Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

What Is Cocoa?

Cocoa is an application environment for both the Mac OS X operating system and iOS, the operating system used on multi-touch devices such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It consists of a suite of object-oriented software libraries, a runtime, and an integrated development environment.

This chapter expands on this definition, describing the purpose, capabilities, and components of Cocoa on both platforms. Reading this functional description of Cocoa is an essential first step toward understanding Cocoa as a developer.

The Cocoa Environment

Cocoa is a set of object-oriented frameworks that provides a runtime environment for applications running on Mac OS X and iOS. It is also part of a development environment that helps you efficiently bring these applications from design stage to deployment. Cocoa is the preeminent application environment for Mac OS X and the only application environment for iOS. (Carbon is an alternative environment on Mac OS X, but it is a compatibility framework with procedural programmatic interface intended to support existing Mac OS X code bases.) Most of the applications you see on Mac OS X and iOS, including Mail and Safari, are Cocoa applications. An integrated development environment called Xcode supports application development for both platforms. The combination of this development environment and Cocoa makes it easy to create a well-factored, full-featured application.

Introducing Cocoa

As with all application environments, Cocoa presents two faces; it has a runtime aspect and a development aspect. In its runtime aspect, Cocoa applications present the user interface and are tightly integrated with the other visible portions of the operating system; on Mac OS X, these include the Finder, the Dock, and other applications from all environments.

But it is the development aspect that is the more interesting one to programmers. Cocoa is an integrated suite of object-oriented software components—classes—that enables you to rapidly create robust, full-featured Mac OS X applications. These classes are reusable and adaptable software building blocks; you can use them as-is or extend them for your specific requirements. Cocoa classes exist for just about every conceivable development necessity, from user-interface objects to data formatting, and where a need hasn’t been anticipated, you can easily create a subclass of an existing class that answers that need.

Cocoa has one of the most distinguished pedigrees of any object-oriented development environment. From its introduction as NeXTSTEP in 1989 to the present day, it has been continually refined and tested (see “A Bit of History”). Its elegant and powerful design is ideally suited for the rapid development of software of all kinds, not only applications but command-line tools, plug-ins, and various types of bundles. Cocoa gives your application much of its behavior and appearance “for free,” freeing up more of your time to work on those features that are distinctive. (For details on what Cocoa offers, see “Features of a Cocoa Application.”)

iOS Note: Cocoa for iOS supports only application development and not development of any other kind of executable.

You may use several programming languages when developing Cocoa software, but the essential, required language is Objective-C. Objective-C is a superset of ANSI C that has been extended with certain syntactical and semantic features (derived from Smalltalk) to support object-oriented programming. The few added conventions are simple and easy to learn and use. Because Objective-C rests on a foundation of ANSI C, you can freely intermix straight C code with Objective-C code. Moreover, your code can call functions defined in non-Cocoa programmatic interfaces, such as the BSD library interfaces in /usr/include. You can even mix C++ code with your Cocoa code and link them into the same executable.

Mac OS X Note: On Mac OS X, you can also program in Cocoa using scripting bridges such as PyObjC (the Python‚ÄìObjective-C bridge) and RubyCocoa (the Ruby‚ÄìCocoa bridge). Both bridged languages let you write Cocoa applications in the respective scripting languages, Python and Ruby. Both of these are interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented programming languages that make it possible for Python or Ruby objects to message Objective-C objects as if they're Python or Ruby objects, and also for Objective-C objects to message Python or Ruby objects. For more information, see Ruby and Python Programming Topics for Mac OS X.

The most important Cocoa class libraries come packaged in two core frameworks for each platform: Foundation and Application Kit for Mac OS X and Foundation and UIKit for iOS. As with all frameworks, these contain not only a dynamically sharable library (or sometimes several compatibility versions of libraries), but header files, API documentation, and related resources. The duo of both Application Kit and Foundation and UIKit and Foundation reflect the division of the Cocoa programmatic interfaces into those classes that have some bearing on a graphical user interface and those that don’t. For each platform, its two core frameworks are essential to any Cocoa project whose end product is an application. Both platforms additionally support the Core Data framework, which is as important and useful as the core frameworks.

Mac OS X also ships with several other frameworks that publish Cocoa programmatic interfaces, such as the Screen Saver and Address Book frameworks; more Cocoa frameworks will be added to the operating system over time. See “The Cocoa Frameworks” for further information.

How Cocoa Fits into Mac OS X

Figure 1-1 shows a simplified diagram of the Mac OS X system architecture.

Figure 1-1  Mac OS X architecture‚Äîsimplified perspective

Mac OS X architecture—simplified perspective

This diagram is simple for a purpose: to depict unambiguously to those unfamiliar with Mac OS X some of its major components and dependencies. But in its simplicity it omits important details and blurs others. These details fill in an important part of the picture showing how Cocoa fits into the rest of Mac OS X.

Figure 1-2 situates Cocoa more accurately in an architectural setting. This diagram shows Mac OS X as a series of software layers going from the foundation of Darwin to the various application environments; the intervening layers represent the system software contained in the two major umbrella frameworks, Core Services and Application Services. The diagram suggests that a component at one layer generally has dependencies on the layer beneath it.

Figure 1-2  Cocoa in the architecture of Mac OS X

Cocoa in the architecture of Mac OS X

In some ways, this diagram is similar to the previous diagram. For example, the system component that is largely responsible for rendering the Aqua user interface, Quartz (implemented in the Core Graphics framework), is part of the Application Services layer. And at the base of the architectural stack is Darwin; everything in Mac OS X, including Cocoa, ultimately depends on Darwin to function.

But if you look closer, at individual or groups of Cocoa classes and at the particular subframeworks of the umbrella frameworks, you begin to see where Cocoa either has specific dependencies on other parts of Mac OS X or where it exposes underlying technology with its interfaces. Figure 1-3 charts a few of these dependencies or exposures.

Figure 1-3  Zooming in on the Cocoa architecture‚Äîsome major dependencies

Zooming in on the Cocoa architecture—some major dependencies

Apple has carefully designed Cocoa so that some of its programmatic interfaces give access to the capabilities of underlying technologies that applications typically need. But if you require some capability that is not exposed through the programmatic interfaces of Cocoa, or if you need some finer control of what happens in your application, you may be able to use an underlying framework directly. (A prime example is Core Graphics; by calling its functions or those of OpenGL, your code can draw more complex and nuanced images than is possible with the Cocoa drawing methods.) Fortunately, using these lower-level frameworks is not a problem because the programmatic interfaces of most dependent frameworks are written in standard ANSI C, of which Objective-C language is a superset.

