Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Adopting Garbage Collection

Garbage collection provides trade-offs that you need to consider when choosing whether to adopt the technology.

Potentially, any application that uses a runloop may use garbage collection, however there are issues you should consider when deciding whether it is appropriate for your application. Garbage collection provides several advantages when compared with reference counting; there are also, though, some disadvantages. The benefits tend to be greater if the application is threaded and has a reasonably large working set; they tend to be less if the latency of memory recovery is important. Moreover, reference-counted and garbage collected applications use a number of different idioms and patterns.

For information relating to garbage collection in the current release of Mac OS X, see Garbage Collection Release Notes.

Note: The process of migrating a large project that uses reference counting can be difficult and error-prone‚Äîsome patterns that work correctly with manual memory management will be incorrect after translation. In general, it is recommended that you use garbage collection only in new projects. If you already have a well-architected, well-understood application that uses reference counting, there should be little reason to migrate to GC.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Garbage collection offers some significant advantages over a reference-counted environment:

Garbage collection does though have some disadvantages:


The performance characteristics of an application that uses garbage collection are different from those of an application that uses reference-counting. In some areas, a garbage-collected application may have better performance, for example:

In other areas, however, performance may be worse:

When analyzing the performance of a garbage-collected application, you typically need to take a longer-term approach than with a reference-counted application. When assessing its memory footprint, it may be appropriate to measure after the application has been running for several minutes since the memory footprint may be greater shortly after launch. The profiling tools you can use include heap, gdb flags, and the Instruments application.

Last updated: 2008-11-19

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