Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

MDQuery Reference

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MDQuery is a CF-compliant object, follows the CF conventions, and can be used with the CF polymorphic functions, such as CFRetain. MDQuery encapsulates queries against the System store of the file metadata.

An MDQuery normally executes asynchronously and posts progress notifications as the results are collected. During the gathering phase the query results conform to the specified value lists and sorting.

MDQuery gathers results and processes updates only while the current thread's run loop is running.

For functions that take an MDQueryRef parameter, if this parameter is not a valid MDQueryRef, the behavior is undefined. NULL is not a valid MDQueryRef.

For functions that take CF*Ref parameters, such as CFStringRef and CFArrayRef, if this parameter is not a valid CF object of the correct type, the behavior is undefined. NULL is not a valid CF*Ref.

Functions by Task

Creating Queries

Getting and Setting Query Parameters

Setting Callback Functions

Starting, Stopping and Pausing Queries

Getting Query Result Values

Getting the Type Identifier



Returns the query string of the query.

CFStringRef MDQueryCopyQueryString (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

A CFStringRef containing the query string.

Declared In


Returns the list of attribute names used to sort the results.

CFArrayRef MDQueryCopySortingAttributes (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

A CFArrayRef containing the attribute names used to sort the query results.

Declared In


Returns the list of attribute names for which values are being collected by the query.

CFArrayRef MDQueryCopyValueListAttributes (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

A CFArrayRef containing the attribute names of the collected values.

Declared In


Returns the list of values from the results of the query for the specified attribute.

CFArrayRef MDQueryCopyValuesOfAttribute (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFStringRef name

The query.


The attribute name to return the value of. If the attribute is not one of those requested when the query was created the behavior is undefined

Return Value

A CFArrayRef containing the value objects for the specified attribute. The array contents are not ordered and contain only one occurrence of each value. The array contents may change over time if the query is configured for live-updates.

Declared In


Creates a new query instance.

MDQueryRef MDQueryCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef allocator,
   CFStringRef queryString,
   CFArrayRef valueListAttrs,
   CFArrayRef sortingAttrs

The CFAllocator object to be used to allocate memory for the new object. Pass NULL or kCFAllocatorDefault to use the current default allocator.


The query expression string for this query.


An optional array of attribute names. The query will collect the values of these attributes into uniqued lists that can be used to summarize the results of the query and allow the user to further qualify the search. This parameter may be NULL if no value lists are required. Value list collection increases CPU usage and significantly increases the memory usage of an MDQuery. The attribute names are CFStrings.


A n array of attribute names used to sort the results, or NULL if no sorting is required. The first name in the array is used as the primary sort key, the second as the secondary key, and so on. The comparison of like-typed values is a simple, literal comparison. Sorting increases memory usage and significantly increases the CPU usage of an MDQuery. It is usually more efficient to allow the MDQuery to sort the results than retrieving the values and sorting the results yourself. The attribute names are CFStrings.

Return Value

An MDQueryRef, or NULL on failure. If the query string is empty or malformed the function returns NULL.

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Creates a new query that is a subset of the specified parentquery.

MDQueryRef MDQueryCreateSubset (
   CFAllocatorRef allocator,
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFStringRef queryString,
   CFArrayRef valueListAttrs,
   CFArrayRef sortingAttrs

The CFAllocator object to be used to allocate memory for the new object. Pass NULL or kCFAllocatorDefault to use the current default allocator.


The parent query


The query expression string for this query.


An optional array of attribute names. The query will collect the values of these attributes into uniqued lists that can be used to summarize the results of the query and allow the user to further qualify the search. This parameter may be NULL if no value lists are required. Value list collection increases CPU usage and significantly increases the memory usage of an MDQuery. The attribute names are CFStrings.


A n array of attribute names used to sort the results, or NULL if no sorting is required. The first name in the array is used as the primary sort key, the second as the secondary key, and so on. The comparison of like-typed values is a simple, literal comparison. Sorting increases memory usage and significantly increases the CPU usage of an MDQuery. It is usually more efficient to allow the MDQuery to sort the results than retrieving the values and sorting the results yourself. The attribute names are CFStrings.