Note: The intent of this architectural overview is not to itemize every particular dependency or interface that Cocoa has on or to other parts of Mac OS X. Instead, it surveys the more interesting ones in order to give you a general idea of the architectural context of the framework.

The major underlying frameworks on which Cocoa depends or which it exposes through its classes and methods are Core Foundation, Carbon, Core Graphics (Quartz), Launch Services, and Print Core (the printing subsystem):

Further Reading: Mac OS X Technology Overview gives an overview of the frameworks, services, technologies, and other components of Mac OS X. Apple Human Interface Guidelines specifies how the Aqua human interface should appear and behave.

How Cocoa Fits into iOS

Although the iOS infrastructure on which Cocoa depends is similar to that for Mac OS X, there are some significant differences. Compare Figure 1-4, which depicts the architectural setting of iOS, to the diagram in Figure 1-2. The iOS diagram also shows the software supporting its platform as a series of layers going from a Core OS foundation to a set of application frameworks, the most critical (for applications) being the UIKit framework. As in the Mac OS X diagram, the iOS diagram has middle layers consisting of core-services frameworks and graphics and audio frameworks and libraries. Here also, a component at one layer often has dependencies on the layer beneath it.

Figure 1-4  Cocoa in the architecture of iOS

Cocoa in the architecture of Aspen

Generally, the system libraries and frameworks of iOS that ultimately support UIKit are a subset of the libraries and frameworks on Mac OS X. For example, there is no Carbon application environment on iOS, there is no command-line access (the BSD environment), there are no printing frameworks and services, and QuickTime is absent from the platform. However, because of the nature of the devices supported by iOS, there are some frameworks, both public and private, that are specific to iOS.

The following summarizes some of the frameworks found at each layer of the iOS stack, starting from the foundation layer.

Note: For detailed descriptions of the components in the layers of iOS, see iOS Technology Overview.

As with Cocoa on Mac OS X, the programmatic interfaces of Cocoa on iOS give your applications access to the capabilities of underlying technologies. Usually there will be a Foundation or UIKit method or function that can tap into a lower-level framework to do what you want. But, as with Cocoa on Mac OS X, if you require some capability that is not exposed through API, or if you need some finer control of what happens in your application, you may choose to use an underlying framework directly. For example, UIKit uses the Web Kit to draw text; however, you may decide to use Core Graphics to draw text because that gives you the control you need for a particular task. Again, using these lower-level frameworks is not a problem because the programmatic interfaces of most dependent frameworks are written in standard ANSI C, of which Objective-C language is a superset.

Further Reading: To learn more about the frameworks, services, and other aspects of the iOS platform, see iOS Technology Overview.

Features of a Cocoa Application

On Mac OS X it is possible to create a Cocoa application without adding a single line of code. Make a new Cocoa application project using Xcode and then build the project. That’s it. Of course, this application won’t do much, or at least much that’s interesting. But this extremely simple application still launches when double-clicked, displays its icon in the Dock, displays its main menu and window (entitled “Window”), hides itself on command, behaves nicely with other running applications, and quits on command. You can move, resize, minimize, and close the window. You can even print the emptiness contained by the window.

Imagine what you could do with a little code.

iOS Note: The features and behavior of an application running on iOS are considerably different from a Mac OS X application, largely because it runs in a more constrained environment. For discussions of application capabilities and constraints on iOS, see iOS Application Programming Guide.

In terms of programming effort, Cocoa gives you, the developer, much that is free and much that is low-cost. Of course, to become a productive Cocoa developer means becoming familiar with possibly new concepts, design patterns, programming interfaces, and development tools, and this effort is not negligible. But familiarity yields greater productivity. Programming becomes largely an exercise in assembling the programmatic components that Cocoa provides along with the custom objects and code that define your program’s particular logic, then fitting the whole assemblage together.

What follows is a short list of how Cocoa adds value to an application with only a little (and sometimes no) effort on your part:

Cocoa on Mac OS X has several other additional features:

The Development Environment

To say that Cocoa has its own development environment wouldn’t quite be an accurate statement. For one thing, programmers can use Apple’s major development applications, Xcode and Interface Builder, to develop software for Mac OS X applications based on Carbon. Moreover, it is possible to develop Cocoa applications without using Xcode and Interface Builder at all. For example, you could write code using a text editor such as Emacs, build the application from the command line using make files, and debug the application from the command line using the gdb debugger.

Note: "Xcode‚Äù is sometimes used to refer to the complete suite of development tools and frameworks, and other times specifically to the IDE application that allows you to manage projects and build executable code.

But Xcode and Interface Builder are the preferred applications to use for developing Cocoa software. Their origins coincide with the origins of Cocoa itself, and consequently there is a high degree of compatibility between tools and frameworks. Together, Xcode and Interface Builder make it extraordinarily easy to design, manage, build, and debug Cocoa software projects.

When you install the development tools and documentation, you may select the installation location. Traditionally that location has been /Developer, but it can be anywhere in the file system you wish. As a shorthand for designating this installation location, the documentation uses <Xcode>. Thus, the development applications are installed in <Xcode>/Applications.

Platform SDKs

Beginning with Xcode 3.1 and the introduction of iOS, when you create a software project you must choose a platform SDK. The SDK enables you to build an executable that is targeted for a particular release of a particular operating system, or platform: Mac OS X or iOS.

The platform SDK contains everything that is required for developing software for a given platform and operating-system release. A Mac OS X SDK consists of frameworks, libraries, header files, and system tools. The SDK for iOS has the same components, but includes a platform-specific compiler and other tools. There is also a separate SDK for the Simulator environment for iOS (see “The iOS Simulator”). All SDKs include build settings and project templates appropriate to their platform.

Further reading: For more on platform SDKs, see SDK Compatibility Guide.

Overview of Development Workflows

Application development differs for Mac OS X and iOS, not only the tools used but in the development workflow. On Mac OS X, the typical development workflow is the following:

  1. In Xcode, create a project using a template from the Mac OS X SDK.

  2. Write code and, using Interface Builder, construct your application’s user interface.

  3. Define the targets and executable environment for your project.

  4. Test and debug the application using the Xcode debugging facilities.

    As part of debugging, you can check the system logs in the Console window.

