Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Developing an Action

It’s easy to develop an Automator action. Because an action is a loadable bundle, its scope is limited and hence the amount of code you need to write is limited. Apple also eases the path to developing an action because of all the resources it places at your disposal. When you create an action project, the Xcode development environment provides you with all the necessary files and settings to build an action. You just need to follow certain steps—described in this document—to arrive at the final product.

The steps for developing an action don’t necessarily have to happen in the order given below. For example, you can write an action description at any time and you can specify the Automator properties at any time.

Creating an Automator Action Project

To create an Automator action project, launch the Xcode application and choose New Project from the File Menu. From the first window of the New Project assistant, select one of the two Automator action projects, depending on your language choice:

Figure 1 shows the selection of the Cocoa Automator action.

Figure 1  Choosing a Cocoa Automator Action project type in Xcode

Choosing a Cocoa Automator Action project type in Xcode

Complete the remaining window of the New Project assistant as usual—specify a file-system location for the project and enter a project name. When you finish, an Xcode window similar to the one in Figure 2 is displayed.

Figure 2  Template files for a Cocoa Automator Action project

Template files for a Cocoa Automator Action projectTemplate files for a Cocoa Automator Action project

You’ll become more familiar with many of the files and file wrappers displayed here in the sections that follow. But here is a summary of the more significant items:

Constructing the User Interface

In the Xcode project browser, double-click main.nib to open the nib file of the action in Interface Builder. The nib file contains the usual File’s Owner and First Responder instances, but it also contains two other items specific to actions:

Note: Some actions, such as the Connect to Server action, do not have a user interface because there is no possible setting the user can make. Yet these actions still appear in a workflow showing their titles and accepted and provided data types. If your action is not supposed to have a user interface, remove the action-view instance from the nib file window or remove main.nib from the project.

Several objects and relationships in main.nib are already initialized for you. For example, File’s Owner is set in the Custom Class pane of the Info window to be an instance of the AMBundleAction class (as shown in Figure 3). (If your project is for an AppleScript Automator action, File’s Owner is set instead to AMAppleScriptAction.) With File’s Owner still selected, if you choose the Connections pane of the Info window, you will see that the view outlet of the AMAction object has been connected to the action’s view.

Figure 3  FIle‚Äôs Owner set to an instance of AMBundleAction

FIle’s Owner set to an instance of AMBundleActionFIle’s Owner set to an instance of AMBundleAction

Construct the user interface of the action as you would for any view in Interface Builder. However, keep in mind that actions, because they share space in an Automator workflow with other actions, should be compact, even minimal. Place only those controls, text fields, and other user-interface objects that are absolutely necessary. And try to be conservative in your use of vertical space; for example, prefer pop-up menus over radio buttons for presenting users with a choice among multiple options. For more on user-interface guidelines for actions, see “The User Interface of an Action” in “Design Guidelines for Actions.”

Note: To learn how to use Interface Builder, read Automator AppleScript Actions Tutorial and consult the Interface Builder documentation.

An important feature of Automator actions is Show When Run. This feature enables the users of workflows (as distinct from the writers of workflows) to set the parameters of actions when they run the workflow as an application. By default, actions have an Options disclosure button in their lower-left corner that, when enabled, exposes additional controls; these controls allow a workflow writer to select the parts of an action’s view that are presented to users when the workflow is executed. Developers can customize the Show When Run feature; see “Show When Run” for details.

Important: If you are deploying the action in multiple localizations, make sure you create a separate nib file and user interface for each localization. See ‚ÄúInternationalizing the Action‚Äù for further information.

Using the Cocoa-Automator Palette

The Automator development environment includes an Interface Builder palette with user-interface objects designed for actions. This palette is named Cocoa-Automator. To load this palette, select the Palettes pane in the Interface Builder preferences, click Add, and select AMPalette.palette in /Developer/Extras/Palettes.

The Cocoa-Automator palette (see Figure 4) contains three specially implemented pop-up menus for presenting easily configurable lists of applications, directories, and files to users.