Return Value

An MDQueryRef, or NULL on failure. If the query string is empty or malformed the function returns NULL.

Declared In


Disables updates to the query result list.

void MDQueryDisableUpdates (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.


This function should be called before iterating over query results that could change due to live-updates. The disabled state is a counter and disabling can be done recursively and from different threads.

Declared In


Enables updates to the query result list.

void MDQueryEnableUpdates (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.


This function should be called when finished iterating through the list of results. Live-updates to the query results will continue when all the disables have been matched by a corresponding enable.

Declared In


Run the query, and populate the query with the results.

Boolean MDQueryExecute (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFOptionFlags optionFlags

The query to execute.


A bitwise OR of the MDQueryOptionFlags to be used by the query.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the query was started, FALSE otherwise. Queries cannot be executed more than once.


Queries only gather results or process updates while the current thread's run loop is running.

Queries have two phases: the initial gathering phase that collects all currently matching results and a second live-update phase. Updates occur during the live-update phase if a change in a file occurs such that it no longer matches the query or if it begins to match the query. Files which begin to match the query are added to the result list, and files which no longer match the query expression are removed from the result list.

Query notifications are posted within the context of the same thread which executes the query.

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Returns the value of the named attribute for the result at the given index.

void * MDQueryGetAttributeValueOfResultAtIndex (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFStringRef name,
   CFIndex idx

The query.


The attribute name to return the values of. If the attribute is not one of those requested in the valueListAttrs or sortingAttrs parameters to one of the query creation functions, the result will be NULL.


The index into the query's result list. If the index is negative or is equal to or larger than the current number of results in the query, the behavior is undefined.

Return Value

The value of the attribute, or NULL if the attribute doesn't exist for the specified result.

Declared In


Returns the current parameters that control the batching of progress notifications.

MDQueryBatchingParams MDQueryGetBatchingParameters (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

An MDQueryBatchingParams structure with the current batching parameters.

Declared In


Returns the number of results which have the given attribute and attribute value.

CFIndex MDQueryGetCountOfResultsWithAttributeValue (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFStringRef name,
   CFTypeRef value

The query.


The attribute name to return the result count of. If the attribute is not one of those requested in the valueListAttrs parameter, the behavior is undefined.


The attribute value for which to return the number of results with that value. This parameter may be NULL, in which case the number of results that do not contain the specified attribute is returned.

Return Value

The number of results containing that attribute and value.


This count may change over time if the query allows live-updates.

Declared In


Returns the current index of the given result.

CFIndex MDQueryGetIndexOfResult (
   MDQueryRef query,
   const void *result

The query.


The result object to search for. If a custom create-result function has been set and this parameter is not a valid result object that the provided callbacks can handle, the behavior is undefined. If a custom create-result function has not been set this parameter must be a valid MDItemRef.

Return Value

The index of the given result, or kCFNotFound if the value is not one of the query's existing results. If you provided a custom result creation function result, the result will be objects created by that function.


If a result-create function has been set, and the equal callback is non-NULL, it will be used to test the query's results against the candidate result.

Note that the index of a result can change over time if the query allows live-updates.

Declared In


Returns the current result at the given index.

const void * MDQueryGetResultAtIndex (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFIndex idx

The query.


The index into the query's result list. If the index is negative, or is equal to or larger than the current number of results in the query, the behavior is undefined.

Return Value

Returns the MDItemRef currently at the given index, or if a result-creation function has been set, returns the result returned by that function.


This function causes the result object to be created if it hasn't been created already. For performance reasons you should only request objects that you require. If possible, call this function to fetch only the results you need to display or otherwise process.

Note that the index of a particular result can change over time if the query is configured to allow live-updates.

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Returns the number of results currently collected by the query.

CFIndex MDQueryGetResultCount (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

The number of results in the query.


Note that the number of results in a query will change over time as the query's result list is updated.

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Returns the type identifier of all MDQuery instances

CFTypeID MDQueryGetTypeID (
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Returns true if the first phase of a query, the initial result gathering, has finished.

Boolean MDQueryIsGatheringComplete (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the first phase of a query has completed, otherwise FALSE.

