Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Developing an Accessible Application

Designing your application with accessibility in mind not only allows you to reach a larger group of users, it results in a better experience for all your users. You’ve already made the design decision to develop an application that runs in Mac OS X. Now, make sure you can deliver the Macintosh experience to all your users.

This chapter describes some of the things you should consider when developing your application. If your application includes support for the accessibility-related features this chapter describes, it will be even easier to access-enable.

Although this chapter is of most use to developers who are in the design phase of an application, it presents information about accessibility concerns all developers should know.

Basic Design Requirements

As a first step in the design process, you should familiarize yourself with the information in Apple Human Interface Guidelines. That document presents the best practices of application design that help you create a first-rate application for Mac OS X. In addition, Apple Human Interface Guidelines provides detailed specifications for designing and implementing an intuitive, consistent, and aesthetically pleasing user interface that delivers the superlative experience Macintosh users have come to expect.

During the design process, you also should be aware of the accessibility perspective on many basic design considerations. This section describes how you can support accessibility in your most fundamental design decisions. As with most accessibility design considerations, incorporating them with your design will result in a better user experience for all users.

The design principles described here are especially important to consider when developing an accessible application:

Considering Specific Disabilities

Following the guidelines in “Basic Design Requirements” will help you design an easy-to-use application that will be easy to access-enable. There may be specific information about particular disabilities you don’t know, however, and this information is useful to keep in mind during the design process.

The following sections describe some broad categories of disabilities and offer suggestions for specific design solutions and adaptations you can make. The main theme of these suggestions is to provide as many alternate modes of content display as possible. The more ways your application presents information, the more likely your users will be to find the way that suits them best.

Visual Disabilities

Visual disabilities include blindness, color blindness, and low vision. In addition to making your application accessible to assistive applications, such as screen readers, you should also consider the following:

Hearing Disabilities

People with hearing disabilities may have difficulty distinguishing your application’s sound effects from ambient noise or may not be able to hear them at all. Users without hearing disabilities may find themselves in circumstances in which audio output from an application is inappropriate (in a library, for example). Be sure to consider these points as you design the audio output of your application.

Your application should not override the audio-output settings the user selects in System Preferences. In addition, you should provide a visual option to all audio cues and feedback. Your application should make it easy to replace audio communication with visual communication. For example, a “beep” can be replaced or accompanied by a flash of the display screen.

Motor and Cognitive Disabilities

People with motor disabilities may need to use alternatives to the standard mouse and keyboard input devices. Other users may have difficulty with the fine motor control required to double-click a mouse or to press key combinations on the keyboard. Users with cognitive or learning disabilities may need extra time to complete tasks or respond to alerts.

For the most part, support for motor disabilities is provided at the hardware or operating system level. Mac OS X provides many such solutions in the Universal Access preferences. The Sticky Keys feature, for example, allows a user to type the keys in a key combination sequentially, instead of simultaneously. As an application developer, therefore, the most important thing you can do is to access-enable you application so your users can deploy the assistive technologies of their choice.

A feature such as Sticky Keys can also be helpful to a user with a cognitive or learning disability that makes it difficult to perform simultaneous tasks. An application that provides its output in both visual and auditory modes (especially simultaneously) can enhance comprehension. Users with such disabilities also benefit from the redundancy provided by an application that employs both audio and visual output.

In addition to making your application accessible, you should consider incorporating the following features:

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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