Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Making Remote Procedure Calls From Applications

Starting with Mac OS X version 10.1, the Apple Event Manager provides support for using the XML-RPC and SOAP protocols to make remote procedure calls from AppleScript scripts and from applications. This chapter provides sample code that show how to make remote procedure calls from applications or other code.

This chapter assumes you are familiar with the conceptual material in “Introduction to XML-RPC and SOAP Programming Guide.” To test any of the sample code shown in this book, you must have an Internet connection.

Making an XML-RPC Call

To make an XML-RPC call from an application or other code, you create an Apple event that describes the remote procedure call, use the AESend function to send it, and extract any returned information from the reply Apple event. This process, along with the Apple Event Manager API you use, is described in “Remote Procedure Calls From Applications.”

This section provides sample code you can use from an application, tool, or other code to send an XML-RPC request to a server. The sample code calls an Internet server that returns the state name for the passed state index. That is, for an index value of 1 it returns Alabama, for 2 it returns Alaska, for 50 it returns Wyoming, and so on.

Setting Up a Project

You can use the sample code in this section in a number of ways. The following steps show one approach: creating a C++ tool with Project Builder:

  1. Launch Project Builder.

  2. Choose New Project from the File menu.

  3. Choose the C++ tool template.

  4. Replace the code in the automatically generated main.cpp file with the sample code in Listing 4-1, Listing 4-2, and Listing 4-3, in that order.

  5. Use Add Frameworks from the Project menu to add Carbon.framework to the project.

Once you’ve built the tool, you can run it in Project Builder and examine its output in the Console pane, or run it in a Terminal window.

You can also build this code directly in a Terminal window with the following compile line:

cc -g -o xmlrpc xmlrpc.cp -framework Carbon

If you want to compile with a C compiler, rather than a C++ compiler, you’ll have to modify the code so that all variables are declared at the beginning of functions, rather than where they are used.

Includes, Constants, and Declarations

Listing 4-1 shows include statements, constants, and declarations to place at the beginning of your code file. This code

Listing 3-1  Includes, constants, and declarations for making an XML-RPC call.

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
// Define a simple error macro that just shows the error and line number
#define checkErr(err) \
    while (err != noErr) \
        { fprintf(stderr, "Failed at line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, err);\
         exit(-1); }
// Define constants for the XML-RPC server and method.
static const char* serverURL = "";
static const char* methodName = "examples.getStateName";
// Declare our debug function.
static void dumpDebug(const char* msg, const AppleEvent* replyEvent,
    OSType debugDataKey);

A Main Function That Makes an XML-RPC Call

Listing 4-2 shows a main function that prepares an XML-RPC Apple event, sends it, and displays information from the reply Apple event. To do so, it performs the following steps:

  1. It calls AECreateDesc to create a target address descriptor of type typeApplicationURL that specifies the target for the request (a remote server). It uses the constant serverURL defined previously to specify the desired Internet server.

  2. It calls AECreateAppleEvent to create an Apple event with event class kAERPCClass, event ID KAEXMLRPCScheme, and with the target address descriptor from step 1.

  3. It calls AECreateList to create the direct object for the Apple event.

  4. It calls AEPutParamPtr to insert the method name, using the key keyRPCMethodName and the constant methodName defined previously.

  5. It calls AECreateList to create a list descriptor for the remote procedure call parameters.

  6. It calls AEPutPtr to insert the only parameter for the examples.getStateName function, the state index, into the parameter list. It passes typeSInt32 for the type code and an index value of 41. The index number was chosen randomly from the legal values of 1 to 50 (the fifty states).

  7. It calls AEPutParamDesc to add the parameter list to the Apple event’s direct object.

  8. It calls AEPutParamDesc to insert the direct object into the Apple event.

  9. It calls AEPutAttributePtr to turn on debugging by adding an attribute to the event with key keyXMLDebuggingAttr and the value kAEDebugXMLDebugAll. This step is optional.

