Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Handling Key Events

A Mac OS X system generates key events when a user presses a key on a keyboard or presses several keys simultaneously. When more than one key is pressed, one or more of those keys modifies the significance of the “main” key that is pressed. The most commonly used modifier keys are the Command, Control, Option (Alt), and Shift keys. In certain contexts and combinations, key presses represent commands to the operating system or the frontmost application and not characters to be inserted into text.

This chapter discusses how you handle key events, particularly key-down events.

Overview of Key Events

The salient facts about key events, as presented in “Key Events” and “The Path of Key Events,” are the following:

Overriding the keyDown: Method

Most responder objects (such as custom views) handle key events by overriding the keyDown: method declared by NSResponder. The object can handle the event in any way it sees fit. A text object typically interprets the message as a request to insert text, while a drawing object might only be interested in a few keys, such as Delete and the arrow keys as commands to delete and move selected items. As with mouse events, a responder object often wants to query the passed-in NSEvent object to find out more about the event and obtain the data it needs to handle it. Some of the more useful NSEvent methods for key events are the following:

Within an implementation of a keyDown: method, a responder can extract the character data contained by the associated NSEvent object and insert it into displayed text; or it can interpret the character data as a key or key combination that is either bound to a keyboard action or requests some application-specific behavior. However, the Application Kit provides some convenient shortcuts for doing this, described below.

Handling Keyboard Actions and Inserting Text

Responder objects that deal with text, such as text views, have to be prepared to handle key events that can either be characters to insert or keyboard actions. As noted in “The Path of Key Events,” keyboard actions are a special kind of action message that depends on the key bindings mechanism, which binds specific keystrokes (for example, Control-e) to specific commands related to the text (for example, move the insertion point to the end of the current line). These commands are implemented in methods defined by NSResponder to give per-view functional interpretations of those physical keystrokes.

Note: Views that receive and edit text must conform to the NSTextInput protocol. Adopting this protocol allows a custom view to interact properly with the text input management system. The Application Kit classes NSText and NSTextView implement NSTextInput, so if you subclass these classes you get the protocol conformance ‚Äúfor free.‚Äú

In handling a key event in keyDown:, a view object that expects to insert text first determines whether the character or characters of the NSEvent object represent a keyboard action. If they do, it sends the associated action message; if they don’t, it inserts the characters as text. Specifically, the view can do one of two things in its implementation:

Listing 5-1 shows how the second approach might look in code.

Listing 5-1  Using the input management system to interpret a key event

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
    [self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
// The following action methods are declared in NSResponder.h
- (void)insertTab:(id)sender {
    if ([[self window] firstResponder] == self) {
        [[self window] selectNextKeyView:self];
- (void)insertBacktab:(id)sender {
    if ([[self window] firstResponder] == self) {
        [[self window] selectPreviousKeyView:self];
- (void)insertText:(id)string {
    [super insertText:string];  // have superclass insert it

Note that this example includes an override of insertText: that simply invokes the superclass implementation. This is done to clarify the role of the input manager but is not really necessary. The default (NSResponder) implementation of doCommandBySelector: determines if the view responds to the keyboard-action selector and, if the view does respond, it invokes the action method; if the view doesn’t respond, doCommandBySelector: is sent to the next responder (and so on up the responder chain). Therefore, a view should only implement the action methods corresponding to the actions that it wants to handle. Another implication of input-manager behavior is that if the key-bindings dictionary matches a physical keystroke with a keyboard action, the responder object simply needs to override the associated action method to handle that keystroke. For example, to handle the default binding of the Escape key, the responder would override the cancelOperation: method of NSResponder.