  5. Measure application performance using one or more of the available performance tools.

For iOS development, the workflow when developing an application is a bit more complex. Before you can develop for iOS, you must register as a developer for the platform. Thereafter, building an application that’s ready to deploy should go through the following steps:

  1. Configure the remote device. This results in the required tools, frameworks, and other components being installed on the device.

  2. In Xcode, create a project using a template from the iOS SDK.

  3. Write code, and construct your application’s user interface.

  4. Define the targets and executable environment for the project.

  5. Build the application (locally).

  6. Test and debug the application, either in the iOS Simulator or remotely in the device. (If remotely, your debug executable is downloaded to the device.)

    As you debug, you can check the system logs for the device in the Console window.

  7. Measure application performance using one or more of the available performance tools.

Further reading: For more on the development workflow in iOS, see iOS Development Guide.


Xcode is the engine that powers Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for Mac OS X and iOS. It is also an application that takes care of most project details from inception to deployment. It allows you to

Xcode builds projects from source code written in C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++. It generates executables of all supported types on Mac OS X, including command-line tools, frameworks, plug-ins, kernel extensions, bundles, and applications. (For iOS, only application executables are possible.) Xcode permits almost unlimited customization of build and debugging tools, executable packaging (including information property lists and localized bundles), build processes (including copy-file, script-file, and other build phases), and the user interface (including detached and multi-view code editors). It also supports several source-code management systems—namely CVS, Subversion and Perforce—allowing you to add files to a repository, commit changes, get updated versions, and compare versions.

Figure 1-5 shows an example of a project in Xcode.

Figure 1-5  The TextEdit example project in Xcode

The TextEdit example project in Xcode

Xcode is especially suited for Cocoa development. When you create a project, Xcode sets up your initial development environment using project templates corresponding to Cocoa project types: application, document-based application, Core Data application, tool, bundle, framework, and others. For compiling Cocoa software, Xcode gives you several options:

Note: For details about these compiler options, see Xcode Release Notes.

For debugging software, Xcode offers the GNU source-level debugger (gdb) and the Clang Static Analyzer. The Clang Static Analyzer consists of a framework for source-code analysis and a standalone tool that finds bugs in C and Objective-C programs. See for more information.

Xcode is well integrated with the other major development application, Interface Builder. See “Interface Builder” (below) for details.

Further Reading: Xcode Overview gives an overview of Xcode and provides links to additional development-tools documentation.

Interface Builder

The second major development application for Cocoa projects is Interface Builder. As its name suggests, Interface Builder is a graphical tool for creating user interfaces. Interface Builder has been around almost since the inception of Cocoa as NeXTSTEP. Not surprisingly, its integration with Cocoa is airtight. Moreover, you can also use it to create user interfaces for Carbon applications running on Mac OS X.

Interface Builder (version 3.0) is centered around four main design elements:

Interface Builder uses momentary blue lines to show the compliance of each positioned object, when moved or resized, to the Aqua human interface guidelines. This compliance includes recommended size, alignment, and position relative to other objects on the user interface and to the boundaries of the window.

Interface Builder is tightly integrated with Xcode. It “knows” about the outlets, actions, and bindable properties of your custom classes. When you add, remove, or modify any of these things, Interface Builder detects those changes and updates its presentation of them.

Further Reading: For further information on Interface Builder, see Interface Builder User Guide. In addition, ‚ÄúNib Files‚Äù gives more information about nib files and their use in an application. Also refer to ‚ÄúCommunicating With Objects‚Äù for overviews of outlets, the target-action mechanism, and the Cocoa bindings technology.

The iOS Simulator

For iOS projects, you can select the iOS Simulator as the platform SDK for the project. When you build and run the project, Xcode runs the Simulator, which presents your application as it would appear on the device and allows you to manipulate parts of the user interface. You can use the Simulator to help you debug the application prior to loading it onto the device.

You should always perform the final phase of debugging on the device. The Simulator does not perfectly simulate the device. For example, you must use the mouse pointer instead of finger touches, and so manipulations of the interface requiring multiple fingers are not possible. In addition, the Simulator does not use versions of the OpenGL framework that are specific to iOS, and it uses the Mac OS X versions of the Foundation, Core Foundation, and CFNetwork frameworks, as well as the Mac OS X version of libSystem.

More importantly, you should not assume that the performance of your application on the Simulator is the same as it would be on the device. The Simulator is essentially running your iOS application as a "guest” Mac OS X application. As such, it has a 4GB memory partition and swap space available to it as it runs on a processor that is more powerful than the one on the device.

Further reading: For more on the Simulator, see iOS Development Guide.

Performance Applications and Tools

Although Xcode and Interface Builder are the major tools you use to develop Cocoa applications, there are dozens of other applications at your disposal. Many of these tools are performance applications.


Instruments is an application introduced in Xcode 3.0 that lets you run multiple performance-testing tools simultaneously and view the results in a timeline-based graphical presentation. It can show you CPU usage, disk reads and writes, memory statistics, thread activity, garbage collection, network statistics, directory and file usage, and other measurements—individually or in different combinations—in the form of graphs tied to time. This simultaneous presentation of instrumentation data helps you to discover the relationships between what is being measured. It also displays the specific data behind the graphs.

Further Reading: See the Instruments User Guide for complete information about the Instruments application.

Figure 1-8  The Instruments application

The Instruments applicationThe Instruments application


Shark is a performance-analysis application that creates a time-based profile of your program’s execution; over a given period it traces function calls and graphs memory allocations. You can use Shark to track information for a single program or for the entire system, which on Mac OS X includes kernel components such as drivers and kernel extensions. Shark also monitors file-system calls, traces system calls and memory allocations, performs static analyses of your code, and gathers information about cache misses, page faults, and other system metrics. Shark supports the analysis of code written in C, Objective-C, C++, and other languages.

Other Performance Applications (Mac OS X)

Many applications are used in measuring and analyzing aspects of a Mac OS X program’s performance. They are located in <Xcode>/Applications/Performance Tools.

For performance analysis, you can also use command-line tools such as:

Many other command-line tools for performance analysis and other development tasks are available. Some are located in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, and some Apple-developed command-line tools are installed in <Xcode>/Tools. For many of these tools you can consult their manual page for usage information. (To do this, either choose Help > Open man page in Xcode or type man followed by the name of the tool in a Terminal shell.)

