Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Designing Widgets

Now that you know how to assemble a basic widget, you can start thinking about which higher-level features you want to add to your own widget. Before going any further, you should consider how your widget presents itself to the user.

Generally speaking, widget interface design isn't as constrained to Apple Human Interface Guidelines as Cocoa or Carbon applications are. Despite this freedom, there are basic software design principles that should be followed. This chapter presents some guidelines that you should consider when creating your widget.

Note: Read Human Interface Design Principles from Apple Human Interface Guidelines for more on the design of effective user interfaces.

Main Interface Design Guidelines

The main face of your widget is the front side (your widget displays preferences on its back). This is the side users recognize and interact with the most.

Follow these guidelines as you design your widget’s front side:

Figure 8  A cluttered widget is a jack of all trades, master of none

A cluttered widget is a jack of all trades, master of none

Figure 9  Three simple widgets, each focused on a single task

Three simple widgets, each focused on a single task

Figure 10  A large widget monopolizes valuable screen space

A large widget monopolizes valuable screen space

Figure 11  A small widget provides information and leaves room for other widgets

A small widget provides information and leaves room for other widgets

Figure 12  Color makes your widget stand out‚Äîcan you spot the Calendar?

Color makes your widget stand out—can you spot the Calendar?

Figure 13  An offensive widget‚Äìbe careful with color!

An offensive widget–be careful with color!

Figure 14  Aqua controls don‚Äôt belong on the face of your widget

Aqua controls don’t belong on the face of your widget

Figure 15  A widget with custom controls

A widget with custom controls

Figure 16  Don‚Äôt waste valuable space in your widget with advertising

Don’t waste valuable space in your widget with advertising

Figure 17  Put information not vital to the widget on the back

Put information not vital to the widget on the back

Widget Back Side Design Guidelines

Note: Read Layout Examples from Apple Human Interface Guidelines for specific metrics regarding control and element layout in your widget‚Äôs back.

If your widget requires configuration, you can display preferences on the back of your widget. Here are some tips for designing your widget’s back:

Figure 18  A non-standard control for showing your widget‚Äôs back

A non-standard control for showing your widget’s back

Figure 19  The standard info button‚Äîusers know what this means

The standard info button—users know what this means

Figure 20  Proper info button placement

Proper info button placement

Figure 21  Aqua controls on a widget‚Äôs back

Aqua controls on a widget’s back

Figure 22  Different backgrounds distinguish between front and back

Different backgrounds distinguish between front and back

Figure 23  Branding is appropriate on a widget‚Äôs back

Branding is appropriate on a widget’s back

Widget Bar Icons

Widgets are represented by an icon in the widget bar. The dimensions below define the standard icon size and shadow for a widget bar icon:

Other Tips

Follow these tips when designing and implementing your widget.

Widget Programming

Drop Shadows

Widget backgrounds tend to feature drop shadows. The dimensions below define the standard drop shadow for a widget:

Integrated Menus

As previously noted, you should design unique, custom controls that integrate well into your widget’s overall design instead of using standard Aqua controls. Displaying a menu in this context is common and features an implementation that is a little unusual but not difficult to make work.

First, you need to design a custom control that resembles a popup menu, like the Voices sample code does:

Figure 24  Voice‚Äôs popup menu fits in with its design

Voice’s popup menu fits in with its design

Note the characteristics shared between an Aqua popup menu and the custom control used here: the arrow icons, the left aligned text, and a defining outline that specifies the bounds of the control. Also, note the differing color versus the widget’s background. These are all things to take into account when making your own custom menu control.

Three elements, one of which is unseen here, make this menu work: an image that represents the popup menu, a line of text that shows the current menu option, and, unseen here, a hidden <select> popup menu element that provides the actual menu used to select an option.

Implementing Your Custom Menu Control

After designing your popup menu, you need to set up three elements in HTML: the popup image you designed, a text element that reflects the currently selected menu option, and a <select> element that holds your actual menu:

<img class="popupMenuImage" src="Images/Menu.png" />
<div id="popupMenuText">Available Voices</div>
<select id='popupMenu' onchange='popupChanged(this);'>
        <option value="One">One</option>
        <option value="Two">Two</option>

Now that the elements are in place, position them using CSS. The menu image is placed first, with the text over it. The linchpin is the <select> element, which provides the menu when clicked; it’s placed over the text and image, but its opacity is set to zero.

.popupMenuImage {
    position: absolute;
    left: 28px;
    top: 169px;
    z-index: 18;
#popupMenuText {
    font: 13px "Helvetica Neue";
    font-weight: Bold;
    color: white;
    text-shadow: black 0px 1px 0px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 44px;
    top: 176px;
    z-index: 19;
#popupMenu {
    top: 169px;
    left: 28px;
    width: 163px;
    height: 30px;
    opacity: 0.0;
    z-index: 20;

Doing this makes your custom image look like the control being clicked, but in reality, the <select> receives the click and displays its menu. Rest assured that while the popup menu itself is transparent, the menu shown is opaque.

The final piece is changing the custom popup menu text when a user chooses an option in the menu. In the HTML, a function is set that’s called when the popup’s selection changes. This function changes the menu text to reflect the new selection:

function popupChanged(elem)
    var chosenOption = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value;
    document.getElementById("popupMenuText").innerText = chosenOption;
    // Other code that handles the menu selection change

Search Fields

Many widgets feature a search field that allows users to find content that your widget displays. WebKit offers a new type of <input> type, called search that provides the look and behavior of a standard search field for a widget:

<input type="search">

In addition to the search type of the <input> element, these attributes are available when this type is used:


Allows you to specify placeholder text for the search field; this text is shown inside the field when it does not have key focus and should be a label indication what type of input it expects.


Allows you to specify how many results are saved. Saved search terms are displayed in a menu that’s displayed when the search field’s magnifying glass is clicked upon.


Allows you to specify a handler that is called when the enter or return keys are pressed.


Including this attribute means that the onsearch handler is called every time a character is entered into the search field.


Allows you to specify a handler that is called when any key is pressed.

Help Tags

Many applications feature help tags that appear to users as they hold their cursor over an element. Your widget should display help tags for controls and any other elements that would benefit from further explanation. To provide a help tag for an element, use the title attribute:

<div id="helloText" title="This is a helpful explanation of this element">Hello, World!</div>

Universal Access

Mac OS X v.10.4 "Tiger" includes a new feature named VoiceOver. VoiceOver is a system-wide screen reader that benefits visually impaired users by audibly describing the current window.

To ensure that VoiceOver properly describes your widget, you need to take two things into account when creating it:

<img src="sun.png" alt="Sunny">

Last updated: 2010-02-01

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