Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Using Scripting Bridge

Scripting Bridge code is very much like any other Objective-C code. However, there are some differences, mostly deriving from the OSA architecture on which the dispatch and handling of Apple events is based. This chapter describes how to use Scripting Bridge in Objective-C projects, pointing out those differences along the way. “Improving the Performance of Scripting Bridge Code” also discusses the correct or optimal use of Scripting Bridge, but from a performance angle.

Preparing to Code

Before you begin writing any Scripting Bridge code for your project, there are a few steps you should complete:

  1. Generate header files for all scriptable applications that your code is sending messages to.

  2. Add these files to your project.

  3. In your header or implementation files, add #import statements for the generated header files.

  4. Add the Scripting Bridge framework to your project.

You can use id to type Scripting Bridge objects dynamically, but such code is vulnerable to programming errors and results in lots of warning messages when you build your project. It is recommended that you generate a header file for each scriptable application, add these files to your project, and in your code give Scripting Bridge specific types based on what you find in the header files. Doing so allows the compiler to check the types of objects (eliminating spurious warning messages) and gives you more assurance that you are sending messages to the correct recipients.

A header file that you generate for a scriptable application serves as reference documentation for the scripting classes of that application. It includes information about the inheritance relationships between classes and the containment relationships between their objects. It also shows how commands, properties, and elements are declared. Taking the iTunes application as an example, the header file shows the definition of the application class (iTunesApplication), the application’s scripting classes (such as iTunesTrack and iTunesSource), commands (such as the eject method), and properties (such as the artist declared property). A header file also includes comments extracted from the scripting definition, such as the comment added to this declaration for the FinderApplication class:

- (void)empty;   // Empty the trash

To create a header file, you need to run two command-line tools—sdef and sdp—together, with the output from one piped to the other. This is the recommended syntax:

sdef /path/to/ | sdp -fh --basename applicationName

The sdef utility gets the scripting definition from the designated application; if that application does not contain an sdef file, but does instead contain scripting information in an older format (such as the scripting suite and terminology property lists), it translates that information into the sdef format first. The sdp tool run with the above options generates an Objective-C header file for the designated scriptable application. Thus, for iTunes, you would run the following command to produce a header file named iTunes.h:

sdef /Applications/ | sdp -fh --basename iTunes

Add the generated file to your Xcode project by choosing Add to Project from the Project menu and specifying the file in the ensuing dialog. In any source or header file in your project that references Scripting Bridge objects, insert the appropriate #import statements, such as the following:

#import "iTunes.h"

Finally, make sure that you have added the Scripting Bridge framework (/System/Library/Frameworks/ScriptingBridge.framework) to your project using the Project > Add to Project menu command. It is not necessary to have #import statements for the framework because the header files for the scriptable applications do that already.

Creating the Application Object

Before you can send messages to a scriptable application, you need an object that represents the application. As explained in “Classes of the Scripting Bridge Framework,” the Scripting Bridge framework declares three class factory methods for creating instances of scriptable applications; each takes a different value for locating the application.

The recommended method for creating an instance of a scriptable application is applicationWithBundleIdentifier:. The method can locate an application on a system even if the user has renamed the application, and it doesn’t require you to know where an application is installed in the file system (which could be anywhere). The following line of code creates an instance of the iTunes application:

iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];

If you don’t know an application’s bundle identifier, you can find it by looking for the value of CFBundleIdentifier property in the Info.plist file stored in the application bundle.

There might be occasions when using one of the other class factory methods makes sense. For example, if you are writing an application that uses Scripting Bridge for your own personal use, you could refer to applications by URL. The following example creates an instance of the Pages application, locating it by URL in an installation location other than /Applications.

NSURL *pagesURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Applications/iWork/", NSHomeDirectory()]];
PagesApplication *pagesApp = [SBApplication applicationWithURL:pagesURL];

Controlling an Application

To control a scriptable application, simply send to the instance of the application or one of its objects a message based on a method declared by the object’s class. These methods correspond to commands in the application’s scripting definition. The action method listed in Listing 2-1 plays the currently selected iTunes track and then modulates the volume of the sound, eventually restoring it to the original level.

