Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

How Cocoa Applications Handle Apple Events

Whether your application is scriptable or not, Cocoa provides automatic handling for certain Apple events that all applications receive. This chapter describes Cocoa's default support for handling those Apple events and what your application must do to support or modify the default behavior.

Apple Event Handling Overview

All Mac OS X applications that present a graphical user interface should be able to respond to certain Apple events that are sent by the Mac OS. These events, sometimes called the required events, include those the application can receive at launch (the open application, open documents, print documents, and open contents events), as well as others it receives when already running (again including open documents and print documents, as well as the reopen and quit events). These events can also be sent by other applications and by users executing scripts.

If an application is scriptable, it can receive additional events that target the scriptable features it supports.

Basics of Apple Event Handling

Applications work with the Apple Event Manager to receive and extract information from Apple events. The processing of Apple events typically follows this pattern:

  1. For the Apple events an application expects to receive, it registers callback routines, called Apple event handlers, with the Apple Event Manager.

  2. When the application receives an Apple event, it uses the Apple Event Manager to dispatch the event to the appropriate event handler and to identify the object or objects in the application on which to perform the specified operation. (The details vary depending on the programming environment in use.)

You can read more about this process in Apple Events Programming Guide and Apple Event Manager Reference. The implementation of code to handle Apple events can be somewhat complex. However, Cocoa provides a lot of built-in support for handling Apple events, minimizing the need for your application to work directly with Apple event data structures or the Apple Event Manager.

Handling Apple Events in a Cocoa Application

For every Cocoa application, the Application Kit automatically installs event handlers for Apple events it knows how to handle, including those sent by the Mac OS. These event handlers implement a default behavior, described in “Apple Events Sent by the Mac OS,” that in some cases depends on code implemented by your application.

Nonscriptable Applications

A nonscriptable application can support or modify the default behavior provided by the Application Kit's Apple event handlers in these ways:

A nonscriptable application can also install handlers for other Apple events. But if your nonscriptable application needs to install many handlers, you should consider making it scriptable.

Scriptable Applications

A scriptable application can support or modify the default behavior provided by the Application Kit's Apple event handlers in the same ways a nonscriptable application can (by implementing or overriding the appropriate methods, or by installing a replacement event handler).

For other Apple events, a scriptable application doesn't typically install handlers directly (although it is free to do so) because it can use the script command mechanism. That mechanism, which automatically installs handlers based on information in the application's sdef file, is summarized in “Snapshot of Cocoa Scripting” and described in more detail in “Script Commands.”

Important: Your scriptable application should not attempt to provide script command classes to override the Apple event handlers installed by the Application Kit. Because your scriptability information is not loaded until your application receives an Apple event for which no command has been registered, the handlers installed by the Application Kit can be invoked before your handlers are installed.

Apple Events Sent by the Mac OS

The following sections describe Apple events your application is likely to receive from the Mac OS, the response that is expected, and the default behavior supplied by the Application Kit. Your application can implement, or in some cases override, the appropriate methods to support or modify the default behavior. (These events can also be sent by scripts or by other applications.)

Open Application

The open application (or launch) Apple event is received when the application is launched. The application should perform any tasks required when a user launches it without opening or printing any documents.

Note: The application will instead receive an open documents event if it is launched in response to a user double-clicking a document icon.

Here is how the open application event is handled in Mac OS X version 10.4:

  1. The application is launched.

  2. The application determines if a new, untitled document should be created by invoking the application delegate’s applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: method. If the application delegate does not implement this method, a new untitled document is created. Implement this method if you want to control that behavior (whether or not your application is NSDocument-based.)

  3. If the application delegate responds to applicationOpenUntitledFile:, that message is sent.


    • If the application is NSDocument-based, the shared NSDocumentController is sent this message:


      You can modify the default behavior by overriding this method. Or you can override the methods this method invokes (described in the Mac OS X version 10.4 documentation for NSDocumentController).

    • It the application is not document-based, for a document to be created, your application delegate must implement this method:


Starting in Mac OS X version 10.4, an open application Apple event may contain information about whether the application was launched as a login item or as a service item. If so, the application typically should only perform actions suitable to the environment in which it is launched. For example, an application launched as a service item may not wish to open an untitled document.

