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NSManagedObjectContext Class Reference

Inherits from
Conforms to
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
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An instance of NSManagedObjectContext represents a single “object space” or scratch pad in an application. Its primary responsibility is to manage a collection of managed objects. These objects form a group of related model objects that represent an internally consistent view of one or more persistent stores. A single managed object instance exists in one and only one context, but multiple copies of an object can exist in different contexts. Thus object uniquing is scoped to a particular context.

Life-cycle Management

The context is a powerful object with a central role in the life-cycle of managed objects, with responsibilities from life-cycle management (including faulting) to validation, inverse relationship handling, and undo/redo. Through a context you can retrieve or “fetch” objects from a persistent store, make changes to those objects, and then either discard the changes or—again through the context—commit them back to the persistent store. The context is responsible for watching for changes in its objects and maintains an undo manager so you can have finer-grained control over undo and redo. You can insert new objects and delete ones you have fetched, and commit these modifications to the persistent store.

Persistent Store Coordinator

A context always has a “parent” persistent store coordinator which provides the model and dispatches requests to the various persistent stores containing the data. Without a coordinator, a context is not fully functional. The context’s coordinator provides the managed object model and handles persistency. All objects fetched from an external store are registered in a context together with a global identifier (an instance of NSManagedObjectID) that’s used to uniquely identify each object to the external store.

Subclassing Notes

You are strongly discouraged from subclassing NSManagedObjectContext. The change tracking and undo management mechanisms are highly optimized and hence intricate and delicate. Interposing your own additional logic that might impact processPendingChanges can have unforeseen consequences. In situations such as store migration, Core Data will create instances of NSManagedObjectContext for its own use. Under these circumstances, you cannot rely on any features of your custom subclass. Any NSManagedObject subclass must always be fully compatible with NSManagedObjectContext (as opposed to any subclass of NSManagedObjectContext).


Registering and Fetching Objects

Managed Object Management

Merging Changes from Another Context

Undo Management


Delete Propagation

Retaining Registered Objects

Managing the Persistent Store Coordinator

Managing the Staleness Interval

Managing the Merge Policy

Instance Methods


Specifies the store in which a newly-inserted object will be saved.

- (void)assignObject:(id)object toPersistentStore:(NSPersistentStore *)store


A managed object.


A persistent store.


You can obtain a store from the persistent store coordinator, using for example persistentStoreForURL:.

Special Considerations

It is only necessary to use this method if the receiver’s persistent store coordinator manages multiple writable stores that have object’s entity in their configuration. Maintaining configurations in the managed object model can eliminate the need for invoking this method directly in many situations. If the receiver’s persistent store coordinator manages only a single writable store, or if only one store has object’s entity in its model, object will automatically be assigned to that store.

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Returns the number of objects a given fetch request would have returned if it had been passed to executeFetchRequest:error:.

- (NSUInteger)countForFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request error:(NSError **)error


A fetch request that specifies the search criteria for the fetch.


If there is a problem executing the fetch, upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

The number of objects a given fetch request would have returned if it had been passed to executeFetchRequest:error:.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
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Returns the set of objects that will be removed from their persistent store during the next save operation.

- (NSSet *)deletedObjects

Return Value

The set of objects that will be removed from their persistent store during the next save operation.


The returned set does not necessarily include all the objects that have been deleted (using deleteObject:)—if an object has been inserted and deleted without an intervening save operation, it is not included in the set.

A managed object context does not post key-value observing notifications when the return value of deletedObjects changes. A context does, however, post a NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification notification when a change is made, and a NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification notification and a NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification notification before and after changes are committed respectively (although again the set of deleted objects given for a NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification does not include objects that were inserted and deleted without an intervening save operation—that is, they had never been saved to a persistent store).

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Specifies an object that should be removed from its persistent store when changes are committed.

- (void)deleteObject:(NSManagedObject *)object


A managed object.


When changes are committed, object will be removed from the uniquing tables. If object has not yet been saved to a persistent store, it is simply removed from the receiver.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
See Also
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Marks an object for conflict detection.

- (void)detectConflictsForObject:(NSManagedObject *)object


A managed object.


If on the next invocation of save: object has been modified in its persistent store, the save fails. This allows optimistic locking for unchanged objects. Conflict detection is always performed on changed or deleted objects.

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Returns an array of objects that meet the criteria specified by a given fetch request.

- (NSArray *)executeFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request error:(NSError **)error


A fetch request that specifies the search criteria for the fetch.


