Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Enabling Menu Items

By default, every time a user event occurs, NSMenu automatically enables and disables each visible menu item. You can also force a menu to update using NSMenu’s update method.

There are two ways to enable menus:

To choose a system, use NSMenu’s setAutoenablesItems: with an argument of YES (for automatic menu enabling) or NO (for manual menu enabling). Automatic menu enabling is on by default.

Automatic Menu Enabling

When you use automatic menu enabling, NSMenu updates the status of every menu item whenever a user event occurs. To update the status of a menu item, NSMenu first determines the target of the item then determines whether the target implements validateMenuItem: or validateUserInterfaceItem: (in that order). In more detail:

Implementing validation

As noted above, before it is displayed a menu item checks to see if its target implements validateMenuItem: or validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the enabled status of the menu item is determined by the return value of the method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable a menu item by implementing either of these methods in the menu’s target (see “Choosing validateMenuItem: or validateUserInterfaceItem:” to determine which is the most appropriate). The implementation strategy is the same whichever you choose:

  1. To decide whether or not an item should be enabled, you need to know what it will do if the user selects it. You typically first therefore check to see what action is associated with the item (you need to test for each of the actions you’re interested in).

    Checking the action rather than, say, the title makes sure that: (a) your code works with different localizations and is robust against changes in the title due to changes in the user interface, and (b) you avoid the fragility of having to remember to use the same tag for each user interface element that invokes the same method on the target. (In the case of validateUserInterfaceItem:, you can only check the action or the tag.)

  2. If the action is something you’re interested in, then return a Boolean value appropriate for the current context.

  3. If the action is not something you’re interested in, then either:

    1. If your superclass implements the validation method (for example, NSDocument and NSObjectController implement validateUserInterfaceItem:, and NSObjectController implements validateMenuItem:), invoke super’s implementation; otherwise

    2. Return a default value (typically YES).

The following example illustrates the implementation of validateUserInterfaceItem: in a subclass of NSDocument.

- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)anItem
    SEL theAction = [anItem action];
    if (theAction == @selector(copy:))
        if ( /* there is a current selection and it is copyable */ )
            return YES;
        return NO;
    } else if (theAction == @selector(paste:))
        if ( /* there is a something on the pasteboard we can use and
                the user interface is in a configuration in which it makes sense to paste */ )
            return YES;
        return NO;
    } else
        /* check for other relevant actions ... */
    // subclass of NSDocument, so invoke super's implementation
    return [super validateUserInterfaceItem:anItem];

Choosing validateMenuItem: or validateUserInterfaceItem:

In general, you should use validateUserInterfaceItem: instead of validateMenuItem: since the former will also work for toolbar items which have the same target and action. If, however, there is additional work that you want to do that is specific to a menu item, use validateMenuItem:—for example, validateMenuItem: is also a good place to toggle titles or set state on menu items to make sure they're always correct.

Here is an example of using validateUserInterfaceItem: to override automatic enabling. If your application has a Copy menu item that sends the copy: action message to the first responder, that menu item is automatically enabled any time an object that responds to copy:, such as an NSText object, is the first responder of the key or main window. If you create a class whose instances might become the first responder, and which doesn’t support copying of everything it allows the user to select, you should implement validateUserInterfaceItem: in that class. validateUserInterfaceItem: should then return NO if items that can’t be copied are selected (or if no items are selected) and YES if all items in the selection can be copied. By implementing validateUserInterfaceItem::, you can have the Copy menu item disabled even though the target object does implement the copy: method. If a class never permits copying, then you simply omit an implementation of copy: in that class, and the Copy menu item is disabled automatically whenever an instance of that class is the first responder.

Manual Menu Enabling

When you use manual menu enabling, you use setEnabled: to enable or disable every menu item individually. None of the menu items, even those controlled by Application Kit classes like NSTextView, are updated automatically.

To turn on manual menu enabling, use NSMenu’s setAutoenablesItems: with an argument of NO.

Important: If you send a setEnabled: message when automatic updating is on, other objects might undo what you have done after another user event occurs. Hence you can never be sure that the menu item will remain the way you set it.

Last updated: 2007-06-26

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