  10. It initializes a reply Apple event.

  11. It calls AESend to send the Apple event, passing kAEWaitReply to indicate it will wait for a reply.

  12. If the previous call succeeds, it calls AEGetParamPtr with key keyDirectObject and desired type of typeChar to extract the direct object of the reply Apple event. For a successful call with state index 41, the returned value is the string “South Dakota”.

    It calls fprintf to display the state name. For example

        State is South Dakota!

    Note: Starting in Mac OS X version 10.3, typeChar is deprecated in favor of one of the Unicode string types. For details, see the descriptions for typeChar and for the Unicode string types in Apple Event Manager Reference.

  13. The main function then calls the function dumpDebug, shown in Listing 4-3, once each to display the header and data for the original XML-RPC request and for the reply from the server. Listing 4-4 shows the possible result of these calls.

Listing 3-2  main function to send an XML-RPC Apple event.

//------------------------- main ----------------------------------
// Builds and sends an XML-RPC Apple event.
// Sends the Apple event to a server that returns the state
//   name corresponding to the passed number; e.g., the number
//   5 corresponds to the state California.
// Prints the returned state name, then calls function
//   to dump debug information from reply
int main()
    OSErr err;
    AEDesc targetAddress;
    // Create the target address.
    //   Using type typeApplicationURL makes it a remote procedure call event.
    err = AECreateDesc(typeApplicationURL, serverURL, strlen(serverURL), &targetAddress);
    // Create an XML-RPC Apple event
    AppleEvent xmlrpcEvent;
    err = AECreateAppleEvent(kAERPCClass, kAEXMLRPCScheme, &targetAddress,
            kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &xmlrpcEvent);
    // Create the parameters for the event - the direct object is a record
    //   that contains the method name, and a list of parameters
    AEDesc directObject;
    err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, true, &directObject);
    // Insert the method name
    err = AEPutParamPtr(&directObject, keyRPCMethodName, typeChar,
        methodName, strlen(methodName));
    // Create the list for the actual parameters
    AEDesc paramList;
    err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, false, &paramList);
    // Put the state index into the parameter array
    SInt32 stateIndex = 41; // Should correspond to South Dakota
    err = AEPutPtr(&paramList, 0, typeSInt32, &stateIndex,
    // Put the parameter list into the direct object
    err = AEPutParamDesc(&directObject, keyRPCMethodParam, &paramList);
    // Put the direct object into the event
    err = AEPutParamDesc(&xmlrpcEvent, keyDirectObject, &directObject);
    // Request all available debugging information. That will include
    //   the header and body for both the XML-RPC request and the reply
    //   from the server.
    SInt32 debugAttr = kAEDebugXMLDebugAll;
    err = AEPutAttributePtr(&xmlrpcEvent, keyXMLDebuggingAttr, typeSInt32,
        &debugAttr, sizeof(debugAttr));
    // Send the event
    AppleEvent replyEvent;
    err = AESend(&xmlrpcEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority,
        kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL);
    // The direct object of the reply Apple event contains
    // our result (the name of the state)
    char buffer[255];
    Size actualSize;
    err = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, typeChar, NULL,
        buffer, sizeof(buffer), &actualSize);
    fprintf(stderr, "State is %.*s!\n", actualSize, buffer);
    // Dump debug information
    dumpDebug("HTTP POST header", &replyEvent, keyAEPOSTHeaderData);
    dumpDebug("XML Request", &replyEvent, keyAEXMLRequestData);
    dumpDebug("HTTP Reply header", &replyEvent, keyAEReplyHeaderData);
    dumpDebug("XML Reply", &replyEvent, keyAEXMLReplyData);
    return 0;

Displaying XML-RPC Debug Information

Listing 4-3 shows a function that extracts debug information from a passed Apple event and displays it with fprintf. The information displayed depends on the key passed in the debugDataKey parameter. To display debug data, this function:

  1. Calls AEGetParamDesc, passing the key specified by the debugDataKey parameter and the desired type typeChar, to extract character data for that debug key.

    The possible debug keys are shown in “Apple Event Manager API for Remote Procedure Calls.”

