table 1  MyDriver personality dictionary values







    These elements together define a successful match for your driver, so that it can be loaded. They serve the following purposes:

    • IOProviderClass indicates the class of the provider objects that your driver can match on. Normally a device driver matches on the nub that controls the port that your device is connected to. For example, if your driver connects to a PCI bus, you should specify IOPCIDevice as your driver's provider class. In this tutorial, you are creating a virtual driver with no device, so it matches on IOResources.

    • IOMatchCategory allows other drivers to match on the same device as your driver, as long as the drivers‚Äô values for this property differ. This tutorial‚Äôs driver matches on IOResources, a special provider class that provides system-wide resources, so it needs to include this property to allow other drivers to match on IOResources as well. When you develop your driver, you should not include this property unless your driver matches on a device that another driver may match on, such as a serial port with multiple devices attached to it.

    When you have finished adding property list elements, the list should look like the example shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2  Info.plist entries after additions

  5. Choose File > Save to save your changes.

Fill in the Header File

Open MyDriver.h in your project’s Source folder. The default header file contains no code. Figure 3 shows where to find the MyDriver.h file in the project window.

Figure 3  Viewing source code in Xcode

Edit the contents of MyDriver.h to match the code in Listing 1.

Listing 1  MyDriver.h file contents

#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
class com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver : public IOService
    virtual bool init(OSDictionary *dictionary = 0);
    virtual void free(void);
    virtual IOService *probe(IOService *provider, SInt32 *score);
    virtual bool start(IOService *provider);
    virtual void stop(IOService *provider);

Notice that the first line of MyDriver.h includes the header file IOService.h. This header file defines many of the methods and services that device drivers use. The header file is located in the IOKit folder of Kernel.framework. When you develop your own driver, be sure to include only header files from Kernel.framework (in addition to header files you create), because only these files have meaning in the kernel environment. If you include other header files, your driver might compile, but it fails to load because the functions and services defined in those header files are not available in the kernel.

Note that when you are developing your own driver, you should replace instances of com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver with the name of your driver’s class.

In the header file of every driver class, the OSDeclareDefaultStructors macro must be the first line in the class’s declaration. The macro takes one argument: the class’s name. It declares the class’s constructors and destructors for you, in the manner that the I/O Kit expects.

Implement the Driver’s Entry Points

  1. Open MyDriver.cpp in your project’s Source folder. The default file contains no code.

  2. Edit HelloIOKit.cpp to match the code in Listing 2.

    Listing 2  MyDriver.cpp file contents

    #include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
    #include "MyDriver.h"
    // This required macro defines the class's constructors, destructors,
    // and several other methods I/O Kit requires.
    OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver, IOService)
    // Define the driver's superclass.
    #define super IOService
    bool com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver::init(OSDictionary *dict)
        bool result = super::init(dict);
        return result;
    void com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver::free(void)
    IOService *com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver::probe(IOService *provider,
        SInt32 *score)
        IOService *result = super::probe(provider, score);
        return result;
    bool com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver::start(IOService *provider)
        bool result = super::start(provider);
        return result;
    void com_MyCompany_driver_MyDriver::stop(IOService *provider)

    The OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors macro must appear before you define any of your class’s methods. This macro takes two arguments: your class’s name and the name of your class’s superclass. The macro defines the class’s constructors, destructors, and several other methods required by the I/O Kit.

    This listing includes the entry point methods that the I/O Kit uses to access your driver. These entry points serve the following purposes:

    • The init method is the first instance method called on each instance of your driver class. It is called only once on each instance. The free method is the last method called on any object. Any outstanding resources allocated by the driver should be disposed of in free. Note that the init method operates on objects generically; it should be used only to prepare objects to receive calls. Actual driver functionality should be set up in the start method.

    • The probe method is called if your driver needs to communicate with hardware to determine whether there is a match. This method must leave the hardware in a good state when it returns, because other drivers may probe the hardware as well.

    • The start method tells the driver to start driving hardware. After start is called, the driver can begin routing I/O, publishing nubs, and vending services. The stop method is the first method to be called before your driver is unloaded. When stop is called, your driver should clean up any state it created in its start method. The start and stop methods talk to the hardware through your driver‚Äôs provider class.

    The IOLog function is the kernel equivalent of printf for an I/O Kit driver.

  3. Save your changes by choosing File > Save.

  4. Build your project by choosing Build > Build. Fix any compiler errors before continuing.

Add Library Declarations

Because kexts are linked at load time, a kext must list its libraries in its information property list with the OSBundleLibraries property. At this stage of creating your driver, you need to find out what those libraries are. The best way to do so is to run the kextlibs tool on your built kext, and copy its output into your kext’s Info.plist file.