Declared In


Set the query batching parameters.

void MDQuerySetBatchingParameters (
   MDQueryRef query,
   MDQueryBatchingParams params

The query.


An MDQueryBatchingParams structure with the batching parameters to set.

Declared In


Sets the function used to create the result objects of the MDQuery.

void MDQuerySetCreateResultFunction (
   MDQueryRef query,
   MDQueryCreateResultFunction func,
   void *context,
   const CFArrayCallBacks *cb

The query.


The callback function the MDQuery will use to create its results, such as those returned by the function MDQueryGetResultAtIndex. This parameter may be NULL, in which case any previous result creation settings are cancelled and the MDQuery will subsequently produce MDItemRefs. If a function is specified and is not of type MDQueryCreateResultFunction or does not behave as a MDQueryCreateResultFunction must, the behavior is undefined.


A pointer-sized user-defined value, that is passed as the third parameter to the create function. MDQuery does not use this value, does not retain the context in any way, and requires that the context be valid for the lifetime of the query. If the context is not what is expected by the create function, the behavior is undefined.


A pointer to a CFArrayCallBacks structure initialized with the callbacks for the query to use to manage the created result objects. A copy of the contents of the callbacks structure is made, so that a pointer to a structure on the stack can be passed in, or can be reused for multiple query creations. Only version 0 of the CFArrayCallBacks is supported. The retain field may be NULL, in which case the MDQuery will not add a retain to the created results for the query. The release field may be NULL, in which case the MDQuery will not remove the query's retain (such as the one it gets from the create function) on the result objects when the query is destroyed. If the copyDescription field is NULL, the query will create a simple description for the result objects. If the equal field is NULL, the query will use pointer equality to test for equality of results. This callbacks parameter itself may be NULL in which case it is treated as a valid version 0 structure with all fields NULL. Otherwise, if any of the fields are not valid pointers to functions of the correct type, or this parameter is not a valid pointer to a CFArrayCallBacks callbacks structure, the behavior is undefined. If any of the value values returned from the create function is not one understood by one or more of the callback functions, the behavior when those callback functions are used is undefined. For example, if the create function can return NULL, then NULL must be understood by the callback functions as a possible parameter. The retain and release callbacks must be a matched set, you should not assume that the retain function will be unused or that additional reference counts will not be taken on the created results.


If no create function is specified for an MDQuery, the default result objects are MDItemRefs. Results created after the function MDQuerySetCreateResultFunction is called are created through the specified create function, but values created before the function was set, or after it is unset, are not modified. It is not advisable to change this function after the function MDQueryExecute has been called. The create-result function is called lazily as results are requested from a query, it is not called on all results, and may not be called at all. This avoids the cost of creating potentially hundreds of thousands of what might be temporary objects.

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Sets the function used to create the value objects of the MDQuery.

void MDQuerySetCreateValueFunction (
   MDQueryRef query,
   MDQueryCreateValueFunction func,
   void *context,
   const CFArrayCallBacks *cb

The query.


The callback function the MDQuery should use to create the value list values, such as those returned by the function MDQueryCopyValuesOfAttribute. This parameter may be NULL, in which case any previous value creation settings are cancelled and the MDQuery will subsequently produce the default CFTypeRefs. If a function is specified and is not of type MDQueryCreateValueFunction or does not behave as a MDQueryCreateValueFunction must, the behavior is undefined.


A pointer-sized user-defined value, that is passed as the third parameter to the create function. MDQuery does not use this value, does not retain the context in any way, and requires that the context be valid for the lifetime of the query. If the context is not what is expected by the create function, the behavior is undefined.