  2. If step 1 fails, it uses fprintf to display an error message.

    Otherwise, it formats the retrieved character data to show tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds, and displays it with fprintf.

Listing 3-3  A function to display debug information from an XML-RPC reply Apple event.

// ------------------------- dumpDebug ----------------------------------
// Extract and display debug information from a reply Apple event.
static void dumpDebug(const char* msg, const AppleEvent* replyEvent,
    OSType debugDataKey)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", msg);
    AEDesc paramDesc;
    OSErr err = AEGetParamDesc(replyEvent, debugDataKey,
                                typeChar, &paramDesc);
    if (err != noErr)
        fprintf(stderr, "\tCan't get debug data %4.4s - %d returned\n",
            &debugDataKey, err);
        int len = AEGetDescDataSize(&paramDesc);
        char* buffer = new char[len];
        AEGetDescData(&paramDesc, buffer, len);
        char* p = buffer;
        char* pEnd = buffer + len;
        while (p < pEnd)
            char* pNext = strpbrk(p, "\r\n");
            if (pNext == NULL)
                pNext = pEnd;
                while (pNext < pEnd && (*pNext == '\r' || *pNext == '\n'))
                    *pNext++ = '\0';
            fprintf(stderr, "\t%.*s\n", pNext - p, p);
            p = pNext;
        delete[] buffer;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");

The following listing shows sample output from the dumpDebug function for an XML-RPC Apple event.

Listing 3-4  Sample header and data from an XML-RPC post and the reply.

HTTP POST header:
    POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0
    User-Agent: Mac OS X; AEServer (1.0)
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Content-length: 216
XML Request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
HTTP Reply header:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 141
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 03:56:34 GMT
    Server: UserLand Frontier/7.0.1-WinNT
XML Reply:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                <value>South Dakota</value>

Making a SOAP Request

To make a SOAP request from an application or other code, you create an Apple event that describes the request, use the AESend function to send it, and extract any returned information from the reply Apple event. This process, along with the Apple Event Manager API you use, is described in “Remote Procedure Calls From Applications.”

This section provides sample code for sending a SOAP request to a server. Like the sample code in “Making an XML-RPC Call,” it makes a request to an Internet server that returns the state name for the passed state index. That is, for an index value of 1 it returns Alabama, for 2 it returns Alaska, and so on. In this case, however, the sample code calls the getStateName method, a SOAP method on an entirely different server.

Setting Up a Project

You can use the sample code in this task in a number of ways. The following steps show how to create a C++ tool with Project Builder:

  1. Launch Project Builder.

  2. Choose New Project from the File menu.

  3. Choose the C++ tool template.

  4. Replace the code in the automatically generated main.cpp file with the sample code in Listing 4-5, Listing 4-6, Listing 4-7, and Listing 4-3, in that order.

  5. Use Add Frameworks from the Project menu to add Carbon.framework to the project.

Once you’ve built the tool, you can run it in Project Builder and examine its output in the Console pane, or run it in a Terminal window.

You can also build this code directly in a Terminal window with the following compile line:

cc -g -o soap soap.cp -framework Carbon

If you want to compile with a C compiler, rather than a C++ compiler, you’ll have to modify the code so that all variables are declared at the beginning of functions, rather than where they are used.

Includes, Constants, and Declarations

Listing 4-5 shows include statements, constants, and declarations to place at the beginning of your code file. This code

Listing 3-5  Includes, constants, and declarations for making a SOAP request.

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#define checkErr(err) \
    while (err != noErr) \
    { fprintf(stderr, "Failed at line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, err); \
    exit(-1); }
static const char* serverURL = "";
static const char* methodName = "getStateName";
static const char* methodNameSpaceURI = "";
static OSStatus createUserRecord(AEDesc* desc, const char* paramName,
    OSType dataType, const void* data, UInt32 dataSize);
static void dumpDebug(const char* msg, const AppleEvent* reply,
    OSType debugDataKey);

A Main Function That Makes a SOAP Request

Listing 4-2 shows a main function that prepares a SOAP request Apple event, sends it, and displays information from the reply Apple event. To do so, it performs the following steps:

  1. It calls AECreateDesc to create a target address descriptor of type typeApplicationURL that specifies the target for the request (a remote server). It uses the constant serverURL defined previously to specify the desired Internet server.