If there is a problem executing the fetch, upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

An array of objects that meet the criteria specified by request fetched from the receiver and from the persistent stores associated with the receiver’s persistent store coordinator. If an error occurs, returns nil. If no objects match the criteria specified by request, returns an empty array.


Returned objects are registered with the receiver.

The following points are important to consider:

  • If the fetch request has no predicate, then all instances of the specified entity are retrieved, modulo other criteria below.

  • An object that meets the criteria specified by request (it is an instance of the entity specified by the request, and it matches the request‚Äôs predicate if there is one) and that has been inserted into a context but which is not yet saved to a persistent store, is retrieved if the fetch request is executed on that context.

  • If an object in a context has been modified, a predicate is evaluated against its modified state, not against the current state in the persistent store. Therefore, if an object in a context has been modified such that it meets the fetch request‚Äôs criteria, the request retrieves it even if changes have not been saved to the store and the values in the store are such that it does not meet the criteria. Conversely, if an object in a context has been modified such that it does not match the fetch request, the fetch request will not retrieve it even if the version in the store does match.

  • If an object has been deleted from the context, the fetch request does not retrieve it even if that deletion has not been saved to a store.

Objects that have been realized (populated, faults fired, “read from”, and so on) as well as pending updated, inserted, or deleted, are never changed by a fetch operation without developer intervention. If you fetch some objects, work with them, and then execute a new fetch that includes a superset of those objects, you do not get new instances or update data for the existing objects—you get the existing objects with their current in-memory state.

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Returns the object for the specified ID.

- (NSManagedObject *)existingObjectWithID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectIDerror:(NSError **)error


The object ID for the requested object.


If there is a problem in retrieving the object specified by objectID, upon return contains an error that describes the problem.

Return Value

The object specified by objectID. If the object cannot be fetched, or does not exist, or cannot be faulted, it returns nil.


If there is a managed object with the given ID already registered in the context, that object is returned directly; otherwise the corresponding object is faulted into the context.

This method might perform I/O if the data is uncached.

Unlike objectWithID:, this method never returns a fault.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.6 and later.
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Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver has uncommitted changes.

- (BOOL)hasChanges

Return Value

YES if the receiver has uncommitted changes, otherwise NO.


On Mac OS X v10.6 and later, this property is key-value observing compliant (see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide).

Prior to Mac OS X v10.6, this property is not key-value observing compliant—for example, if you are using Cocoa bindings, you cannot bind to the hasChanges property of a managed object context.

Special Considerations

If you are observing this property using key-value observing (KVO) you should not touch the context or its objects within your implementation of observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: for this notification. (This is because of the intricacy of the locations of the KVO notifications—for example, the context may be in the middle of an undo operation, or repairing a merge conflict.) If you need to send messages to the context of change any of its managed objects as a result of a change to the value of hasChanges, you must do so after the call stack unwinds (typically using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: or a similar method).

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Returns the set of objects that have been inserted into the receiver but not yet saved in a persistent store.

- (NSSet *)insertedObjects

Return Value

The set of objects that have been inserted into the receiver but not yet saved in a persistent store.


A managed object context does not post key-value observing notifications when the return value of insertedObjects changes—it does, however, post a NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification notification when a change is made, and a NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification and a NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification notification before and after changes are committed respectively.

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Registers an object to be inserted in the receiver’s persistent store the next time changes are saved.

- (void)insertObject:(NSManagedObject *)object


A managed object.


The managed object (object) is registered in the receiver with a temporary global ID. It is assigned a permanent global ID when changes are committed. If the current transaction is rolled back (for example, if the receiver is sent a rollback message) before a save operation, the object is unregistered from the receiver.

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Attempts to acquire a lock on the receiver.

- (void)lock


This method blocks a thread’s execution until the lock can be acquired. An application protects a critical section of code by requiring a thread to acquire a lock before executing the code. Once the critical section is past, the thread relinquishes the lock by invoking unlock.

Sending this message to a managed object context helps the framework to understand the scope of a transaction in a multi-threaded environment. It is preferable to use the NSManagedObjectContext’s implementation of NSLocking instead using of a separate mutex object.

If you lock (or successfully tryLock) a managed object context, the thread in which the lock call is made must have a retain until it invokes unlock. If you do not properly retain a context in a multi-threaded environment, this will result in deadlock.

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Merges the changes specified in a given notification.

- (void)mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:(NSNotification *)notification


An instance of an NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification notification posted by another context.


This method refreshes any objects which have been updated in the other context, faults in any newly-inserted objects, and invokes deleteObject:: on those which have been deleted.