Further Reading: For more on the performance tools and applications you can use in Cocoa application development, as well as information on concepts, techniques, guidelines, and strategy related to performance, see Performance Overview. Cocoa Performance Guidelines covers the performance guidelines for Cocoa.

AppleScript Studio (Mac OS X)

A defining feature of the Mac OS for years has been the capability for users to control applications with scripts written in the AppleScript language. Many users find this feature indispensable, for it allows them to string together complicated series of related operations involving multiple applications. AppleScript capabilities have been carried forward into Mac OS X. AppleScript Studio is a development technology for creating Cocoa applications that use AppleScript scripts to control complex user interfaces.

AppleScript Studio combines elements from AppleScript, Xcode, Interface Builder, and Cocoa to provide a sophisticated environment for creating AppleScript solutions. It allows you to build applications that can do the following:

Because AppleScript Studio integrates AppleScript with Xcode, Interface Builder, and Cocoa, scripters can take advantage of their particular strengths and capabilities. They can drag a rich set of user-interface objects off Interface Builder palettes and customize them to their liking. They get built-in support for the Aqua human interface guidelines. And they are able to build and maintain complex projects with multiple targets and build steps.

The development environment makes possible scripting capabilities that go well beyond those available in the Script Editor application traditionally used for creating AppleScript scripts. These include:

Further Reading: For more information, see the AppleScript Studio Programming Guide.

The Cocoa Frameworks

What makes a program a Cocoa program? It’s not really the language, because you can use a variety of languages in Cocoa development. It’s not the development tools, because you could create a Cocoa application from the command line (although that would be a complex, time-consuming task). No, what all Cocoa programs have in common—what makes them distinctive—is that they are composed of objects that inherit ultimately from the root class, NSObject, and that are ultimately based upon the Objective-C runtime. This statement is also true of all Cocoa frameworks.

Note: That statement also needs to be qualified a bit. First, the Foundation framework supplies another root class, NSProxy; however, NSProxy is rarely used in Cocoa programming. Second, you could create your own root class, but this would be a lot of work (entailing the writing of code that interacts with the Objective-C runtime) and probably not worth your time.

On any system there are many Cocoa frameworks, and Apple and third-party vendors are releasing more frameworks all the time. Despite this abundance of Cocoa frameworks, two of them stand out on each platform as core frameworks:

The Foundation, Application Kit, and UIKit frameworks are essential to Cocoa application development, and all other frameworks are secondary and elective. You cannot develop a Cocoa application for Mac OS X unless you link against (and use the classes of) the Application Kit, and you cannot develop a Cocoa application for iOS unless you link against (and use the classes of) UIKit. Moreover, you cannot develop Cocoa software of any kind unless you link against and use the classes of the Foundation framework. (Linking against the right frameworks on Mac OS X happens automatically when you link against the Cocoa umbrella framework.) Classes, functions, data types, and constants in Foundation and the Application Kit have a prefix of “NS”; classes, functions, data types, and constants in UIKit have a prefix of “UI”.

Note: In Mac OS X version 10.5 the Cocoa frameworks have been ported to support 64-bit addressing. iOS also supports 64-bit addressing. As part of this effort, various general changes have been made to the Cocoa API, most significantly the introduction of the NSInteger and NSUInteger types (replacing int and unsigned int where appropriate) and the CGFloat type (replacing most instances of float). Most Cocoa applications have no immediate need to make the transition to 64-bit, but for those that do, porting tools and guidelines are available. 64-Bit Transition Guide for Cocoa discusses these matters in detail.

The Cocoa frameworks handle many low-level tasks for you. For example, classes that store and manipulate integer and floating-point values automatically handle the endianness of those values for you.

The following sections survey the features and classes of the three core Cocoa frameworks and briefly describe some of the secondary frameworks. To make these large frameworks more approachable, the introductions to the Foundation, Application Kit, and UIKit frameworks break down the dozens of classes in each hierarchy into functional groupings. Although these groupings have a strong logical basis, one can plausibly group classes in other ways.


The Foundation framework defines a base layer of classes that can be used for any type of Cocoa program. The criterion separating the classes in Foundation from those in the Application Kit is the user interface. If an object doesn’t either appear in a user interface or isn’t exclusively used to support a user interface, then its class belongs in Foundation. You can create Cocoa programs that use Foundation and no other framework; examples of these are command-line tools and Internet servers.

The Foundation framework was designed with certain goals in mind:

Cocoa applications, which by definition link either against the Application Kit or the UIKit frameworks, invariably must link against the Foundation framework as well. The class hierarchies share the same root class, NSObject, and many if not most of the Application Kit and UIKit methods and functions have Foundation objects as parameters or return values. Some Foundation classes may seem designed for applications—NSUndoManager and NSUserDefaults, to name two—but they are included in Foundation because there can be uses for them that do not involve a user interface.

Foundation Paradigms and Policies

Foundation introduces several paradigms and policies to Cocoa programming to ensure consistent behavior and expectations among the objects of a program in certain situations. These include:

Foundation Classes

The Foundation class hierarchy is rooted in the NSObject class, which (along with the NSObject and NSCopying protocols) define basic object attributes and behavior. For further information on NSObject and basic object behavior, see “The Root Class.”

The remainder of the Foundation framework consists of several related groups of classes as well as a few individual classes. There are classes representing basic data types such as strings and byte arrays, collection classes for storing other objects, classes representing system information such as dates, and classes representing system entities such as ports, threads, and processes. The class hierarchy charts in Figure 1-9 (for printing purposes, in three parts) depict the logical groups these classes form as well as their inheritance relationships. Classes in blue-shaded areas are present in both the Mac OS X and iOS versions of Foundation; classes in gray-shaded areas are present only in the Mac OS X version.

Figure 1-9  The Foundation class hierarchy

The Foundation class hierarchy
Foundation class hierarchy—Objective-C (part two)
Foundation class hierarchy—Objective-C (part three)

These diagrams logically group the classes of the Foundation framework in categories (with other associations pointed out). Of particular importance are the classes whose instances are value objects and collections.

Value Objects

Value objects encapsulate values of various primitive types, including strings, numbers (integers and floating-point), dates, and even structures and pointers. They mediate access to these values and manipulate them in suitable ways. When you compare two value objects of the same class type, it is their encapsulated values that are compared, not their pointer values. Value objects are frequently the attributes of other objects, including custom objects.