Listing 2-1  Controlling the volume of iTunes

- (IBAction)play:(id)sender {
    iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    if ( [iTunes isRunning] ) {
        int rampVolume, originalVolume;
        originalVolume = [iTunes soundVolume];
        [iTunes setSoundVolume:0];
        [iTunes playOnce:NO];
        for (rampVolume = 0; rampVolume < originalVolume; rampVolume += originalVolume / 16) {
            [iTunes setSoundVolume: rampVolume];
            /* pause 1/10th of a second (100,000 microseconds) between adjustments. */
        [iTunes setSoundVolume:originalVolume];

Note that this method tests whether the application is running before it attempts to control it. (The isRunning method is declared by the SBApplication class.) This programming practice is discussed in more detail in “Improving the Performance of Scripting Bridge Code.”

Getting and Setting Properties

In the object graph that Scripting Bridge dynamically generates for a scriptable application, most objects are containers of other objects, or of objects that refer to another scripting object. In a data-modeling sense, they express to-many or to-one relationships and enable your code to “drill down” the object graph. It is only when you get to the leaf nodes of the graph, which are typically the properties of an object, that you are able to access concrete data, such as a name, a color, or a numerical value. As you may recall, Scripting Bridge implements properties of scripting objects as declared properties in Objective-C.

Getting the value of a property requires you to navigate the object hierarchy of the application until you come to the target object—that is, the object that declares those properties—and then send a message to that object that is the same as the property name. Sometimes you don’t have to navigate that far. For example, the fragment of code in Listing 2-2 sends two messages to the ITunesApplication object.

Listing 2-2  Getting the name of the current track

iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
NSLog(@"Current song is %@", [[iTunes currentTrack] name]);

The first message to the application gets the value of its currentTrack property; this message yields an object of class iTunesTrack representing the track currently playing. This object does itself not represent any concrete data, but the message then sent to it (name) returns the value of its name property as an NSString object.

Important: If you call an accessor method to get a property value of a type descended from SBObject (for example, an iTunesTrack object), you receive an SBObject object even if there is no ‚Äúreal‚Äù object set. In a sense, this is an ‚Äúempty‚Äù object that refers to nothing in the target application. Attempting to evaluate the reference results in an error. In such cases, it is recommended that you test the returned object with the exists method to determine if it is a reference to a real object.

You can also set the values of properties unless they are (in their declaration) marked as readonly. The code in Listing 2-3 implements a command-line tool that clears the locked property in items in the Trash.

Listing 2-3  Setting the locked property of Finder items

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    FinderApplication *theFinder = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @""];
    SBElementArray *trashItems = [[theFinder trash] items];
    if ([trashItems count] > 0) {
        for (FinderItem *item in trashItems) {
            if ([item locked]==YES)
                [item setLocked:NO];
    [pool drain];
    return 0;

As the listing shows, you can set the value with a message of the form setProperty:, where Property is the name of the property with the initial letter capitalized. You can also use dot notation when setting property values—these are, after all, Objective-C declared properties. For example, you could set the value of the locked property with this statement:

item.locked = NO;

However, you could rewrite the Scripting Bridge code in Listing 2-3 to be more efficient by using the setValue:forKey: method of NSArray. The example in Listing 2-4 sends just one Apple event instead of one event per item in the Trash.

Listing 2-4  More efficiently setting the locked property

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    FinderApplication *theFinder = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @""];
    SBElementArray *trashItems = [[theFinder trash] items];
    [trashItems setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"locked"];
    [pool drain];
    return 0;

Note: See ‚ÄúUsing Element Arrays‚Äù for more information on other array-processing approaches and ‚ÄúImproving the Performance of Scripting Bridge Code‚Äù for a discussion of related performance techniques.

