Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Using an Apple Slider

Apple provides a JavaScript class that functions as a slider control, useful for depicting a range of values that a user can select between. The class that provides this, AppleSlider, is one of the Apple Classes included in Mac OS X v10.4.3 and later.

For more on using all of the Apple Classes, including AppleSlider, read “Introduction to the Apple Classes.”

Working with an Apple Slider

To use an AppleSlider, you need to:

By default, the AppleSlider uses artwork supplied by Apple to represent the various parts of the slider. It is possible to provide your own artwork as well.

There are two types of sliders available to you: vertical and horizontal. You should take into account which type of slider you want to use when designing and coding your widget. Both are subclasses of the AppleSlider class, and are used in JavaScript to construct the type of slider you want to use.

Figure 26  A horizontal slider created from the AppleSlider class

An Apple Slider, in HTML

In order to declare an AppleSlider and to use it in JavaScript, you need to include the class in your widget's HTML file, provide a <div> that represents your slider in your widget's structure, and have an onload handler that's called when your widget's HTML is loaded; the handler is used in JavaScript to construct the AppleSlider.

First, you need to include the AppleSlider class in your main HTML file. If you're planning backward compatibility with pre-Mac OS X v.10.4.3 versions, follow the directions in “Backwards Compatible Usage” and include this path:

<script type='text/javascript' src='AppleClasses/AppleSlider.js' charset='utf-8'/>

Important: In addition to copying the AppleSlider.js file into your widget, you need to copy the Images directory from /System/Library/WidgetResources/ into your widget's bundle and edit AppleSlider.js so that any references to the image's paths point to the local copies instead. This means that paths like:

this.thumbPath = "file:///System/Library/WidgetResources/AppleClasses/Images/slide_thumb.png";
These paths should be replaced with local paths like:

this.thumbPath = "file://AppleClasses/Images/slide_thumb.png";

If you plan on requiring Mac OS X v.10.4.3 or newer for your widget, include the AppleSlider class in its location in /System/Library/WidgetResources/:

<script type='text/javascript' src='/System/Library/WidgetResources/AppleClasses/AppleSlider.js' charset='utf-8'/>

Once you've included the AppleSlider class, you also need to declare a <div> element to represent the slider:

<body onload="setup();">
    <div id="mySlider"></div>

Typically, this entails using a <div> element somewhere in the <body> portion of your HTML. The only attribute required of this element is an id, which is used by CSS to position the slider and by JavaScript to construct the slider. The id attribute is required over the class attribute, because elements with id attributes can be accessed via JavaScript.

Also note the declaration of an onload handler within the <body> tag. This handler is called when your widget's HTML is loaded. It's used to construct the AppleSlider object in your JavaScript, as discussed in “An Apple Slider, in JavaScript.”

An Apple Slider, in CSS

Now that the slider is properly declared in your HTML file, you need to position it in your CSS. This entails including a style with the element's name and any other placement parameters you see fit to use:

#mySlider {
    position: absolute;
    top: 20px;
    left: 20px;
    width: 100px;    /* use height for vertical sliders */

Of particular note here is the width attribute, which is needed for horizontal sliders. If you plan on using a vertical slider, specify a height attribute instead.

An Apple Slider, in JavaScript

In your HTML file, you included an onload handler as an attribute of the <body> tag. That handler is called once Dashboard has loaded your widget's HTML file and is used to call the constructor for an AppleSlider subclass. Based on which type of slider you are using, you call the constructor for either an AppleVerticalSlider or AppleHorizontalSlider. The constructors are defined as:

Table 6  AppleSlider Subclasses

Horizontal Slider Constructor

Vertical Slider Constructor

AppleHorizontalSlider(slider, onchanged)

AppleVerticalSlider(slider, onchanged)

Both constructors take in two parameters: at DOM object that represents where the slider should be built, and a handler, called when the value of the slider changes. The DOM object is the <div> that you defined in your HTML and placed in your CSS. For a horizontal slider, your onload handler code looks like:

var gMySlider;
function setup()
    gMySlider = new AppleHorizontalSlider(

The onchanged handler is a function that you provide. It is called when the slider is changed and should take one argument. When your handler is called, it's passed the current value of the slider. The value of a slider is always a floating point number between 0 and 1.

function sliderChanged(currentValue)
    // Do something with the currentValue passed in

Note the global variable gMySlider, used in the setup() function. This variable holds a reference to your AppleSlider object, which lets you interact with the slider at any point after it's been constructed. These properties and methods are available for you to interact with:

Table 7  AppleSlider object properties and methods






Read/Write; the handler called when the slider is moved



Read/Write; a boolean that specifies if the onchanged handler is called while the slider thumb is moving (true) or only when its movement is finished (false); default is true



Read/Write; an integer that specifies the padding, in pixels, around the slider control within the bounds of the <div> element containing it



Read only; the current value of the slider



Read only; the height or width of the slider, in pixels



Read only; the path to the current image used for the left end of a horizontal slider's track or the top end of a vertical slider's track



Read only; if used on a horizontal slider, the width of the image specified as trackStartPath ; if vertical, the height of the image specified as trackStartPath



Read only; the path to the current image used middle of the slider's track



Read only; the path to the current image used for the right end of a horizontal slider's track or the bottom end of a vertical slider's track



Read only; if used on a horizontal slider, the width of the image specified as trackEndPath ; if vertical, the height of the image specified as trackEndPath



Read only; the path to the current image used for the slider's thumb



Read only; if used on a horizontal slider, the width of the image specified as thumbPath ; if vertical, the height of the image specified as thumbPath



Remove the slider from the widget's user interface and the DOM



Redraws the slider's components; use when you change any aspect of the slider's display or state programmatically



Moves the slider's thumb to position; takes an integer, in pixels, in the range of 0 and the height (if vertical) or width (if horizontal) of the slider



Sets the slider's width (if horizontal) or height (if vertical) to size, in pixels; takes an integer

gMySlider.setTrackStart(imagePath, length)


Sets the image and width, in pixels, of the left end of a horizontal slider's track, or the image and width, in pixels, of the top end of a vertical slider's track



Sets image used for the middle portion of a slider's track

gMySlider.setTrackEnd(imagePath, length)


Sets the image and width, in pixels, of the right end of a horizontal slider's track, or the image and width, in pixels, of the bottom end of a vertical slider's track

gMySlider.setThumb(imagePath, length)


Sets image and width, in pixels, of the thumb on a horizontal slider, or the image and height, in pixels, of the thumb on a vertical slider



Sets the value of the slider and moves its thumb to value; takes a floating point number between 0 and 1.

Last updated: 2010-02-01

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