Of course, you may choose to use scalars and other primitive values in your program—after all, Objective-C is a superset of ANSI C— and in many cases using scalars is a reasonable thing to do. But in other situations, wrapping these values in objects is either advantageous or required. For example, because value objects are objects, you can, at run time, find out their class type, determine the messages that can be sent to them, and perform other tasks that can be done with objects. The elements of collection objects such as arrays and dictionaries must be objects. And many if not most methods of the Cocoa frameworks that take and return values such as strings, numbers, and dates require that these values be encapsulated in objects. (With string values, in particular, you should always use NSString objects and not C-strings.)

Some classes for value objects have mutable and immutable variants—for example, there are the NSMutableData and NSData classes. The values encapsulated by immutable objects cannot be modified after they are created whereas the values encapsulated by mutable objects can be modified. (“Object Mutability” discusses mutable and immutable objects in detail.)

The following is a brief survey of the more important value objects:

Formatter objects—that is, objects derived from NSFormatter and its descendent classes—are not themselves value objects, but they perform an important function related to value objects. They convert value objects such as NSDate and NSNumber instances to and from specific string representations, which are typically presented in the user interface.


Collections are objects that store other objects in a particular ordering scheme for later retrieval. Foundation defines three major collection classes that are common to both iOS and Mac OS X: NSArray, NSDictionary, and NSSet. As with many of the value classes, these collection classes have immutable and mutable variants. For example, once you create an NSArray object that holds a certain number of elements, you cannot add new elements or remove existing ones; for that purpose you need the NSMutableArray class. (To learn about mutable and immutable objects, see “Object Mutability.”)

Objects of the major collection classes have some common behavioral characteristics and requirements. The items they contain must be objects, but the objects may be of any type. Collection objects, as with value objects, are essential components of property lists and, like all objects, can be archived and distributed. Moreover, collection objects automatically retain—that is, keep a strong reference to—any object they contain. If you remove an object from a mutable collection, it is released, which results in the object being freed if no other object claims it.

Note: "Retain,‚Äù ‚Äúrelease,‚Äù and related terms refer to memory-management of objects in Cocoa. To learn about this important topic, see ‚ÄúObject Retention and Disposal.‚Äù

The collection classes provide methods to access specific objects they contain. In addition, there are special enumerator objects (instances of NSEnumerator) and language-level support to iterate through collections and access each element in sequence.

The major collection classes are differentiated by the ordering schemes they use:

On Mac OS X, the Foundation framework includes several additional collection classes. NSMapTable is a mutable dictionary-like collection class; however, unlike NSDictionary, it can hold pointers as well as objects and it maintains weak references to its contained objects rather than strong references. NSPointerArray is an array that can hold pointers and NULL values, and may maintain either strong or weak references to them. The NSHashTable class is modeled after NSSet but it can store pointers to functions and it provides different options, in particular to support weak relationships in a garbage-collected environment.

For more on collection classes and objects, see Collections Programming Topics.

Other Categories of Foundation Classes

The remaining classes of the Foundation framework fall into various categories, as indicated by the diagram in Figure 1-9.

The Foundation framework for iOS has a subset of the classes for Mac OS X. The following categories of classes are present only in the Mac OS X version of Foundation:

Application Kit (Mac OS X)

The Application Kit (which is sometimes referred to as the AppKit) is a framework containing all the objects you need to implement your graphical, event-driven user interface on Mac OS X: windows, dialogs, buttons, menus, scrollers, text fields—the list goes on. The Application Kit handles all the details for you as it efficiently draws on the screen, communicates with hardware devices and screen buffers, clears areas of the screen before drawing, and clips views. The number of classes in the Application Kit may seem daunting at first. However, most Application Kit classes are support classes that you use indirectly. You also have the choice at which level you use the Application Kit:

Overview of the Application Kit

The Application Kit consists of more than 125 classes and protocols. All classes ultimately inherit from the Foundation framework’s NSObject class. The diagrams in Figure 1-10 show the inheritance relationships of the Application Kit classes.

Figure 1-10  Application Kit class hierarchy‚ÄîObjective-C

Application Kit class hierarchy—Objective-C
Application Kit class hierarchy (part two)

As you can see, the hierarchy tree of the Application Kit is broad but fairly shallow; the classes deepest in the hierarchy are a mere five superclasses away from the root class and most classes are much closer than that. Some of the major branches in this hierarchy tree are particularly interesting.

At the root of the largest branch in the Application Kit is the NSResponder class. This class defines the responder chain, an ordered list of objects that respond to user events. When the user clicks the mouse button or presses a key, an event is generated and passed up the responder chain in search of an object that can respond to it. Any object that handles events must inherit from the NSResponder class. The core Application Kit classes—NSApplication, NSWindow, and NSView—inherit from NSResponder. You can find out more about these responder classes by reading “The Core Application Architecture on Mac OS X.”

The second largest branch of classes in the Application Kit descend from NSCell. The noteworthy thing about this group of classes is that they roughly mirror the classes that inherit from NSControl, which inherits from NSView. For its user-interface objects that respond to user actions, the Application Kit uses an architecture that divides the labor between control objects and cell objects. The NSControl and NSCell classes, and their subclasses, define a common set of user-interface objects such as buttons, sliders, and browsers that the user can manipulate graphically to control some aspect of your application. Most control objects are associated with one or more cell objects that implement the details of drawing and handling events. For example, a button comprises both an NSButton object and an NSButtonCell object. See “Control and Cell Architecture” for further information

Controls and cells implement a mechanism that is based on an important design pattern of the Application Kit: the target-action mechanism. A cell can hold information that identifies the message that should be sent to a particular object when the user clicks (or otherwise acts upon) the cell. When a user manipulates a control (by, for example, clicking the mouse pointer over it), the control extracts the required information from its cell and sends an action message to the target object. Target-action allows you to give meaning to a user action by specifying what the target object and invoked method should be. You typically use Interface Builder to set these targets and actions by Control-dragging from the control object to your application or other object. You can also set targets and actions programmatically.