A case in point of a superview handling a keyboard-action message initiated by a subview is the way the NSScrollView object handles page-down commands. This scroll-view object is a compound object consisting of a document view, a clip view (an NSClipView object) and a scroller (an NSScroller object). Because it is the containing or coordinating object, the NSScrollView object is the superview of all other objects in this grouping. Now say your custom view is the document view of the scroll view. If you implement keyDown: to send interpretKeyEvents: to the input manager but do not implement the scrollPageDown: action method, the document view will still be scrolled within the scroll view when the user presses the Page Down key (or whatever key binding is in effect for that function). This happens because each next responder in the responder chain is queried to see if it responds to scrollPageDown:. The NSScrollView class provides a default implementation, so this implementation is invoked.

Applications other that those that deal with text can use the input management system to their benefit. For example, a custom view in a drawing application might use arrow keys to "nudge” graphical objects precise distances. In the standard key bindings dictionary the arrow keys are bound to the moveUp:, moveDown:, moveLeft:, and moveRight: methods of NSResponder. So code similar to that shown in Listing 5-2 would work to nudge the graphical objects around.

Listing 5-2  Handling arrow-key characters using the input management system

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
    // Arrow keys are associated with the numeric keypad
    if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSNumericPadKeyMask) {
        [self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
    } else {
        [super keyDown:theEvent];
    [self offsetLocationByX:0 andY: 10.0];
    [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
    [self offsetLocationByX:0 andY:-10.0];
    [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
    [self offsetLocationByX:-10.0 andY:0.0];
    [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
    [self offsetLocationByX:10.0 andY:0.0];
    [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];

In most instances, the interpretKeyEvents: approach is preferable to the interpret-yourself approach. This recommendation is particularly true for those custom views in applications such as word processors and graphical editors that do the lion’s share of the work. The major factor favoring the use of the text input management system is that, with it, you don’t need to hard-wire function to physical key. What if the user is using a portable computer that is lacking a function key hard-wired by the application? The better, more flexible approach is to specify alternative key bindings in a dictionary. Another advantage of the text input management system is that it allows key events to be interpreted as text not directly available on the keyboard, such as Kanji and some accented characters.

Note: For more information on key bindings and the text input system, see ‚ÄúText System Defaults and Key Bindings.‚Äù

Specially Interpreting Keystrokes

Although using the text input management system is advantageous, you can interpret physical keys yourself in keyDown: and handle them in an application-specific way. The NSEvent class declares dozens of constants that identify particular keys either by key symbol or key function; “Constants” in NSEvent Class Reference in the reference documentation for that class describes these constants. Listing 5-3 shows a sampling.

Listing 5-3  Some key constants defined by NSResponder

enum {
    NSUpArrowFunctionKey            = 0xF700,
    NSDownArrowFunctionKey          = 0xF701,
    NSLeftArrowFunctionKey          = 0xF702,
    NSRightArrowFunctionKey         = 0xF703,
    NSF1FunctionKey                 = 0xF704,
    NSF2FunctionKey                 = 0xF705,
    NSF3FunctionKey                 = 0xF706,
    // other constants here
    NSUndoFunctionKey               = 0xF743,
    NSRedoFunctionKey               = 0xF744,
    NSFindFunctionKey               = 0xF745,
    NSHelpFunctionKey               = 0xF746,
    NSModeSwitchFunctionKey         = 0xF747

Also, the text system defines constants representing commonly-used Unicode characters, such as tab, delete, and carriage return. For a list of these constants, see “Constants” in NSText Class Reference.

In your implementation of keyDown: you can compare one of these constants to the character data of the key-event object to determine if a certain key was pressed and then act accordingly. As you may recall, the characters or charactersIgnoringModifiers methods return an NSString object for a key value instead of a character because a keystroke might generate multiple characters. (In fact, these methods could even return an empty string if a dead key—a key with no character mapped to it—is pressed.) If your implementation of keyDown: is handling a single-character key value, such as an arrow key, you can examine the length of the returned string and, if it is a single character, access that character using the NSString method characterAtIndex: with an index of 0. Then test that character against one of the NSResponder constants.

Listing 5-4 shows how you might perform the same graphical-object “nudging” as done in Listing 5-2, but this time the responder object itself determines whether an arrow key was pressed.

