Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Operators Reference

This chapter describes AppleScript operators. An operator is a symbol, word, or phrase that derives a value from another value or pair of values. An operation is the evaluation of an expression that contains an operator. An operand is an expression from which an operator derives a value.

AppleScript provides logical and mathematical operators, as well as operators for containment, concatenation, and obtaining a reference to an object. Operators that operate on two values are called binary operators, while operators that operate on a single value are known as unary operators.

The first part of this chapter contains two tables: Table 9-1 summarizes all of the operators that AppleScript uses, and Table 9-2 shows the order in which AppleScript evaluates operators within expressions. The rest of the chapter shows how AppleScript evaluates representative operators in script expressions.

Table 9-1  AppleScript operators

AppleScript operator



Logical conjunction.

A binary logical operator that combines two Boolean values. The result is true only if both operands evaluate to true.

AppleScript checks the left-hand operand first and, if its is false, ignores the right-hand operand. (This behavior is called short-circuiting.)

Class of operands: boolean

Class of result: boolean


Logical disjunction.

A binary logical operator that combines two Boolean values. The result is true if either operand evaluates to true.

AppleScript checks the left-hand operand first and, if its is true, ignores the right-hand operand. (This behavior is called short-circuiting.)

Class of operands: boolean

Class of result: boolean



A binary operator that joins two values. If the left-hand operand is a text object, the result is a text object (and only in this case does AppleScript try to coerce the value of the right-hand operand to match that of the left).

If the operand to the left is a record, the result is a record. If the operand to the left belongs to any other class, the result is a list.

For more information, see & (concatenation).

Class of operands: any

Class of result: list, record, text


is equal


[is] equal to


A binary comparison operator that results in true if both operands have the same value. The operands can be of any class.

For more information, see equal, is not equal to.

Class of operands: boolean

Class of result: boolean

≠ (Option-equal sign on U.S. keyboard)

is not


isn't equal [to]

is not equal [to]

doesn't equal

does not equal


A binary comparison operator that results in true if its two operands have different values. The operands can be of any class.

For more information, see equal, is not equal to.

Class of operands: boolean

Class of result: boolean


[is] greater than

comes after

is not less than or equal [to]

isn't less than or equal [to]

Greater than.

A binary comparison operator that results in true if the value of the left-hand operand is greater than the value of the right-hand operand.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the left-hand operand.

For more information, see greater than, less than.

Class of operands: date, integer, real, text

Class of result: boolean


[is] less than

comes before

is not greater than or equal [to]

isn't greater than or equal [to]

Less than.

A binary comparison operator that results in true if the value of the left-hand operand is less than the value of the right-hand operand.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

For more information, see greater than, less than.

Class of operands: date, integer, real, text

Class of result: boolean

‚â• (Option-period on U.S. keyboard)


[is] greater than or equal [to]

is not less than

isn't less than

does not come before

doesn't come before

Greater than or equal to.

A binary comparison operator that results in true if the value of the left-hand operand is greater than or equal to the value of the right-hand operand.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

The method AppleScript uses to determine which value is greater depends on the class of the operands.

Class of operands: date, integer, real, text

Class of result: boolean

≤ (Option-comma on U.S. keyboard)


[is] less than or equal [to]

is not greater than

isn't greater than

does not come after

doesn't come after

Less than or equal to.

A binary comparison operator that results in true if the value of the left-hand operand is less than or equal to the value of the right-hand operand.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

The method AppleScript uses to determine which value is greater depends on the class of the operands.

Class of operands: date, integer, real, text

Class of result: boolean

start[s] with

begin[s] with

Starts with.

A binary containment operator that results in true if the list or text object to its right matches the beginning of the list or text object to its left.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

For more information, see starts with, ends with.

Class of operands: list, text

Class of result: boolean

end[s] with

Ends with.

A binary containment operator that results in true if the list or text object to its right matches the end of the list or text object to its left.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

For more information, see starts with, ends with.

Class of operands: list, text

Class of result: boolean



A binary containment operator that results in true if the list, record, or text object to its right matches any part of the list, record, or text object to its left.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the operand to the left.

For more information, see contains, is contained by.

Class of operands: list, record, text

Class of result: boolean

does not contain

doesn't contain


A binary containment operator that results in true if the list, record, or text object to its right does not match any part of the list, record, or text object to its left.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to the class of the left-hand operand.

For more information, see contains, is contained by.

