Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Introduction to Control and Cell Programming Topics for Cocoa

Controls and cells implement user-interface objects, like buttons, text fields, and sliders.

This topic contains these subtopics:

Button Programming Topics

A user interface object that sends an action message to a target when clicked.

Image Views

A user interface object that displays a single image in a frame, and optionally allow a user to drag an image to it.

Slider Programming Topics

A user interface object that displays a range of values and has an indicator, or knob, which indicates the current setting.

Text Fields

A user interface object that displays text that the user can select or edit.


A user interface object that can draw a border around itself and title itself.

Progress Indicators

A user interface object that shows that a lengthy task is under way.

Status Bar Programming Topics

A user interface object that displays a collection of items that provide interaction with or feedback to the user.


Provides a user interface for displaying and selecting items from a list of data or from hierarchically organized lists of data, such as directory paths.

Matrix Programming Guide

A user interface object used for creating groups of cells that work together in various ways.


A group of related text fields.

Combo Box Programming Topics

A user interface object that gives the user two ways to enter a value: entering it directly in a text field, or choosing it from a pop-up list of pre-selected values.

Table View Programming Guide

A user interface object that displays data for a set of related records, with rows representing individual records and columns representing the attributes of those records.

Tab Views

A user interface object providing a convenient way to provide information in multiple pages.

Outline View Programming Topics

A type of table which lets the user expand or collapse rows containing hierarchical data.

Text Views

Text views are the main user interface objects of the Cocoa text system.


A user interface object consisting of two small arrows that can increment and decrement a value that appears beside it, such as a date or time.

Search Fields

A user interface object that provides a standard user interface for searching.

Segmented Control Programming Guide

A user interface object that has the appearance and behavior of a horizontal button divided into multiple segments.

Organization of This Document

Controls and cells implement user-interface objects, like buttons, text fields, and sliders. The control is responsible for

A control usually delegates the first two responsibilities to cells. Splitting these responsibilities off makes it easier to create a control with many identical elements (like a spreadsheet table) or with a few different elements (like a pull-down list that lets you enter a string either in a text field or from a menu of pre-elected strings).

Here are the concepts:

Here are the tasks:

Last updated: 2008-10-15

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