  2. It calls AECreateAppleEvent to create an Apple event with event class kAERPCClass, event ID kAESOAPScheme, and with the target address descriptor from step 1.

  3. It calls AECreateList to create the direct object for the Apple event.

  4. It calls AEPutParamPtr to insert the method name, using the key keyRPCMethodName and the constant methodName defined previously.

  5. It calls the function createUserRecord, shown in Listing 4-7, to create an AEDesc record that stores the parameter name and value for a method that has one of each.

  6. It calls AEPutParamDesc to add the parameter record to the Apple event’s direct object.

  7. It calls AEPutParamPtr to insert the method namespace URI, using the key keySOAPMethodNameSpaceURI and the constant methodNameSpaceURI defined previously.

  8. It calls AEPutParamDesc to insert the direct object into the Apple event.

  9. It calls AEPutAttributePtr to turn on debugging by adding an attribute to the event with key keyXMLDebuggingAttr and the value kAEDebugXMLDebugAll. This step is optional.

  10. It initializes a reply Apple event.

  11. It calls AESend to send the Apple event, passing kAEWaitReply to indicate it will wait for a reply.

  12. If the previous call succeeds, it calls AEGetParamPtr with key keyDirectObject and desired type of typeChar to extract the direct object of the reply Apple event. For a successful call with state index 41, the returned value is the string “South Dakota”.

    It calls fprintf to display the state name. For example

        State is South Dakota!
  13. The main function then calls the function dumpDebug, shown in Listing 4-3, once each to display the header and data for the original XML-RPC request and for the reply from the server. Listing 4-8 shows the possible result of these calls.

Listing 3-6  main function to send a SOAP Apple event.

//------------------------- main ----------------------------------
// Builds and sends a SOAP request Apple event.
// Sends the Apple event to a server that returns the state
//   name corresponding to the passed number; e.g., the number
//   5 corresponds to the state California.
// Prints the returned state name, then calls function
//   to dump debug information from reply
int main()
    OSErr err;
    AEDesc targetAddress;
    // Create the target address
    //   Using type typeApplicationURL makes it a remote procedure
    //   call event.
    err = AECreateDesc(typeApplicationURL, serverURL, strlen(serverURL),
    // Create a SOAP request Apple event
    AppleEvent event;
    err = AECreateAppleEvent(kAERPCClass, kAESOAPScheme, &targetAddress,
        kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &event);
    // Create the parameters for the event - the direct object is a
    // record that contains the method name, and a list of parameters
    AEDesc directObject;
    err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, true, &directObject);
    // Put the method name
    err = AEPutParamPtr(&directObject, keyRPCMethodName, typeChar,
        methodName, strlen(methodName));
    // The parameters for a SOAP request are a record. We use the
    // "AppleScript" format for records that contain user readable
    // names, and call a helper routine to construct this record.
    AEDesc paramRecord;
    SInt32 stateIndex = 41;
    err = createUserRecord(&paramRecord, "statenum", typeSInt32,
        &stateIndex, sizeof(stateIndex));
    // Put the parameter record into the direct object
    err = AEPutParamDesc(&directObject, keyRPCMethodParam,
    // Additional pieces for soap are the SOAP schema, method
    //      namespaceURI and SOAPAction.
    // If the SOAP schema is not explicitly specified, it defaults
    //      to kSOAP1999Schema for the 1999 schema
    //      (corresponding to the 1.1 specification).
    // If the SOAPAction is not explicitly specified, it will be
    //    the path part of the URL (in this case, "/examples")
    err = AEPutParamPtr(&directObject, keySOAPMethodNameSpaceURI,
        typeChar, methodNameSpaceURI, strlen(methodNameSpaceURI));
    // Put the direct object into the event
    err = AEPutParamDesc(&event, keyDirectObject, &directObject);
    // Request debugging information
    SInt32 debugAttr = kAEDebugXMLDebugAll;
    err = AEPutAttributePtr(&event, keyXMLDebuggingAttr, typeSInt32,
        &debugAttr, sizeof(debugAttr));
    // Send the event
    AppleEvent reply;
    err = AESend(&event, &reply, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority,
        kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL);
    // The direct object contains our result (the name of the state)
    char buffer[255];
    Size actualSize;
    err = AEGetParamPtr(&reply, keyDirectObject, typeChar, NULL,
        buffer, sizeof(buffer), &actualSize);
    fprintf(stderr, "State is %.*s!\n", actualSize, buffer);
    // Dump debug information
    dumpDebug("HTTP POST header", &reply, keyAEPOSTHeaderData);
    dumpDebug("XML Request", &reply, keyAEXMLRequestData);
    dumpDebug("HTTP Reply header", &reply, keyAEReplyHeaderData);
    dumpDebug("XML Reply", &reply, keyAEXMLReplyData);
    return 0;

