Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Modifying Your Application to Use 64-Bit Addressing

This chapter explains what kinds of modifications are needed in existing Carbon applications to make them compile and run as 64-bit executables.

Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) provides two different implementations of its programming interfaces: one for 32-bit applications and another for 64-bit applications. You may choose to build your application using either one or both of these implementations. Some Leopard header files have been modified to support both implementations, and these header files often select or remove code for 64-bit compilation.

For 32-bit applications, Apple’s goal is to maintain complete source compatibility; when recompiled on Leopard, 32-bit applications should not need to change their sources to compile against Leopard headers. If you find instances where changes to the Leopard headers have broken the compilation of your 32-bit application, you should treat these as bugs and report them to Apple.

If you plan to modify your application to use 64-bit addressing, you may need to adopt standard data types that can be used identically in both 32-bit and 64-bit applications. You also need to be aware that the APIs used to implement a Carbon user interface—menus, windows, views, toolbars, navigation dialogs, and so on—are generally not available. If you want to create a 64-bit application, you need to use Cocoa to implement its user interface.

Later in this document, you’ll learn more about replacement alternatives for the APIs and technologies that aren’t available to 64-bit applications.

Conditional Compilation

The differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit programming interfaces are marked in header files using the following preprocessor conditionals:

#if __LP64__
(code available only to 64-bit applications)
#if !__LP64__
(code available only to 32-bit applications)

These two conditionals are used to select or remove code for 64-bit compilation in a manner that is independent of the machine architecture (PowerPC or Intel). This is the primary mechanism used to provide 32-bit and 64-bit versions of an API or a standard data type such as CGFloat.

Standard Types

In the context of this document, standard types are Apple-defined data types that can be used identically in both 32-bit and 64-bit applications. In Mac OS X v10.5, Apple has redefined some of these types (or defined new types) to make it easier for you to maintain a source base that compiles for both 32-bit and 64-bit targets. These standard types are used in function parameters and return values to implement 64-bit addressing and 64-bit quantities when compiling 64-bit targets. You may need to modify your source code to take full advantage of these wider parameters and return values.

Changes in Standard Types

Commonly used standard types such as ByteCount, ByteOffset, ItemCount, and UniCharCount have been defined as long, which makes them 64-bit types for 64-bit applications:

typedef unsigned long     ByteCount;
typedef unsigned long     ByteOffset;
typedef unsigned long     ItemCount;
typedef unsigned long     UniCharCount;

New standard types have been added to provide consistent representation of user-specified data:

typedef void *            PRefCon;
#if __LP64__
typedef void *            URefCon;
typedef void *            SRefCon;
typedef UInt32            URefCon;
typedef SInt32            SRefCon;

Core Foundation has redefined several standard types to accommodate wide values for 64-bit applications:

typedef unsigned long     CFTypeID;
typedef unsigned long     CFOptionFlags;
typedef unsigned long     CFHashCode;
typedef signed long       CFIndex;

Core Graphics (Quartz) has defined a new standard type to increase the precision of floating-point values for 64-bit applications:

#if __LP64__
typedef double CGFloat;
typedef float CGFloat;

It’s also worth noting that declarations of the fixed-size types SInt32 and UInt32 have been changed to make them remain 32-bit quantities for 64-bit applications:

#if __LP64__
typedef unsigned int      UInt32;
typedef signed int        SInt32;
typedef unsigned long     UInt32;
typedef signed long       SInt32;

Adopting Standard Types

The following general changes have been made in a number of C APIs to adopt standard types. These changes should have no effect on your application.

To advance your application toward the goal of being 64-bit capable, you are encouraged to adopt these standard types in your own source code. At a minimum, you need to make sure that the data you pass to and receive from system functions uses compatible types.

For example, if you are currently casting a pointer to SInt32 or UInt32 before passing it as user-specified data, you should instead cast the pointer to SRefCon or URefCon to avoid truncating your pointer in 64-bit targets. If you are currently passing an integer value as user-specified data, you will need to add a cast to SRefCon or URefCon to avoid errors when compiling your code for 64-bit targets.

Common Pitfalls

If you’re already using standard types, your code may be making assumptions about their sizes that no longer hold true in 64-bit applications. Here are some examples.

Example 1

In this example, the code assumes that ItemCount is a 32-bit type.

ItemCount count;   // Used to be declared as UInt32, now unsigned long
memmove(mem, &count, 4);

Instead of 4, sizeof(ItemCount) should have been used.