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Returns the merge policy of the receiver.

- (id)mergePolicy

Return Value

The receiver’s merge policy.


The default is NSErrorMergePolicy.

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Returns the object for a specified ID, if the object is registered with the receiver.

- (NSManagedObject *)objectRegisteredForID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectID


An object ID.

Return Value

The object for the specified ID if it is registered with the receiver, otherwise nil.

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Returns the object for a specified ID.

- (NSManagedObject *)objectWithID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectID


An object ID.

Return Value

The object for the specified ID.


If the object is not registered in the context, it may be fetched or returned as a fault. This method always returns an object. The data in the persistent store represented by objectID is assumed to exist—if it does not, the returned object throws an exception when you access any property (that is, when the fault is fired). The benefit of this behavior is that it allows you to create and use faults, then create the underlying rows later or in a separate context.

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Converts to permanent IDs the object IDs of the objects in a given array.

- (BOOL)obtainPermanentIDsForObjects:(NSArray *)objects error:(NSError **)error


An array of managed objects.


If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.

Return Value

YES if permanent IDs are obtained for all the objects in objects, otherwise NO.


This method converts the object ID of each managed object in objects to a permanent ID. Although the object will have a permanent ID, it will still respond positively to isInserted until it is saved. Any object that already has a permanent ID is ignored.

Any object not already assigned to a store is assigned based on the same rules Core Data uses for assignment during a save operation (first writable store supporting the entity, and appropriate for the instance and its related items).

Special Considerations

This method results in a transaction with the underlying store which changes the file’s modification date.

This results an additional consideration if you invoke this method on the managed object context associated with an instance of NSPersistentDocument. Instances of NSDocument need to know that they are in sync with the underlying content. To avoid problems, after invoking this method you must therefore update the document’s modification date (using setFileModificationDate:).

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Returns the persistent store coordinator of the receiver.

- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator

Return Value

The persistent store coordinator of the receiver.

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Forces the receiver to process changes to the object graph.

- (void)processPendingChanges


This method causes changes to registered managed objects to be recorded with the undo manager.

In AppKit-based applications, this method is invoked automatically at least once during the event loop (at the end of the loop)—it may be called more often than that if the framework needs to coalesce your changes before doing something else. You can also invoke it manually to coalesce any pending unprocessed changes.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
See Also
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Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the receiver propagates deletes at the end of the event in which a change was made.

- (BOOL)propagatesDeletesAtEndOfEvent

Return Value

YES if the receiver propagates deletes at the end of the event in which a change was made, NO if it propagates deletes only immediately before saving changes.

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Sends an redo message to the receiver’s undo manager, asking it to reverse the latest undo operation applied to objects in the object graph.

- (void)redo

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Updates the persistent properties of a managed object to use the latest values from the persistent store.

- (void)refreshObject:(NSManagedObject *)object mergeChanges:(BOOL)flag


A managed object.


A Boolean value.

If flag is NO, then object is turned into a fault and any pending changes are lost. The object remains a fault until it is accessed again, at which time its property values will be reloaded from the store or last cached state.

If flag is YES, then object’s property values are reloaded from the values from the store or the last cached state then any changes that were made (in the local context) are re-applied over those (now newly updated) values. (If flag is YES the merge of the values into object will always succeed—in this case there is therefore no such thing as a “merge conflict” or a merge that is not possible.)


If the staleness interval (see stalenessInterval) has not been exceeded, any available cached data is reused instead of executing a new fetch. If flag is YES, this method does not affect any transient properties; if flag is NO, transient properties are released.

You typically use this method to ensure data freshness if more than one managed object context may use the same persistent store simultaneously, in particular if you get an optimistic locking failure when attempting to save.

It is important to note that turning object into a fault (flag is NO) also causes related managed objects (that is, those to which object has a reference) to be released, so you can also use this method to trim a portion of your object graph you want to constrain memory usage.

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Returns the set of objects registered with the receiver.

- (NSSet *)registeredObjects

Return Value

The set of objects registered with the receiver.


A managed object context does not post key-value observing notifications when the return value of registeredObjects changes.

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Returns the receiver to its base state.

- (void)reset


All the receiver's managed objects are “forgotten.” If you use this method, you should ensure that you also discard references to any managed objects fetched using the receiver, since they will be invalid afterwards.

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Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the receiver sends a retain message to objects upon registration.

- (BOOL)retainsRegisteredObjects

Return Value

YES if the receiver sends a retain message to objects upon registration, otherwise NO.