Figure 4  Cocoa-Automator palette

Cocoa-Automator palette

These lists provide access to standard or frequently accessed applications, folders, and files in the file system. For example, the Directories pop-up menu in an action looks something like the example in Figure 5.

Figure 5  The Directories pop-up menu in an action

The Directories pop-up menu in an action

You can also configure the pop-up menus so that users can locate items other than the standard ones on the list or (in the case of the Directories pop-up menu) create new items.

To place one of these pop-up menus, simply drag it from the palette to the action view. Then to configure the pop-up menu, choose Show Inspector from the Tools menu and select the Attributes pane (Figure 6). The Attributes pane of Interface Builder allows you to configure a user-interface object in various ways.

Figure 6  Attributes inspector for Cocoa-Automator palette objects

Attributes inspector for Cocoa-Automator palette objects

For Automator pop-up menus (AMPathPopUpButton objects), the special path options are the following:


Allows users to choose either applications, directories, or files, or any combination of the three types. For example, if you check Directories and Files, users are able to select both directories and files from the pop-up menu.


Selecting New Paths adds a New item at the bottom of the pop-up menu. In the Directories pop-up menu, this allows users to create a new directory using a file-system browser; the New item does not appear in the other kinds of pop-up menus.

Selecting Existing Paths adds an Other item at the bottom of the pop-up menu. In all pop-up menu types, this item allows users to select anything in a file-system browser.


When either the New or Open item is chosen and the Choose Panel as Sheet option is selected, the action displays the file-system browser as a worksheet-window-modal sheet rather than as an application-modal dialog.


When the Standard Paths option is selected, the pop-up menu has the following items, depending on its type:

  • If it is a Directories pop-up menu, standard locations such as Home, Desktop, Movies, and Pictures are included.

  • If it is an Applications pop-up menu, the list of items includes all applications in /Applications.

  • If it is a Files pop-up menu, nothing happens.

When the Path Components option is selected, the full path of the current chosen item is displayed.

When the Placeholder option is selected, whatever you enter in the Placeholder text field directly under the option is displayed as the first pop-up item. This placeholder is typically a string such as “Choose an application” or “No selection”.

Before an AMPathPopUpButton pop-up menu can properly function in an action view, you must establish a binding between the pop-up menu and a property of the action parameters. To do this, specify a key for the property as an attribute of the Parameters instance (see “Establishing Bindings” for the procedure). Finally, select the pop-up menu in the user interface and then specify the key in the Bindings pane of the inspector, using the path binding; see Figure 7 for an example.

Figure 7  The path binding for the pop-up menu

The path binding for the pop-up menu

Establishing Bindings

After constructing the action’s view, establish the bindings between the objects on the user interface and the action object. Bindings are a Cocoa technology conceptually based in the Model-View-Controller paradigm. In Model-View-Controller, objects in a well-designed program assume one of three roles: view objects that present data and receive user input; model objects that contain data and operate on that data; and controller objects that mediate the transfer of data between view and model objects. The bindings mechanism automatically synchronizes the exchange of data between view and model objects, reducing the need for custom controller objects and all the “glue” code they usually entail. Automator actions use bindings to communicate data between objects in an action’s view and the parameters dictionary (or record) that all actions have to record the settings users specify for an action.

The project templates for Automator actions are pre-configured to use bindings instead of the target-action and outlet mechanisms (for Cocoa-based actions) or event handlers specified in the AppleScript pane of Interface Builder for AppleScript-based actions. If you prefer, you may use these mechanisms along with the Automator framework’s “update parameters” API to update an action’s parameters manually. For information on this approach, see “Updating Non-bound Parameters” (for AppleScript-based actions) or “Updating Action Parameters” (for Objective-C actions).

The following steps summarize what you must do to establish the bindings of an action in Interface Builder. For a thorough description of the Cocoa bindings technology, see Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics.

  1. Select the Parameters instance in the nib file window and choose the Attributes pane of the Info window. In the table labeled “Keys” add the keys for each user-interface object whose setting or value you need to access. See Figure 8 for an example.