Class of operands: list, record, text

Class of result: boolean

is in

is contained by


A binary containment operator that results in true if the list, record, or text object to its left matches any part of the list, record, or text object to its right.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the left-hand operand to the class of the right-hand operand.

For more information, see contains, is contained by.

Class of operands: list, record, text

Class of result: boolean

is not in

is not contained by

isn't contained by


A binary containment operator that results in true if the list, record, or text object to its left does not match any part of the list, record, or text object to its right.

Both operands must evaluate to values of the same class. If they don’t, AppleScript attempts to coerce the left-hand operand to the class of the right-hand operand.

For more information, see contains, is contained by.

Class of operands: list, record, text

Class of result: boolean



A binary arithmetic operator that multiplies the number to its left and the number to its right.

Class of operands: integer, real

Class of result: integer, real



A binary arithmetic operator that adds the number or date to its left and the number or date to its right. Only integers can be added to dates. AppleScript interprets such an integer as a number of seconds.

As a unary operator, + has no effect and is removed on compile.

Class of operands: date, integer, real

Class of result: date, integer, real



A binary or unary arithmetic operator.

The binary operator subtracts the number to its right from the number or date to its left.

The unary operator makes the number to its right negative.

Only integers can be subtracted from dates. AppleScript interprets such an integer as a number of seconds.

Class of operands: date, integer, real

Class of result: date, integer, real


√∑ (Option-slash on U.S. keyboard)


A binary arithmetic operator that divides the number to its left by the number to its right.

Class of operands: integer, real

Class of result: real


Integral division.

A binary arithmetic operator that divides the number to its left by the number to its right and returns the integral part of the answer as its result.

Class of operands: integer, real

Class of result: integer



A binary arithmetic operator that divides the number to its left by the number to its right and returns the remainder as its result.

Class of operands: integer, real

Class of result: integer, real



A binary arithmetic operator that raises the number to its left to the power of the number to its right.

Class of operands: integer, real

Class of result: real


Coercion (or object conversion).

A binary operator that converts the left-hand operand to the class listed to its right.

Not all values can be coerced to all classes. The coercions that AppleScript can perform are listed in “Coercion (Object Conversion).” The additional coercions, if any, that an application can perform is listed in its dictionary.

Class of operands: The right-hand operand must be a class identifier; the left-hand operand must be a value that can be converted to that class.

Class of result: The class specified by the class identifier to the right of the operator



A unary logical operator that results in true if the operand to its right is false, and false if the operand is true.

Class of operand: boolean

Class of result: boolean

[a] (ref [to] | reference to)

A reference to.

A unary operator that causes AppleScript to return a reference object that specifies the location of the operand to its right. A reference is evaluated at run time, not at compile time.

See a reference to for more information.

Class of operand: any class type

Class of result: reference

When evaluating expressions, AppleScript uses operator precedence to determine which operations are evaluated first. In the following expression, for example, AppleScript does not simply perform operations from left to right—it performs the multiplication operation 2 * 5 first, because multiplication has higher precedence than addition.

12 + 2 * 5 --result: 22

Table 9-2 shows the order in which AppleScript performs operations. The column labeled “Associativity” indicates the order in the case where there are two or more operands of the same precedence in an expression. The word “None” in the Associativity column indicates that you cannot have multiple consecutive occurrences of the operation in an expression. For example, the expression 3 = 3 = 3 is not legal because the associativity for the equal operator is “none.”

To evaluate expressions with multiple unary operators of the same order, AppleScript applies the operator closest to the operand first, then applies the next closest operator, and so on. For example, the expression not not not true is evaluated as not (not (not true)).

You can enforce the order in which AppleScript performs operations by grouping expressions in parentheses, which are evaluated first, starting with the innermost pair of parentheses.

Table 9-2  Operator precedence




Type of operator


( )

Innermost to outermost






Plus or minus sign for numbers



Right to left


(note that this is different from standard math, in which exponentiation takes precedence over unary plus or minus)






Left to right

Multiplication and division




Left to right

Addition and subtraction



Left to right




Left to right













Equality and inequality




Logical negation



Left to right

Logical and



Left to right

Logical or

The following sections provide additional detail about how AppleScript evaluates operators in expressions:

& (concatenation)

The concatenation operator (&) concatenates text objects, joins record objects into a record, and joins other objects into a list.

Table 9-1 summarizes the use of use of this operator.


The concatenation of two text objects joins the characters from the left-hand text object to the characters from the right-hand text object, without intervening spaces. For example, "dump" & "truck" evaluates to the text object "dumptruck".