Another important design-pattern based mechanism of the Application Kit (and also UIKit) is delegation. Many objects in a user interface, such as text fields and table views, define a delegate. A delegate is an object that acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, the delegating object. It is thus able to impart application-specific logic to the operation of the user interface. For more on delegation, target–action, and other paradigms and mechanisms of the Application Kit, see “Communicating With Objects.” For a discussion of the design patterns on which these paradigms and mechanisms are based, see “Cocoa Design Patterns.”

One of the general features of Mac OS X version 10.5 and later systems is resolution independence: the resolution of the screen is decoupled from the drawing done by code. The system automatically scales content for rendering on the screen. The Application Kit classes support resolution independence in its user-interface objects. However, for your own applications to take advantage of resolution independence, you might have to supply images at a higher resolution or make minor adjustments in your drawing code that take the current scaling factor into account.

Note: In Mac OS X version 10.5 resolution independence is a developer feature, and is not yet available to end users.

The following sections briefly describe some of the capabilities and architectural aspects of the Application Kit and its classes and protocols. It groups classes according to the class hierarchy diagrams shown in Figure 1-10 and “Application Kit class hierarchy—Objective-C (part two).”

General User-Interface Classes

For the overall functioning of a user interface, the Application Kit provides the following classes:

Text and Fonts

The Cocoa text system is based on the Core Text framework, which was introduced in Mac OS X version 10.5. The Core Text framework provides a modern, low-level, high-performance technology for laying out text. If you use the Cocoa text system, you should rarely have reason to use Core Text directly.

The NSTextField class implements a simple editable text-input field, and the NSTextView class provides more comprehensive editing features for larger text bodies.

NSTextView, a subclass of the abstract NSText class, defines the interface to the extended text system. NSTextView supports rich text, attachments (graphics, file, and other), input management and key binding, and marked text attributes. NSTextView works with the Fonts window and Font menu, rulers and paragraph styles, the Services facility, and the pasteboard (Clipboard). NSTextView also allows customizing through delegation and notifications—you rarely need to subclass NSTextView. You rarely create instances of NSTextView programmatically either, since objects on Interface Builder’s palettes, such as NSTextField, NSForm, and NSScrollView, already contain NSTextView objects.

It is also possible to do more powerful and more creative text manipulation (such as displaying text in a circle) using NSTextStorage, NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer, and related classes. The Cocoa text system also supports lists, tables, and non-contiguous selections.

The NSFont and NSFontManager classes encapsulate and manage font families, sizes, and variations. The NSFont class defines a single object for each distinct font; for efficiency, these objects, which can represent a lot of data, are shared by all the objects in your application. The NSFontPanel class defines the Fonts window that’s presented to the user.

Graphics and Colors

The classes NSImage and NSImageRep encapsulate graphics data, allowing you to easily and efficiently access images stored in files on the disk and displayed on the screen. NSImageRep subclasses each know how to draw an image from a particular kind of source data. The NSImage class provides multiple representations of the same image, and also provides behaviors such as caching. The imaging and drawing capabilities of Cocoa are integrated with the Core Image framework.

Color is supported by the classes NSColor, NSColorSpace, NSColorPanel, NSColorList, NSColorPicker, and NSColorWell. NSColor and NSColorSpace support a rich set of color formats and representations, including custom ones. The other classes are mostly interface classes: They define and present panels and views that allow the user to select and apply colors. For example, the user can drag colors from the Color window to any color well.

The NSGraphicsContext, NSBezierPath, and NSAffineTransform classes help you with vector drawing and support graphical transformations such as scaling, rotation, and translation.

Printing and Faxing

The NSPrinter, NSPrintPanel, NSPageLayout, and NSPrintInfo classes work together to provide the means for printing and faxing the information that your application displays in its windows and views. You can also create a PDF representation of an NSView.

Document and File-System Support

Use the NSFileWrapper class to create objects that correspond to files or directories on disk. NSFileWrapper holds the contents of the file in memory so that it can be displayed, changed, or transmitted to another application. It also provides an icon for dragging the file or representing it as an attachment. Or use the NSFileManager class in the Foundation framework to access and enumerate file and directory contents. The NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel classes also provide a convenient and familiar user interface to the file system.

The NSDocumentController, NSDocument, and NSWindowController classes define an architecture for creating document-based applications. (The NSWindowController class is shown in the User Interface group of classes in the class hierarchy charts). Such applications can generate identically contained but uniquely composed sets of data that can be stored in files. They have built-in or easily acquired capabilities for saving, opening, reverting, closing, and managing these documents.

Internationalization and Character Input Support

If an application is to be used in more than one part of the world, its resources may need to be customized, or localized, for language, country, or cultural region. For example, an application may need to have separate Japanese, English, French, and German versions of character strings, icons, nib files, or context help. Resource files specific to a particular language are grouped together in a subdirectory of the bundle directory (the directories with the .lproj extension). Usually you set up localization resource files using Interface Builder. See “Nib Files and Other Application Resources” for more information on the Cocoa internationalization facilities.

The NSInputServer and NSInputManager classes, along with the NSTextInput protocol, give your application access to the text input management system. This system interprets keystrokes generated by various international keyboards and delivers the appropriate text characters or Control-key events to text view objects. (Typically the text classes deal with these classes and you won’t have to.)

Operating-System Services

The Application Kit provides operating-system support for your application through classes that implement the following features:

Interface Builder Support

The abstract NSNibConnector class and its two concrete subclasses, NSNibControlConnector and NSNibOutletConnector, represent connections in Interface Builder. NSNibControlConnector manages an action connection in Interface Builder and NSNibOutletConnector manages an outlet connection.

UIKit (iOS)

The UIKit framework on iOS is the sister framework of the Application Kit on Mac OS X. Its purpose is essentially the same: to provide all the classes that an application needs to construct and manage its user interface. However, there are significant differences in how the frameworks realize this purpose.

One of the greatest differences is that, on iOS, the objects that appear in the user interface of a Cocoa application look and behave differently from their counterparts in a Cocoa application running on Mac OS X. Some common examples are text views, table views, and buttons. In addition, the event-handling and drawing models for Cocoa applications on the two platforms are significantly different. The following sections explain the reasons for these and other differences.

You can add UIKit objects to your application’s user interface in three ways:

Further Reading: To gain a thorough understanding of UIKit, read UIKit Framework Reference and iOS Application Programming Guide.

Overview of UIKit Classes

As with the Application Kit, the classes of the UIKit framework ultimately inherit from NSObject. Figure 1-11 presents the classes of the UIKit framework in their inheritance relationship.