    Figure 8  Adding the keys of the Parameters instance (NSObjectController)

    Adding the keys of the Parameters instance (NSObjectController)Adding the keys of the Parameters instance (NSObjectController)

    The keys that you specify here are used elsewhere in the action to identify the controls of the action. You must therefore use the same strings you used for the binding keys in the following places in the action project:

  2. With the Parameters instance still selected, choose the Bindings pane of the Info window and expand the “contentObject” subpane. Set the “Bind to” pop-up item to File’s Owner and enter parameters in the “Model Key Path” field.

    The parameters key path refers to the parameters property defined by the AMBundleAction class—that is, the dictionary or record used to capture the settings users make in an action’s view.

  3. For each user-interface object of the action, establish a binding to the appropriate parameters key. For example, Figure 9 shows the binding for a pop-up menu.

    Figure 9  Establishing a binding for a pop-up menu

    Establishing a binding for a pop-up menu

    The binding varies by type of user-interface object. For example, pop-up menus usually work off the index of the item (selectedIndex), check boxes have a Boolean value, and text fields have a string value.

    Important: When establishing a binding between a text field and a parameter key, make sure that the "Continuously Updates Value" checkbox in the inspector pane for the value binding is enabled. Otherwise, the parameter is not updated if the insertion point does not exit the text field (as happens, for example, when the user presses Tab).

When you are finished with the action’s user interface, save the nib file and return to the Xcode project.

Specifying Action Properties

The Automator application uses special properties in an action’s information property list (Info.plist) to get various pieces of information it needs for presenting and handling the action. This information includes:

Automator properties have the prefix “AM”. The project template for actions includes almost all of the properties you need (or may need) to specify. As shown in Figure 10, the template provides helpful comments as placeholders for key values. In creating an action, you need to supply real values for these keys. “Automator Action Property Reference” describes the Automator properties, including their purpose, value types, and representative values.

Because the values of some Automator properties appear in the user interface, you should include translations of them in an Infoplist.strings file for each action localization you provide. See “Internationalizing the Action” for further information.

In addition to properties that are specific to Automator, an action’s Info.plist file contains properties that are common to all bundles, including applications as well as action bundles. The values of most of these generic bundle properties are supplied automatically when you create a project. However, you must specify the value of the CFBundleIdentifier property. Automator uses this property to find an action and its resources. The identifier needs to be unique, and should use the standard format:


For example, if your company’s name is Acme and your action is named Find Foo Items, a suitable CFBundleIdentifier would be com.Acme.Automator.FindFooItems.

The Automator project templates preset two properties, AMName and the action-identifier portion of CFBundleIdentifier, with placeholder text. When you create a project, the name of the project is substituted for the placeholders. (If the project name contains spaces, Xcode substitutes underscore character for the spaces in the bundle identifier.)

Figure 10  Part of the template for the Automator properties in Info.plist

Part of the template for the Automator properties in Info.plistPart of the template for the Automator properties in Info.plist

To edit Info.plist manually in an Xcode window, just double-click the filename in the project window. If you would like always to open up the Info.plist file in a different editor for property lists, such as the Property List Editor application or BBEdit, use the Finder’s Get Info window to set the default application for files with extension .plist. Then in Xcode, use the contextual menu command Open with Finder. However, the preferred tool for editing Automator properties is to use the built-in Automator property Inspector, which was introduced in Xcode 2.1.

Using the Automator Property Inspector

You can edit the information property list as a text file in Xcode. Just double-click the Info.plist file in the project window and the file will open in a separate window or pane. However, syntax errors can frequently happen when you edit a property list by hand. Instead you can use the Automator property inspector, which makes the entering of property values easier and less susceptible to error.

This inspector is built into Xcode for all Automator project types. To access the inspector, do the following:

  1. Choose Edit Active Target ‘Target’ from the Project menu.

  2. Click the Properties tab.

The lower part of the inspector, which is usually reserved for specifying document types, is here used for Automator-specific properties. The inspector breaks the properties into logical collections; the first collection shows the General properties (Figure 11).

