Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Foundation Framework Reference

The Foundation framework defines a base layer of Objective-C classes. In addition to providing a set of useful primitive object classes, it introduces several paradigms that define functionality not covered by the Objective-C language. The Foundation framework is designed with these goals in mind:

  • Provide a small set of basic utility classes.

  • Make software development easier by introducing consistent conventions for things such as deallocation.

  • Support Unicode strings, object persistence, and object distribution.

  • Provide a level of OS independence, to enhance portability.

The Foundation framework includes the root object class, classes representing basic data types such as strings and byte arrays, collection classes for storing other objects, classes representing system information such as dates, and classes representing communication ports. See Figure I-1 for a list of those classes that make up the Foundation framework.


Header file directories
Companion guides

    Class References
  1. NSAffineTransform
  2. NSAppleEventDescriptor
  3. NSAppleEventManager
  4. NSAppleScript
  5. NSArchiver
  6. NSArray
  7. NSAssertionHandler
  8. NSAttributedString
  9. NSAutoreleasePool
  10. NSBlockOperation
  11. NSBundle
  12. NSCache
  13. NSCachedURLResponse
  14. NSCalendar
  15. NSCharacterSet
  16. NSClassDescription
  17. NSCloneCommand
  18. NSCloseCommand
  19. NSCoder
  20. NSComparisonPredicate
  21. NSCompoundPredicate
  22. NSCondition
  23. NSConditionLock
  24. NSConnection
  25. NSCountCommand
  26. NSCountedSet
  27. NSCreateCommand
  28. NSData
  29. NSDate
  30. NSDateComponents
  31. NSDateFormatter
  32. NSDecimalNumber
  33. NSDecimalNumberHandler
  34. NSDeleteCommand
  35. NSDeserializer
  36. NSDictionary
  37. NSDirectoryEnumerator
  38. NSDistantObject
  39. NSDistantObjectRequest
  40. NSDistributedLock
  41. NSDistributedNotificationCenter
  42. NSEnumerator
  43. NSError
  44. NSException
  45. NSExistsCommand
  46. NSExpression
  47. NSFileHandle
  48. NSFileManager
  49. NSFileWrapper
  50. NSFormatter
  51. NSGarbageCollector
  52. NSGetCommand
  53. NSHashTable
  54. NSHost
  55. NSHTTPCookie
  56. NSHTTPCookieStorage
  57. NSHTTPURLResponse
  58. NSIndexPath
  59. NSIndexSet
  60. NSIndexSpecifier
  61. NSInputStream
  62. NSInvocation
  63. NSInvocationOperation
  64. NSKeyedArchiver
  65. NSKeyedUnarchiver
  66. NSLocale
  67. NSLock
  68. NSLogicalTest
  69. NSMachBootstrapServer
  70. NSMachPort
  71. NSMapTable
  72. NSMessagePort
  73. NSMessagePortNameServer
  74. NSMetadataItem
  75. NSMetadataQuery
  76. NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple
  77. NSMetadataQueryResultGroup
  78. NSMethodSignature
  79. NSMiddleSpecifier
  80. NSMoveCommand
  81. NSMutableArray
  82. NSMutableAttributedString
  83. NSMutableCharacterSet
  84. NSMutableData
  85. NSMutableDictionary
  86. NSMutableIndexSet
  87. NSMutableSet
  88. NSMutableString
  89. NSMutableURLRequest
  90. NSNameSpecifier
  91. NSNetService
  92. NSNetServiceBrowser
  93. NSNotification
  94. NSNotificationCenter
  95. NSNotificationQueue
  96. NSNull
  97. NSNumber
  98. NSNumberFormatter
  99. NSObject
  100. NSOperation
  101. NSOperationQueue
  102. NSOrthography
  103. NSOutputStream
  104. NSPipe
  105. NSPointerArray
  106. NSPointerFunctions
  107. NSPort
  108. NSPortCoder
  109. NSPortMessage
  110. NSPortNameServer
  111. NSPositionalSpecifier
  112. NSPredicate
  113. NSProcessInfo
  114. NSPropertyListSerialization
  115. NSPropertySpecifier
  116. NSProtocolChecker
  117. NSProxy
  118. NSPurgeableData
  119. NSQuitCommand
  120. NSRandomSpecifier
  121. NSRangeSpecifier
  122. NSRecursiveLock
  123. NSRelativeSpecifier
  124. NSRunLoop
  125. NSScanner
  126. NSScriptClassDescription
  127. NSScriptCoercionHandler
  128. NSScriptCommand
  129. NSScriptCommandDescription
  130. NSScriptExecutionContext
  131. NSScriptObjectSpecifier
  132. NSScriptSuiteRegistry
  133. NSScriptWhoseTest
  134. NSSerializer
  135. NSSet
  136. NSSetCommand
  137. NSSocketPort
  138. NSSocketPortNameServer
  139. NSSortDescriptor
  140. NSSpecifierTest
  141. NSSpellServer
  142. NSStream
  143. NSString
  144. NSTask
  145. NSTextCheckingResult
  146. NSThread
  147. NSTimer
  148. NSTimeZone
  149. NSUnarchiver
  150. NSUndoManager
  151. NSUniqueIDSpecifier
  152. NSURL
  153. NSURLAuthenticationChallenge
  154. NSURLCache
  155. NSURLConnection
  156. NSURLCredential
  157. NSURLCredentialStorage
  158. NSURLDownload
  159. NSURLHandle
  160. NSURLProtectionSpace
  161. NSURLProtocol
  162. NSURLRequest
  163. NSURLResponse
  164. NSUserDefaults
  165. NSValue
  166. NSValueTransformer
  167. NSWhoseSpecifier
  168. NSXMLDocument
  170. NSXMLDTDNode
  171. NSXMLElement
  172. NSXMLNode
  173. NSXMLParser

Last updated: 2010-05-20

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