A pointer to a CFArrayCallBacks structure initialized with the callbacks for the query to use to manage the created value objects. A copy of the contents of the callbacks structure is made, so that a pointer to a structure on the stack can be passed in, or can be reused for multiple query creations. Only version 0 of the CFArrayCallBacks is supported. The retain field may be NULL, in which case the MDQuery will not add a retain to the created values. The release field may be NULL, in which case the MDQuery will do nothing to remove the query's retain (such as the one it gets from the create function) on the value objects when the query is destroyed. If the copyDescription field is NULL, the query will create a simple description for the value objects. If the equal field is NULL, the query will use pointer equality to test for equality of values. This callbacks parameter itself may be NULL in which case it is treated as a valid version 0 structure with all fields NULL. Otherwise, if any of the fields are not valid pointers to functions of the correct type, or this parameter is not a valid pointer to a CFArrayCallBacks callbacks structure, the behavior is undefined. If any of the value values returned from the create function is not one understood by one or more of the callback functions, the behavior when those callback functions are used is undefined. For example, if the create function can return NULL, then NULL must be understood by the callback functions as a possible parameter. The retain and release callbacks must be a matched set, you should not assume that the retain function will be unused or that additional reference counts will not be taken on the created results.


Values created after a create function is set will be created using the newly specified function, but existing values are not modified. It is not advisable to change this function after MDQueryExecute has been called with the query.

Declared In


Sets the dispatch queue on which query results will be delivered by MDQueryExecute.

void MDQuerySetDispatchQueue (
   MDQueryRef query,
   dispatch_queue_t queue

The query.


The dispatch queue on which results should be delivered.


It is not advisable to change set dispatch queue after MDQueryExecute has been called with the query.

Setting the dispatch queue for a synchronous query (kMDQuerySynchronous) has no effect.

Declared In


Sets the maximum number of results returned.

void MDQuerySetMaxCount (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFIndex size

The query.


The maximum number of return results.


This must be called before the query is executed.

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Sets the search scope for a query instance.

void MDQuerySetSearchScope (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFArrayRef scopeDirectories,
   OptionBits scopeOptions

The query object to modify.


A CFArray of CFStringRef or CFURLRef objects which specify where to search. For convenience the kMDQueryScopeHome, kMDQueryScopeComputer and kMDQueryScopeNetwork constants may also be included in the array.


Additional options for modifying the search. Currently you must pass 0.


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Sets the function used to sort the results of an MDQuery.

void MDQuerySetSortComparator (
   MDQueryRef query,
   MDQuerySortComparatorFunction comparator,
   void *context

The query.


The callback function the MDQuery uses to sort the results list. This parameter may be NULL which cancels previous sort comparator settings. If a function is specified and is not of type MDQuerySortComparatorFunction or does not behave as a MDQuerySortComparatorFunction must, the behavior is undefined.


A pointer-sized user-defined value, that is passed as the third parameter to the create function. MDQuery does not use this value, does not retain the context in any way, and requires that the context be valid for the lifetime of the query. If the context is not what is expected by the create function, the behavior is undefined.

Declared In


Sets the block used to sort the results of an MDQuery.

void MDQuerySetSortComparatorBlock (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFComparisonResult (^comparator)(const CFTypeRef attrs1[], const CFTypeRef attrs2[])

The query.


The callback block the MDQuery will use to sort its results. The comparator may be called on multiple threads in parallel, and must be reentrant. To take advantage of parallel sorting, it is best to avoid any locking in the comparator.

The block may be NULL to cancel any custom comparator.


You may set the comparator block as many times as you like, even while the query is executing. Whenever the comparator block is set, all results are re-sorted using the new comparator block before the function returns. The block can be NULL to cancel custom sorting and revert to the default sorting.

The default sort provided by MDQueryCreate is an ascending sort. Strings are compared using CFStringCompare with the options kCFCompareNonliteral | kCFCompareLocalized | kCFCompareNumerically. CFDataRefs are compared by using memcmp() of the data pointers.

Declared In


Stops the query from generating more results.

void MDQueryStop (
   MDQueryRef query

The query.


Queries may be executed only once and cannot be restarted. The query will first complete processing any unprocessed That may trigger a progress notification, so be aware of that if you are stopping a query from within your progress note handler; that is, during this function, a recursive progress and/or finished notification might occur, which might recursively call your notification handler. It is safe to call this function recursively. You would call this function to stop a query that is generating way too many results to be useful, but still want to access the results that have come in so far. If a query is stopped before the gathering phase finishes, it will not report itself as finished, nor will it send out a finished notification.

Declared In



Callback function used to create the result objects stored and returned by a query.

typedef const void * (*MDQueryCreateResultFunction) (
   MDQueryRef query,
   MDItemRef item,
   void *context

You may implement the function like this:

(void) createResult(MDQueryRef query, MDItemRef item, void *context);


The query instance.