Figure 11  Automator property inspector‚ÄîGeneral properties

Automator property inspector—General properties

In an inspector view such as the one in Figure 11, double-click a cell under Value to open the cell for entering a value. If, for example, you want to enable the Show When Run feature for the action, click the appropriate check boxes.

If you expose the Collection pop-up menu, you’ll see other logical collections of Automator properties. Figure 12 shows the collection for the AMAccepts property (Input).

Figure 12  Automator property inspector‚ÄîInput properties

Automator property inspector—Input properties

When the property is an array, as with AMAccepts, click the plus sign in the lower left corner of the inspector to open a new field for editing. Enter the value (in this case a type identifier). To delete an item from the array, select it and click the minus sign.

Writing the Action Description

A small but important part of action development is writing the action description. Automator displays the description it its lower-left view whenever the user selects the action. The description briefly describes what the action does and tells users anything else they should know about the action. Figure 13 shows what a typical description looks like.

Figure 13  An sample action description

An sample action description

Because the description fits into a relatively small area of the Automator window, you should make it as concise and brief as possible. Ideally the user should not have to scroll the description view to see all of the text.

A description has several parts, each of which you specify through an Automator property in the bundle’s information property list (Info.plist):

A description’s icon, title, summary, input, and result sections are required or strongly recommended. All of the properties listed above, except for icon and title, are subproperties of the description-specific AMDescription property. The AMDescription example in Listing 1 shows the subproperties specified for the Send Birthday Greeting description depicted in Figure 13.

Listing 1  AMDescription properties for Send Birthday Greetings description

        <string>Address Book entries from previous action.</string>
        <string>Birthday message. Choice of picture.
            Randomly chosen picture. </string>
        <string>This action sends an email birthday greeting, with a
            picture, to each of the Address Book entries.</string>

See “Property Keys and Values” for further information on the AMDescription keys and values.

Important: If you are deploying the action in multiple localizations, make sure you create a separate description for each localization. See ‚ÄúInternationalizing the Action‚Äù for further information.

Writing the Action Code

The most important step in creating an action is writing the Objective-C or AppleScript code (or Objective-C and AppleScript code) that implements the logic for your action. The project template for Automator actions gives you template files for action implementation:

The template files fill out as much of the required structure as possible. The Objective-C header file, for example, has the necessary framework imports and an @interface declaration showing inheritance from AMBundleAction. The Objective-C implementation includes a null implementation of the method that all actions must implement, runWithInput:fromAction:error: (see Figure 14). The main.applescript file, on the other hand, has a skeletal structure for the on run command handler that all AppleScript-based actions must implement.

Figure 14  Template for an Objective-C action implementation

Template for an Objective-C action implementation

See “Implementing an AppleScript Action” and “Implementing an Objective-C Action” for requirements, suggestions, and examples related to implementing an Automator action. For guidelines on implementing shell script actions, see “Writing the Script.”

Internationalizing the Action

Most polished applications that are brought to market feature multiple localizations. These applications not only include the localizations—that is, translations and other locale-specific modifications of text, images, and other resources—but have been internationalized to make those localizations immediately accessible. Internationalizing involves a number of techniques that depend on a “preferred languages” user preference and a system architecture for accessing resources in bundles. Loadable bundles (which, of course, are bundles just as applications are) depend upon the same mechanisms for internationalization.

The following sections summarize what you must do to internationalize your actions. For the complete picture, see Internationalization Programming Topics for a general description of internationalization and Internationalization Programming Topics, for a discussion that is specific to Cocoa.

Localized Strings

If your action programmatically generates strings and you want localized versions displayed, you need to internationalize your software using access techniques that are different for Objective-C actions and script-based actions.

Note: Programmatically generated strings have their basis in code, such as a message that appears in an error dialog. They do not include text that appears in a user interface unarchived from a nib file. Nib files are localized just as are other resource files; see ‚ÄúInternationalizing Resource Files‚Äù for a summary of the procedure.