If the left-hand operand is a text object, but the right-hand operand is not, AppleScript attempts to coerce the right-hand operand to a text object. For example, when AppleScript evaluates the expression "Route " & 66 it coerces the integer 66 to the text object "66", and the result is the text object "Route 66".

However, you get a different result if you reverse the order of the operands:

66 & "Route " --result: {66, "Route "} (a list)

In the following example, the left-hand operand is a text object and the right-hand operand is a list, so concatenation results in a text object:

item 1 of {"This"} & {"and", "that"} -- "Thisandthat"

The concatenation of two records joins the properties of the left-hand record to the properties of the right-hand record. If both records contain properties with the same name, the value of the property from the left-hand record appears in the result. For example, the result of the expression

{ name:"Matt", mileage:"8000" } & { name:"Steve", framesize:58 }


{ name:"Matt", mileage:"8000", frameSize:58 }
All Other Classes

Except for the cases described above for text objects and record objects, the concatenation operator (&) joins lists. A non-list operand is considered to be a list containing that operand. The following example shows concatenation of two integers, a list and a text string, and a list and a record, respectively:

1 & 2 --result: {1, 2}
{"this"} & "hello" --result: {"this", "hello"}
{"this"} & {a:1, b:2} --result: {"this", 1, 2}

If both the operands to be concatenated are lists, then the result is a list containing all the items in the left-hand list, followed by all the items in the right-hand list. For example:

{"This"} & {"and", "that"} --result: {"This", "and", "that"}
{"This"} & item 1 of {"and", "that"} --result: {"This", "and"}

To join two lists and create a list of lists, rather than a single list, you can enclose each list in two sets of brackets:

{{1, 2}} & {{3, 4}} --result: {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}

For information on working efficiently with large lists, see list.

a reference to

The a reference to operator is a unary operator that returns a reference object. You can abbreviate this operator to a ref to, or ref to, or even just ref.

For related information, see the reference class and “Object Specifiers.”


The following statement creates a reference object that contains an object specifier to the Finder startup disk:

tell app "Finder" to set diskRef to a ref to startup disk
--result: startup disk of application "Finder"

The following shows how to obtain a reference object that refers to an item in a list:

set itemRef to a reference to item 3 of {1, "hello", 755, 99}
    --result: item 3 of {1, "hello", 755, 99}
set newTotal to itemRef + 45 --result: 800

In the final line, AppleScript automatically resolves the object specifier contained in the reference itemRef and obtains its value to use in the addition operation. To cause AppleScript to explicitly resolve a reference object, you can use its contents property:

contents of itemRef --result: 755

The next examples demonstrate how using a reference object can result in a different outcome than accessing an object directly. The first example obtains a current track object from iTunes, gets the name, changes the track, then gets the name again:

tell application "iTunes"
    set curTrack to current track
    --result: file track id 2703 of user playlist id 2425
    --        of source id 46 of application "iTunes"
    display dialog (name of curTrack as string)  -- "Shattered"
    next track -- play next song
    display dialog (name of curTrack as string) -- "Shattered"
end tell

Because curTrack is a specific track object, its name doesn’t change when the current track changes. But observe the result when using a reference to the current track:

tell application "iTunes"
    set trackRef to a reference to current track
    --result: current track of application "iTunes"
    display dialog (name of trackRef as string) -- "Shattered"
    next track -- play next song
    display dialog (name of trackRef as string) -- "Strange Days"
end tell

Because trackRef is a reference object containing an object specifier, the specifier identifies the new track when the current track changes.

contains, is contained by

The contains and is contained by operators work with lists, records, and text objects.

Table 9-1 summarizes the use of these operators and their synonyms.


A list contains another list if the right-hand list is a sublist of the left-hand list. A sublist is a list whose items appear in the same order and have the same values as any series of items in the other list. For example, the following statement is true because 1 + 1 evaluates to 2, so that all the items in the right-hand list appear, in the same order, in the left-hand list:

{ "this", "is", 1 + 1, "cool" } contains { "is", 2 }

The following statement is false because the items in the right-hand list are not in the same order as the matching items in the left-hand list:

{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } contains { 2, "is" }

A list is contained by another list if the left-hand list is a sublist of the right-hand list. For example, the following expression is true:

{ "is", 2} is contained by { "this", "is", 2, "cool" }

Both contains and is contained by work if the sublist is a single value—as with the concatenation operator (&), single values are coerced to one-item lists. For example, both of the following expressions evaluate to true:

{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } contains 2
2 is contained by { "this", "is", 2, "cool" }