For more information on how your application can check for the presence of launch information, see “Launch Apple Event Constants” in “Apple Event Manager Constants” in Apple Event Manager Reference.


The reopen (or reopen application) Apple event is received when the application is reopened—for example, when the application is open but not frontmost, and the user clicks its icon in the Dock. The application should perform appropriate tasks—for example, it might create a new document if none is open.

Here is how the reopen application event is handled:

  1. The application delegate is sent this message (if it implements the method):


  2. If the method returns YES, and if there are no open windows, it attempts to create a new untitled document in the same way as for the open application event.

You can modify the default behavior by implementing the method of the application delegate.


The open (or open documents) Apple event is received when the application should open a list of one or more documents. For example, the user may have selected document files in the Finder and double-clicked.

Here is how the open documents event is handled in Mac OS X version 10.4 (v10.4):

Starting in Mac OS X version 10.4, the open documents Apple event may contain an optional parameter containing search text from a Spotlight search that specified the documents to be opened. This parameter is identified by the keyword keyAESearchText. The application should make a reasonable effort to indicate occurrences of the search text in each opened document—for example by selecting the text and scrolling the first or primary occurrence into view. The Application Kit does not currently handle this parameter, but you can provide your own implementation by adding code like that shown in Listing 10-1 to your method that opens files, such as application:openFiles:.

Listing 10-1  Extracting the search text parameter from the current Apple event

    NSString    *searchString = nil;
    searchString = [[[[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager]// 1
        currentAppleEvent]// 2
        paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyAESearchText]// 3
        stringValue];// 4
    // Application-specific code to highlight the searched-for text, if any.// 5

Here's what this code snippet does:

  1. It invokes the sharedAppleEventManager class method of the NSAppleEventManager class to get an instance of the shared manager.

  2. It invokes the currentAppleEvent method of the NSAppleEventManager object to get the Apple event that is being handled on the current thread, if any, as an NSAppleEventDescriptor.

  3. It invokes the paramDescriptorForKeyword: method of that class, passing the key keyAESearchText (and obtaining another instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor).

  4. It invokes the stringValue method of that class to get the search text, if any, coercing it to Unicode text.

  5. It selects instances of the specified text, if any, in the document, as appropriate for the application (not shown). For example, it might scroll the primary instance into view.

Note: For information on the document scriptability features provided by Cocoa, see ‚ÄúUse the Document Architecture.‚Äù


The print (or print documents) Apple event is received when the application should print a list of one or more documents.

Here is how the print event is handled in Mac OS X version 10.4:

Open Contents

The open contents Apple event is available starting in Mac OS version 10.4. This Apple event is sent when content, such as text or an image, is dropped on the application icon—for example, when a dragged image is dropped on the icon in the Dock. The application should use the content in an appropriate way—for example, if a document is open, it might insert the content at the current insertion point; if no document is open, it might open a new document and insert the provided text or image.

If your application provides a service that can accept the type of data in a received open contents Apple event, the default handler will use the service.

Here is how the open contents event is handled:

  1. It invokes this method of the application delegate, to give the application a chance to set up services: applicationDidFinishLaunching:

    This is unique, in that for all the other Apple events described here, applicationDidFinishLaunching: is called after the described event handling behavior takes place.

  2. It invokes Carbon's default open contents Apple event handler, which uses the application-provided service. (Carbon behavior is described in "Common Apple Events Sent by the Mac OS" in Responding to Apple Events in Apple Events Programming Guide.

You can modify the default behavior by installing your own open contents Apple event handler. The structure of the event is similar to the open documents event. The direct parameter consists of a list of content data items to be opened. The descriptor type for each item in the list indicates the type of the content ('PICT', 'TIFF', 'utf8', and so on).


The quit (or quit application) Apple event is received when your application is terminated.

Here is how the quit event is handled:

Constants for Apple Event Handlers Installed by the Application Kit

Table 10-1 shows the constants for the Apple event handlers installed by the Application Kit to handle events sent by the Mac OS. Each of these events has the same event class, kCoreEventClass, which has the value 'aevt'. Your application can use these constants for the event class and event ID when installing replacement handlers to modify standard behavior.

These Apple event constants are defined in AppleEvents.h, a header in AE.framework, a subframework of ApplicationServices.framework. These and other constants are described in Apple Event Manager Reference.