Both Objective-C and AppleScript actions require you to create for each localization a strings file, which is a file with an extension of .strings. (The conventional, or default, name for a strings file is Localizable.strings.) Each entry in a strings file contains a key and a value; the key is the string in the development language and the value is the translated string. An entry can also have a comment to aid translators. Use a semicolon to terminate an entry. Here are a few examples:

/* Title of alert panel which brings up a warning about
saving over the same document */
"Are you sure you want to overwrite the document?" =
"Souhaitez-vous vraiment écraser le document ?";
/* Encoding pop-up entry indicating automatic choice of encoding */
"Automatic" = "Automatique";
/* Button choice allowing user to cancel. */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";

When you have completed a Localizable.strings file for a localization, you must internationalize it just as you would any other language- or locale-specific resource file of the bundle. See “Internationalizing Resource Files” for a summary.

For Objective-C code, use the NSLocalizedStringmacro or one of the other NSLocalizedString... macros to request a localization appropriate for the current user preference. Listing 2 gives an example that shows the use of NSLocalizedString in conjunction with the NSString stringWithFormat: method.

Listing 2  Using NSLocalizedString in Objective-C code

- (NSString *)displayName
    int cnt = [pdfView pageCount];
    NSString *name;
    if (cnt == 1) {
        NSString *format = NSLocalizedString(@"%@ (1 page)",
            @"Window title for a document with a single page");
        name = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, fileName];
    } else {
        NSString *format = NSLocalizedString(@"%@ (%d pages)",
            @"Window title for a document with multiple pages");
        name = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, fileName, cnt];
    return name;

For AppleScript scripts the command equivalent to NSLocalizedString is localized string. One good approach is to have a local subroutine that takes the string to localize as a parameter and uses the localized string command on it, as in Listing 3.

Listing 3  Script handler for localizing strings

on localized_string(key_string)
return localized string key_string in bundle with identifier ""
end localized_string

Elsewhere in main.applescript and in other scripts for the action, call this subroutine when you need to get a string in the current localization:

    if the calendar_name is my localized_string("No Calendars") then        error my localized_string("The copy of iCal on this computer contains no calendars to clear.")

Localizing the Automator Properties

A standard variant of a strings file for projects is Infoplist.strings. In this file you assign localized strings (that is, translations) to the keys that appear in the Info.plist file. For Automator, this includes not only the top-level properties such as AMName but subproperties of Automator properties. For example, the following excerpt is from the Infoplist.strings file for the Crop Images action:

AMName = "Crop Images";
ApplyButton = "Add";
IgnoreButton = "Don't Add";
Message = "This action will change the image files passed into it.  Would you like to add a Copy Files action so that the copies are changed and your originals are preserved?";

The key-value pairs in this example include not only an English-localized value for the AMName property but localized strings for the subproperties of the AMWarning property.

Internationalizing Resource Files

You should internationalize any file in your action project that contains data that is specific to a language or locale. These files include:

Internationalization of a resource file simply entails the assignment of a language or locale to the file. When you build the action project, Xcode automatically puts the resource in a localization subdirectory of the bundle’s Resources directory. Localization subdirectories have an extension of .lproj (for example, French.lproj).

To internationalize a resource file, do the following:

  1. Select the Resources folder in Xcode.

  2. Add the file to the project (Project > Add Files).

  3. Select the file and choose Get Info from the Project menu.

  4. Click Make File Localizable.

  5. Click Add Localization and enter or select a language or locale.

Testing, Debugging, and Installing the Action

An action project is automatically set up in Xcode so that when you choose the Run or Debug commands, Xcode launches the Automator action and adds your action to the set of actions loaded by Automator. To see how this is done, select Automator in the Executables smart group and choose Edit Active Executable from the Project menu. As you can see, in the General pane of the inspector the “Executable path” value is set to /Applications/ Select the Arguments pane of the inspector and note that the -action launch-time argument has been set to your action (Figure 15).