However, the following expressions, containing nested lists, both evaluate to false:

{"this", "is", {2}, "cool"} contains 2 -- false
{"this", "is", {2}, "cool"} contains {2} -- false

A record contains another record if all the properties in the right-hand record are included in the left-hand record, and the values of properties in the right-hand record are equal to the values of the corresponding properties in the left-hand record. A record is contained by another record if all the properties in the left-hand record are included in the right-hand record, and the values of the properties in the left-hand record are equal to the values of the corresponding properties in the right-hand record. The order in which the properties appear does not matter. For example, the following is true:

{ name:"Matt", mileage:"8000", description:"fast"} ¬
    contains { description:"fast", name:"Matt" }

A text object contains another text object if the characters in the right-hand text object are equal to any contiguous series of characters in the left-hand text object. For example,

"operand" contains "era"

is true, but

"operand" contains "dna"

is false.

A text object is contained by another text object if the characters in the left-hand text object are equal to any series of characters in the right-hand text object. For example, this statement is true:

"era" is contained by "operand"

Text comparisons can be affected by considering and ignoring statements, as described in the Text section of equal, is not equal to.

equal, is not equal to

The equal and is not equal to operators can handle operands of any class. Two expressions of different classes are generally not equal, although for scalar operands, such as booleans, integers, and reals, two operands are the same if they have the same value.

Table 9-1 summarizes the use of these operators and their synonyms.


Two lists are equal if they both contain the same number of items and if the value of an item in one list is identical to the value of the item at the corresponding position in the other list:

{ 7, 23, "Hello" } = {7, 23, "Goodbye"} --result: false

Two records are equal if they both contain the same collection of properties and if the values of properties with the same label are equal. They are not equal if the records contain different collections of properties, or if the values of properties with the same label are not equal. The order in which properties are listed does not affect equality. For example, the following expression is true:

{ name:"Matt", mileage:"8000" } = { mileage:"8000", name:"Matt"}

Two text objects are equal if they are both the same series of characters. They are not equal if they are different series of characters. For related information, see the text class.

Text comparisons can be affected by considering and ignoring statements, which instruct AppleScript to selectively consider or ignore attributes of characters or types of characters. For example, unless you use an ignoring statement, AppleScript compares text objects by considering all characters and punctuation.

AppleScript does not distinguish uppercase from lowercase letters unless you use a considering statement to consider the case attribute. For example:

"DUMPtruck" is equal to "dumptruck" --result: true
considering case
    "DUMPtruck" is equal to "dumptruck" --result: false
end considering

When comparing two text objects, if the test is not enclosed in a considering or ignoring statement, then the comparison uses default values for considering and ignoring attributes (described in considering / ignoring (text comparison)).

greater than, less than

The greater than and less than operators work with dates, integers, real numbers, and text objects.

Table 9-1 summarizes the use of these operators and their synonyms.


A date is greater than another date if it represents a later time. A date is less than another date if it represents an earlier time.

integer, real

An integer or a real number is greater than another integer or real number if it represents a larger number. It is less than another integer or real number if it represents a smaller number.


To determine the ordering of two text objects, AppleScript uses the collation order set in the Language pane of International preferences. A text object is greater than (comes after) another text object based on the lexicographic ordering of the user’s language preference. With the preference set to English, the following two statements both evaluate to true:

"zebra" comes after "aardvark"
"zebra" > "aardvark"

The following two statements also evaluate to true:

"aardvark" comes before "zebra"
"aardvark" < "zebra"

Text comparisons can be affected by considering and ignoring statements, as described in the Text section of equal, is not equal to.

starts with, ends with

The starts with and ends with operators work with lists and text objects.

Table 9-1 summarizes the use of these operators and their synonyms.


A list starts with the items in a second list if all the items in the second list are found at the beginning of the first list. A list ends with the items in a second list if all the items in the second list are found at the end of the first list. For example, the following three expressions are all true:

{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } ends with "cool"
{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } starts with "this"
{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } starts with { "this", "is" }

A text object starts with the text in a second text object if all the characters in the second object are found at the beginning of the first object. A text object ends with the text in a second text object if all the characters in the second object are found at the end of the first object. For example, the following expression is true:

"operand" starts with "opera"

A text object ends with another text object if the characters in the right-hand text object are the same as the characters at the end of the left-hand text object. For example, the following expression is true:

"operand" ends with "and"

Text comparisons can be affected by considering and ignoring statements, as described in the Text section of equal, is not equal to.

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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