Instead of messages you can use dot notation to traverse the object graph of a scriptable application. The following line is equivalent to the second line in Listing 2-2:

NSLog(@"Current song is %@",;

Sometimes asking a scripting object for the value of a property might not return the expected concrete data. This happens if the returned value itself is an instance of an application-specific subclass of SBObject, and thus an object specifier referring to what may be the concrete data. Consider the example in Listing 2-5. This code copies the textual content of each selected Mail message to a TextEdit document.

Listing 2-5  Forcing evaluation of a scripting object to get a property value

- (IBAction)copyMailMessage:(id)sender {
    MailApplication *mailApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    TextEditApplication *textEdit = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    SBElementArray *viewers = [mailApp messageViewers];
    for (MailMessageViewer *viewer in viewers) {
        NSArray *selected = [viewer selectedMessages];
        for (MailMessage *message in selected) {
            TextEditDocument *doc = [[[textEdit classForScriptingClass:@"document"] alloc] init];
            [[textEdit documents] addObject:doc];
            doc.text = [[message content] get];

The last line of code in the example includes the message [message content], but this message does not yield the textual content of the message as one might expect. Instead, a get message is required to force evaluation and thereby obtain the text for assignment. What [message content] returns in an instance of MailText, which a subclass of SBObject. This instance is an object specifier that refers to the actual text. For more on forced evaluation of object specifiers through the get method, see “Improving the Performance of Scripting Bridge Code.”

Using Element Arrays

Element arrays, or SBElementArray objects, are collections of scripting objects of the same type. Scripting Bridge implements the elements it finds in an application’s scripting definition as methods that return SBElementArray instances. Because SBElementArray is a subclass of NSMutableArray, you can send methods to element arrays that are declared by NSMutableArray and its superclass, NSArray. For example, as shown in Listing 2-6, you could use an NSEnumerator object to enumerate through the array.

Listing 2-6  Using an enumerator to iterate through an element array

FinderApplication *theFinder = [[[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @""] alloc] init];
SBElementArray *trashItems = [[theFinder trash] items];
if ([trashItems count] > 0) {
    NSEnumerator *tren = [trashItems objectEnumerator];
    FinderItem *item;
    while (item = [tren nextObject]) {
        if ([item locked]==YES)
            [item setLocked:NO];

Or you could even use the fast enumeration feature of Objective-C 2.0 to more efficiently iterate through the array, as shown in Listing 2-7.

Listing 2-7  Using fast enumeration on an element array

FinderApplication *theFinder = [[[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @""] alloc] init];
    SBElementArray *trashItems = [[theFinder trash] items];
    if ([trashItems count] > 0) {
        for (FinderItem *item in trashItems) {
            item.locked = NO;

Although it is possible to enumerate through SBElementArray objects, as a general rule don’t enumerate if you can avoid it. You can get much better performance by using one of the “bulk operation” array methods that Cocoa and Scripting Bridge provide:

The code in Listing 2-8 uses the last of these methods to create a pop-up list with the calendar names obtained from the iCal application.

Listing 2-8  Using the arrayByApplyingSelector: method to populate a pop-up button

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    [time setDateValue: [NSDate date]];
    [NSApp setDelegate: self];
    iCalApplication *iCal = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    SBElementArray *calendars = [iCal calendars];
    [cal_popup removeAllItems]; // cal_pop is an outlet to a pop-up button
    [cal_popup addItemsWithTitles:[calendars arrayByApplyingSelector: @selector(name)]];

The code fragment in Listing 2-9 (which is extracted from the method shown in Listing 2-11) uses the filteredArrayUsingPredicate: method to create an array containing a subset of calendar events that each have a particular name.

Listing 2-9  Filtering an element array using a predicate

iCalEvent *theEvent;
NSArray *matchingEvents = [[theCalendar events] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:
            [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"summary == %@", eventName]];
if ( [matchingEvents count] >= 1 ) {
        // handle any events that match..