Listing 5-4  Handling arrow-key characters by interpreting the physical key

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
    if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSNumericPadKeyMask) { // arrow keys have this mask
        NSString *theArrow = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
        unichar keyChar = 0;
        if ( [theArrow length] == 0 )
            return;            // reject dead keys
        if ( [theArrow length] == 1 ) {
            keyChar = [theArrow characterAtIndex:0];
            if ( keyChar == NSLeftArrowFunctionKey ) {
                [self offsetLocationByX:-10.0 andY:0.0];
                [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
            if ( keyChar == NSRightArrowFunctionKey ) {
                [self offsetLocationByX:10.0 andY:0.0];
                [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
            if ( keyChar == NSUpArrowFunctionKey ) {
                [self offsetLocationByX:0 andY: 10.0];
                [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
            if ( keyChar == NSDownArrowFunctionKey ) {
                [self offsetLocationByX:0 andY:-10.0];
                [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
            [super keyDown:theEvent];
    [super keyDown:theEvent];

You can also convert an NSResponder constant to a string object and then compare that object to the value returned by characters or charactersIgnoringModifiers, as in this example:

        unichar la = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey;
        NSString *laStr = [[[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:&la length:1] autorelease];
        if ([theArrow isEqual:laStr]) {
            [self offsetLocationByX:-10.0 andY:0.0];
            [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];

However, this approach is more memory-intensive.

Handling Key Equivalents

A key equivalent is a character bound to some view in a window. This binding causes that view to perform a specified action when the user types that character, typically while pressing a modifier key (in most cases the Command key). A key equivalent must be a character that can be typed with no modifier keys, or with Shift only.

An application routes a key-equivalent event by sending it first down the view hierarchy of a window. The global NSApplication object dispatches events it recognizes as potential key equivalents (based on the presence of modifier flags) in its sendEvent: method. It sends a performKeyEquivalent: message to the key NSWindow object. This object passes key equivalents down its view hierarchy by invoking the NSView default implementation of performKeyEquivalent:, which forwards the message to each of its subviews (including contextual and pop-up menus) until one responds YES; if none does, it returns NO. If no object in the view hierarchy handles the key equivalent, NSApp then sends performKeyEquivalent: to the menus in the menu bar. NSWindow subclasses are discouraged from overriding performKeyEquivalent:.

Note: Beginning with Mac OS X v10.5, if a key equivalent is not recognized, NSWindow sends it as an NSKeyDown event to the first responder. This behavior enables custom key-binding entries with Command-key modifiers. In addition, NSApplication sends a Control-key event to the key window via performKeyEquivalent: before sending it as an NSKeyDown event through the responder chain. This behavior allows more reliable use of Control-key events as menu key equivalents.

Some Cocoa classes, such as NSButton, NSMenu, NSMatrix, and NSSavePanel, provide default implementations of performKeyEquivalent:. For example, you can set the Return key as the key equivalent of an NSButton object and, when this key is pressed, the button acts as if it has been clicked. However, subclasses of other Application Kit classes (including custom views) need to provide their own implementations of performKeyEquivalent:. The implementation should extract the characters for a key equivalent from the passed-in NSEvent object using the charactersIgnoringModifiers method and then examine them to determine if they are a key equivalent it recognizes. It handles the key equivalent much as it would handle a key event in keyDown: (see “Overriding the keyDown: Method”). After handling the key equivalent, the implementation should return YES. If it doesn’t handle the key equivalent, it should either invoke the superclass implementation of performKeyEquivalent: or (if you know the superclass doesn’t handle the key equivalent) return NO to indicate that the key equivalent should be passed further down the view hierarchy or to the menus in the menu bar.

Keyboard Interface Control

The Cocoa event-dispatch architecture treats certain key events as commands to move control focus to a different user-interface object in a window, to simulate a mouse click on an object, to dismiss modal windows, and to make selections in objects that allow selections. This capability is called keyboard interface control. Most of the user-interface objects involved in keyboard interface control are NSControl objects, but objects that aren’t controls can participate as well. When an object has control focus, the Application Kit draws a light-blue key-focus ring around the object’s border. If full keyboard access is enabled, the keys listed in Table 5-1 have the stated effect.