Example 2

In this example, the code assumes that CFIndex is the same size as SInt32.

CFIndex c;   // Used to be declared as SInt32, now long
CFNumberRef n = CFNumberCreate(NULL, &c, kCFNumberSInt32Type);

Instead of kCFNumberSInt32Type, kCFNumberCFIndexType should have been used.

Example 3

In this example, the code assumes that a prototype exists for a function that returns a pointer-sized type.

CFStringRef s = SomeGetStringFunction();

If a prototype for SomeGetStringFunction is not encountered, the compiler assumes an int, hence 32-bit, return value.

Example 4

This example uses variable-sized data across process boundaries—in this case, by writing the data to a file.

/* 32-bit process */
CGFloat floatValue;
fwrite(&floatValue, sizeof(floatValue), 1, file);  // writes out 4 bytes
/* 64-bit process */
CGFloat floatValue;
fread(&floatValue, sizeof(floatValue), 1, file);  // tries to read back 8 bytes

Basically, any use of variable-size types in data structures that go outside the address space of a process should be examined.

Example 5

The Collection Manager is available to 64-bit applications, but unlike many other APIs, the itemSize parameters have not been widened to 64 bits; they remain SInt32. This can cause problems if your code is already casting an itemSize parameter to an SInt32* type before calling a Collection Manager function. For example, this code will compile without warnings in a 64-bit target but will fail at runtime because sizeof(ByteCount) is no longer equal to sizeof(SInt32).

MyData data;
ByteCount itemSize = sizeof(data);
GetCollectionItem (collection, kDataTag, kDataID, (SInt32*) &itemSize, &data);

Passing the address of a ByteCount (or long) variable to GetCollectionItem causes this function to return zero bytes instead of sizeof(data) bytes. The same issue applies to GetIndexedCollectionItem and GetTaggedCollectionItem. Consider reviewing your use of these functions to verify that you are using the correct parameter type for the itemSize parameter.

Example 6

Some Core Foundation functions return a value by reference rather than as the function result. It’s easy to pass the address of an incorrectly sized variable to one of these functions. For example, suppose you have stored an integer in a dictionary and you wish to retrieve its value.

UInt32 value = 0;
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (dict, CFSTR("key"), (void**) &value))
    DoSomething (value);

In a 64-bit target, this code will compile without warnings but will fail at runtime because sizeof(UInt32) is no longer equal to sizeof(void*). The CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent function will write an 8-byte value into the 4-byte memory location that you have provided, overwriting some other memory. To fix this, use a variable of type long, unsigned long, CFIndex, or intptr_t, any of which will properly resize to match the size of a pointer.

What’s Not Available to 64-Bit Applications

This section lists a few of the managers, services, and individual functions that are not available to 64-bit applications. You can find more detailed information about these changes in the next two chapters, “Changes in the Human Interface Toolbox” and “Changes in Other C APIs.”

Deprecated Technologies

A number of legacy Carbon technologies have been either wholly or partially deprecated in favor of more modern equivalents. You are discouraged from using these technologies in 32-bit applications. If you are creating 64-bit applications, you must use alternative technologies.

For example, these deprecated technologies are not available to 64-bit applications:

Supported Technologies

Some other technologies are still supported for 32-bit applications but are not available to 64-bit applications. Among these technologies are the following:

Choosing a Development Path for Your Carbon User Interface

During the evolution of Mac OS X, a number of improvements and new features have been added to Carbon to help you modernize your Carbon user interface (UI) and begin to incorporate Cocoa features. You have been encouraged to adopt newer UI technologies such as composited windows, HIView-based controls, and Quartz 2D for drawing. In Mac OS X v10.5, the addition of HICocoaView has opened up a number of possibilities for adding Cocoa features to applications that use Carbon windows.

Because most Carbon UI functions are not available to 64-bit applications, you have two possible development paths. You can continue modernizing and improving your Carbon UI with the expectation that your application will remain a 32-bit application for the foreseeable future. Apple plans to support and maintain the 32-bit Carbon Human Interface Toolbox, although Apple will not be adding any significant new features to these APIs. The other development path is more challenging and also potentially more rewarding in the long term. You can develop a 64-bit version of your application, using Cocoa to implement your UI. As you do so, consider going one step further and implementing other parts of your application using Cocoa. For an introduction to Cocoa programming, see Cocoa Fundamentals Guide.

At this time, a reasonable approach would be to compare the amount of work required for each development path, assess the potential benefits, and decide which option is more attractive.

Last updated: 2009-04-27

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