Figure 1-11  UIKit class hierarchy

UIKit class hierarchy

As with the Application Kit a base responder class is at the root of the largest branch of UIKit classes. UIResponder also defines the interface and default behavior (if any) for event-handling methods and for the responder chain, which is a chain of objects that are potential event handlers. When the user scrolls a table view with his or her finger or types characters in a virtual keyboard, UIKit generates an event and that event is passed up the responder chain until an object handles it. The corresponding core objects—application (UIApplication), window (UIWindow), and view (UIView)—all directly or indirectly inherit from UIResponder.

Unlike the Application Kit, UIKit does not make use of cells. Controls in UIKit—that is, all objects that inherit from UIControl—do not require cells to carry out their primary role: sending action messages to a target object. Yet the way UIKit implements the target-action mechanism is different from the design in the Application Kit. The UIControl class defines a set of event types for controls; if, for example, you want a button (UIButton) to send an action message to a target object, you call UIControl methods to associate the action and target with one or more of the control event types. When one of those events happens, the control sends the action message.

The UIKit framework makes considerable use of delegation, another design pattern of the Application Kit. Yet the UIKit implementation of delegation is different. Instead of using informal protocols, UIKit uses formal protocols with possibly some protocol methods marked optional.

Note: For a complete description of the target-action mechanism in UIKit and the Application Kit, see ‚ÄúThe Target-Action Mechanism.‚Äù To learn more about delegation and protocols, both formal and informal, see ‚ÄúDelegates and Data Sources‚Äù and ‚ÄúProtocols.‚Äù

Application Coordination

Each application running on iOS is managed by a singleton application object, and this object has a job that is almost identical to that for the global NSApplication object. A UIApplication object controls the main event loop, keeps track of the applications windows and views, and dispatches incoming events to the appropriate responder objects.

The UIApplication object also receives notification of system-level and application-level events. Many of these it passes to its delegate, allowing it to inject application-specific behavior when the application launches and terminates, and to respond to low-memory warnings and changes in time.

Differences in Event and Drawing Models

In Mac OS X, the mouse and keyboard generate most user events. The Application Kit uses NSEvent objects to encapsulate these events. On iOS, however, a user’s finger movements on the screen are what originate events. UIKit also has a class, UIEvent, to represent these events. But finger touches are different in nature from mouse clicks; two or more touches occurring over a period could comprise a discrete event—a pinch gesture, for example. Thus a UIEvent object contains one or more objects representing finger touches (UITouch). The model for distributing and dispatching events to objects that can handle them on the two platforms is almost identical. However, to handle an event, an object must take into consideration the sequence of touches specific to that event.

The drawing models are very similar for the Application Kit and UIKit. In UIKit, however, a UIView object has an animation layer associated with it to enable the animation of changes within views and transitions between views. That said, the programmatic support that UIKit directly provides for drawing is limited (specifically, simple line and rectangle drawing through functions declared in UIGraphics.h). Therefore, for drawing of any sophistication, an application must use the Core Graphics or OpenGLES framework. You use UIColor objects to set colors in the current graphics context.

General User-Interface Classes

Objects on an iOS user interface are visibly different than objects on a Mac OS X user interface. Because of the nature of the device—specifically the smaller screen size and the use of fingers instead of the mouse and keyboard for input—user-interface objects on iOS must typically be larger (to be an adequate target for touches) while at the same time make as efficient use of screen real estate as possible. These objects are sometimes based on visual and tactile analogues of an entirely different sort. As an example, consider the date picker object, which is instantiated from a class that both the UIKit and Application Kit frameworks define. On Mac OS X, the date picker looks like the following:

A date picker in Cocoa on Mac OS X

This style of date picker has a two tiny areas for incrementing date components, and thus is suited to manipulation by a mouse pointer. Contrast this with the date picker seen on iOS applications:

A date picker in Aspen

This style of date picker is more suited for finger touches as an input source; users can swipe a month, day, or year column to spin it to a new value.

As with the Application Kit, many of UIKit classes fall into functional groups:

Text and Images

Users can enter text in an iOS application either through a text view (UITextView) or a text field (UITextField). These classes adopt the UITextInputTraits protocol to specify the appearance and behavior of the virtual keyboard that is presented when users touch the text-entry object; any subclasses that enables entry of text should also conform to this protocol. Applications can draw text in views using UIStringDrawing methods, a category on the NSString class. And with the UIFont class you can specify the font characteristics of text in all objects that display text, including table cells, navigation bars, and labels.

UIKit uses UIImage objects to represent and encapsulate images.

Comparing Application Kit and UIKit Classes

The Application Kit and UIKit are Cocoa application frameworks that are designed for different platforms, one for Mac OS X and the other for iOS. Because of this affinity, it is not surprising that many of the classes in each framework have similar names; in most cases, the prefix (“NS” versus “UI”) is the only name difference. These similarly named classes fulfill mostly similar roles, but there are differences. These differences can be a matter of scope, of inheritance, or of design. Generally, UIKit classes have fewer methods than their Application Kit counterparts.

Figure 1-12 shows UIKit classes with corresponding classes in the Application Kit. Table 1-1 describes the differences between the major classes in each framework.

Figure 1-12  UIKit classes and their Application Kit counterparts

UIKit classes and their Application Kit counterparts
Table 1-1  Major classes of the Application Kit and UIKit





The classes are strikingly similar in their primary roles. They provide a singleton object that sets up the application’s display environment and event loop, distributes events, and notifies a delegate when application-specific events occur (such as launch and termination). However, the NSApplication class performs functions (for example, managing application suspension, reactivation, and hiding) that are not available to an iOS application.



These classes also have nearly identical roles. They are abstract classes that define an interface for responding to events and managing the responder chain. The main differences is that the NSResponder event-handling methods are defined for the mouse and keyboard, while the UIResponder methods are defined for the Multi-Touch event model.



The UIWindow class occupies a different place in the class hierarchy than does NSWindow; it is a subclass of UIView, whereas the Application Kit class inherits directly from NSResponder. UIWindow has a much more restricted role in an application than does NSWindow. It also provides an area for displaying views, dispatches events to those views, and converts between window and view coordinates.



These classes are very similar in purpose and in their basic sets of methods. They allow you to move and resize views, manage the view hierarchy, draw view content, and convert view coordinates. The design of UIView, however, makes view objects inherently capable of animation.