Run kextlibs on the Driver

kextlibs is a command-line program that you run with the Terminal application. Its purpose is to identify libraries that your kext needs to link against.

Note: This tutorial uses the $ prompt when it shows the commands you type in the Terminal application. This is the default prompt of the bash shell, which is the default shell in Mac OS X. If you‚Äôre using a different shell, you may see a different prompt (% is another common prompt).

  1. Start the Terminal application, located in /Applications/Utilities.

  2. In the Terminal window, move to the directory that contains your driver.

    Xcode stores your driver in the Debug folder of the build folder of your project (unless you’ve chosen a different build configuration or set a different location for build products using the Xcode Preferences dialog):

    $ cd MyDriver/build/Debug

    This directory contains your driver. It should have the name MyDriver.kext. This name is formed from the Product Name, as set in your target’s build settings, and a suffix, in this case .kext.

  3. Run kextlibs on your driver with the -xml command-line flag.

    This command looks for all unresolved symbols in your kernel extension’s executable among the installed library extensions (in /System/Library/Extensions/) and prints an XML fragment suitable for pasting into an Info.plist file. For example:

    $ kextlibs -xml MyDriver.kext
  4. Make sure kextlibs exited with a successful status by checking the shell variable $?.

    $ echo $?

    If kextlibs prints any errors or exits with a nonzero status, it may have been unable to locate some symbols. For this tutorial, the libraries are known, but in general usage you should use the kextfind tool to find libraries for any symbols that kextlibs cannot locate. See “Locate Kexts with kextfind.”

  5. Select the XML output of kextlibs and choose Edit > Copy.

Add the Library Declarations to the Information Property List

Earlier you edited the information property list with Xcode’s graphical property list editor. For this operation, however, you need to edit the information property list as text.

  1. Control-click Info.plist in the Xcode project window, then choose Open As > Source Code File from the contextual menu.

    Xcode displays the Info.plist file in the editor pane. You should see the XML contents of the property list file, as shown in Figure 3. Note that dictionary keys and values are listed sequentially.

    Figure 4  MyKext Info.plist file as text

  2. Select all the lines defining the empty OSBundleLibraries dictionary.

  3. Paste text into the info dictionary.

    If kextlibs ran successfully, choose Edit > Paste to paste the text you copied from Terminal.

    If kextlibs didn’t run successfully, type or paste this text into the info dictionary:

  4. Save your changes by choosing File > Save.

  5. Rebuild your driver (choose Build > Build) with the new information property list. Fix any compiler errors before continuing.

Prepare the Driver for Loading

Now you are ready to prepare your driver for loading. You’ll do this with the kextutil tool, which can examine a kext and determine whether it is able to be loaded. kextutil can also load a kext for development purposes, but that functionality is not covered in this tutorial.

Note: This tutorial does not cover loading your driver. For safety reasons, you should not load your driver on your development machine. For information on loading and debugging a kext with a two-machine setup, see ‚ÄúDebugging a Kernel Extension With GDB.‚Äù

Set the Driver’s Permissions

Kexts have strict permissions requirements (see “Kernel Extensions Have Strict Security Requirements” for details). The easiest way to set these permissions is to create a copy of your driver as the root user. Type the following into Terminal from the proper directory and provide your password when prompted:

$ sudo cp -R MyDriver.kext /tmp

Now that the permissions of the driver’s temporary copy are correct, you are ready to run kextutil.

Run kextutil

Type the following into Terminal:

$ kextutil -n -t /tmp/MyDriver.kext

The -n (or -no-load) option tells kextutil not to load the driver, and the -t (or -print-diagnostics) option tells kextutil to print the results of its analysis to Terminal. If you have followed the previous steps in this tutorial correctly, kextutil indicates that the kext is loadable and properly linked.

No kernel file specified; using running kernel for linking.
Notice: /tmp/MyDriver.kext has debug properties set.
MyDriver.kext appears to be loadable (including linkage for on-disk libraries).

Note: You may encounter an error similar to the following:

    Executable does not contain code for architecture:
If you do, make sure you set your kext to build for all architectures, as described in “Create a New Project.”

The debug property notice is due to the nonzero value of the IOKitDebug property in the information property list. Make sure you set this property to zero or remove it when you build your driver for release.

Where to Go Next

Congratulations! You have now written, built, and prepared your own driver for loading. In the next tutorial in this series, “Debugging a Kernel Extension With GDB,” you’ll learn how to load your kext, debug it, and unload it with a two-machine setup.

Last updated: 2010-03-19

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