The default MDItemRef for the result.


The user-defined context parameter provided to the MDQuerySetCreateResultFunction function.

Return Value

The function must return a pointer-sized value that can be managed with the callbacks which were set at the same time the create function was given to the query. The value must be returned with a reference (such as if the retain callback had been called on it), as implied by the Create name. If this function doesn't wish to create a new object it can return the given MDItemRef, but must also return it with a new retain, and the callbacks must be able to handle an MDItemRef as an input value. If this function returns NULL, NULL will be stored for the moment in the query, MDQueryGetResultAtIndex() may return NULL for that result, and the next time the query wants the result, it will call this function again.


The function may hold onto the given attribute name and/or value in some other data structure, but must retain them for them to remain valid.

Declared In


Callback function used to create the value objects stored and returned by a query.

typedef const void * (*MDQueryCreateValueFunction) (
   MDQueryRef query,
   CFStringRef attrName,
   CFTypeRef attrValue,
   void *context

You may implement the function like this:

(void) createValueFunction(MDQueryRef query, CFStringRef attrName, CFTypeRef attrValue, void *context);


The query instance.


The attribute name of the value.


The default value of the value.


The user-defined context parameter provided in the MDQuerySetCreateValueFunction function.

Return Value

The function must return a pointer-sized value that can be managed with the callback which were set at the same time the create function was given to the query. The value must be returned with a reference (such as if the retain callback had been called on it), as implied by the Create name. If this function doesn't wish to create a new object, it can return the given CFTypeRef, but must also return it with a new retain, and the callbacks must be able to handle a CFTypeRef as an input value.


The function may hold onto the given attribute name and/or value in some other data structure, but must retain them for them to remain valid

Declared In


Callback function used to sort the results of a query.

typedef CFComparisonResult (*MDQuerySortComparatorFunction) (
   const CFTypeRef attrs1[],
   const CFTypeRef attrs2[],
   void *context

You may implement the function like this:

CFStringRef sortFunction(CFTypeRef attributes, CFTypeRef values);


The query instance.


A C array of attribute values for a result. The values occur in the array in the same order and position that the attribute names were passed in the sortingAttrs array when the query was created. The values of the attributes will be NULL if the attribute doesn't exist for a result or if read access to that attribute is not allowed.


A C array of attribute values for a result. The values occur in the array in the same order and position that the attribute names were passed in the sortingAttrs array when the query was created. The values of the attributes will be NULL if the attribute doesn't exist for a result or if read access to that attribute is not allowed.


The user-defined context parameter provided in the function MDQuerySetSortComparator.

Return Value

The function must return one of the CFComparisonResults kCFCompareLessThan, kCFCompareEqualTo, or kCFCompareGreaterThan. There is no provision for unordered results. The comparison should be a total order relation and produce the same results for the same inputs.

Declared In

Data Types

Batching Parameters


Structure containing the progress notification batching parameters of a MDQuery.

typedef struct {
   size_t first_max_num;
   size_t first_max_ms;
   size_t progress_max_num;
   size_t progress_max_ms;
   size_t update_max_num;
   size_t update_max_ms;
} MDQueryBatchingParams;

The maximum number of results that can accumulate before the first progress notification is sent. This value is used only during the initial result-gathering phase of a query.


The maximum number of milliseconds that can pass before the first progress notification is sent. This value is advisory, in that the notification will be triggered at some point after first_max_ms milliseconds have passed since the query began accumulating results. This value is used only during the initial result-gathering phase of a query.


The maximum number of results that can accumulate before additional progress notifications are sent. This value is used only during the initial result-gathering phase of a query.


The maximum number of milliseconds that can pass before additional progress notifications are sent. This value is advisory, in that the notification will be triggered at some point after progress_max_ms milliseconds have passed since the query began accumulating results. This value is used only during the initial result-gathering phase of a query.


The maximum number of results that can accumulate before an update notification is sent. This value is used only during the live-update phase of a query.


The maximum number of milliseconds that can pass before an update notification is sent. This value is advisory, in that the notification will be triggered at some point after update_max_ms milliseconds have passed since the query began accumulating results. This value is used only during the live-update phase of a query.