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Removes everything from the undo stack, discards all insertions and deletions, and restores updated objects to their last committed values.

- (void)rollback


This method does not refetch data from the persistent store or stores.

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Attempts to commit unsaved changes to registered objects to their persistent store.

- (BOOL)save:(NSError **)error


A pointer to an NSError object. You do not need to create an NSError object. The save operation aborts after the first failure if you pass NULL.

Return Value

YES if the save succeeds, otherwise NO.


If there were multiple errors (for example several edited objects had validation failures) the description of NSError returned indicates that there were multiple errors, and its userInfo dictionary contains the key NSDetailedErrors. The value associated with the NSDetailedErrors key is an array that contains the individual NSError objects.

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Sets the merge policy of the receiver.

- (void)setMergePolicy:(id)mergePolicy


The merge policy of the receiver. For possible values, see “Merge Policies”.

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Sets the persistent store coordinator of the receiver.

- (void)setPersistentStoreCoordinator:(NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)coordinator


The persistent store coordinator of the receiver.


The coordinator provides the managed object model and handles persistency. Note that multiple contexts can share a coordinator.

This method raises an exception if coordinator is nil. If you want to “disconnect" a context from its persistent store coordinator, you should simply release all references to the context and allow it to be deallocated normally.

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Sets whether the context propagates deletes to related objects at the end of the event.

- (void)setPropagatesDeletesAtEndOfEvent:(BOOL)flag


A Boolean value that indicates whether the context propagates deletes to related objects at the end of the event (YES) or not (NO).


The default is YES. If the value is NO, then deletes are propagated during a save operation.

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Sets whether or not the receiver retains all registered objects, or only objects necessary for a pending save (those that are inserted, updated, deleted, or locked).

- (void)setRetainsRegisteredObjects:(BOOL)flag


A Boolean value.

If flag is NO, then registered objects are retained only when they are inserted, updated, deleted, or locked.

If flag is YES, then all registered objects are retained.


The default is NO.

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Sets the maximum length of time that may have elapsed since the store previously fetched data before fulfilling a fault issues a new fetch rather than using the previously-fetched data.

- (void)setStalenessInterval:(NSTimeInterval)expiration


The maximum length of time that may have elapsed since the store previously fetched data before fulfilling a fault issues a new fetch rather than using the previously-fetched data.

A negative value represents an infinite value; 0.0 represents “no staleness acceptable”.


The staleness interval controls whether fulfilling a fault uses data previously fetched by the application, or issues a new fetch (see also refreshObject:mergeChanges:). The staleness interval does not affect objects currently in use (that is, it is not used to automatically update property values from a persistent store after a certain period of time).

The expiration value is applied on a per object basis. It is the relative time until cached data (snapshots) should be considered stale. For example, a value of 300.0 informs the context to utilize cached information for no more than 5 minutes after an object was originally fetched.

Note that the staleness interval is a hint and may not be supported by all persistent store types. It is not used by XML and binary stores, since these stores maintain all current values in memory.

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Sets the undo manager of the receiver.

- (void)setUndoManager:(NSUndoManager *)undoManager


The undo manager of the receiver.


You can set the undo manager to nil to disable undo support. This provides a performance benefit if you do not want to support undo for a particular context, for example in a large import process—see Core Data Programming Guide.

If a context does not have an undo manager, you can enable undo support by setting one. You may also replace a context’s undo manager if you want to integrate the context’s undo operations with another undo manager in your application.

Important: On Mac¬†OS¬†X, a context provides an undo manager by default; on iOS, the undo manager is nil by default.

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Returns the maximum length of time that may have elapsed since the store previously fetched data before fulfilling a fault issues a new fetch rather than using the previously-fetched data.

- (NSTimeInterval)stalenessInterval

Return Value

The maximum length of time that may have elapsed since the store previously fetched data before fulfilling a fault issues a new fetch rather than using the previously-fetched data.


The default is infinite staleness, represented by an interval of -1 (although any negative value represents an infinite value); 0.0 represents “no staleness acceptable”.

For a full discussion, see setStalenessInterval:.

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Attempts to acquire a lock.

- (BOOL)tryLock

Return Value

YES if a lock was acquired, NO otherwise.


This method returns immediately after the attempt to acquire a lock.

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Sends an undo message to the receiver’s undo manager, asking it to reverse the latest uncommitted changes applied to objects in the object graph.

- (void)undo

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Returns the undo manager of the receiver.

- (NSUndoManager *)undoManager

Return Value

The undo manager of the receiver.


For a discussion, see setUndoManager:.

