Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Multi-Bundle Applications

This concept describes how to design an application that uses multiple loadable components. This material is relevant both to developers organizing their application into large loadable components and to developers designing an extensible plug-in architecture.

When to Use Multiple Bundles

Components are at the heart of the object-oriented programming model. Rather than a monolithic, intertwined mess of code, well-designed applications are built up from components, each of which handles some well-defined unit of functionality. This componentization occurs on many levels, from simple data objects to large self-contained components such as integrated HTML viewers. Even most applications written in “non-object-oriented” languages like C exhibit this sort of componentization.

You can use loadable bundles to separate components into discrete executable packages that can be loaded dynamically at runtime. When designing an application, you may want to use multiple loadable bundles to partition the application into well-defined components that work together but can be developed, compiled, and loaded independently of one another. While you are unlikely to need multiple bundles for simple data objects, they may be appropriate for larger pieces of functionality.

Take as an example an integrated application that produces cards, banners, and newsletters. Although the three components may link against some shared code, in any particular runtime session it is unlikely that more than one of the components will be used. Additionally, each component is independent of the other, and functions essentially as a separate application.

Because of the independent nature of the components and the likelihood that only one of them will be used at any time, such an application is a good candidate for componentization with bundles. Figure 1 shows how the example application might be organized with bundles.

Figure 1  Large-scale componentization with loadable bundles

By building each component as its own loadable bundle, you gain several advantages:

Most applications can benefit from this kind of componentization, but you may not need dynamic loading. For shared code used by multiple applications or multiple components of an application, you should use a framework instead.

Additionally, Cocoa applications cannot unload bundles. If you want to be able to load and unload large separately built application components, you can build your application as a number of smaller executable components, and the main application can fork child processes. You can enable communication between the processes with the Cocoa distributed objects architecture. For more information, see Distributed Objects Programming Topics.

Another common kind of componentization that applications can benefit from is a plug-in model. Many applications have a number of features that perform similar tasks, like graphics filters in an image processing application or modules in a screen saver. These are best developed as part of a plug-in architecture, so that new modules can be added later with relative ease. Additionally, by publishing the plug-in architecture, you can allow extensibility of your application by third parties. Even if you don’t want to publish your plug-in architecture to third parties, using a plug-in model can greatly ease your own internal development. For more information about plug-ins, see “Plug-in Architectures.”

Organizing a Multi-Bundle Application

To effectively organize an application into multiple bundles, you should keep a few things in mind:

For example, return to the banner/card/newsletter application described in “When to Use Multiple Bundles.” According to these guidelines, it makes sense to organize the application into four loadable bundles: one for the main application controller, and one each for the three subapplications. Additionally, perhaps the application has a number of different ways of drawing text: in a circle, in the shape of a zebra, etc. Providing a plug-in architecture for text-drawing methods would make the application developer’s job easier and allow third parties to add features like drawing text with three-dimensional effects.

Last updated: 2007-08-10

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