The default batching parameters are undefined and subject to change.

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A reference to a MDQuery object.

typedef struct __MDQuery *MDQueryRef;
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Query Option Flags


Specify the execution mode for a query.

typedef enum {
   kMDQuerySynchronous = 1,
   kMDQueryWantsUpdates = 4,
} MDQueryOptionFlags;

Specifies that a query should block during the initial gather phase. The query’s run loop will run in the default mode. If this option is not specified the query function returns immediately after starting the query asynchronously.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that a query should provide live-updates to the result list after the initial gathering phase. Updates occur during the live-update phase if a change in a file occurs such that it no longer matches the query or if it begins to match the query. Files which begin to match the query are added to the result list, and files which no longer match the query expression are removed from the result list. Currently, this option is ignored if the kMDQuerySynchronous parameter is specified. This is subject to change, and you should always pass the value appropriate to the required behavior.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.



Indicates that a query has finished with the initial result-gathering phase.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryDidFinishNotification;

Posted to indicate that the query has finished the initial result-gathering phase.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


The query results list is not updated as a result of this notification.

This notification is only sent to the application’s notification center.


Indicates that a query’s results list has change during the live-update phase of a query.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryDidUpdateNotification;

Notification posted to indicate that a change has occurred to the query’s results list during the live-update phase of a query’s execution.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


The info dictionary of the notification can contain kMDQueryUpdateAddedItems, kMDQueryUpdateChangedItems, and kMDQueryUpdateRemovedItems keys.

This notification is only sent to the application’s notification center.


Indicates that a query’s results list has change during the initial result-gathering phase of a query.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryProgressNotification;

Notification posted to indicate that a change has occurred to the query’s results list during the initial result-gathering phase of execution.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


New items are typically added during this phase, however it is possible for items to be removed or updated, if the original file is changed. The info dictionary of the notification can contain kMDQueryUpdateChangedItems and kMDQueryUpdateRemovedItems keys.

For performance reasons added results are not indicated in progress notifications, to avoid the cost of creating the result objects.

This notification is only sent to the application’s notification center.

Notification Info Keys

Query Result Change Keys

Specify the items that have changed in the query results.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryUpdateAddedItems;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryUpdateChangedItems;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryUpdateRemovedItems;

An array that identifies the items that have been added to the query results. This list only contains result objects that have previously been created, result objects that have not been created are not included.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


An array that identifies the items that have changed in the query results. This list only contains result objects that have previously been created, result objects that have not been created are not included.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


An array that identifies the items that have been removed from the query results. This list only contains result objects that have previously been created, result objects that have not been created are not included.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.

Query Search Scope Keys

Specify the scope of a query’s search.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeHome;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeComputer;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeNetwork;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeAllIndexed;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed;
const CFStringRef kMDQueryScopeNetworkIndexed;

Specifies that the query should be restricted to the volume and directory that contains the current user’s home directory.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that the query should be restricted to all locally mounted volumes, plus the user’s home directory (which may be on a remote volume).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that the query should include all user mounted remote volumes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that the search should be restricted to indexed, locally mounted volumes and indexed user mounted remote volumes, plus the user's home directory.

Available in Mac OS X v10.6 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that the search should be restricted to indexed, locally mounted volumes, plus the user's home directory (which may be on a remote volume).

Available in Mac OS X v10.6 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


Specifies that the search should include indexed user mounted remote volumes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.6 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


These constants can be passed in the scopeDirectories array to the function MDQuerySetSearchScope.

Result Relevance Sorting Key

Key used in a user notification’s description dictionary that indicates the relevance of a result.

const CFStringRef kMDQueryResultContentRelevance;

A CFNumberRef with a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in MDQuery.h.


The relevance value indicates the relevance of the content of a result object. The relevance is computed based on the value of the result itself, not on its relevance to the other results returned by the query.

The relevance value is for the content of the object only, not on the result item as a whole, and may not be computed if the item matches the query through evaluation of other attributes

If the value is not computed it is treated as an attribute on the item that does not exist.

Last updated: 2010-02-21

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