Figure 15  Setting the launch argument for Automator

Setting the launch argument for Automator

Testing and Debugging Strategies

To test your action, build and run the action project (Build > Build and Run). As Automator builds the project it runs the amlint utility in a build phase. The amlint tool performs integrity checks to make sure the action is properly constructed; for example, it verifies that all required Automator properties have been set. It integrates its warning messages with the other messages in the Xcode Build Results window. Although amlint does not generate error messages (thereby halting the build), you should investigate and fix all reported problems before you build a deployment version of the action. To find out more about amlint, see the man page for it (which you can access from Xcode’s Help menu).

When Automator launches, you should create a workflow which contains your action. Run the workflow and observe how your action performs. To get better data from testing, consider the following steps:

If the action is based on AppleScript, you can use the Run AppleScript action to test your on run command handler as you write it.

If your action is based on an Objective-C implementation, you can debug an action just as you would any other Objective-C binary. Simply set a breakpoint in Xcode. When your action is run in Automator, the breakpoint will trigger in gdb. You can also debug AppleScript actions using a special graphical debugger, which is preset for AppleScript action projects. This debugger looks and behaves very much like the graphical debugger for gdb does. It stops at breakpoints, displays variables, and lets you step through the script. The variables include globals, locals, and properties. Figure 16 shows the AppleScript debugger in action.

Note: To learn about strategies for debugging shell script actions, see ‚ÄúDebugging and Testing Shell Script Actions.‚Äù For related information on AppleScript actions, see ‚ÄúBuilding and Testing the Action‚Äù in Automator AppleScript Actions Tutorial.

Figure 16  The AppleScript debugger

The AppleScript debugger

To debug AppleScript actions, you can also insert log or display dialog statements in the code. If the log statement is inside an application tell block, use the tell me to log expression instead of the simple log.

Note: If you install an action in one of the standard locations and then make certain changes to it‚Äîfor example, changing its AMAccepts and AMProvides types‚Äîthen you must clear the action cache before you can see your changes. To clear the cache, hold the Option key when Automator launches. (You do not need to clear the cache when the action is run during the normal development processes‚Äîthat is, with the action specified in the -action parameter when Automator is launched by Xcode.)

Installing Actions

When your action has been thoroughly debugged and tested, build a deployment version of the bundle (using the proper optimizations). Then create an installation package for the action (or add the action to your application’s installation package). The installer should copy the action to /Library/Automator or ~/Library/Automator, depending on whether access to the action should be system wide or restricted to the installing user.

Instead of installing your action separately, you can put it inside the bundle of your application, especially if the action uses the features of that application. When Automator searches for actions to display, it looks inside registered applications as well in the standard Automator directories. The advantage of packaging your actions inside an application is that you don’t need to create a separate installation package to install the actions. To install the actions, users need only drag the application to a standard location.

Action bundles should be stored inside the application wrapper at Contents/Library/Automator. Thus, if your action is MyAction.action and your application is, the path inside the application would be:

You can either manually copy an action into this location (after creating the necessary subdirectories) or you have Xcode copy it using a Copy Files build phase. If you copy an action into an application bundle but the application is already installed on a system, you must get Launch Services to recognize that the application has new content to register (that is, the new action) by changing the application’s modification date. You can do this by entering the touch command in the Terminal application.

$> sudo touch /Applications/

Or you can rename the application in Finder to something else, change it back to the original name, and then launch the application once.

Frequently Asked Questions About Debugging Automator Actions

Question: How can I determine which version of an action Automator is using if multiple versions of my application (possibly containing multiple versions of the action) are installed (locally or on my network)?

Answer: There is no way to specify which version of your application Automator should get actions from if multiple versions of the application are installed. However, there are several ways to determine the version of an action that is actually being used:

Question: How can I view log or error messages?

Answer: If you are developing a shell script action, and the action exits with a non-zero status code, anything your action wrote to stderr will show up in the Automator log, as described in “Debugging and Testing Shell Script Actions.”

If you are developing an AppleScript action, output of AppleScript statements such as log or tell me to log appear in the Console log (not in the Automator log).

If you are developing a Cocoa action, output from NSLog statements will also appear in the Console log.

Last updated: 2007-12-11

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