SBElementArray also declares methods for extracting individual objects from element arrays using various forms of reference: name (objectWithName:), unique identifier (objectWithName:), and location within the array (objectAtLocation:). The code fragment in Listing 2-10 shows the use of the objectWithName: method. (Again, this fragment is taken from the example in Listing 2-11.)

Listing 2-10  Getting an object from an element array by specifying its name

iCalApplication *iCal = [[[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""] alloc] init];
iCalCalendar *theCalendar;
[iCal activate];
NSString *calendarName = [calendar titleOfSelectedItem];
if ( [[[iCal calendars] objectWithName:calendarName] exists] ) {
    theCalendar = [[iCal calendars] objectWithName:calendarName];
// etc....

Important: If you call an element accessor method (for example, objectWithName:) to get an object from an element array, you receive an SBObject object even if there is no ‚Äúreal‚Äù object with that name, ID, location, or index in the array. In a sense, this is an ‚Äúempty‚Äù object that refers to nothing in the target application. Attempting to evaluate the reference results in an error. In such cases, it is recommended that you test the returned object with the exists method to determine if it is a reference to a real object.

For adding scripting objects to element arrays, you may use NSMutableArray methods such as insertObject:atIndex: and addObject:. To remove objects from element arrays, call removeObject: (or a related method of NSMutableArray) on the element array.

Creating and Adding Scripting Objects

In addition to allowing you to control an application and get and set the properties of scripting objects, Scripting Bridge lets you add scripting objects to an application. For example, you could use Scripting Bridge to dynamically add a playlist to iTunes. There are two important guidelines to remember when adding a scripting object to an application:

You can use the init and initWithProperties: methods of SBObject to initialize the scripting object. Here are a few lines of code (taken from Listing 2-5) that use init:

TextEditDocument *doc = [[[textEdit classForScriptingClass:@"document"] alloc] init];
[[textEdit documents] addObject:doc];
doc.text = [[message content] get];

Note that the code does not set the text property until the scripting object has been added to TextEdit’s element array of documents. The following code fragment, on the other hand, creates a dictionary with the text property and then initializes the scripting object with it using initWithProperties: :

NSDictionary *props = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[[message content] get] forKey:@"text"];
TextEditDocument *doc = [[[textEdit classForScriptingClass:@"document"] alloc] initWithProperties:props];
[[textEdit documents] addObject:doc];

Listing 2-11 provides an extended example of conditionally creating and inserting iCal calendar and event objects, showing both approaches.

Listing 2-11  Creating and adding new scripting objects to the object graph

- (IBAction)addUpdateEvent:(id)sender {
    iCalApplication *iCal = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    iCalCalendar *theCalendar;
    [iCal activate];
    NSString *calendarName = [calendar titleOfSelectedItem];
    if ( [[[iCal calendars] objectWithName:calendarName] exists] ) {
        theCalendar = [[iCal calendars] objectWithName:calendarName];
    } else {
        NSDictionary *props = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:calendarName forKey:@"name"];
        theCalendar = [[[[iCal classForScriptingClass:@"calendar"] alloc] initWithProperties: props] autorelease];
        [[iCal calendars] addObject: theCalendar];
    NSString *eventName = [event stringValue];
    NSDate* startDate = [time dateValue];
    NSDate* endDate = [[[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:3600 sinceDate:startDate] autorelease];
    iCalEvent *theEvent;
    NSArray *matchingEvents =
        [[theCalendar events] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:
            [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"summary == %@", eventName]];
    if ( [matchingEvents count] >= 1 ) {
        theEvent = (iCalEvent *) [matchingEvents objectAtIndex:0];
        [theEvent setStartDate:startDate];
        [theEvent setEndDate:endDate];
    } else {
        theEvent = [[[[iCal classForScriptingClass:@"event"] alloc] init] autorelease];
        [[theCalendar events] addObject: theEvent];
        [theEvent setSummary:eventName];
        [theEvent setStartDate:startDate];
        [theEvent setEndDate:endDate];
    [iCal release];

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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