Creating Parameter List Records

Listing 4-7 shows a function that creates a record containing the parameter name and value for a SOAP method with one parameter.

To prepare a parameter list record, this function performs the following steps:

  1. It calls AECreateList to create a list descriptor record for the SOAP request parameters.

  2. It calls AECreateList again to create a list descriptor for the parameter name and value.

  3. Calls AEPutPtr to insert the passed parameter name in the parameter name and value list, with the type typeChar.

  4. Calls AEPutPtr again to insert the passed parameter data in the parameter name and value list, with the type specified the passed type.

  5. It calls AEPutParamDesc to add the parameter name and value list to the parameter list record.

If you need to create a parameter list record for a SOAP request with multiple parameters, you can define a function with a variable length argument list. The function can iterate over the arguments, performing steps 3 and 4 (adding the name and data) for each pair of parameter arguments.

Listing 3-7  A function to create a parameter list record for a SOAP request Apple event.

// -------------------- createUserRecord -----------------------------
// Creates a record containing the parameters for a SOAP request.
// Uses the "AppleScript" format for records that contain user readable
// names.
static OSStatus createUserRecord(AEDesc* desc, const char* paramName,
    OSType dataType, const void* data, UInt32 dataSize)
    OSErr err = AECreateList(0, NULL, true, desc);
    if (err == noErr) {
        AEDesc termsList;
        err = AECreateList(0, NULL, false, &termsList);
        if (err == noErr)
            err = AEPutPtr(&termsList, 0, typeChar,
                paramName, strlen(paramName));
        if (err == noErr)
            err = AEPutPtr(&termsList, 0, dataType,
                data, dataSize);
        if (err == noErr)
            err = AEPutParamDesc(desc, keyASUserRecordFields,
    return err;

Displaying SOAP Request Debug Information

The sample code to display debug information from a SOAP request Apple event uses the same dumpDebug function as the sample code for making an XML-RPC call. That code is shown in Listing 4-3. However, because the XML-RPC and SOAP protocols are different, the requests, the Apple events that represent them, and the debug output are all different. Listing Listing 4-8 shows sample output from the dumpDebug function for a SOAP request Apple event.

Listing 3-8  Sample header and data from a SOAP post and the reply.

HTTP POST header:
    POST /examples HTTP/1.0
    SOAPAction: "/examples"
    User-Agent: Mac OS X; AEServer (1.0)
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Content-length: 538
XML Request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <m:getStateName xmlns:m="">
                    <statenum xsi:type="xsd:int">41</statenum>
HTTP Reply header:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 499
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="us-ascii"
    Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 05:07:46 GMT
    Server: UserLand Frontier/7.0.1-WinNT
XML Reply:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""
        xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://" xmlns:xsd=""
                <Result xsi:type="xsd:string">South Dakota</Result>

Last updated: 2005-03-03

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