Table 5-1  Keys used in keyboard interface control




Move to next key view.


Move to previous key view.


Select, as with mouse click in a check box (for example), or toggle state. In selection lists, selects or deselects highlighted item.

Arrow keys

Move within compound view, such as NSForm objects.

Control-Tab (Control-Shift-Tab)

Go to next (previous) key view from views where tab characters have other significance (for example, NSTextView objects).

Option or Shift

Extend the selection, not affecting other selected items.

Some objects found on Interface Builder palettes do not participate in keyboard interface control, such as NSImageView, WebView, and PDFView objects.

In addition to the key view loop, a window can have a default button cell, which uses the Return (or Enter) key as its key equivalent. Programmatically, you can send setDefaultButtonCell: to an NSWindow object to set this button cell; you can also set it in Interface Builder by setting a button cell’s key equivalent to ‘\r’ in the Attributes pane of the Get Info window. The default button cell draws itself as a focal element for keyboard interface control unless another button cell is focused on. In this case, it temporarily draws itself as normal and disables its key equivalent. The Escape key is another default key for a keyboard interface control in a window; it immediately aborts a modal loop.

The user-interface objects that are connected together in a window make up the window’s key view loop. A key view loop is a sequence of NSView objects connected to each other through their nextKeyView property (the previousKeyView property when going in reverse direction). The last view in this sequence “loops” back to the first view. By default, NSWindow assigns an initial first responder and constructs a key view loop with the objects it finds. If you want greater control over the key view loop you should set it up using Interface Builder. See the Help pages for Interface Builder for details of the procedure.

For its instances to participate in key-view loops, a custom view must return YES from acceptsFirstResponder. By doing so, it affects the value returned by the canBecomeKeyView method. The acceptsFirstResponder method controls whether a responder accepts first responder status when its window asks it to (that is, when makeFirstResponder: is called with the responder as the parameter). The canBecomeKeyView method controls whether the Application Kit allows tabbing to a view. It calls acceptsFirstResponder, but it also checks for other information before determining the value to return, such as whether the view is hidden and whether full keyboard access is on. The canBecomeKeyView method is rarely overridden while acceptsFirstResponder is frequently overridden.

The NSView and NSWindow classes define a number of methods for setting up and traversing the key view loop programmatically. Table 5-2 lists some of the more useful ones.

Table 5-2  Some key-view loop methods

nextKeyView (NSView)

previousKeyView (NSView)

Returns the next and previous view objects in the key view loop.

setNextKeyView: (NSView)

Sets the next key view in the loop.

selectNextKeyView: (NSWindow)

selectPreviousKeyView: (NSWindow)

Searches the view hierarchy for a candidate next (previous) key view and, if it finds one, makes it the first responder.

canBecomeKeyView (NSView)

Returns whether the receiver can become a key view.

nextValidKeyView (NSView)

previousValidKeyView (NSView)

Returns the closest view object in the key view loop that follows the receiver and accepts first responder status.

The code in Listing 5-5 illustrates how one might use some of these methods to manipulate the key-view loop.

Listing 5-5  Manipulating the key-view loop

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification {
    NSTextView *text = [notification object];
    unsigned whyEnd = [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSTextMovement"] unsignedIntValue];
    NSTextView *newKeyView = text;
    // Unscroll the previous text.
    [text scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
    if (whyEnd == NSTabTextMovement) {
        newKeyView = (NSTextView *)[text nextKeyView];
    } else if (whyEnd == NSBacktabTextMovement) {
        newKeyView = (NSTextView *)[text previousKeyView];
    // Set the new key view and select its whole contents.
    [[text window] makeFirstResponder:newKeyView];
    [newKeyView setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[newKeyView textStorage] length])];

Last updated: 2009-10-07

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