Table 10-1  Event class IDs for Apple events sent by the Mac OS

Apple event

Event ID


open application (or launch)






open (or open documents)



print (or print documents)



open contents



quit (or quit application)



Installing an Apple Event Handler

Your application, whether scriptable or not, can install Apple event handlers directly. This generally makes sense in the following cases:

To install an Apple event handler, you invoke this method of the NSAppleEventManager class:


The signature for the new handler should match the one shown in Listing 10-2.

Listing 10-2  Signature of an event handler function

- (void)handleAppleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent;

A good place to install event handlers is in the applicationWillFinishLaunching: method of the application delegate. At that point, the Application Kit has installed its default event handlers, so if you install a handler for one of the same events, it will replace the Application Kit version.

Installing a Get URL Handler

Listing 10-3 shows how you could install a handler for the get URL Apple event.

Note: To work with URL events, your application will have to specify one or more keys for the CFBundleURLTypes dictionary in its information property list file. These keys are described in the section "CFBundleURLTypes‚Äù in Property List Key Reference in Runtime Configuration Guidelines.

Listing 10-3  Installing an Apple event handler in a Cocoa application

NSAppleEventManager *appleEventManager = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager];// 1
[appleEventManager setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];// 2

Here’s what the code in Listing 10-3 does:

  1. It gets a reference to the shared Apple Event Manager object.

  2. It invokes a method of that object to install the new handler, passing:

    • A reference to the delegate object, self, which will handle the event.

    • A selector for the new get URL handler (shown in Listing 10-4).

    • The event class constant for the Apple event (from the header HIServices/InternetConfig.h in the Application Services framework).

    • The event ID constant for the Apple event (from the header HIServices/InternetConfig.h in the Application Services framework).

    If an event handler is already installed for the specified event class and event ID, it is replaced.

Implementing the Get URL Handler

Listing 10-4 provides a template for the event handler. This code resides in the implementation of your application delegate. After this handler has been installed, it is invoked whenever the application receives a get URL Apple event. The Apple event is passed to the handler as an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor.

Listing 10-4  Implementation of a get URL Apple event handler

- (void)handleGetURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent
    // Extract the URL from the Apple event and handle it here.

The implementation details are left to you, but they require using methods of the NSAppleEventDescriptor class to extract the URL from the direct parameter of the Apple event, then performing the required operation with it (typically displaying the referenced page in a window). For a similar example, see Listing 10-1.

Suspending and Resuming Apple Events and Script Commands

Starting with Mac OS X version 10.3, the NSAppleEventManager class provides methods for suspending and resuming an individual Apple event. These methods are of use for applications that respond to Apple events without using the built-in Cocoa scripting support. For applications that do take advantage of the Cocoa scripting support, NSScriptCommand provides methods for suspending and resuming execution of a script command.

An application typically suspends an Apple event (or a script command) when it performs an asynchronous operation, so that the application won’t receive any more Apple events from the same script until it completes handling of the current event (or script command). For example, suppose the application must display a sheet as part of obtaining information to return in a reply Apple event. If so, it can suspend Apple events (or a script command) before displaying the sheet, insert information into the reply Apple event after the user dismisses the sheet, then resume. This need to suspend and resume can occur with other asynchronous operations (including those that may be open-ended or take a long time to complete).

To suspend an Apple event, you use the NSAppleEventManager method suspendCurrentAppleEvent, which returns a suspension ID (NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID) for an Apple event being handled on the current thread. You can pass this suspension ID to appleEventForSuspensionID: to get an Apple event descriptor for the suspended event, or to replyAppleEventForSuspensionID: to get a descriptor for the corresponding reply Apple event. To resume a suspended Apple event, you pass the associated suspension ID to resumeWithSuspensionID:. In Mac OS X version 10.4, this method can be invoked in any thread.

To suspend a script command, use the NSScriptCommand method suspendExecution. This method suspends execution of a script command if the receiver is being executed in the current thread by the built-in Cocoa scripting support (that is, the receiver would be returned by [NSScriptCommand currentCommand]). You use resumeExecutionWithResult: to resume a suspended script command. In Mac OS X version 10.4, this method can be invoked in any thread.

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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