Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Introduction to Combo Boxes

A Combo box is a control that gives the user two ways to enter a value: entering it directly in a text field, or choosing it from a pop-up list of pre-selected values.

Developers who want to incorporate a combo box into their user interface should read this document.

Organization of This Document

This topic describes how to use a combo box; “How Combo Boxes Work” gives basic information on combo boxes. “Providing Data for a Combo Box” describes how to provide data for the combo box’s pop-up list. “Setting the Combo Box’s Value” describes how to set and retrieve the combo box’s value. “Managing the Combo Box’s List” describes how to use the combo box’s pop-up list. “Using Automatic Completion in Combo Boxes” describes how the combo box can try to complete what the user enters into the text field.

Because NSComboBox is a subclass of NSTextField, see Text Fields for more information.

Last updated: 2002-11-12

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