Both classes define a mechanism for objects such as buttons and sliders so that, when manipulated, the control object sends an action message to a target object. The classes implement the target-action mechanism in different ways, largely because of the difference between event models. See “The Target-Action Mechanism” for information.



The role of both of these classes is, as their names suggest, to manage views. How they accomplish this task is different. The management provided by an NSViewController object is dependent on bindings, which is a technology supported only on Mac OS X. UIViewController objects are used in the iOS application model for modal and navigation user interfaces (for example, the views controlled by navigation bars).



NSTableView inherits from NSControl, but UITableView does not inherit from UIControl. More importantly, NSTableView objects support multiple columns of data; UITableView objects display only a single column of data at a time, and thus function more as lists than presentations of tabular data.

Among the minor classes you can find some differences too. For example, UIKit has the UITextField and UILabel classes, the former for editable text fields and the latter for non-editable text fields used as labels; with the NSTextField class you can also create both kinds of objects simply by setting text-field attributes. Similarly, the NSProgressIndicator class can create objects in styles that correspond to instances of the UIProgressIndicator and UIProgressBar classes.

Core Data

Core Data is a Cocoa framework that provides an infrastructure for managing object graphs, including support for persistent storage to a variety of file formats. Object-graph management includes features such as undo and redo, validation, and ensuring the integrity of object relationships. Object persistence means that Core Data saves model objects to a persistent store and fetches them when required. The persistent store of a Core Data application—that is, the ultimate form in which object data is archived—can range from XML files to SQL databases. Core Data is ideally suited for applications that act as front ends for relational databases, but any Cocoa application can take advantage of its capabilities.

The central concept of Core Data is the managed object. A managed object is simply a model object that is managed by Core Data, but it must be an instance of the NSManagedObject class or a subclass of that class. You describe the managed objects of your Core Data application using a schema called a managed object model. (The Xcode application includes a data modeling tool to assist you in creating these schemas.) A managed object model contains descriptions of an application's managed objects (also referred to as entities). Each description specifies the attributes of an entity, its relationships with other entities, and metadata such as the names of the entity and the representing class.

In a running Core Data application, an object known as a managed object context is responsible for a graph of managed objects. All managed objects in the graph must be registered with a managed object context. The context allows an application to add objects to the graph and remove them from it. It also tracks changes made to those objects, and thus can provide undo and redo support. When you're ready to save changes made to managed objects, the managed object context ensures that those objects are in a valid state. When a Core Data application wishes to retrieve data from its external data store, it sends a fetch request—an object that specifies a set of criteria—to a managed object context. The context returns the objects from the store that match the request after automatically registering them.

A managed object context also functions as a gateway to an underlying collection of Core Data objects called the persistence stack. The persistence stack mediates between the objects in your application and external data stores. The stack consists of two different types of objects, persistent stores and persistent store coordinators. Persistent stores are at the bottom of the stack. They map between data in an external store—for example, an XML file—and corresponding objects in a managed object context. They don't interact directly with managed object contexts, however. Above a persistence store in the stack is a persistent store coordinator, which presents a facade to one or more managed object contexts so that multiple persistence stores below it appear as a single aggregate store. Figure 1-13 shows the relationships between objects in the Core Data architecture.

Figure 1-13  Managed object contexts and the persistence stack

Managed object contexts and the persistence stack

Core Data includes the NSPersistentDocumentclass, a subclass of NSDocument that helps to integrate Core Data and the document architecture. A persistent-document object creates its own persistence stack and managed object context, mapping the document to an external data store. An NSPersistentDocument object provides default implementations of the NSDocument methods for reading and writing document data.

Other Frameworks With Cocoa API

As part of a standard installation, Apple includes, in addition to the core frameworks for both platforms, several frameworks that vend Cocoa programmatic interfaces. You can use these secondary frameworks to give your application capabilities that are desirable, if not essential. Some notable secondary frameworks include:

A Bit of History

Many years ago Cocoa was known as NeXTSTEP. NeXT Computer developed and released version 1.0 of NeXTSTEP in September of 1989, and versions 2.0 and 3.0 followed not far behind (in 1990 and 1992, respectively). In this early phase, NEXTSTEP was more than an application environment; the term referred to the entire operating system, including the windowing and imaging system (which was based on Display PostScript), the Mach kernel, device drivers, and so on.

Back then, there was no Foundation framework. Indeed, there were no frameworks; instead, the software libraries (dynamically shared) were known as kits, the most prominent of them being the Application Kit. Much of the role that Foundation now occupies was taken by an assortment of functions, structures, constants, and other types. The Application Kit itself had a much smaller set of classes than it does today. Figure 1-14 shows a class hierarchy chart of NeXTSTEP 0.9 (1988).

Figure 1-14  Application Kit class hierarchy in 1988

Application Kit class hierarchy in 1988

In addition to the Application Kit, the early NeXTSTEP included the Sound Kit and the Music Kit, libraries containing a rich set of Objective-C classes that provided high-level access to the Display Postscript layer for audio and music synthesis.

In early 1993 NeXTSTEP 3.1 was ported to (and shipped on) Intel, Sparc, and Hewlett-Packard computers. NeXTSTEP 3.3 also marked a major new direction, for it included a preliminary version of Foundation. Around this time (1993), the OpenStep initiative also took form. OpenStep was a collaboration between Sun and NeXT to port the higher levels of NeXTSTEP (particularly the Application Kit and Display PostScript) to Solaris. The “Open” in the name referred to the open API specification that the companies would publish jointly. The official OpenStep API, published in September of 1994, were the first to split the API between Foundation and Application Kit and the first to use the “NS” prefix.

By June 1996 NeXT had ported and shipped versions of OpenStep 4.0 that could run Intel, Sparc, and Hewlett-Packard computers as well as an OpenStep runtime that could run on Windows systems. Sun also finished their port of OpenStep to Solaris and shipped it as part of their Network Object Computing Environment. OpenStep, however, never became a significant part of Sun’s overall strategy.

When Apple acquired NeXT Software (as it was then called) in 1997, OpenStep became the Yellow Box and was included with Mac OS X Server (also known as Rhapsody) and Windows. Then, with the evolution of the Mac OS X strategy, it was finally renamed to “Cocoa.”

Last updated: 2010-06-25

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