Important: On Mac¬†OS¬†X, a context provides an undo manager by default; on iOS, the undo manager is nil by default.

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Relinquishes a previously acquired lock.

- (void)unlock

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Returns the set of objects registered with the receiver that have uncommitted changes.

- (NSSet *)updatedObjects

Return Value

The set of objects registered with the receiver that have uncommitted changes.


A managed object context does not post key-value observing notifications when the return value of updatedObjects changes. A context does, however, post a NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification notification when a change is made, and a NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification notification and a NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification notification before and after changes are committed respectively.

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NSManagedObjectContext Change Notification User Info Keys

Core Data uses these string constants as keys in the user info dictionary in aNSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification notification.

NSString * const NSInsertedObjectsKey;
NSString * const NSUpdatedObjectsKey;
NSString * const NSDeletedObjectsKey;
NSString * const NSRefreshedObjectsKey;
NSString * const NSInvalidatedObjectsKey;
NSString * const NSInvalidatedAllObjectsKey;

Key for the set of objects that were inserted into the context.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


Key for the set of objects that were updated.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


Key for the set of objects that were marked for deletion during the previous event.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


Key for the set of objects that were refreshed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


Key for the set of objects that were invalidated.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


Key that specifies that all objects in the context have been invalidated.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.

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Merge Policies

Merge policy constants define the way conflicts are handled during a save operation.

id NSErrorMergePolicy;
id NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy;
id NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy;
id NSOverwriteMergePolicy;
id NSRollbackMergePolicy;

This policy causes a save to fail if there are any merge conflicts.

In the case of failure, the save method returns with an error with a userInfo dictionary that contains the key @"conflictList"; the corresponding value is an array of conflict records.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


This policy merges conflicts between the persistent store’s version of the object and the current in-memory version, giving priority to external changes.

The merge occurs by individual property. For properties that have been changed in both the external source and in memory, the external changes trump the in-memory ones.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


This policy merges conflicts between the persistent store’s version of the object and the current in-memory version, giving priority to in-memory changes.

The merge occurs by individual property. For properties that have been changed in both the external source and in memory, the in-memory changes trump the external ones.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


This policy overwrites state in the persistent store for the changed objects in conflict.

Changed objects’ current state is forced upon the persistent store.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


This policy discards in-memory state changes for objects in conflict.

The persistent store’s version of the objects’ state is used.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObjectContext.h.


The default policy is the NSErrorMergePolicy. It is the only policy that requires action to correct any conflicts; the other policies make a save go through silently by making changes following their rules.

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The following constants, defined in CoreDataErrors.h, relate to errors returned following validation failures or problems encountered during a save operation.

NSValidationObjectErrorKeyKey for the object that failed to validate for a validation error.
NSAffectedStoresErrorKeyThe key for stores prompting an error.
NSAffectedObjectsErrorKeyThe key for objects prompting an error.

Each conflict record in the @"conflictList" array in the userInfo dictionary for an error from the NSErrorMergePolicy is a dictionary containing some of the keys described in the following table. Of the cachedRow, databaseRow, and snapshot keys, only two will be present depending on whether the conflict is between the managed object context and the persistent store coordinator (snapshot and cachedRow) or between the persistent store coordinator and the persistent store (cachedRow and databaseRow).




The managed object that could not be saved.


A dictionary of key-value pairs for the properties that represents the managed object context’s last saved state for this managed object.


A dictionary of key-value pairs for the properties that represents the persistent store's last saved state for this managed object.


A dictionary of key-value pairs for the properties that represents the database's current state for this managed object.


An NSNumber object whose value is latest version number of this managed object.


As NSNumber object whose value is the version number that this managed object context last saved for this managed object.



Posted when values of properties of objects contained in a managed object context are changed.

The notification is posted during processPendingChanges, after the changes have been processed, but before it is safe to call save: again (if you try, you will generate an infinite loop).

The notification object is the managed object context. The userInfo dictionary contains the following keys: NSInsertedObjectsKey, NSUpdatedObjectsKey, and NSDeletedObjectsKey.

Note that this notification is posted only when managed objects are changed; it is not posted when managed objects are added to a context as the result of a fetch.

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Posted whenever a managed object context completes a save operation.

The notification object is the managed object context. The userInfo dictionary contains the following keys: NSInsertedObjectsKey, NSUpdatedObjectsKey, and NSDeletedObjectsKey.

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Posted whenever a managed object context is about to perform a save operation.

The notification object is the managed object context. There is no userInfo dictionary.

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Last updated: 2010-04-21

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